
Minerva Ashford's page

106 posts. Alias of CariMac.


Cat Burglar - Grease Monkey Hit Points: 5/22; Dodge: 50/25/10; Listen: 50/25/10; Spot Hidden:60/30/12; Luck: 65/65; Sanity: 37/40; Default Reaction: Dodge.

About Minerva Ashford

Character Name: Minerva Ashford
Photograph of Minerva
Player: Cari Mac
Occupation: Cat Burglar
Age: 34
Sex: Female
Archetype: Grease Monkey

Strength: 60/30/12
Dexterity: 80/40/16
Intelligence: 90/45/18
Constitution: 60/30/12
Appearance: 50/25/10
Power: 40/20/8
Size: 50/25/10
Education: 70/35/14
Movement Rate: 9

Hit Points: 22/22
Sanity: 37/40
Magic: 8/8
Luck: 26

Night Vision: in darkness, reduce the difficulty level of Spot Hidden rolls and ignore penalty die for shooting in the dark.
Shadow: reduces difficulty by one level or gains bonus die (at the Keeper’s discretion) to Stealth rolls, and if currently unseen is able to make two surprise attacks before their location is discovered.

Damage Bonus: None
Build: 0
Dodge: 50/25/10

1) two rugged outfits, suitable for the expedition, including pants (even for ladies), shirts, hats, gloves, socks, boots and undergarments. Fedoras for everybody!
2) A wooden-frame backpack.
3) A very few personal toiletries and shaving kits.
4) A signalling mirror
5) A machete

80.00 Cash 2,000 Assets

.45 Automatic - Firearms (HG) 40/20/8 Damage- 1d10_2 - range: 15 yards - 1(3) rounds per use - 7 rounds, Malfunction: 100
???: Regular:??? Hard:??? Extreme:??? Damage:???
………………… Range:??? Attacks:??? Ammo:??? Malfunction:???

[ ]Accounting (05%):
[ ]Appraise (05%): 60/30/12
[ ]Archaeology (01%):
[ ]Art/Craft (05%) Forgery: 55/27/11
[ ]Charm (15%):
[ ]Climb (20%): 50/25/10
[ ]Computer Use (00%):
[na]Credit Rating (00%): 40/20/8
[ ]Cthulhu Mythos (00%):10/5/0
[ ]Demolitions (01%):
[ ]Disguise (05%):
[ ]Diving (01%):
[ ]Dodge (Half Dex): 500/25/10
[ ]Drive Auto (20%):
[ ]Elec. Repair (10%): 50/25/10
[ ]Fast Talk (05%):
[ ]Fighting (Brawl) (25%):
[ ]Firearms (Handguns) (20%): 40/20/8
[ ]Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%):
[ ]Firearms (Submachine Gun) (15%):
[ ]Firearms (Other) (00%):
[ ]First Aid (30%):
[ ]History (05%):
[ ]Intimidate (15%):
[ ]Jump (20%):
[ ]Language (German) (01%): 41/20/8
[ ]Language (Naacal) (01%):10/5/0
[ ]Language (Own) (95%): 95/47/19
[ ]Law (05%): 25/12/5
[ ]Library Use (20%): 40/20/8
[ ]Listen (20%): 50/25/10
[ ]Locksmith (01%): 70/35/14
[ ]Mech. Repair (10%): 50/25/10
[ ]Medicine (01%):
[ ]Natural World (10%):
[ ]Navigate (10%):
[ ]Occult (05%):
[ ]Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
[ ]Persuade (10%):
[ ]Pilot (01%):
[ ]Psychoanalysis (01%):
[ ]Psychology (10%):
[ ]Read Lips (01%):
[ ]Ride (05%):
[ ]Science (???) (01%):
[ ]Science (???) (01%):
[ ]Science (???) (01%):
[ ]Sleight of Hand (10%): 70/35/14
[ ]Spot Hidden (25%): 60/30/12
[ ]Stealth (20%): 80/40/16
[ ]Survival (10%):
[ ]Swim (20%):
[ ]Throw (20%): 40/20/8
[ ]Track (10%):

Personal Description: Standing 5’4” tall Minerva Ashford is of slight frame. She’s strong for her size.

Ideology/Beliefs: She believes that if you can’t protect your valuables you don’t deserve to keep them. This goes double for information.

Significant People:
Sir Regonald Ashford - Step Father
Lady Hannah Weber-Ashford - Mother
Hans Weber - Father (Deceased) - Her father taught her to be a thief from a young age. He died in the middle of a job when she was 16.

Meaningful Locations:
Berlin - Birthplace and a favorite place to visit on vacation.
London - Her usual base of operations.

Treasured Possessions: She wears a white gold cross. It was a gift to her mother from her father. Her mother Hannah gave it to Minerva on her 18th birthday.

Traits: Practical; Capable

Injuries & Scars:

Phobias and Manias:

Arcane Tomes, Spells & Artifacts:

Encounters With Strange Entities:

Father Antionio Pena:
Lian “Louise” Zhao:
Enoli - Black Fox:
Charles “Doughboy”: