Rhysfar Llannelan |

Well, just to move this along, lets just stick with what we sold, and I'll buy as above.
Couple of issues with your prices there, Eustice. Magic armor has to be of masterwork quality before enchanting it, so the armor and buckler cost 150 gp more each.
Ring of resistance costs 1,500 gp unfortunately, not 500. The cloak is a little cheaper at 1,000, but if you've got something else planned for the shoulder slot ring is definitely worth the increase in cost.
There's plenty of cash available in the party treasury and no one asked for any, so borrowing 1,147.32 will get you everything you need.

Eustice Befufftlefumpter |

2982.65 (new sales pluse 548.1gp savings)
Spring loaded wrist sheath ×2 10gp
Soul stimulant 300gp
+1 Hide armor 1165gp
+1 Buckler 1155
352.65gp change

Mary Kay Ponzi |

I think Mary Kay was going to make any items she wanted, so might have to wait for things to come back. Unless she took her share directly and converted that into items.

Rhysfar Llannelan |

Since no one grabbed it, I'm claiming the cloak of protection +1. Each PC should grab one of the potions of cure moderate wounds. There's also a pot of cure light wounds up for grabs. If no one wants anything else, and there's no issues selling with the Locathah, we're looking at a payout of 6,167.67.

Rhysfar Llannelan |

6,167.67 gold pieces.
Make sure you each grab 1 Potion of cure moderate wounds!
There's a potion of cure light wounds up for grabs as well.
Our party treasury is currently at 6,746.27; after the ship returns it will be 9145.27. If anyone wants to borrow money from the pot, let me know. Otherwise I'd advise we pick up some of the following items:
lesser metamagic rod of reach for Eustice, to give our healer some range with his healing. (3,000 gp)
scroll of raise dead Don't know if we have access to this on the island. (6,250 gp I think)
lesser restoration scrolls or potions
restoration scrolls or potions
death ward scrolls or potions
haste scrolls to save slots on our casters
fly scrolls or potions
Bear in mind if you are willing to wait a bit, you can get wondrous items cheaper from Mary Kay.

Rhysfar Llannelan |

With the trade deal you are able to get access to things better. There’s a 75% chance that the locathahs have access to a specific item worth 2,000 gp or less, a 50% chance they have access to an item worth 5,000 gp or less, and a 10% chance that they can provide more expensive items. Also you will be able to give them items to sell and purchase for you and it will take them 2d6 days in order to bring it back. If you want them to get weapon or armor with a magical enhancement you would of course have to give them the item.

Rhysfar Llannelan |

lesser extend metamagic rod 1d100 ⇒ 87 No
wand of heightened awareness 1d100 ⇒ 9 Yes
pale ruby cracked trillian ioun stone 1d100 ⇒ 89 No
pink and green cracked sphere ioun stone 1d100 ⇒ 98 Aw
potion of fly 1d100 ⇒ 10
[ooc]It's hard to spend money when they don't have what I need. Eh, fine, Rhys will also send his sword out for enchanting.
Llafngwyrdd made keen. 6,000 gp
wand of heightened awareness. 750 gp
potion of fly. 750 gp.
Total 7,500 gp.

Eustice Befufftlefumpter |

Now thatbour first shipment has arrived I have some things up for sale/grabs for anyone who wants them:
Studded leather (hontelsty forgot I still had this)
MW chain shirt
Shield cloak
Did we get a wand of clw? If so I can equip it in one of my wrist shieaths I just got. How many charges does one have again?

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Colten, don't forget about that cloak of resistance. I'm going to take it off the loot sheet.

Evan “Fang” Grissom |

personal preference on percentiles, high is good. keeps em consistent with all other types of rolls
how about trying for a CON belt and darkleaf leather (lamellar)
CON Belt (51+): 1d100 ⇒ 54 nice. and so close :)
Armor (26+): 1d100 ⇒ 93 yay
Belt -4000
Armor -60+750 (810)
Total purchases

Evan “Fang” Grissom |

i was just trying to be consistent on my own rolls, been using that since before even getting in the pbp thing. you can utilize whatever system works for you :)

Evan “Fang” Grissom |

bit of an odd request, but would it be possible to setup a calendar/date system? with some of these events taking place with gaps between, it's easy to lose track of time. wouldn't need to be on every post or anything crazy like that, but maybe when the day/date change please?

Rhysfar Llannelan |

Since we have the cash, I'm going to suggest spending a bit of party treasury on some medicine.
700 gp Scroll of Restoration, no diamond: 1d100 ⇒ 36
700 gp Scroll of Restoration, no diamond: 1d100 ⇒ 64
700 gp Scroll of Restoration, no diamond: 1d100 ⇒ 57
375 gp Scroll of Remove Curse (CL 5): 1d100 ⇒ 65
6,625 gp Scroll of Raise Dead: 1d100 ⇒ 99 Well, that figures.
Up to you guys, but scrolls of restoration will get used eventually, although there's an opportunity cost, as well as the fact that 700 gp is a much bigger investment at level 5 then at level 10.
Remove Curse is also kind of chancy since the level is going to be 5, but its the sort of thing you'll take even a mediocre chance when it comes up (and we are definitely in Bestow Curse and Blindness/Deafness territory now.)

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Just going to pick up two of the Restoration scrolls (no diamond) for the time being I think.
Those should go to Eustice, or maybe one to Eustice and one to someone with a good UMD.

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Nice. Do you want a seperate roll for time or can I add that to the previous order?

Evan “Fang” Grissom |

can't use the breastplate myself, so... not it.

Evan “Fang” Grissom |

i know, bit of double posting since this info was already in the gameplay tab, but since it looks like the other payout posts were done up on the discussion, i wanted to copy it over to here for record keeping.
items/gear 29176gp
art 50gp
880gp, 156sp, 310cp
total value once sold, 15536gp 7sp.
each player gets 3107gp, and party treasury will get 3108gp 7sp (current total party treasury is 9153gp 7sp).
Also, a reminder, there are 20 cure moderate potions in the party loot. i'm claiming 2 for myself to carry around. might not be a bad idea for each of us to have 1 or 2, just in case. maybe put a couple extras in the haversack (can just leave those listed as party loot)