Race |
CG human hunter 5 | hp 42 | AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18* | CMD 16 | Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2 | Perception +9, Sense motive +1 | |
Classes/Levels |
Animal focus 2/5 | 1st 3/5 2nd 0/2| Goodberries 8| |
About Rhysfar Llannelan
Rhysfar Llannelan
Hunter 5 (Milani)
CG Medium Humanoid
Init +1, Senses Perception +9
AC 18 [+1 Dex, +6 armor, +1 natural]
hp 42
Fort +7, Ref +,6 Will +3 (+1 vs. mind affecting)
Spd 30 ft. (20 ft. armor)
Melee +8 Llafngwyrdd , +1 keen longsword 1d8+7, 17-20/x2
+7 handaxe, 1d6+4 (x3)
+7 dagger, 1d4+4 (19-20/x2)
ranged +4 shortbow, 1d6 (x3)
Touch +7
Ranged touch +4
===Hunter Spells===
Caster level 2nd; Concentration +4
0th—create water, guidance, mending, purify food and drink, read magic, stabilize
1st (5)—lead blades, longstrider, magic fang, summon nature’s ally I, touch of the sea
2nd (2)-barkskin, bear's endurance, shared training, summon nature's ally II
Str 19, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 7.
BAB +3 CMB +7, CMD 18
Feats Combat expertise, Favored Animal Focus (Bull), Outflank, Pack Flanking, Power Attack.
Skills Climb +10(+6), craft (carpentry) +5, handle animal +6(+10), knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, knowledge (Geography) +6, knowledge (nature) +9, knowlege (Religion) +4, perception +9, profession (hunter) +5, stealth +8(+4) survival +9(+10 w/ machete, +11 w/ compass, +11 to track), swim +15(+11).
SQ animal companion, animal focus (3 minute), eye for talent, improved empathic link, nature training, precise companion, skilled, track, wild empathy, woodland stride
Traits Eagle knight recruit, indomitable faith
Languages Taldan, Shoanti
Combat Gear Llafngwyrdd (longsword +1) (sheds light per the spell), dagger, handax, masterwork machete, shortbow, breastplate. Acid Flask (2), magnesium (6 doses), meditation tea, potion of cure light wounds, potion of cure moderate wounds. Cloak of the manta ray. scroll of water breathing, wand of longstrider (49 charges), 1 potion sponge (air bubble), 3 potion sponges (empty). wand of heightened awareness (49 charges), potion of fly.
Quiver arrows (20), whistling arrows (20)
Carried gear backpack, bear bag, bandolier, bedroll, bell tripwire trap, belt pouches (2), blanket, caltrops, chalk, charcoal, compass, crowbar, dried carnivore feed (4 days), drill, flint and steel, folding pole, grappling hammer, hook,hat (broad-brimmed), holy symbol (wooden, Milani), mess kit, lantern (hooded), minor bag of holding, pick, piton (10), rope (silk, 50’), sacks (2), saw, silent whistle, string (50’), signal horn, sledge, shovel, snorkel, spell component pouch, spring-loaded wrist sheath, swimming fins, tindertwigs (5 4), torches (2 1), waterskins (2), waterproof bag, wand of goodberry (45 43, [i]wayfinder, 5 days trail rations. 93.5 lbs(100 lbs light). 331 gold, 7 silver, 19 copper.
Worn items ring of swimming, amulet of natural armor +1, cloak of protection +1.
Stored gear candles (100), candlestick (2), canteen (2, full), dandy brush, Desna’s star, falchion, grooming kit, iron spike (5), heatstone desalinator, hammock, ink (1 ounce), inkpen, journal, jug (2), mug, oil (21 pints), pitcher, pot (iron), paper (rice, 5 sheets), privacy shelter, sewing needle, thread (50’), squire’s outfit (eagle knight dress uniform), tent, torches (8), soap (10), sack (5),
Tools (not carried) artisan’s tools (carpentry), fishing tackle, fishing net, hammer, miners pick, shears, shears (lopping), , snorkel, swimming fins, trespasser’s boot (2).
Food ale (3 gallons), beans (10 lbs), carnivore feed (36 days), flour (40 lbs), honey (5 lbs), nuts (10 lbs), pepper (1 lb), salt (1 lb), rations (5 days), vinegar (2 pitchers), wine (common, 10 pitchers).
Important gear silver pocketwatch/compass.