Heroes of Lastwall

Game Master Tilnar

The epic tale of the characters who answered the call of young Lord Kalthun, the would-be heroes who seek to deal with the growing orcish threat -- to win back some of the land that has been lost, and inspire others to take up the fight.

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Female Human (Varisian) Oracle(Whimsy mystery)/3 - [HP 23/30); AC18,T12,FF16; F+4,R+5,W+4; Per+0; Init -2]

Isn't the short bow an x3 weapon? I think there is one more 1d6+3 of damage.

female human Warpriest of Sarenrae [Init +4, Perception +10; hp 44/44; fervor 2/5, blessings 4/5, sacwep 2/4;Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7 (+1 v fear), AC 21 t 15 ff 16 (from temp +2 dodge), CMB +11, CMD 21 fl 18]]
Xiaruau wrote:
Isn't the short bow an x3 weapon? I think there is one more 1d6+3 of damage.

You're right! Edited the crit roll. Thank you. (You can tell how seldom I crit.)


Female Human (Varisian) Oracle(Whimsy mystery)/3 - [HP 23/30); AC18,T12,FF16; F+4,R+5,W+4; Per+0; Init -2]

Yeh - I almost always play casters, so don't have to worry about weapon crits much. For instance, I realized that Xia does not even have a crossbow, should probably get one.
Also, the extra 9 damage (nice 2nd die) might be overkill, or might be the kill. - Crossfingers

female human Warpriest of Sarenrae [Init +4, Perception +10; hp 44/44; fervor 2/5, blessings 4/5, sacwep 2/4;Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7 (+1 v fear), AC 21 t 15 ff 16 (from temp +2 dodge), CMB +11, CMD 21 fl 18]]

Right now, there's no such thing as too much damage piling on this guy. I'll take it! Cross toes

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Venak snarls, and starts to swing his greatsword at Fiona when Sahar's fiery arrow sinks into his throat. The greatsword falls from his hands, the blade shrinking back to normal size before it hits the ground, and Venak manages to bring a hand up to his neck, probing, as he falls to his knees, and collapses, dead.

Thrukk blinks, and laughs, "Terfi için teşekkürler. Geri ödemenin mükemmel bir yolunu buldum." He steps forward, spinning the axe in his hand.

"Thanks for the promotion. I've got the perfect way to pay you back."

Double Axe: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Miss
Double Axe: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 for 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 3) + 2 = 9

He calls to the staggered warriors, "Etrafta oyalanmayı bırak ve pembe derileri öldür."

"Stop toying around and kill the pinkskins."

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Round 4 Summary (Plus or minus some AoOs)

Fiona's heavy swing is once again turned away by Verak's armour, and Xia appears behind him, taunting him and shaking his confidence. Merlan, trapped, uses his magic to blink away to safety, allowing him to cast a spell that causes the two warriors supporting Verak to slip and fall. Lysander and Kruss tear into an orc warrior, leaving wounds that would fell a normal man, but sheer hatred keeps the orc on his feet, and allows him to strike back, his axe biting deep into the druid. His enlarged companion, however, fares less well in his attack. The two fallen warriors gingerly regain their footing on the greasy slick, leaving themselves open to attack as they do.. just in time for Lani to blast them both with fire, leaving them staggered. Sahar carefully steps away from Thrukk while calling on the Dawflower to heal her and sends a flaming arrow into Venak's throat -- ending the Hunter's threat - and life. Thrukk, now in charge, stepped toward Sahar and spun his double axe -- only connecting with the off-hand strike.

Round 5

Combat Tracker wrote:

Conditions/Bonuses: Bless (All party members), +1 morale to attack (18 rounds remaining)

Merlan -- AC: 13[17]/13/11[15] -- CMD: 13 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
--Squeaky -- AC: 17/15/14 -- CMD: 10 -- HP: 11/11 Status/Effects:
Fiona -- AC: 20{22}/13{15}/17{19} (+2 v. AoO) -- CMD: 19 -- HP: 7/32 Status/Effects: Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Xiaruau -- AC: 18/12/16 -- CMD: 14 -- HP: 30/30 Status/Effects:
Sahar -- AC: 18/13/15 -- CMD: 16 -- HP: 15/27 Status/Effects: Divine Favour (7 rounds) [+2 luck]
Lysander -- AC: 18/16/12 -- CMD: 15 -- HP: 12/27 Status/Effects:
--Kruss -- AC: 22/18/15 -- CMD: 19 (23 v. trip) -- HP: 24/24 -- DR: 1/cold iron Status/Effects:
--Hakkar -- AC: 16/15/13 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 13/13 Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 14/27 Status/Effects:

Orc (Blue) -- AC: 15/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -26 Status/Effects: Staggered
Orc (Green) -- AC: 14/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -9 Status/Effects: Enlarged
Orc (Red) -- AC: 15/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -23 Status/Effects: Staggered
Orc (Orange) -- AC: 15/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -18 Status/Effects: Faerie Fire, Staggered
Thrukk -- AC: ??/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -4 Status/Effects: Faerie Fire, Enlarged

Venak -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -all the hp Status/Effects: Extra large, illuminated corpse.
--B'targ -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -lots Status/Effects: Dead and glowing. Isn't that enough for you people?

Next Up: Celestial Hound, Merlan, Fiona, Xia, Lysander, RBOG Orcs, Lani, Sahar, Thrukk, [New Round].

Remember - Puppy and Fiona have an AoO on orange from standing up.... and, as usual, if you're in italics, it's your turn.


Female Human (Varisian) Oracle(Whimsy mystery)/3 - [HP 23/30); AC18,T12,FF16; F+4,R+5,W+4; Per+0; Init -2]

Seeing the big orc fall, and being mostly out of options, Xia begins moving around the large rock outcropping. When she is about halfway to the big orc, she calls out in orcish once again.

Sonra çirkinsen, annene geri dönsen iyi olur.

You next ugly, better run back to mama.

Move 30'.

Demoralize (perform(comedy)): 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 11 - 4 = 23 <-- (-4) for size difference.
- if this beats his HD+Will by 5, then for 2 rounds.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060
Xiaruau wrote:

Seeing the big orc fall, and being mostly out of options, Xia begins moving around the large rock outcropping. When she is about halfway to the big orc, she calls out in orcish once again.

Sonra çirkinsen, annene geri dönsen iyi olur.

** spoiler omitted **

Move 30'.

Demoralize (perform(comedy)): 1d20+11-4 <-- (-4) for size difference.
- if this beats his HD+Will by 5, then for 2 rounds.

Demoralize is usually 10 + HD + WisMod, unless there's a special thing in your whimsy mystery that changes that... But, either way, I think it's safe to say that was probably quite effective.


Female Human (Varisian) Oracle(Whimsy mystery)/3 - [HP 23/30); AC18,T12,FF16; F+4,R+5,W+4; Per+0; Init -2]
Tilnar wrote:
Xiaruau wrote:

Seeing the big orc fall, and being mostly out of options, Xia begins moving around the large rock outcropping. When she is about halfway to the big orc, she calls out in orcish once again.

Sonra çirkinsen, annene geri dönsen iyi olur.

** spoiler omitted **

Move 30'.

Demoralize (perform(comedy)): 1d20+11-4 <-- (-4) for size difference.
- if this beats his HD+Will by 5, then for 2 rounds.

Demoralize is usually 10 + HD + WisMod, unless there's a special thing in your whimsy mystery that changes that... But, either way, I think it's safe to say that was probably quite effective.

Yeh - I forgot to type the +10. For every 5 you beat the 10+Wis+HD, it extends by a round. That was what I meant. Whimsy just lets me be sarcastic and use perform(comedy) in place of Intimidate and Bluff.

Xia is a deaf woman screaming in orcish. So, she is intimidating like the crazy guy on the street corner who yells at you for no reason, you would probably decide to cross the street to avoid getting near her.

F Human Samurai 5 [ HP 57/60 (0 NL) | AC 22¹ Tch 15¹ FF 19 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +3 | CMD 21¹ | Init +3 | Perc +9, low-light vision, scent⁵ | Challenge: 1/2 | Resolve: 3/3 | Hero Points: 1 | Stamina: 8/9 | Effects: shield of faith +2, scabbard of vigor +1 (6/10) ]

AoO vs Orange (bless, scabbard, prone target): 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 + 1 + 4 = 21
Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 2 = 9

Fiona glances over at the orc to her right just as he provides an opening. She takes it, jabbing at him quickly before turning her attention back to Venak — just in time to see the big orc shrink before her, Sahar's arrow protruding from his throat. A wide grin makes its way onto her face, causing some dried blood and dirt to crack and fall off. "Well done—Oath-sister indeed!" she exclaims.

Taking a brief moment to breathe, Fiona brings her weapon to bear again, stepping to the side and swinging at the remaining small orc nearby, even as part of her wonders, Where's that other fellow — Lysander, was it? Did he run away, or has he fallen? No — battle sounds from the north; he must still live.

Slish vs Red (bless, scabbard): 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 1 + 1 = 15
Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 2 = 11

HP: 7/32. Could really use some healing.

Scabbard affect expires here.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

As the (orange) warrior stands, Fiona strikes deep, though he completes his movement, howling triumphantly, though dark blood drips from his mouth as he does so.

Fiona then steps to the side, and drives her weapon into the other (red) warrior, but even orcish stubborness isn't enough in the face of his wound, and he collapses, his corpse sliding away from Fiona.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060
Combat Tracker wrote:

Conditions/Bonuses: Bless (All party members), +1 morale to attack (18 rounds remaining)

Merlan -- AC: 13[17]/13/11[15] -- CMD: 13 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
--Squeaky -- AC: 17/15/14 -- CMD: 10 -- HP: 11/11 Status/Effects:
Fiona -- AC: 20{22}/13{15}/17{19} (+2 v. AoO) -- CMD: 19 -- HP: 7/32 Status/Effects: Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Xiaruau -- AC: 18/12/16 -- CMD: 14 -- HP: 30/30 Status/Effects:
Sahar -- AC: 18/13/15 -- CMD: 16 -- HP: 15/27 Status/Effects: Divine Favour (7 rounds) [+2 luck]
Lysander -- AC: 18/16/12 -- CMD: 15 -- HP: 12/27 Status/Effects:
--Kruss -- AC: 22/18/15 -- CMD: 19 (23 v. trip) -- HP: 24/24 -- DR: 1/cold iron Status/Effects:
--Hakkar -- AC: 16/15/13 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 13/13 Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 14/27 Status/Effects:

Orc (Blue) -- AC: 15/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -26 Status/Effects: Staggered
Orc (Green) -- AC: 14/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -9 Status/Effects: Enlarged
Orc (Orange) -- AC: 15/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -27 Status/Effects: Faerie Fire, Staggered
Thrukk -- AC: ??/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -4 Status/Effects: Faerie Fire, Enlarged, Shaken

Orc (Red) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: ?? -- HP: he's fresh out of them Status/Effects: Pining for the fjords..
Venak -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -all the hp Status/Effects: Extra large, illuminated corpse.
--B'targ -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -lots Status/Effects: Dead and glowing. Isn't that enough for you people?

Next Up: Celestial Hound, Merlan, Lysander, RBOG Orcs, Lani, Sahar, Thrukk, [New Round], Fiona, Xiaruau.

M Human 5 [ HP 4/40 | AC 20 Tch12 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +6 | CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perc +12, | Hero Points: 1 | Effects: none

Dodging the first blow, he is shocked by the second swing that takes him in the side. However with a soft growl he focuses his attacks with Kruss who leaps on the smaller orc.

Kruss Claw 1 (vs Blue): 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 2 = 22
Damage 1: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Sandy Claw 2 (Vs Blue): 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 2 = 13
Damage 2: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Kruss Bite Blue: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 2 = 29
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Trip CMB: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
If it trips, then whatever bonus is added to these attacks

If Blue dies after Kruss attacks then he'll move to F7 & the following are against Green

Sandy Claw 1 (vs Blue): 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 17
Damage 1: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Sandy Claw 2 (Vs Blue): 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 11
Damage 2: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Miss Chance (Sandy) - Very Dim Light: 1d100 ⇒ 88 All good.

Kruss manages to pull the warrior down, allowing Sandy to sidestep and attack the enlarged orc, his claws tearing into his flesh.

Kruss made a full attack, so he can't move this round other than a 5' step..

Combat Tracker wrote:

Conditions/Bonuses: Bless (All party members), +1 morale to attack (18 rounds remaining)

Merlan -- AC: 13[17]/13/11[15] -- CMD: 13 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
--Squeaky -- AC: 17/15/14 -- CMD: 10 -- HP: 11/11 Status/Effects:
Fiona -- AC: 20{22}/13{15}/17{19} (+2 v. AoO) -- CMD: 19 -- HP: 7/32 Status/Effects: Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Xiaruau -- AC: 18/12/16 -- CMD: 14 -- HP: 30/30 Status/Effects:
Sahar -- AC: 18/13/15 -- CMD: 16 -- HP: 15/27 Status/Effects: Divine Favour (7 rounds) [+2 luck]
Lysander -- AC: 18/16/12 -- CMD: 15 -- HP: 12/27 Status/Effects:
--Kruss -- AC: 22/18/15 -- CMD: 19 (23 v. trip) -- HP: 24/24 -- DR: 1/cold iron Status/Effects:
--Hakkar -- AC: 16/15/13 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 13/13 Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 14/27 Status/Effects:

Orc (Green) -- AC: 14/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -12 Status/Effects: Enlarged
Orc (Orange) -- AC: 15/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -27 Status/Effects: Faerie Fire, Staggered
Thrukk -- AC: ??/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -4 Status/Effects: Faerie Fire, Enlarged, Shaken

Orc (Red) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: he's fresh out of them Status/Effects: Pining for the fjords..
Orc (Blue) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: clearly not enough of them Status/Effects: Body-shaped candle
Venak -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -all the hp Status/Effects: Extra large, illuminated corpse.
--B'targ -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -lots Status/Effects: Dead and glowing. Isn't that enough for you people?

Next Up: Celestial Hound, Merlan, RBOG Orcs, Lani, Sahar, Thrukk, [New Round], Fiona, Xiaruau, Lysander,.

M Human 5 [ HP 4/40 | AC 20 Tch12 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +6 | CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perc +12, | Hero Points: 1 | Effects: none

Though the small lion cannot actually trip up his opponents, his bite sinks deep.

Kruss Bite Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 2 = 10
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060
Lysander Volpe wrote:

Though the small lion cannot actually trip up his opponents, his bite sinks deep.

[dice=Kruss Bite Crit Confirm]1d20 + 7 + 2

Pure overkill. ;)

F Human Samurai 5 [ HP 57/60 (0 NL) | AC 22¹ Tch 15¹ FF 19 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +3 | CMD 21¹ | Init +3 | Perc +9, low-light vision, scent⁵ | Challenge: 1/2 | Resolve: 3/3 | Hero Points: 1 | Stamina: 8/9 | Effects: shield of faith +2, scabbard of vigor +1 (6/10) ]

Lysander, why do Kruss's claw attacks have different bonuses?

Get 'em, Merlan!

Oi veh! I cant keep up with you guys! :P

AoO from puppy on orange from last round: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

THIS round:

"Way to go Fi-Doh!" Merlan dances happily as the conjured hound snaps at the orc still trying to regain his feet in the slippery spell.

"Whoops! BIG and ugly, on the port-side! Move it Ladies! I got 'em!" the wizard calls, blinking out of sight once more, to reappear slightly back and once more just out of reach of the enlarged orc. He loads his sling-staff and arcs it overhead at the monstrous orc,...

Swift action blink 5' to right, move action to load sling, standard to fire:(+1 within 30')
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Dmg: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Merlan slips slightly on the rocks in his new position, and his aim is off. Again.

Puppy will attack orange IF he is still alive after that AoO, if orange is dead, he will make a full move to last big orc (That we can see)

F Human Samurai 5 [ HP 57/60 (0 NL) | AC 22¹ Tch 15¹ FF 19 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +3 | CMD 21¹ | Init +3 | Perc +9, low-light vision, scent⁵ | Challenge: 1/2 | Resolve: 3/3 | Hero Points: 1 | Stamina: 8/9 | Effects: shield of faith +2, scabbard of vigor +1 (6/10) ]

Puppy power!

M Human 5 [ HP 4/40 | AC 20 Tch12 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +6 | CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perc +12, | Hero Points: 1 | Effects: none
Fiona nel Mare wrote:

Lysander, why do Kruss's claw attacks have different bonuses?

Cause I copy & pasted the block without proofreading so the second claw should say Kruss attack & be +4 more

female human Warpriest of Sarenrae [Init +4, Perception +10; hp 44/44; fervor 2/5, blessings 4/5, sacwep 2/4;Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7 (+1 v fear), AC 21 t 15 ff 16 (from temp +2 dodge), CMB +11, CMD 21 fl 18]]

Thank you, mighty defender," Sahar calls up to Merlin. "I feel safer now. We ladies will withdraw and leave him to you."

She flashes a bloody grin at the halfling.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

As the warrior sways and stays on his feet following Fiona's strike, Merlan's summoned dog lunges, sinking it's teeth into him and pulling him down for the last time...

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

The last remaining warrior swings his large axe at Sandy, but once again, the druid's reflexes are up to the task of avoiding it.

Greataxe: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Combat Tracker wrote:

Conditions/Bonuses: Bless (All party members), +1 morale to attack (18 rounds remaining)

Merlan -- AC: 13[17]/13/11[15] -- CMD: 13 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
--Squeaky -- AC: 17/15/14 -- CMD: 10 -- HP: 11/11 Status/Effects:
Fiona -- AC: 20{22}/13{15}/17{19} (+2 v. AoO) -- CMD: 19 -- HP: 7/32 Status/Effects: Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Xiaruau -- AC: 18/12/16 -- CMD: 14 -- HP: 30/30 Status/Effects:
Sahar -- AC: 18/13/15 -- CMD: 16 -- HP: 15/27 Status/Effects: Divine Favour (7 rounds) [+2 luck]
Lysander -- AC: 18/16/12 -- CMD: 15 -- HP: 12/27 Status/Effects:
--Kruss -- AC: 22/18/15 -- CMD: 19 (23 v. trip) -- HP: 24/24 -- DR: 1/cold iron Status/Effects:
--Hakkar -- AC: 16/15/13 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 13/13 Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 14/27 Status/Effects:

Orc (Green) -- AC: 14/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -12 Status/Effects: Enlarged
Thrukk -- AC: ??/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -4 Status/Effects: Faerie Fire, Enlarged, Shaken

Orc (Orange) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: less than he needed Status/Effects: Having a permanent nap.
Orc (Blue) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: clearly not enough of them Status/Effects: A corpse-shaped purple candle
Orc (Red) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: he's fresh out of them Status/Effects: Pining for the fjords..
Venak -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -all the hp Status/Effects: Extra large, illuminated corpse.
--B'targ -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -lots Status/Effects: Dead and glowing. Isn't that enough for you people?

Next Up: Lani, Sahar, Thrukk, [New Round], Fiona, Xiaruau, Lysander, Celestial Hound, Merlan, Green Orc.

female human Warpriest of Sarenrae [Init +4, Perception +10; hp 44/44; fervor 2/5, blessings 4/5, sacwep 2/4;Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7 (+1 v fear), AC 21 t 15 ff 16 (from temp +2 dodge), CMB +11, CMD 21 fl 18]]

"Bir adım fazla değil" Sahar vows.

"Not one step further."

Breathing a prayer for healing, Sahar takes an odd, twirling step forward, slashing at the tendons in the giant orc's legs, whirling the scimitar around with the force of her body and motion rather than her arm.

Swift: Favor, 1d6 healing
healing: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Hp up to 19

5' step forward

Scimitar (2 luck, 1 bless, 1 enhancement): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
dmg if hits (2 luck): 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

I put shield of faith up earlier using fervor and it's not listed in your block. My current AC with that and my buckler is 20.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Slightly earlier...

The Celestial hound rushes forward to bite at the black-armoured orc, but the orc swings his double-axe as it approaches, sending the dog back to the celestial realms.

AoO (Thrukk v. Dog): 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 9 - 2 = 26 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 1) + 5 = 12

So you did. Updated (along with your hp total)

Sahar steps in, her scimitar biting into the Slayer's flesh.

Combat Tracker wrote:

Conditions/Bonuses: Bless (All party members), +1 morale to attack (18 rounds remaining)

Merlan -- AC: 13[17]/13/11[15] -- CMD: 13 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
--Squeaky -- AC: 17/15/14 -- CMD: 10 -- HP: 11/11 Status/Effects:
Fiona -- AC: 20{22}/13{15}/17{19} (+2 v. AoO) -- CMD: 19 -- HP: 7/32 Status/Effects: Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Xiaruau -- AC: 18/12/16 -- CMD: 14 -- HP: 30/30 Status/Effects:
Sahar -- AC: 18{20}/13{15}/15{17} -- CMD: 16 -- HP: 19/27 Status/Effects: Divine Favour (7 rounds) [+2 luck], Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Lysander -- AC: 18/16/12 -- CMD: 15 -- HP: 12/27 Status/Effects:
--Kruss -- AC: 22/18/15 -- CMD: 19 (23 v. trip) -- HP: 24/24 -- DR: 1/cold iron Status/Effects:
--Hakkar -- AC: 16/15/13 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 13/13 Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 14/27 Status/Effects:

Orc (Green) -- AC: 14/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -12 Status/Effects: Enlarged
Thrukk -- AC: ??/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -12 Status/Effects: Faerie Fire, Enlarged, Shaken

Orc (Orange) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: less than he needed Status/Effects: Having a permanent nap.
Orc (Blue) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: clearly not enough of them Status/Effects: A corpse-shaped purple candle
Orc (Red) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: he's fresh out of them Status/Effects: Pining for the fjords..
Venak -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -all the hp Status/Effects: Extra large, illuminated corpse.
--B'targ -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -lots Status/Effects: Dead and glowing. Isn't that enough for you people?

Next Up: Lani, Thrukk, [New Round], Fiona, Xiaruau, Lysander, Merlan, Green Orc, Sahar.

Female sensate gnome witch 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 15 | F +5 R +5 W +6 | Perc +4, low-light vision, scent 30 ft. | Speed 25 ft | Spells: 2/2 | Focus Points: 1/1| Hero Points: 1/3

Lani steps back and blasts the enlarged orc near her with magic missiles!

Magic Missiles: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 3) + 2 = 7

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

The darts of force slam into the orc, rocking him on his feet.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Thrukk begins to look around, surveying what's happening around him, and there's a clear expression of uncertainty on his face - whether that's from Xia's taunts or what's happening around him isn't fully clear, however. He looks from one target to the next, his hands tightening on his axe as his mind races, and he glares at Lani, the hatred clear on his face. Suddenly, he begins to move, using the double-axe to try to cut down Sahar - whether revenge for her strike or because she's blocking his access to the spellcasters isn't clear. Sahar saw the attack coming and easily sidesteps the initial swing... but, in doing so, exposes herself for the follow-up, the orc's axe biting deep into her side, felling the warpriest.

DoubleAxe (Primary): 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 7 - 2 = 14
DoubleAxe (Offhand): 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 7 - 2 = 25 Threat
Confirm: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 - 2 = 23

Critical Damage: 4d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 6) + 4 = 23

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Round 5 Summary

Fiona and the celestial dog kill the orange warrior as he rises to his feet, and Fiona uses the same momentum to finish off the other warrior, leaving Thrukk alone and isolated -- something Lani manages to point out with her taunts, leaving him shaken. Merlan's hound, having no target, rushed Thrukk, who quickly defends himself, sending the beast back to wherever Merlan's magic found it. Merlan carefully steps out of the reach of the orc four times his size, and hurls a stone at him, but the stone bounces harmlessly off the orc's chain shirt. Meanwhile, Kruss pulls down one of the two warriors harassing him and Lysander, and Sandy sinks a claw into the other, once more dodging his giant axe. Lani also steps out of the reach of Thrukk, blasting him with magic missiles, while Sahar, just to be different, steps in, bringing her scimitar to bear. Thrukk paused a moment before seeming to decide the only way out was to cut himself a path, and attacked Sahar, striking her a vicious and deep blow with the second head of his axe.

Round 6

Combat Tracker wrote:

Conditions/Bonuses: Bless (All party members), +1 morale to attack (18 rounds remaining)

Merlan -- AC: 13[17]/13/11[15] -- CMD: 13 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
--Squeaky -- AC: 17/15/14 -- CMD: 10 -- HP: 11/11 Status/Effects:
Fiona -- AC: 20{22}/13{15}/17{19} (+2 v. AoO) -- CMD: 19 -- HP: 7/32 Status/Effects: Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Xiaruau -- AC: 18/12/16 -- CMD: 14 -- HP: 30/30 Status/Effects:
Sahar -- AC: 18{20}/13{15}/15{17} -- CMD: 16 -- HP: -6/27 Status/Effects: Unconscious, Divine Favour (7 rounds) [+2 luck], Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Lysander -- AC: 18/16/12 -- CMD: 15 -- HP: 12/27 Status/Effects:
--Kruss -- AC: 22/18/15 -- CMD: 19 (23 v. trip) -- HP: 24/24 -- DR: 1/cold iron Status/Effects:
--Hakkar -- AC: 16/15/13 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 13/13 Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 14/27 Status/Effects:

Orc (Green) -- AC: 14/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -12 Status/Effects: Enlarged
Thrukk -- AC: ??/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -19 Status/Effects: Faerie Fire, Enlarged, Shaken

Orc (Orange) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: less than he needed Status/Effects: Having a permanent nap.
Orc (Blue) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: clearly not enough of them Status/Effects: A corpse-shaped purple candle
Orc (Red) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: he's fresh out of them Status/Effects: Pining for the fjords..
Venak -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -all the hp Status/Effects: Extra large, illuminated corpse.
--B'targ -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -lots Status/Effects: Dead and glowing. Isn't that enough for you people?

Next Up: Fiona, Xiaruau, Lysander, Merlan, Green Orc, Sahar (Stabilize?), Lani, Thrukk, [New Round].

F Human Samurai 5 [ HP 57/60 (0 NL) | AC 22¹ Tch 15¹ FF 19 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +3 | CMD 21¹ | Init +3 | Perc +9, low-light vision, scent⁵ | Challenge: 1/2 | Resolve: 3/3 | Hero Points: 1 | Stamina: 8/9 | Effects: shield of faith +2, scabbard of vigor +1 (6/10) ]

As Sahar dodges the first axe-stroke, Fiona holds her breath. When the other bites, however, she grimaces. "Stay with us!" she calls, her tone one of strict command. No dead recruits in your first battle, she recalls her former commander advising, Morale won't take it.

Fiona will use Resolve (Unstoppable) on Sahar (her ward) as an immediate action. She immediately stabilizes and remains conscious. She is staggered, but she does not fall unconscious and begin dying if she takes a standard action. She does fall unconscious if she takes additional damage from any source.

Will post my turn shortly.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

That works. Sahar retroactively doesn't slump, dropping her scimitar, but is insted filled with resolve.. Sadly, we're outside the edit window or I'd go fix it back there.

M Human 5 [ HP 4/40 | AC 20 Tch12 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +6 | CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perc +12, | Hero Points: 1 | Effects: none

With a sharp sheepherding whistle, after the smaller orc falls. Kruss knows this to be a indicator of movement and the lion moves to attack the enlarged orc dodging the blow as it runs past. The lions mouth bites out at the hamstrings.

Lysander follows up with a couple of his own claw blows.

Kruss moves to F7 eating an AoO, but flanking
Kyruss Bite: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 2 = 12
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Trip (if possible against large target): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Sandy Claw 1 Vs Green: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 26
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Sandy Claw 2 Vs Green: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Sandy Possible Crit Claw 1: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 18
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

AoO (Green): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 for 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 4, 1) + 6 = 17
Miss Chance (claw 1): 1d100 ⇒ 60
Miss Chance (claw 2): 1d100 ⇒ 4

The orc spins on his heel, striking Kruss a solid blow as the cat comes in to bite him, but leaving himself open for a pair of attacks from Sandy - one of which connects, the other just missing in the dim light. Can't crit in the dark.

Combat Tracker wrote:

Conditions/Bonuses: Bless (All party members), +1 morale to attack (18 rounds remaining)

Merlan -- AC: 13[17]/13/11[15] -- CMD: 13 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
--Squeaky -- AC: 17/15/14 -- CMD: 10 -- HP: 11/11 Status/Effects:
Fiona -- AC: 20{22}/13{15}/17{19} (+2 v. AoO) -- CMD: 19 -- HP: 7/32 Status/Effects: Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Xiaruau -- AC: 18/12/16 -- CMD: 14 -- HP: 30/30 Status/Effects:
Sahar -- AC: 18{20}/13{15}/15{17} -- CMD: 16 -- HP: -6/27 Status/Effects: Staggered, Divine Favour (7 rounds) [+2 luck], Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Lysander -- AC: 18/16/12 -- CMD: 15 -- HP: 12/27 Status/Effects:
--Kruss -- AC: 22/18/15 -- CMD: 19 (23 v. trip) -- HP: 8/24 -- DR: 1/cold iron Status/Effects:
--Hakkar -- AC: 16/15/13 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 13/13 Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 14/27 Status/Effects:

Orc (Green) -- AC: 14/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -15 Status/Effects: Enlarged
Thrukk -- AC: ??/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -19 Status/Effects: Faerie Fire, Enlarged, Shaken

Orc (Orange) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: less than he needed Status/Effects: Having a permanent nap.
Orc (Blue) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: clearly not enough of them Status/Effects: A corpse-shaped purple candle
Orc (Red) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: he's fresh out of them Status/Effects: Pining for the fjords..
Venak -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -all the hp Status/Effects: Extra large, illuminated corpse.
--B'targ -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -lots Status/Effects: Dead and glowing. Isn't that enough for you people?

Next Up: Fiona, Xiaruau, Merlan, Green Orc, Sahar, Lani, Thrukk, [New Round], Lysander.

F Human Samurai 5 [ HP 57/60 (0 NL) | AC 22¹ Tch 15¹ FF 19 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +3 | CMD 21¹ | Init +3 | Perc +9, low-light vision, scent⁵ | Challenge: 1/2 | Resolve: 3/3 | Hero Points: 1 | Stamina: 8/9 | Effects: shield of faith +2, scabbard of vigor +1 (6/10) ]

Some healing on Sahar would be good about now.

Fiona studies the battlefield, evaluating Thrukk's wounds as well as those of her comrades. Narrowing her eyes at the large orc, Fiona brings her weapon to bear and strikes out against the foe who would kill her ally!

Slish (bless): 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 1 = 9


Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Obvious post is obvious

Fiona, in her concern about Sahar swings her weapon hastily, her attack off-balance and missing wide.

Merlan's eyes widen in dismay as the giant Orc slams his conjured friend with a strike of his double axe.

"Fido!" Merlan calls unhappily.

Then his eyes threaten to open wider than his head as in a successive blow, the orc strikes Sahar a vicious wound.

"SAHAR! NO! That's IT! I was playing nice. NO MORE MR. NICE WIZARD!" The diminutive spellcaster shouts at the enlarged orc.

The halfling holds his staff with his left hand, and whips out a slim wand with his right. He hisses a word, and a shining bolt of magic very similar to what Lani just cast zips around and past the stumbling Sahar to strike the orc.

Wand of Magic Missile, presume 1st lvl, ;) 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

"THAT was your last warning. Back. Off. NOW!" Merlan tells the orc in a voice at least 2 octaves lower than his usual high-pitched chatter.

What the heck? Intimidate: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
LOL! Nope. Not so much,... ;P (He's just not a scary kinda guy) ;)

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Merlan shakes his stick at the Orc, a blue energy dart sailing out to strike the Slayer.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060
Merlan Firefingers Silverhearth wrote:

What the heck? Intimidate: d20+1
LOL! Nope. Not so much,... ;P (He's just not a scary kinda guy) ;)

Using intimidate to demoralize is a standard - which you used to trigger your wand - so you couldn't do that, even had you succeeded (plus, he's already shaken, so doubly so)

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Next Up: Xiaruau, Green Orc, Sahar, Lani, Thrukk, [New Round], Lysander, Merlan, Fiona.


Female Human (Varisian) Oracle(Whimsy mystery)/3 - [HP 23/30); AC18,T12,FF16; F+4,R+5,W+4; Per+0; Init -2]

Knowing that they need to take this orc down, and hoping that Sahar can last a few more seconds, Xia moves behind the orc, aimlessly prodding at him with her dagger in the hope of distracting him until the others can land a final blow..

So ugly, makes goblin laugh.

Move into a flanking position, while fighting defensively. Attack with dagger. AC20

Attack: 1d20 + 2 - 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 2 - 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 21 <-- +1 bless, +2 flanking, -4 fighting defensively, +1 masterwork
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

EDIT - Confirm Crit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Surprised that she landed a blow, her dagger rips a nasty wound into the enlarged orc's groin.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Thrukk swings at the strange woman that was taunting him as she steps in, swinging his axe as if trying to keep her away from him.

AoO: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 9 - 2 = 18 for 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 4) + 4 = 11

He then howls as she stabs him, recoiling as if he's been burned -- tearing his flesh against her knife, making the wound twice as bad as it would have been, leaving the orc staggered.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

To the north, the enlarged warrior looks at the wounded cat and strange man with claws, as if trying to figure out which is the greater threat before swinging the axe at Lysander, who rolls with the attack, causing the edge of the blade to skip harmlessly against his armour.

Greataxe: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Combat Tracker wrote:

Conditions/Bonuses: Bless (All party members), +1 morale to attack (18 rounds remaining)

Merlan -- AC: 13[17]/13/11[15] -- CMD: 13 -- HP: 23/23 Status/Effects:
--Squeaky -- AC: 17/15/14 -- CMD: 10 -- HP: 11/11 Status/Effects:
Fiona -- AC: 20{22}/13{15}/17{19} (+2 v. AoO) -- CMD: 19 -- HP: 7/32 Status/Effects: Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Xiaruau -- AC: 18/12/16 -- CMD: 14 -- HP: 30/30 Status/Effects:
Sahar -- AC: 18{20}/13{15}/15{17} -- CMD: 16 -- HP: -6/27 Status/Effects: Staggered, Divine Favour (7 rounds) [+2 luck], Shield of Faith (+2 deflection)
Lysander -- AC: 18/16/12 -- CMD: 15 -- HP: 12/27 Status/Effects:
--Kruss -- AC: 22/18/15 -- CMD: 19 (23 v. trip) -- HP: 8/24 -- DR: 1/cold iron Status/Effects:
--Hakkar -- AC: 16/15/13 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 13/13 Status/Effects:
Lani -- AC: 13/13/11 -- CMD: 11 -- HP: 14/27 Status/Effects:

Orc (Green) -- AC: 14/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -15 Status/Effects: Enlarged
Thrukk -- AC: ??/??/?? -- CMD: ?? -- HP: -29 Status/Effects: Staggered, Faerie Fire, Enlarged, Shaken

Orc (Orange) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: less than he needed Status/Effects: Having a permanent nap.
Orc (Blue) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: clearly not enough of them Status/Effects: A corpse-shaped purple candle
Orc (Red) -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: he's fresh out of them Status/Effects: Pining for the fjords..
Venak -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -all the hp Status/Effects: Extra large, illuminated corpse.
--B'targ -- AC: N/A -- CMD: 0 -- HP: -lots Status/Effects: Dead and glowing. Isn't that enough for you people?

Next Up: Sahar, Lani, Thrukk, [New Round], Lysander, Fiona, Xiaruau, Merlan, Green Orc.

female human Warpriest of Sarenrae [Init +4, Perception +10; hp 44/44; fervor 2/5, blessings 4/5, sacwep 2/4;Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7 (+1 v fear), AC 21 t 15 ff 16 (from temp +2 dodge), CMB +11, CMD 21 fl 18]]

Sahar wavers as the world goes black for a moment, before Fiona's voice cuts through the roaring. She sees Xia dart forward and stab, bracketing the huge green orc between them.

Without a trace of her former grace, she half-lunges, half-falls at her opponent.

Scimitar (2 luck, 1 bless, 1 enhancement, 2 flank): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
dmg if hits (2 luck): 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Swift final favor for healing: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Sahar is filled with the warmth of Sarenrae, and she finds her head clearing even as her scimitar catches the Slayer, the deep wound dripping with blood and bile.

Next Up: Lani, Thrukk, [New Round], Lysander, Fiona, Xiaruau, Merlan, Green Orc, Sahar.

female human Warpriest of Sarenrae [Init +4, Perception +10; hp 44/44; fervor 2/5, blessings 4/5, sacwep 2/4;Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7 (+1 v fear), AC 21 t 15 ff 16 (from temp +2 dodge), CMB +11, CMD 21 fl 18]]
Tilnar wrote:
So, um, this might be a good time to remind people about Hero points?

Hero points, you say?

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060
Sahar Wasem wrote:
Tilnar wrote:
So, um, this might be a good time to remind people about Hero points?
Hero points, you say?

Those things you used to have, yes.

Female sensate gnome witch 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 15 | F +5 R +5 W +6 | Perc +4, low-light vision, scent 30 ft. | Speed 25 ft | Spells: 2/2 | Focus Points: 1/1| Hero Points: 1/3

Lani fires of her last powerful spell at the most wounded foe she can see!

Magic Missiles: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (4, 1) + 2 = 7

Cant check map right now, step back if necessary to avoid AoOs.


Female Human (Varisian) Oracle(Whimsy mystery)/3 - [HP 23/30); AC18,T12,FF16; F+4,R+5,W+4; Per+0; Init -2]

Whistles innocently - Pretty sure someone in the party already sucked up the AoO for the party this round unless he has Combat Reflexes.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Lani can only see one foe, so that's easy enough...

Lani's magic missiles slam into Thrukk, compounding on the damage he's taken, leaving him swaying on his feet. He looks around, his face clearly marked with fear and panic, as if trying to find an escape that he realizes isn't there. Instead, he reaches to his belt, raising a flask to his lips...

...leaving himself open to attacks from Fiona, Sahar and Xia, each of whom strike before he gets the bottle to his lips - and the bottle, and the hand it was carrying hit the ground about a second before his knees give out and he falls, dead.

Meanwhile, Kruss leaps on the back of the sole remaining warrior, his claws creating wicked wounds, causing the orc to cry out in pain - a cry that stops with a gurgle as Sandy's claws swipe across his throat, ending his life - and the combat.

Combat Over

You're wounded, have 6 orc corpses (and a warkitten of rull), a burrow covered with a flat stone and a glyph of warding -- what's next?

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Stripping the bodies of obvious valuables, you find:

Venak: +1 agile breastplate; masterwork cold iron greatsword; hornbow, orc (Str +5), arrows (60); dagger; longsword; scrollcase [ scroll of cure light wounds (x2), scroll of lead blades, scroll of flame blade, scroll of cure moderate wounds ]; necklace of wolf's fangs, bone bracelet, spell component pouch, 23 gp, 16 sp, black fox pelt, red fox pelt, brown bear pelt, masterwork skinning knives.

Thrukk: +1 chain shirt, masterwork/masterwork orc double axe, throwing axe x 5, pilum x 5, potion of cure moderate wounds, necklace of orc tusks, 1/2 lb lump of silver, 9 gp, 12 sp.

Red: masterwork greataxe, scale mail, pilum x 3, potion of enlarge person, 18 sp, 21 cp.

Orange: masterwork greataxe, scale mail, pilum x 4, potion of enlarge person, 14 sp, 27 cp.

Blue: masterwork greataxe, scale mail, pilum x 4, potion of enlarge person, 26sp, 11 cp.

Green: masterwork greataxe, scale mail, pilum x 4, brass locket, 1/2 pound of pipeweed, 2 small jet stones, a rabbit's foot, 9cp.

By the fire you find 5 shortspears, upon which are 3 hares, an owl, and a tiny bear cub.

There may also be a pilum or two that missed out there somewhere, though you'd have to find them in the dark, and they'd have shattered if they hit rock.

Because it was your first fight, and I'm feeling generous at the moment, I'll also give you all 1 hero point for surviving. Future Hero Points will only be awarded for huge accomplishments, individual heroics or gaining levels - so don't get used to it.

...and I also realized after Sahar was already healed that, like her shortbow, the double-axe is a x3 weapon. So we'll just assume I rolled low on the last dice and she was riding the edge of -11. So - consider this another warning - having done that once, I won't repeat that mistake.

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