Wardens of the Reborn Forge (Inactive)

Game Master R D


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Silver Crusade

Alkenstar, City of Smog, is a bastion of civilization in the magic-warped region known as the Mana Wastes. Its ingenious citizens survive in the treacherous Spellscar Desert with the help of canny inventions like guns and clockwork automatons, but now their construct protectors have begun to run amok within the city. It falls to the PCs to venture beyond the city walls to find the source of their strange behavior. Will they uncover the mastermind behind the plot and put an end to this madness, or will they instead fall victim to the primal magic and savage tribes of Mana Wastes mutants that beleaguer the city?

Scarab Sages

male Wizard 9/Lore 7 | HP 115| AC 25; Touch 20; FF 21 | F +14; R +12; W +16 | CMB+7; CMD 27 | Speed 20 ft | Init +3 | Perc +2 | Stealth: +1 Wizard 9/Lore 7

A dwarf with reddish hair twirls his mustache as he enters the room. A small earth elemental follows him. He carries a spell book under one arm.
He points to the elemental.

"This is Rocky. I'm Rogar. I heard we were going to Alkenstar?" He places the spell book down and lights a cigar.

Dark Archive

| AC 39 T18 F28| HP 113/113 | CMD:25 | F:+16 R:+23 W:+15 | Init:+10 | Perception: +28 +1d6 + 5 traps
Session Resources:
Wands LS:1, HA:6 Clear ears, Blood-boiling pill, barbarian chew
Barkskin, Heroism, Mutagen, Reduce Person

An old man enters the room. Bald head bags under his eyes. "Gods, they get you up early for these...or did I sleep through yesterday. Oh, a cigar. I was never much for tobacco." he says as he swallows three pills, packs some chew, and snorts something. He chases that with a few vials of this and that and just a nip of whisky. [b]"Rocky and Rogar it is good to meet you."

The Exchange

Male CN Kelish Human Swashbuckler 8/ Gunslinger 5 | HP 134/134 Temp 26/26| AC 28(32 vs AOO); T 20; FF 18 | Fort +17; Ref +20; Will +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +10, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Grit/Panache 7/7 | Charmed Life: 4/4

Before the meeting:

profession merchant, DC 28: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33

"325 gold pieces for a merchant's license. You should be lucky that a Venture Captain of the Society, and one that has his own ship, would want to do business in your city." He says digging out a coins. "No. I know it policy, an outrageous one."

Once the form is completed, he places the paperwork in a satchel and hands it to his acquaintance. "Take this back to the ship and begin the search for an open spot in the city. We may be here for a while. Might as well make some coin"

This was just a check in the box for a Journal Faction Card

A well groomed man enters next. He brings the smell of the salt with him, as if just came from a long journey at sea. "Good day all. So, what is this about constructs? Never did like dealing with them."

Checking his bandolier for his cartridges, "May need to buy some special ammo"."

"Ah, how rude of me." He takes his tricorn hat off and places it on his chest and bows slightly, "I am Venture Captain Fandral Devinwood." He stratens and gives a smirk. "Among many other titles"

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

A tall, thin, blue humanoid dressed in a swirling blue and silver robe floats into the room. Pale, white eyes regard the assembled pathfinders. Hello everyone it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Obo, lets hope this is not all dealing with constructs...that would be, annoying.

Obo settles into a chair to wait for their host and takes a slim volume out of a satchel and starts to idly flip through it.

Scarab Sages

male Wizard 9/Lore 7 | HP 115| AC 25; Touch 20; FF 21 | F +14; R +12; W +16 | CMB+7; CMD 27 | Speed 20 ft | Init +3 | Perc +2 | Stealth: +1 Wizard 9/Lore 7

Rogar turns to the Professor. "Nice to meet you too." He then turns towards Obo. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve for those. Rogar here...nice to make your acquaintance!" He pulls out a tindertwig and lights his cigar.

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

Obo nods to Rogar and smiles, Well, over a dozen lifetimes I have learned a trick or two to deal with most things.

Dark Archive

| AC 39 T18 F28| HP 113/113 | CMD:25 | F:+16 R:+23 W:+15 | Init:+10 | Perception: +28 +1d6 + 5 traps
Session Resources:
Wands LS:1, HA:6 Clear ears, Blood-boiling pill, barbarian chew
Barkskin, Heroism, Mutagen, Reduce Person

"I have been fighting nothing but constructs for the last few days. I'm ok with handling them for a short while. There was a giant tentacle thing and a ghost. Ghost I hate."

Silver Crusade

Each of you receives an individually addressed envelope. It is marked with the seal of the Decemvirate and contains two pieces of paper.

The first paper is also marked with the seal of the Decemvirate and reads: "Approved. If you accept this mission, meet your team at the Sea King Shipyard in the Docks district."

The second paper is a letter from Eliza Baratella and bears no markings. At minimum, you recognize the name as someone important in the city of Alkenstar.


I request an audience with you. I have read some of your past exploits in the chronicles and cleared this with your leaders. Please come to the Brass Guild; I need your utmost discretion to investigate something that should not be possible.

I have secured passage for you on the Wandering Hearth captained by Eynilla Vriggdahl. Though a gruff Ulfen, she has been well compensated and will ensure your safe, swift passage from Absalom to Alkenstar.

With thanks,

Eliza Baratella

A quick/easy confab with your fellow pathfinders (or, perhaps, your own knowledge) will confirm that teleportation and magical flight into or out of the magic-dead city are impossible.

You are also welcome to take your own sailing vessel, if preferred. Feel free, too, to make any purchases and/or knowledge checks that you'd like.

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

I have no purchases to make

Taking out the letter Obo looks over it, Does anyone know who this Eliza is?

Obo casts a simple heroism spell and takes out several slim volumes of pathfinder chronciles. I wonder...

Local?, Heroism, Pathfinder chronicle: 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 12 + 2 + 2 = 35

Also, anyone know anything about Alkenstar and the surroundings?

Geography?, Heroism, Pathfinder chronicle: 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 12 + 2 + 2 = 17

We cannot teleport into Alkenstar but I can probably put us down somewhere nearby if we want to cut out the long ship journey.

The Exchange

Male CN Kelish Human Swashbuckler 8/ Gunslinger 5 | HP 134/134 Temp 26/26| AC 28(32 vs AOO); T 20; FF 18 | Fort +17; Ref +20; Will +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +10, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Grit/Panache 7/7 | Charmed Life: 4/4

Oh, I thought we were starting in Alkenstar

"No need to burden the Ulfen. We can just take my ship" Fandral offers to the group. "Obi, I guess we could teleport closer. But, by doing that, we also cut out the time of camaraderie between us."

Dark Archive

| AC 39 T18 F28| HP 113/113 | CMD:25 | F:+16 R:+23 W:+15 | Init:+10 | Perception: +28 +1d6 + 5 traps
Session Resources:
Wands LS:1, HA:6 Clear ears, Blood-boiling pill, barbarian chew
Barkskin, Heroism, Mutagen, Reduce Person

Knowledge Local (or any other monster knowledge): 10 + 18 + 2 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + 18 + 2 + 2 + (6) = 38 Chronicle Clear ears.

Knowledge All other lesser knowledges): 10 + 12 + 2 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + 12 + 2 + 2 + (5) = 31 Chronicle Clear ears.

"I'm equally ambivalent about how we get there though faster is usually better."

Scarab Sages

male Wizard 9/Lore 7 | HP 115| AC 25; Touch 20; FF 21 | F +14; R +12; W +16 | CMB+7; CMD 27 | Speed 20 ft | Init +3 | Perc +2 | Stealth: +1 Wizard 9/Lore 7

"I've never heard of her. If we can't teleport I guess we'll have to take ship but I don't like it!"

Silver Crusade

Fandral wrote:

Oh, I thought we were starting in Alkenstar

Pragmatically, speaking, we are. :) I just wanted to give a little background and opportunity to buy things, etc.

Between you, the party learns:

- The city-state of Alkenstar has gained an unexpected level of power despite its tiny size, through the invention of firearms, a necessity for survival in the harsh, magic-dead region known as the Mana Wastes. Beyond just firearms and weaponry, the engineers and alchemists of Alkenstar have crafted and perfected technology to a level far surpassing any other region in the Inner Sea, capitalizing on the rich mineral deposits and the need for something to replace the usually omnipresent conveniences of magic.

- The Grand Duchy of Alkenstar is technically a vassal of the nation of Nex to the north of the Mana Wastes and Grand Duchess Trietta Ricia should, by the letter of the law, report to the rulers of that land. In practice, however, Alkenstar remains a fairly independent city-state and a force of neutrality between the rival nations of Nex and Geb. The small nation is governed by a High Parliament consisting of 73 ministers representing the various factions in the three settlements and small rural sections of the city-state's realm.

- Eliza Baratella is a talented engineer and popular politician, representing the esteemed Guild of Brass within Alkenstar. Her guild designed and manufactured the Brass Guardians, simple clockwork drones that patrol Alkenstar and protect its citizens from exterior threats (such as mercenaries from Nex and Geb) or mutated creatures from the Spellscar Desert and Western Ravage

- Eliza Baratella is a minister on the Alkenstar Parliament. Though a powerful politician, she isn't above getting her hands (and face, and clothes) dirty. She is often found elbow-deep in an engineering project and has a reputation for having a good head on her shoulders. (She's not overly obsessed with technology or absent-minded or easily distracted, etc.)

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

I am happy to take the ship borne route, it will give us a chance to get to know one another and what we can do says Obo.

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

I am also happy to provide us all with a little Fortune Telling if you wish to peer into the future says Obo.

Obo can provide a greater harrowing to everyone, using the scroll with the mnemonic vestment. The effects last for 12 days. Do you just want me roll for the suits GM? If so do you want to set the order?

At the end of every day, assuming I have the spell slots free, Obo will cast life bubble on everyone individually (it will last 24 hours). I can also provide a delay poison and mage armour if you want it but you will have to provide your own lesser extend rod to get them to 24 hour duration. Once we are travelling I will also build us a secure shelter to rest in overnight.

Obo casts life bubble, extended mage armour, extended delay poison and extended overland flight at the end of each day on themselves.

While travelling Obo will normally use the mnemonic vestment to cast spite and load it with a Striken Heart spell. Their spell storing armour contains the same spell.

Silver Crusade

Sounds good. Let's operate with the understanding that you will begin in Alkenstar with 24 hours of life bubble and some hours of delay poison and mage armor.

When you arrive in the so-called Clockwork City, you find the atmosphere as tense with fear and suspicion as it is full of smog. Chatting up a few of the locals, you discover that the city's Brass Guardians have been going haywire and attacking Alkenstarians without provocation. Given the timing of your appointment with Eliza Baratella, there really isn't time to learn anything more.

You arrive at the Brass Guild, announce your presence and are immediately brought inside. "Ah! The minister said to expect you, this way please. I'll make sure that refreshments are brought to you right away."

You're brought to an impressive workshop filled with steam and loud noises where Baratella is working with other engineers. She's literally waist-deep in clockwork chassis tinkering with a partially disassembled Brass Guardian.

As soon as she's aware of your presence, she asks the others to take a break and starts briefing you as soon as you're alone.

"Thank you for coming. I appreciate that the Pathfinder Society saw fit to send you lot in particular. I'm sorry I wasn't more forthcoming in my message, but I fear that my correspondence has been monitored or compromised in some way--I'm not sure how. You see, one of our Brass Guardians was recently stolen and reprogrammed, and we don't know how or by whom."

"Whoever's behind this plot is powerful—likely someone in the government who sees me or my creations as a threat. But I can't go around flinging accusations of sabotage and treason without evidence, nor do I know if I can trust the authorities here to investigate. You, on the other hand, are neutral parties."

"I've got a good sense of where you can start looking. When the first Brass Guardians started raging in the streets, we looked closely at their serial numbers to determine where they'd come from. In every case, the clockworks had originally been positioned in the city's western quarters, closest to the Karggat Hills. I sent Arvanor, my assistant, to follow a series of tracks left by a guardian leaving the city's western gates. Those tracks led north and west into the Karggat Hills, and into a mine some fifty miles away. Arvanor reported back that he was headed into the mines to investigate further, and no one has heard from him since. That was two months ago. And since then, the Brass Guardians' attacks have only increased in frequency and intensity."

"I have secured transportation for you on the guild’s private airship, under the pretense that you are trapsmiths we've hired to help protect our facilities
in Martel. You won’t go to Martel, however; instead, the pilot has been instructed to take you directly to the Karggat Mine. Please find out who's behind this sabotage of the Brass Guardians and bring me evidence to put an end to the plot. The guild and I have significant resources with which to reward you, and time is of the essence."

She then activates a device and says, "All clear. You can come back now."

Some administrative assistants bring trays of food; pitchers of water, tea, and coffee; and warm hand towels to refresh yourselves.

If you have "delicate" questions to ask her, we can say that those happen before others arrive.

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

Any idea how you want to handle greater harrowing?

Obo scowls at the idea of haywire constructs. Do you have any thoughts on who might be behind this? Can you tell us anything about the nature of these Brass Constructs, how might we best deal with them if we encounter more haywire ones. Also, will the region we are going to create problems with the use of magic?

Silver Crusade

Obo Ibn Jad wrote:
Any idea how you want to handle greater harrowing?

Could be a part of your daily preparations. Happy to say that you've already done it for the day; you can make the rolls retroactively.

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

Actually, rereading Greater Harrrowing I am going to skip it for myself as it is mostly luck bonuses which I already have. Happy to do one for anyone else who wants it. The benefits and penalties will last 12 days. If you want me to do it shout out and I will roll out a Harrow Feck spread using the rules in ISWG.

The Exchange

Male CN Kelish Human Swashbuckler 8/ Gunslinger 5 | HP 134/134 Temp 26/26| AC 28(32 vs AOO); T 20; FF 18 | Fort +17; Ref +20; Will +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +10, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Grit/Panache 7/7 | Charmed Life: 4/4

Fandral smirks, "For once, a straightforward mission briefing. What can you tell us about your assistant? "

Dark Archive

| AC 39 T18 F28| HP 113/113 | CMD:25 | F:+16 R:+23 W:+15 | Init:+10 | Perception: +28 +1d6 + 5 traps
Session Resources:
Wands LS:1, HA:6 Clear ears, Blood-boiling pill, barbarian chew
Barkskin, Heroism, Mutagen, Reduce Person

Professor likes to gamble. I will take a harrowing.

Scarab Sages

male Wizard 9/Lore 7 | HP 115| AC 25; Touch 20; FF 21 | F +14; R +12; W +16 | CMB+7; CMD 27 | Speed 20 ft | Init +3 | Perc +2 | Stealth: +1 Wizard 9/Lore 7

"can we see a Brass Guardian to know what it's skills are?"

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

Before we leave for the city Obo sits down and produces an old, delicate wooden box. Sliding back the lid they prodce a set of faded Harrow cards. I owned these many, many years ago, in a different life, when I was a student at the Twilight Academy.

Obo smooths down the pale green felt covering the table, takes a deep breath, shuffles the cards and begins to draw...

Lawful Neutral Keys
Chaotic Good Shield
Lawful Evil Stars
Neutral Evil Shield
Neutral Evl Crown
Lawful Neutral Crown
Neutral Evil Book
Chaotic Evil Star
Chaotic Good Star

It seems that our fates are dominated by the forces of evil with the other powers rather more balanced...

Harrow Deck:

Greater Harrowing
You will need to mathc the results against your own alignment.

Roll 1d6 to determine the suit (1=hammer, 2=key, 3=shield, 4=book, 5=star, 6=crown), and 1d10 to determine alignment (1=LG, 2=NG, 3=CG, 4=LN, 5=N, 6=CN, 7=LE, 8=NE, 9=CE, 10=roll again).

Suit: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 4

Suit: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 3

Suit: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Aligment: 1d10 ⇒ 7

Suit: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 8

Suit: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 8

Suit: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 4

Suit: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 8

Suit: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 9

Suit: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Alignment: 1d10 ⇒ 3

Silver Crusade

Fandral wrote:
"What can you tell us about your assistant? "

"He's a hard worker. Smart. Capable. I think his heritage is Vudrani. He's been with us for a little while and gets along well with his co-workers. I trust him; I wouldn't have given this mission if I had any doubts at all. I hope he's OK."

Using a college internship as an approximate metaphor, he's a smart guy who impressed his bosses at the Brass Guild during a summer intern program. They invited him back for a full-time job once he was done with school. He performed well and has risen up the ranks to work directly with the boss. Given how hands-on Eliza Baratella is with her engineers' projects, he has legit smarts. Given Baratella's role in Alkenstar politics, you get the sense that she has a low tolerance of sycophants and people only looking to get ahead.

Rogar dwarf wrote:
"can we see a Brass Guardian to know what it's skills are?"

The partially disassembled one on the floor before you is medium sized. It's filled with gears and has a winding mechanism. Essentially, it looks like a nice clockwork automaton. At this level, with your experience, you'd know (or have heard) that clockworks can come in various "models." Advanced models can have special abilities--like weapon proficiency.

The famous clockwork sentries that watch over and protect the majority of Alkenstar, the Brass Guardians are a wonder of technology that can be attributed almost solely to Eliza Baratella and her coalition of like-minded engineers, the Brass Guild. Originally designed in 4685 AR to face the mounting threat of mutants crawling out of the recently abandoned Ironside Quarter, these automatons were found to be so successful in protecting Alkenstar that they are now distributed throughout the entire city.

The minister gestures to the guardian before you. "Help yourself. Any of the engineers can assist you, if needed. But, don't take too long. We have to get to the bottom of this before more innocent people get hurt. We haven't figured out how to ground them well; so, the guardians are vulnerable to electricity. Other than that, they're tanks that can take a hit and hit back hard."

Dark Archive

| AC 39 T18 F28| HP 113/113 | CMD:25 | F:+16 R:+23 W:+15 | Init:+10 | Perception: +28 +1d6 + 5 traps
Session Resources:
Wands LS:1, HA:6 Clear ears, Blood-boiling pill, barbarian chew
Barkskin, Heroism, Mutagen, Reduce Person

Is it an arcana or engineering to inspect the guardian?

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

Obo looks careully over the machines. Do we have any idea what might be at the mones? Are they active, will their be workers there or have they been abandoned...

Knowledge on Construct, heroism, chronicle: 1d20 + 20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 20 + 2 + 2 = 44
Arcana is +28, Engineering is +12

Silver Crusade

Professor Baldeck Kaldosian wrote:
Is it an arcana or engineering to inspect the guardian?

Either or both is fine. :)

Silver Crusade

Obo Ibn Jad wrote:

Obo looks careully over the machines. Do we have any idea what might be at the mones? Are they active, will their be workers there or have they been abandoned...

[dice=Knowledge on Construct, heroism, chronicle]1d20+20+2+2
Arcana is +28, Engineering is +12

"Those mines were abandoned a long time ago. The Karggat Mine was among the first created in Martel's early days, and its winding underground passages once spanned acres of land. The ores drawn from the Karggat Mine were renowned for the unearthly green shimmer the minerals gave off. Operations came to a halt, however, when workers started getting sick for no obvious reason and dropping dead only days later. It wasn't long before the investors of these projects withdrew from the Karggat Hills, and in their fear of catching whatever ailment might be spreading, they destroyed entire passages and blocked off all the major entrances."

"The walls of the Karggat Mine are primarily rough-hewn stone, and the uneven ceiling reaches an average height of 20 feet—roughly the size of the slanted coal vein that drew miners here in the first place. The tunnels are supported by various stone and coal deposits the miners left as pillars."

"I wish I could tell you more, but Arvanor's disappearance means that any assumptions we had might be wrong."

Scarab Sages

male Wizard 9/Lore 7 | HP 115| AC 25; Touch 20; FF 21 | F +14; R +12; W +16 | CMB+7; CMD 27 | Speed 20 ft | Init +3 | Perc +2 | Stealth: +1 Wizard 9/Lore 7

Rogar looks at the construct.

Knowledge engineering: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (2) + 27 = 29

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human (Taldan) Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 18 - Init +3, Senses: All-Around Vision, Perception +20, AC 45/ touch 19/ ff 42; hp202/202 CMD (CE: add +5) 45 (63 vs. grap, 58 dis, 68 sund, 49 trip, 49 bull); F+21, R+14, W+15 (+3r vs poison/+1 vs. mind-control/possession), Speed 40 ft. Buffs: Fly, HuntBless, Hrsm, MndBlk, ProEvil, Hst (Sp 60 ft.), EnlPers), Antiplg/tox
Obo Ibn Jad wrote:
At the end of every day, assuming I have the spell slots free, Obo will cast life bubble on everyone individually (it will last 24 hours). I can also provide a delay poison and mage armour if you want it but you will have to provide your own lesser extend rod to get them to 24 hour duration.

I have just purchased a lesser extend rod for Theodric; he's pretty strong against poison normally, but he'll be happy to receive anything you have, especially protection from evil or magic circle vs. evil, as those have the side effect of providing deflection for him. Not sure if you can do additional Harrowings but if so, Theo would be thoroughly eager and willing to be part of the seance!

Knowledge Nobility on Eliza and other politics at work in the Mana Wastes: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

A tall, well-muscled Taldan man strolls in with the agility and balance of a great cat, and immediately heads for the dwarf, extending an arm to shake hands. Behind him stroll in porters, guards, accountants and other merchant caravan members, all heading towards their designated quarters to secure their respective rooms.

"Rogar you old fart! you managed to dislodge yourself out of the sands of Osirion long enough to plunk yourself on a ship? Marvelous! I would have come sooner would I have known they drafted you for this one! You heard of Torch since our brush with death and those blasted Sages of yours? and guess what: they made me a Venture-Captain along with that scoundrel Fandral over there! Bwahahahah!

To the rest of you, well met fellow agents. You can call me Theodric. I am pleased and delighted to meet you. I am truly honored to venture along such long-lived and experienced masters on behalf of the Pathfinder Society. If I can do anything to be of help in the immediate please do not hesitate to ask.

Finally, well met Minister Baratella! I am eager to help! If I may, would you mind briefing us on how magic dead this place really is? I'm hoping you're the most qualified in this land to separate facts from rumors, and consequently, allow us to properly prepare for the journey ahead."

Silver Crusade

Obo and Rogar confirm that Eliza Baratella was telling the truth and holding nothing back. In general, the giardians are hard to hit, hit hard, and are vulnerable to electricity. Gleaning any further information from the clockwork will necessitate a detailed inspection--taking several hours or days.

The minister greets Theodric with a polite nod. "The Mana Wastes are the devastated strip of land that lies between the once-warring nations of Nex and Geb. Their war turned the fields into a wasteland. It also altered how magic works in the region. There are areas devoid of magic; these are pockets where magic simply does not work at all. In other areas, the laws of reality themselves have been damaged, and magic becomes dangerously wild and unpredictable. This is known as primal magic, and it sometimes lashes the land with spontaneous waves of raw magical energy. These areas are not stable, often alternating between states of dead magic, primal magic, and normal magic. Another by-product of the war is that deadly monsters and mutants now roam the region."

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human (Taldan) Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 18 - Init +3, Senses: All-Around Vision, Perception +20, AC 45/ touch 19/ ff 42; hp202/202 CMD (CE: add +5) 45 (63 vs. grap, 58 dis, 68 sund, 49 trip, 49 bull); F+21, R+14, W+15 (+3r vs poison/+1 vs. mind-control/possession), Speed 40 ft. Buffs: Fly, HuntBless, Hrsm, MndBlk, ProEvil, Hst (Sp 60 ft.), EnlPers), Antiplg/tox

"Do magic swords and armor still work? that's pretty much all that concerns me, in regards to magic."

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

Obo grimaces at the description of the region, Well that all sounds awful. Well, I am ready to get on with things.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male Wizard 9/Lore 7 | HP 115| AC 25; Touch 20; FF 21 | F +14; R +12; W +16 | CMB+7; CMD 27 | Speed 20 ft | Init +3 | Perc +2 | Stealth: +1 Wizard 9/Lore 7

"Ah Theodric yes, long time no see. Yes I got all the sand out of my ears. I do miss the place. It's my home land. Congratulations on becoming a venture captain!" Rogar puffs on his cigar. He looks down at his pick.

At least if magic doesn't work. I have you

Dark Archive

| AC 39 T18 F28| HP 113/113 | CMD:25 | F:+16 R:+23 W:+15 | Init:+10 | Perception: +28 +1d6 + 5 traps
Session Resources:
Wands LS:1, HA:6 Clear ears, Blood-boiling pill, barbarian chew
Barkskin, Heroism, Mutagen, Reduce Person

Arcana: 1d20 + 22 + 1d6 ⇒ (14) + 22 + (6) = 42

Professor looks over his name about how the mana wastes interact withe weapon and other items.

"Oh we are with a venture captain. We are in good hands."

Silver Crusade

Theodric de LaMontagne wrote:
"Do magic swords and armor still work? that's pretty much all that concerns me, in regards to magic."

"Tough to say. It's so unpredictable. That's why we rely on tools like clockworks and firearms."

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human (Taldan) Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 18 - Init +3, Senses: All-Around Vision, Perception +20, AC 45/ touch 19/ ff 42; hp202/202 CMD (CE: add +5) 45 (63 vs. grap, 58 dis, 68 sund, 49 trip, 49 bull); F+21, R+14, W+15 (+3r vs poison/+1 vs. mind-control/possession), Speed 40 ft. Buffs: Fly, HuntBless, Hrsm, MndBlk, ProEvil, Hst (Sp 60 ft.), EnlPers), Antiplg/tox

"We'll have to make do I guess... luckily mine's a sturdy sword even without magic. Been trying to give her a name for the last few weeks now. Maybe this trip will trigger some inspiration? Minister, any chance we could borrow some of your most powerful firearms for this mission? do you have one that shoots lightning? I believe you said something about the clockworks being weak against them yes?"

The Exchange

Male CN Kelish Human Swashbuckler 8/ Gunslinger 5 | HP 134/134 Temp 26/26| AC 28(32 vs AOO); T 20; FF 18 | Fort +17; Ref +20; Will +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +10, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Grit/Panache 7/7 | Charmed Life: 4/4

Fandral looks over at Theodric as he mentions him, "A scoundrel, yet another title." He chuckles slightly. "Nice to meet you. A mutual friend has told me all about you combat prowess. Looking forward to working with you."

Silver Crusade

Any final prep before heading on to the airship?

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human (Taldan) Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 18 - Init +3, Senses: All-Around Vision, Perception +20, AC 45/ touch 19/ ff 42; hp202/202 CMD (CE: add +5) 45 (63 vs. grap, 58 dis, 68 sund, 49 trip, 49 bull); F+21, R+14, W+15 (+3r vs poison/+1 vs. mind-control/possession), Speed 40 ft. Buffs: Fly, HuntBless, Hrsm, MndBlk, ProEvil, Hst (Sp 60 ft.), EnlPers), Antiplg/tox

Theodric grabs two casks of ale and a filled waterskin from his caravan's stores before finalizing his packing.

"I'm sure I forgot something important, but that's the way it usually goes; Minister, any last minute suggestions for the road ahead? you know your own country better than any of us."

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

Obo gives a shrug, I think I probably have everything I might need. Once we reach the mines I will have some extra preparations and spells to cast but I think I am good. Hmm, one thing does occur to me, whats the water situation like out there. It may be worth packing up some regular supplies.

Obo will pick up a month of trail rations and some extra casks of water to store in his haversack just in case along with a level 1 scroll of hidden spring.

Silver Crusade

"I've told you what I know. At least, what I can think of. Maybe if we had more time and fewer pressing matters." She says this sincerely, and pauses to consider whilst a gaggle of engineers queue up behind her to receive orders and ask questions about the army of clockworks still stationed throughout the city.

"Perhaps you could put your ear to the streets on the way to the airship?"

On the way to the airship, the party gathers some information. (No rolls needed.) Given the limited timetable that your mission requires, the party can follow-up on any one numbered item below "for free." (Follow-up will require a roll.) You are welcome to follow-up on more than one thing; but, that may impact the timetable. Here's what you discover:

(1) The city--Alkenstar's booming population and relative safety from the prying eyes of Nex and Geb have attracted all manner of industrious and varied folk, including entrepreneurial engineers and traders, innovative metallurgists, and ragamuffin gangsters with little to lose.

(2) Blythir College--The only magical academy officially recognized by the Grand Duchy, Blythir College is much smaller than most centers for arcane study found throughout the Inner Sea region—due in part to the inherent danger of studying arcana anywhere in the Mana Wastes.

(3) Brass Guild--The famous clockwork sentries that watch over and protect the majority of Alkenstar, the Brass Guardians are a wonder of technology that can be attributed almost solely to Eliza Baratella (NG female human expert 12) and her small coalition of like-minded engineers, the Brass Guild. Originally designed in 4685 ar to face the mounting threat of mutants crawling out of the recently abandoned Ironside Quarter, these automatons were found to be so successful in protecting Alkenstar that they are now distributed throughout the entire city.

(4) Espara's Paladins--One of the several criminal gangs that hold sway in the seedy underbelly of Alkenstar, Espara’s Paladins is anything but the group of chivalrous knights its name might suggest. Instead, its members include mishandled outcasts, frustrated orphans, unrepentant bullies, and even a few violent human mutants.

(5) Lithos Clan--The enigmatic Lithos Clan is an exclusive collective of metallurgists operated entirely independently of Alkenstar’s Gunworks. The clan’s unwillingness to share its discoveries with the Gunworks inspires no small amount of tension between the factions, but none can deny the metallurgical mastery of the clan’s finely crafted inventions.

(6) Shieldmarshals--Alkenstar’s elite police force, the shieldmarshals, is a marvel of military and organizational prowess. That the hero Alkenstar was able to instigate such a law agency in the disorderly Mana Wastes is a noteworthy feat in itself; on top of that, the Grand Duchy pushes forth the resources to equip each one of these professional gunslingers with a firearm to call his or her own while on the line of duty.

The Exchange

N Samsaran Witch 14 Init +15 | HP 134/114 | AC20 T12 FF18 | Fort +17, Reflex +17, Will +22, +2 vs death, +5 vs disease | CMD 16 | Perception +35 | Sense Motive +29
Spells 6|5|5|7|7|4|3; Conduit Surge 3|3; Reroll 1|1; Int rod 3|3
Conditions: FoM, Delay Poison, Images 6

Could we split up and follow multiple leads?

Silver Crusade

Obo Ibn Jad wrote:
Could we split up and follow multiple leads?

You could.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human (Taldan) Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 18 - Init +3, Senses: All-Around Vision, Perception +20, AC 45/ touch 19/ ff 42; hp202/202 CMD (CE: add +5) 45 (63 vs. grap, 58 dis, 68 sund, 49 trip, 49 bull); F+21, R+14, W+15 (+3r vs poison/+1 vs. mind-control/possession), Speed 40 ft. Buffs: Fly, HuntBless, Hrsm, MndBlk, ProEvil, Hst (Sp 60 ft.), EnlPers), Antiplg/tox

Doesn't mean that we should; my fighter has no way to prevent scrying attempts, serious mind control and other high-level shennanigans on his own... and some of you may want a meat shield on their side, when walking in the crowds out there... all by themselves... ;)

Scarab Sages

male Wizard 9/Lore 7 | HP 115| AC 25; Touch 20; FF 21 | F +14; R +12; W +16 | CMB+7; CMD 27 | Speed 20 ft | Init +3 | Perc +2 | Stealth: +1 Wizard 9/Lore 7

Rogar puffs on his cigar.

"Putting an ear to the street isn't my mug of ale as they say...Can anyone get some info?"

Sovereign Court

Male CG Human (Taldan) Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 18 - Init +3, Senses: All-Around Vision, Perception +20, AC 45/ touch 19/ ff 42; hp202/202 CMD (CE: add +5) 45 (63 vs. grap, 58 dis, 68 sund, 49 trip, 49 bull); F+21, R+14, W+15 (+3r vs poison/+1 vs. mind-control/possession), Speed 40 ft. Buffs: Fly, HuntBless, Hrsm, MndBlk, ProEvil, Hst (Sp 60 ft.), EnlPers), Antiplg/tox

"Same here, unless intimidation and power of presence is required... the more honey tongued members of our group may want to investigate the College and the Clan, however, as I do not think we can gain more info from the Minister and her Brass Guild."

The Exchange

Male CN Kelish Human Swashbuckler 8/ Gunslinger 5 | HP 134/134 Temp 26/26| AC 28(32 vs AOO); T 20; FF 18 | Fort +17; Ref +20; Will +10 | Init: +10 | Perc: +10, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Grit/Panache 7/7 | Charmed Life: 4/4

Fandral will head out and try to get some more information on the Lithos Clan.

"They already butt heads with the Guild, might as well check these guys out."

Dark Archive

| AC 39 T18 F28| HP 113/113 | CMD:25 | F:+16 R:+23 W:+15 | Init:+10 | Perception: +28 +1d6 + 5 traps
Session Resources:
Wands LS:1, HA:6 Clear ears, Blood-boiling pill, barbarian chew
Barkskin, Heroism, Mutagen, Reduce Person

"I can talk either truthfully or full of falsehoods. I also have a working knowledge of most things. Try where your strengths lie and I can run clean up and try my hand at the rest."

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