About Theodric de LaMontagneThe Right Hon. Earl of Ravensford, Lord Theodric De LaMontagne,
Venture-Captain - Pathfinder Lodge [25PP] Height of Fashion[2PP] -->+3 diplomacy vs. human nobles, politicians and aristocrats Lion Blade[1PP] -->disguise is class skill Noble Title[1PP] -->'Earl' and knowledge nobility is class skill Country Estate[20PP] -->+2 knowledge geography and survival in Taldor Seneschal[2PP] --> "Mister Carson, Butler" Caravan[5PP] -->intimidate as day job roll Lookout[4PP] -->follower with Perception check equal to character level. Boons:
*indicates one time boon which will be crossed off after use
-Yagevna Family: when in Irrisen, you gain a +2 circ bonus on all diplomacy rolls -"The Inward-Facing Circle": +2 circ bonus on kn. the planes in regards to devils (1 min). -Maren Fuln: +2 circ bonus on kn. arcana in Absalom -*Chelish Embassy of Absalom: one free divination spell in Egorian. -Andoren Embassy: considered upstanding free citizen of the Republic. -*Master of Shadows: +5 circ bonus on any kn. check regarding shadow plane/magic. -*Revolutionary Bluster: +5 circ bonus on disguise or bluff against someone from Galt. -Stavian's Secret: permanent +2 bonus on kn. nobility checks. -*Perfect Defense: immediate action, +4 comp bonus to CMD until end next turn. -Ghostly Defiance: permanent +1 bonus on Will saves vs. possession or mind-control; 1/day as immediate action gain the Slippery Mind rogue talent for 1 round if you fail a Will save against possession or mind-control. -Steeled Resolve: permanent +2 morale bonus on saves vs. fear; 1/day as standard action, suppress any fear effect for 1 min - during this minute, any additional fear effects are also suppressed. -Prince of Wolves: +2 bonus on diplomacy and intimidate vs. lycanthropes; intimidate DC for a lycanthrope to demoralize you is 2 higher than normal. -*Opportunistic Strike: immediate action, bypass demon's DR by amount equal to BAB on a single attack. -Concern for Liberty: whenever you receive more than one Will save to overcome an enchantment (compulsion) effect, you gain a +2 bonus on the extra Will saves against that effect. -Impressive Influence: highly esteemed by members of Absalom society. -Savior Knowledge: 1/scenario in Absalom or Osirion +5 insight bonus to knowledge check (*****knowledge check with bonus equal to char.levelx2 sent instantly via mental magic communication) -Torch's Respect: +2 circ. bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate with Torch and his agents (*if you die against Torch or his agents, cross off boon to return to life with 0 hit points at the end of the encounter; this can also cancel the Reckless Revenge boon off another chronicle sheet) -***Forge Blessing: CL = Char Level for bull's strength, make whole, stone shape (one box); stoneskin (two boxes); iron body or stone to flesh (three boxes). -Power of the Giants: enlarge person (self only) as spell-like ability (1/day; CL 2nd) -Power of the Giants 2: Frost Giant (gain cold resistance 4 while enlarge person is active, and first melee or thrown attack in each round deals an additional 1d6 pts. of cold dmg., which does not stack with a weapon's frost property) -**Bane of Urgathoa: undead bane ghost touch crit multiplier +1 for one attack. -Venture-Captain: +5 PP & +2 bonus to single ability score for: Maaldrek, 4456-22 -***Alchemist Ally: standard action to throw a ranged alchemist bomb +15 (6d6+4 fire); 10 fire splash dmg (Ref DC 19 for 1/2 dmg) -Clockwork Spy: this tiny construct is named 'Will-O-Bie' and now serves Theodric and counts as though it were available on the Additional Resources page. -*****Hero of Multhok: +5 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (local) or Diplomacy to gather information; you may also check off boxes to proportionally reduce the PP cost to have body recovered by rescue team. -*Survivor of the Wastes: +4 insight bonus to touch AC and +2 insight bonus on Reflex saves for 1 minute; can end effect earlier as immediate action to deflect a projectile as per Deflect Arrow or Missile Shield feats. -Alkenstar Hero (additional XPs, PPs and gold) -*Gemstone Bounty: receive up to 10 precious gems with combined worth of 10,000gp (none worth less than 500gp) or 5,000gp. -Quake Cannon Aftershock: standard action to create miniature earthquake in a 10-foot radius and maximum range of 100 feet OR deal 5d6 sonic dmg to a construct within 100 feet and stunning it for 1 round (DC 15 Fort negates the stun). Gear Mithral Fullplate +5, Bashing Poison-resistant Buckler +5, Adamantine Impervious Keen Falcata +5, Arachnid Goggles, Belt of Physical Might +6 (STR/CON), Headband of Mental Prowess +6 (INT/WIS), +1 Adaptive Composite Longbow, Spell-like Abilities
Ioun Stones:
Main power / Resonant power:
clear spindle: sustain without food/water / protection vs. evil 1/day CL 12th. dusty rose prism: +1 insight to AC / +1 insight to CMB. scarlet and green cabochon: Endurance feat / +5 bonus on Constitution checks made to stabilize. mundane stuff:
MW backpack, MW cold iron falcata, falcata, dagger x3, alchemical silver light hammer x2, cold iron throwing axe x2, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap (not on a rope), soap (on a rope, if in Cheliax), torches (10), trail rations (5 days), bag of apples, bag of MW candies and a waterskin; Jewelry (30gp); Gold-embroidered Pathfinder Cloak (10gp); beer mug; bottle of wine; climber's kit; disguise kit; breaker's kit; spelunking kit; pavillion tent. Arrows:
1 durable adamantine arrow; (61gp) 10 silver flight arrows; (21gp) 20 blunt arrows; (20gp) 40 cold iron flight arrows. (8gp) Potions:
invisibility x3, cure moderate wounds x2, protection vs. evil x4, protection from evil CL 3rd x4, spider climb x3, cure light wounds x9, feather step x6, grease x5, jump x2, fly x2, touch of the sea CL3 x2, air bubble CL3 x2 Alchemical:
antitoxin x Scrolls:
remove disease x2 Fluff:
With a colorful past and failed attempts at fame and acting, Theodric finally accepted his destiny and focused on what he does best: sword fighting. Coming from humble beginnings, he struggled to gain acceptance and tutelage with the Rondelero Duelists of Taldor, but his hard work, skill and complete lack of political acuity resulted in widespread acceptance in the end. In Taldor, who wouldn't like to have an actual friend on his or her side, instead of having yet another accessory to scheming or plotting? And so it was that he also joined the Lion Blades, out of skill and dedication, and not because of his maneuvering of the political or criminal elements of Taldor. After joining the Pathfinder Society, he was part of a series of very successful expeditions, which brought money and fame, and he now enjoys the spoils of his effort in his country estate near Eagle's Head in the Prefecture of Kazuhn, overseeing the affairs of the County of Ravensford, a large tract of land overlapping no less than 4 duchies. When not in residence playing the role of sounding board for the Dukes and Duchesses of Kazuhn or providing reassurances to Grand Duchess Mellea Denzarni, he is normally in his Oppara offices or abroad managing his mercantile consortium, the Avistan Exploration Caravan. Affiliations: Taldan Rondelero Weaponsmaster Consultant for the Lion Blades, Owner of Avistan Exploration Caravan and Freedom Country Estates (est. 4701, Oppara), The Right Hon. Earl of Ravensford (County of Ravensford, Prefecture of Kazuhn, Taldor). |