The Witchwar Legacy (Inactive)

Game Master Sedoriku


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The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

It sounds like the plan is to use Pur’s communal air walk and fly up to the village, is why I ask, so far Purs, Wynn, and Sentry would need to split the duration.

Or we could go another way with the Aether elemental and Feather fall.

fastball special! wrote:
Telekinetic Throw (Ex) An aether elemental can fling a creature or object (with a maximum range of 480 feet). A creature receives a Fortitude save to avoid being thrown (the save DC is Constitution-based). The telekinetic throw deals the listed damage to both the thrown creature or object and the target. The aether elemental can throw a creature or object that weighs at most 50 pounds per Hit Die the elemental possesses.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Yeah, 800 lbs is not going to get a destrier.
Communal Air Walk sounds good.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Ah but the fun of tossing everyone else might be worth it for them! That would be a cool use of the elemental and a first level spell or two. I think Gillian's fly is still active as well.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

I can cast Overland Flight from my armor and shield combo.

Grand Lodge

male Cleric 16 HP 120 | AC 34; Touch 14; FF 32 | F +15; R +8; W +20 | CMB +12; CMD 25 | Speed 20 ft | Init +0 | Perc +9 | Stealth: -2 cleric 16

I'll cast com air walk that's fine.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

@Gillian The GM said I detected magic, and could make a linguistics/perception check OR "Additionally, other was to magically translate or magnify the sigil could bring the information to light.". So I thought both of us working on it may bring a faster resolution.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

On the question of the hardness of my arrows, the arrows are made of adamantine so they have a hardness of 20. It could be argued that the whole arrow isn’t made of adamantine, but that is true of most weapons. An adamantine axe still has a wooden shaft so it should be easy to sunder, but for simplicity and to reduce cheese the whole weapon is given the hardness of its metal. Ehh, it’s up to you how you want to rule it.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Elf Arcane Archer 9/ Fighter 6 / Wizard 1 | HP 130/130 Temp 18/18| AC 31 T 22 FF 23 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +17, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +10 | Perc: +22 (LLV & DV 60'), SM: +1 | Speed 60ft | Diviner's Fortune:7/7; Seeker Arrow: 3/3; Phase Arrow: 2/2; Arcane Bond: 0/1; GM Reroll: 0/1 | Spells: Listed in Profile

@Molly, the only argument I've seen, and have used, in the past about that sort of thing.

If you are shooting an arrow against a thing with shatter, the metal(adamantine) arrow head makes contact with the thing. Meaning you arrowheads hardness makes contact and not the shaft.

Now if someone wants to sunder the arrow, for what ever reason, it could target the wooden shaft for an easier break.

But, not my call to make.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Right adamantine is hardness 20! I forgot that. I see the arrow shaft argument but however these games are not run for realism, else there would me more focus on called shots or targeting certain areas of the body, so the hardness of the arrowhead can count for the entire weapon. Maybe an argument could be made for sundering but I doubt these constructs will care about that.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

A stitch in time saves nine,
But what loop will the witch queen heed?
In pointless slaughter
The Old Crone’s daughter
A hapless mob did lead.
Now she sits in tomb that’s frozen,
The traitors’ blood all spilled
Upon the path that she had chosen,
Enthroned with collar gild.
Ringed in steel, three loops times nine
Prized from the luckless seat,
Supplicants kneel, of porcelain fine,
The banished queen to meet.
It matters not who’s dared to come
The demon’s soul to claim,
The weak shall die, the strongest live
And forever more remain.

OK. Thoughts on this riddle, since I have had days to think about it:

1) A stitch in time saves nine, is there something on the clock where the number 9 would normally be? That part could be a bit literal.

2) The Old Crone’s daughter, a hapless mob did lead. These statues might represent the hapless mob? They might replace themselves with this revolving track thing and killing them might be pointless. We don't see piles of stone chips near this statue factory.

3) Now she sits in tomb that’s frozen. That line is so obvious that it might have a double meaning but I might be overthinking it.

4) The weak shall die, the strongest live and forever more remain. It doesn't say the strong shall live, but the strongest. A single person. Maybe that relates to a guardian? But the strongest will remain, why? Maybe there is a trial somewhere in this place and it is a trap?

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

One more thought on point 1, is there a part of the clock that looks stitched together? I'm also blanking what could be prized from a 'luckless seat'.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

I will tell you that you skipped to the end there and there's quite a lot more to the structure that you haven't explored.

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

I apologize for the low activity, since July 1, my business will finally be allowed to open after restrictions due to covid. Suddenly, a large number of organizational issues fell on my shoulders. I hope to return to normal mode next week! This week I will answer as best I can.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

Maybe if more statues aren't coming out we should come back to it after we explore more?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Okay, this poem...

There are several references to rings and loops (and maybe that "collar" reference also ties in, as well as "stitch," which uses loops). Possibly 27 steel rings around the throne (the "luckless seat") of which one is the right choice.
"Prized" does have an alternative and lesser-used meaning of "pried", so the rings could be taken from the throne and made out of its material.
But if using the more common definition, then "prized" is "valued," such as how supplicants are valued by whoever sits on a throne. I think "pried" is the right meaning here, but am not sure.

Why are the supplicants porcelain? Were they created that way as statues, or is there a Flesh to Stone trap?

I have a feeling that passage about the steel rings is important but we haven't come across it yet. I don't think the riddle is entirely about this clock structure here, but about the entire complex.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺
~ Gillian ~ wrote:
I apologize for the low activity, since July 1, my business will finally be allowed to open after restrictions due to covid. Suddenly, a large number of organizational issues fell on my shoulders. I hope to return to normal mode next week! This week I will answer as best I can.

No worries! I know life has been getting busy for many people recently with things opening up and starting up again.

Sir Hendric the Vigilant wrote:

Okay, this poem...

There are several references to rings and loops (and maybe that "collar" reference also ties in, as well as "stitch," which uses loops). Possibly 27 steel rings around the throne (the "luckless seat") of which one is the right choice.
"Prized" does have an alternative and lesser-used meaning of "pried", so the rings could be taken from the throne and made out of its material.
But if using the more common definition, then "prized" is "valued," such as how supplicants are valued by whoever sits on a throne. I think "pried" is the right meaning here, but am not sure.

Why are the supplicants porcelain? Were they created that way as statues, or is there a Flesh to Stone trap?

I have a feeling that passage about the steel rings is important but we haven't come across it yet. I don't think the riddle is entirely about this clock structure here, but about the entire complex.

(・_・ )( ・_・) You might be onto something here.

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

Guys, I sincerely apologize. It's been an incredibly difficult two weeks. I'm doing well now and I'm back in the game. I'm sorry if you had to wait for me (I hope not).

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Glad to see you're back, you missed an extremely one-sided giant skewering and not too much else!

I can tell you he was supposed to try bull-rushing people into the fountain and then fight from in there, but you out-maneuvered him and he had no stealth bonus to speak of. (Which kind of ruins the 'hide and surprise' tactic that was supposed to happen?)

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

Well, at least he was funny )

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

Yeah, Hendric is well positioned to win single combat (well, not really single, he has a mount too...). Hendric's hit and run shtick also ruined the tactic because he didn't have to end his turn adjacent.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

Yes, I used giant flying centaurs in one of the Giantslayer books when I GMed it for the local seekers group. I gave them a standard cavalry feats and fight was in the outdoors. Only magic and clever readied actions could stop this.

Btw, I think that cavalier is one of the best classes in the game. It is beautiful from the point of view of the role-playing game, as it perfectly recreates the horror (usually the last in his life) that a person should have experienced when a horseman with a lance rushes into him. That is, the mechanics work to create an image, not just powerful options. As it should be.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

I love the cavalier class, in part for that image of the shock and power of a heavy cavalry charge (although there are also appealing builds that are light cavalry or even unmounted). It does tend to make me a bit of a traditionalist about the class - I am not a big fan of Small cavaliers nor of unusual mounts - because evoking that historical/legendary image is a big part of the appeal to me.

Sir Hendric is not as effective as a fighter if he has to stand toe-to-toe and trade full attacks, but he's got more skills and team-boosting abilities, and he is devastating when he gets the opportunity to charge. I used to always forget the free maneuver from Mighty Charge, but that is great - if a foe survives the charge (which actually is the norm for many foes at this level), he is probably prone or disarmed, with Sir Hendric 40' away or so. I think if he could charge 100% of the time it would be boring, so I don't get too frustrated if sometimes that is not an option.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

I was surprised but not too surprised to see how mcuh damage that lance could do. I'M GMed for a level 8~9 cavalier before and he did similiarish for the level damage (fully loaded out rhino.) I was surprised by how efficiently that was handled and how under powered the CR 17 giant was.

As a Cassisian Angel, Bubbles has under his Senses an ability that acts as Detect Evil similar to devils having Truesight. He is not casting a spell, but at this level anything that is looking at him would know what he is and what he can do. If there is an illusion effect it could be argued that he would need to make a Will Save in order to see it, that is up to you.

Okay now this is an interesting question. Personally I would argue that the detect alignment would normally return no result on an object, as there are few objects with alignments. The illusion would also not return any aura as it wouldn't have an alignment (unless I'm missing something about caster's alignment being present in a spell), thus as the illusion is an 'object' not registering would be normal, would it not? Thus, personally, it wouldn't be interacting, but I am well aware I could be wrong here. Thus I am asking you guys.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

Break DCs. What to do with them. I’ve been poking around and I haven’t been able to find anything on how to lower or raise them. It’s odd that it doesn’t give you a break DC or say that it is treated like a Wall of Stone with a certain caster level.

The DC to break the stone has to be less, otherwise the opposite would be true and breaking 3 feet of stone would be just as hard as breaking 30 feet of stone. Without any guidance on how to do this, I’m happy to just ignore this and say that I didn’t hit the break DC it or that I did not attempt to break the bars.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

The Wall of Stone DC looks about right. 20+2 per inch.
So 6 inches would be a DC 32.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Yeah, in the absence of something more appropriate, I'd say using the Wall of Stone DCs is fine. Especially as those would normally add up to significantly more than DC 50 at 36 inches, meaning it's probably higher than it ought to be.

Grand Lodge

male Cleric 16 HP 120 | AC 34; Touch 14; FF 32 | F +15; R +8; W +20 | CMB +12; CMD 25 | Speed 20 ft | Init +0 | Perc +9 | Stealth: -2 cleric 16

I'm running games at GenCon online the next few days please bot me as needed.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

sorry, I've been swamped with work lately. I should have a solution for this... there is always an appropriate summon.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

I'm so sorry to keep you guys waiting, I got out of my daily habits and forgot to post here for a few days! I'll get us moving along in a few minutes!

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

So sorry to keep you guys waiting! I had a week off of work and it is a big part of my daily routine and messed it up heavily. I'l be okay with pressing on if you guys are still okay with playing. Does anyone have any plans for their characters in the immediate future?

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Elf Arcane Archer 9/ Fighter 6 / Wizard 1 | HP 130/130 Temp 18/18| AC 31 T 22 FF 23 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +17, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +10 | Perc: +22 (LLV & DV 60'), SM: +1 | Speed 60ft | Diviner's Fortune:7/7; Seeker Arrow: 3/3; Phase Arrow: 2/2; Arcane Bond: 0/1; GM Reroll: 0/1 | Spells: Listed in Profile

No plans with this character

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

This is the last game for this character (not counting possibly getting a 20 level in that strange scenario in the finale of one of the PFS seasons). So no, I'm in absolutely no hurry.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

I might eventually get to play Sir Hendric in the Moonscar module, but at the moment there are no immediate plans for him.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

No immediate plans

Grand Lodge

male Cleric 16 HP 120 | AC 34; Touch 14; FF 32 | F +15; R +8; W +20 | CMB +12; CMD 25 | Speed 20 ft | Init +0 | Perc +9 | Stealth: -2 cleric 16

Sorry I'm here was swamped over the weekend

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

An invisible evil? I’m interested, but finding it really isn’t my specialty.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Invisible or at least not currently visible.

Also I realize my post in response to Purs didn't get posted properly. Don't worry Purs things have been busy for most people recently!

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Will wait until after Dear, Gillian, Peter, and Wynn before I take my turn.

Sir Hendric can handle incorporeals 1-on-1 (slowly whittling them down and using Snake Style), but tackling five of them is pretty likely suicide.

If the other PCs can thin their ranks in some way, he will engage, otherwise he will fall back to within Gillian's Undeath Ward effect. He knows his weaknesses.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

In case anyone is unfamiliar with holy aura it has the following benefits.

PFSRD wrote:

First, each warded creature gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saves. Unlike protection from evil, this benefit applies against all attacks, not just against attacks by evil creatures.

Second, each warded creature gains spell resistance 25 against evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures.
Third, the abjuration protects the recipient from possession and mental influence, just as protection from evil does.
Finally, if an evil creature succeeds on a melee attack against a creature warded by a holy aura, the offending attacker is blinded (Fortitude save negates, as blindness/deafness, but against holy aura’s save DC).

I suspect Sentry will see the largest benefit (to its saving throw), but it could help your AC/saves (and you get SR to boot).

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

Well, it’s been over 2 weeks since anyone has posted. If people do want to play at this slower pace that’s fine and I have nothing against that, but I will want to play this character in something else in the future and I have found there is a road to level 20. I understand that I recently stated that I was OK with continuing to play and I don’t want immediately change my mind but if this is the new pace of the game I think it would be best if I stepped away.

If this is just a temporary thing and reality has forced a break I understand and would be happy to continue once things have been sorted out. If this needed break was stated and I missed the memo, simply directe me to that statement and disregard this message.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

Botting people is really tough at this level since they have so many options (especially casters like Purs and Gillian) but we really do need to get this moving.

Purs, Gillian, if you are around, please post.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Sorry, there was not a specified break, but I stopped and waited for the last two to post and then got swamped in real life and the table of the special I was running. I've finished up the table and given chronicles, but just wasn't ready to hop back into this. I do want to finish it up, and I've been thinking about how to get this game going again.

First I'm going to put in a stricter botting/delaying policy of 48 hours! Second, I'm going to make this my posting priority, now there are no other games to finish up. Third, I might get a summarization post up after the combat to remind everyone where they are. If there are any other suggestions you have to get this back on track or to keep it moving, I'd love to hear it.

As for the current combat, the undead are really not going to be able to do a dang thing, Gillian's spell keeps them back and away so you could just pick them off with magic weapons, the demon above is the only worry. I'm going to say his foam 'cover' is gone from next round (as that was probably not helping speed this up at all.) Also given the amazing perceptions everyone has, I think it's safe to tell you guys there's nothing here besides these enemies.

Sorry this has been moving so slow, but let's get it moving again!

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

If Purs and Gillian are truly gone, should we look to replace them?
It feels like we are still pretty early in the module.

Dark Archive

f CG aasimar Sorcerer 20 | HP 160/160 | AC 27 T 19 FF 23 | CMD 27 | F+17 R+17 W+20 | Init +12 | Perc +29

Hello everyone I'm ready to get back in the game. I have problems with games when there are rarely new posts and pauses are counted in days - to be honest, it just falls out of focus. I can dive into work for a week and miss that something new appears here. It's not very good of me, but it's worth admitting.

I propose to resume the activity that we had at the beginning and I am ready to support it in every possible way on my own.

Also, if anything, I ALWAYS agree to botting me in 24 hours (not 48!) and ask you to do so. Usually just waiting in a safe place will be fatal for my character.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

I completely understand where you are coming from Gillian... Hrmm would everyone be okay with trying to push for a post a day type of schedule? I could probably keep pace with that readily (minus a few weekends here and there). It'd mean having people posting more regularly, and I would defeinitely have to get more aggressive about botting or having someone bot a character, but it is doable.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Cavalier 17 | AC 37 T 16 FF 34 CMD 41 | HP 174/174 | Horse 119/119 | F+21 R+16 W+18 | Init +4 | Per +35 |Active: Magic Vestment (Shield)

I can definitely post daily and would like that schedule.

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Okay that's two for a faster game..

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Archer 5 / Darechaser 10 / Unchained Rogue 2 | HP 110/110 | AC 34(30), TAC 18, FFAC 29(25), 34 CMD | +17 Fort , +21 Reflex, +15 Will | +5 Init | 14 Rounds of Adrenaline | Conditions: Detect Evil, Know Direction, Trapfinding +25, Evasion |

I am cool with that.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Elf Arcane Archer 9/ Fighter 6 / Wizard 1 | HP 130/130 Temp 18/18| AC 31 T 22 FF 23 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +17, R: +20, W: +14 | Init: +10 | Perc: +22 (LLV & DV 60'), SM: +1 | Speed 60ft | Diviner's Fortune:7/7; Seeker Arrow: 3/3; Phase Arrow: 2/2; Arcane Bond: 0/1; GM Reroll: 0/1 | Spells: Listed in Profile

I can usually manage a post per 24 hours.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Tiefling Cleric 1, Wizard 5, Mystic Theurge 10 | HP 129/129 12temp | AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +21 R +16 W +26; evasion; SR 13 vs evil | Init +13 | Perc +30, Sense Motive +28 | Speed 30ft, fly 40ft | Copycat 6/6, Shift 16/16, l quicken 1/3, extend 3/3, l extend 3/3 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, mage armor, mind blank, invisibility, heroism

I typically can post within 24. Please feel free to delay me generally if not (and my summons can do whatever you'd like).

Unfortunately the Deva is pretty unlikely to hit with his flaming greatsword, so holy smite is his best bet.

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