GM Numbat PFS2 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road (Inactive)

Game Master numbat1

PFS2 1-06

Professor Plum +1, Deevor, and Qstor have reserved places as long as they check-in by the end of this week.

Recruitment is open for the final two seats. Please post your application below. Some priority will be given to newer players.

Please be aware, though this game is not scheduled to be super fast, I expect at least one post per day that progresses the story. I encourage co-operation and good, fun roleplay.

The game is likely to pause for Origins Online/Concurrent and possibly other major events.

Radiant Oath

Hello, Rysky here wishing to submit Saturday, Champion of Arazni.

I had a wonderful experience with Numbat running my first P2FS game and heard good things about this scenario so thought it would be fun to play.

Horizon Hunters

I'm not a new player and don't mind being bumped. I've played this scenario before and run it twice, but I wouldn't mind testing out this new character, a spirit barbarian.

He's a former "fortune teller" scam artist, who accidentally summoned some spirits who now possess him and make him atone for his misdeeds.

Radiant Oath

(Low priority player here)

Tao is a Varisian through and through, eldest of five rascals. She'll just be arriving back from Katapesh, having stared down the mouth of a lion not once - but twice! - and lived to tell the tale. A worshipper of a god of magic, she brings upbeat cheer, music, and jokes during times of peace, and mixed martial / magical skill during times of conflict.

Level One Warpriest of Chaotic Good alignment.

Verdant Wheel

I am a new player as this would be my first attempt at playing by post. I am not at all looking for that to gain me a special spot by any means.

Xathiel is a druid of the Wild order who, after centuries of interacting with civilization, has finally taken it upon himself to advocate for the beings of the natural world. He has become a fixture in Absalom, much to his distaste, as he attempts to use the legal system to gain recognition for beings that are normally overlooked by society. After several...incidents...of vandalism at some local farms and ranches he joined the Pathfinder society as member of the Verdant Wheel.

Xathiel is a second level Wild Druid of Lawful Neutral alignment with the Bard dedication.

Liberty's Edge

I'm down for a replay. I understand I'd be low priority as well.

Cooking up a character now.

Envoy's Alliance

I am also not a new player but I would like to be in this game. I just need to upload his character sheet but for now he is an Elven Thief Rogue.

Horizon Hunters

This is Feral's character.

Usnei is a traveling storyteller and acolyte of Nethys that comes from humble roots. Through his adventures with the Pathfinder Society he hopes to be better understand the nature of magic and grow closer to his patron. Though he lacks the physical gifts or raw magical prowess of many of his peers, Usnei makes up for it by supporting his fellow Pathfinders whenever possible.

Useni is a maestro bard that's leans pretty heavily into being dedicated support.

Horizon Hunters

Greetings from Professor Plum. Thanks to Numbat for running.

Adrian has traveled a long way from his island home off the coast of Tian Xia. With a strong, athletic build, he's well-versed in martial arts and is a devout follower of Irori. Following the Master's teachings, Adrian practices discipline and order, and he takes his religious vows very seriously. Years of practicing his katas has translated into his becoming an accomplished performer, primarily dance. But he'll also be found strumming his sitar while meditating. As a Pathfinder, he strives to uphold the law while gathering information of the Inner Sea region in his ever-growing compendium.

Horizon Hunters

Jayma checking in. I am Professor Plum's +1.

Jayma is gnome noble princess from Brastlewark. A granddaughter of Drum Thornfiddle, King of the Gnomes. Young and beautiful, but with an awkward proclivity for magic, and a wanderlust that conflicted with her duties as a gnomish princess. Upon the ascendancy of Abrogail Thrune II to the throne of Cheliax in 4709, she slipped away from Brastlewark to avoid a potentially untimely death in the purge of non-Diabolists that followed. Has been adventuring around Golarion as a Pathfinder ever since. Generally avoids entering Cheliax, and absolutely avoids going anywhere near Brastlewark, in case she is recognized and returned to the court.

Horizon Hunters


PFS 2072-2002
Horizon Hunters

I'm 3rd now. I'll update. (edited)

I have a campaign coin, I'd like to slot as a boon.

Thanks Numbat for running.

I have a 1st level PC too that I can play if we're "pushed" higher.

Envoy's Alliance

Character has been uploaded. Azriel is an expatriate from Hermea, though he hesitates to say why he was ousted. Though it has given him a chip on his shoulder that has lingered for a very long time. He is very good at "acquisitions" and sees being a Pathfinder as a job and nothing more. May be snippy to people and has a lack of sense of humor.

Vigilant Seal

Deevor checking in, can use this champion or a cleric, both are ready and willing to go, both level 1.

Granitt is going through a little rebuild which will be complete before we start, as it's a level 1 character still.

Radiant Oath

Tao will bow - ya'll have fun!

More response than I was expecting. I may consider a second table. I will leave recruitment open until at least Friday, as indicated.

Liberty's Edge

I would love to get a chance to play at one you tables. If you do get a second table going, let me know.

Liberty's Edge

GM Numbat wrote:

More response than I was expecting. I may consider a second table. I will leave recruitment open until at least Friday, as indicated.


I have a level 1 I can use too if need be.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have made the very difficult decision to stick with one table. I may be willing to run another fairly soon but do not want to overcommit and provide a poor experience for everyone.

Professor Plum - Adrian
Palandri - Jayma
Deevor - Granitt
Qstor - Harsk
Rysky - Saturday
notpsychoyet - Xathiel

We will start the game Monday.

Please have your characters ready to play. I do ask that I can easily find any information fairly easily.

If you have played or GMed this scenario previously please let me know.

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