Sabina Merrin

Saturday's page

135 posts. Organized Play character for Rysky.


HP 21/21 | AC 17| F +7 R +4 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +4 |


Speed 25 | Focus 2/2 | Hero 1/3 |Active Conditions: ---


CG Male Human Liberator 1 |





Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

About Saturday

PFS Information:

PFS Number: 121682-2001

Experience: 4

Fame: 4

Gold: 14.5

Training: Swords (3)

Major Factions

Envoy’s Alliance:

Grand Archive:

Horizon Hunters:

Vigilant Seal:

Minor Factions

Radiant Oath: 4

Verdant Wheel:

All Faction Reputation

Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 4

Purchased Boons (use this for boons bought w/ Fame, which don’t come w/ a Chronicle)

(Faction) Champion (Faction) (0 Fame) (the Champion boon for your first faction is free)

Boon #2 (type) (cost)


Ethnicity: Kellid

Nationality: Lastwall

Birthplace: Ustalav

Age: 22

Gender & Pronouns: Male

Height: 6’4


Physical Appearance:

Human (Versatile)

Cursed Family

Champion; Level: 1; Experience: 0

Medium Humanoid Human

CG; Arazni

Languages: Taldane, Hallit



Perception: 4 ((1) + (2)+ (0)) [T]

Special Senses:





AC: 17 (10 + (1) + (2) + (4)) [T]

Shield: +## Hardness # Max HP ## / BT # Current HP ##

Unarmored: [T], Light: [T], Medium: [T], Heavy: [T]


Fortitude: 7 ((2) + (4) + (0)) [E]

Reflex: 4 ((1) + (2) + (0)) [T]

Will: 6 ((1) + (4) + (0)) [E]

Notes: (conditional modifiers, reactions, resistances, immunities, etc.)



Class DC: 14 (10 + (1) + (2) + (0)) [T]

Speed: 25 Movement Types: saunter

Melee Strikes

Greatsword +7 ((4) + (2) + (0) [T]

damage (1d12 + (4)) {S} (Versatile P)

Fauchard +7 ((4) + (2) + (0) [T]

damage (1d8 + (4)) {S} (Deadly d8, Reach 10 ft, Sweep, Trip)

Hatchet +7 ((4) + (2) + (0) [T]

damage (1d6 + (4)) {S} (Agile, Sweep, Thrown 10 ft)

Light Hammer +7 ((4) + (2) + (0) [T]

damage (1d6 + (4)) {B} (Agile, Thrown 20 ft)

Ranged Strikes

weapon +# ((1) + (2) + (0) [T]

damage (dice + (special)) [B/P/S] (traits)

Weapon Proficiencies

Simple: [T], Martial: [T]



Magic Traditions

Arcane: #

Divine: #

Occult: #

Primal: #

Spell Attack Roll (Divine): 4 = ((1) + (2)) [T]

Spell DC (Divine): 14 = (10 + (1) + (2)) [T]

Focus Points: 2/2 (2)

Spell Slots per Day

1st: # 2nd: # … 10th: #

Spells Known Lay on Hands, Unimpeded Stride

Cantrips (cantrip level):





Acrobatics: ## = (dex) + (prof) + (item) - (armor) [T/E/M/L]

Arcana: ## = (int) + (prof) + (item) [T/E/M/L]

Athletics: 7 = (4) + (2) + (0) - (0) [T]

Crafting: ## = (int) + (prof) + (item) [T/E/M/L]

Deception: ## = (cha) + (prof) + (item) [T/E/M/L]

Diplomacy: ## = (cha) + (prof) + (item) [T/E/M/L]

Intimidation: 4 = (1) + (2) + (0) [T]

Lore (Curse): 3 = (0) + (2) + (0) [T]

Medicine: ## = (wis) + (prof) + (item) [T/E/M/L]

Nature: ## = (wis) + (prof) + (item) [T/E/M/L]

Occultism: 3 = (0) + (2) + (0) [T]

Performance: ## = (cha) + (prof) + (item) [T/E/M/L]

Religion: 4 = (1) + (2) + (0) [T]

Society: ## = (int) + (prof) + (item) [T/E/M/L]

Stealth: 4 = (1) + (2) + (0) - (0) [T]

Survival: ## = (wis) + (prof) + (item) [T/E/M/L]

Thievery: ## = (dex) + (prof) + (item) - (armor) [T/E/M/L]



STR +4, DEX +1, CON +2, INT +0, WIS +1, CHA +1



Ancestry Feats and Abilities

Special 1st: Toughness

Heritage 1st: Versatile

1st: Haughty Obstinacy

Skill Feats

Background: Oddity Identification

2nd: (feat)

General Feats

3rd: (feat)

Class Feats and Abilities

Feature 1st: Liberating Step

Feature 1st: Lay on Hands

1st: Deity's Domain

Bonus Feats

Shield Block



Combat Gear: Breastplate, Greatsword, Fauchard, Hatchet x3 (bandolier), Light Hammer x3 (bandolier)

Magic Items:

Other Gear: Explorer's clothing, Bandolier, Flint and Steel, Crowbar, Torch x10 (2 bandolier, 8 backpack), Backpack

Bulk: 7 (Encumbered at: 9 = 5 + (4); Maximum at: 14 = 10 + (4))

Coins: 0 copper 1 silver 0 gold 0 platinum



1. PFS(2) 1-01: The Absalom Initiation:

Boon: Engraved Wayfinder (Slotless), Society Connections (Downtime)

Reputation(s): +4 (Radiant Oath)

Fame Earned: 4

Fame Spent: 0

Gold Earned: 14g

Downtime: 0.4g

Tenets (Good, Liberator, Arazni)

•You must never perform acts anathema to your deity or willingly commit an evil act, such as murder, torture, or the casting of an evil spell.
•You must never knowingly harm an innocent, or allow immediate harm to one through inaction when you know you could reasonably prevent it. This tenet doesn’t force you to take action against possible harm to innocents at an indefinite time in the future, or to sacrifice your life to protect them.
•You must respect the choices others make over their own lives, and you can’t force someone to act in a particular way or threaten them if they don’t.
•You must demand and fight for others’ freedom to make their own decisions. You may never engage in or countenance slavery or tyranny.
Edicts act with dignity, do whatever it takes to survive, despise and never forgive those who have hurt you
Anathema create unwilling undead, insult Arazni