GM Quirk's Threefold Conspiracy

Game Master Quirk, Private Eye

Campaign maps and slides

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Scarab Sages

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban wrote:
If you try the pea soup, make sure to eat it before it eats you!

Silver Crusade

Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 0/48 HP 26/40 Resolve 6/7

GMQ, if I might beg an indulgence, could you add a link to the game google doc to your GM alias please? It's not a huge deal.

Will do. I have been meaning to do that. Just noticed GM's starting to do that, and I agree it's been handy when I am a player.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4


ANd, I can edit the game google doc. I threw my alias picture up there.

Ran out of time tonight. I'll try to make a couple of posts tomorrow that start to describe the interior of the ship, at least in general.

Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6 | SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 18 (17+1 w/EP)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft | Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -

Well, I finally made it!

Been working on that post, on and off all day, using my phone.

Sorry about the tardiness. Glad to finally be aboard!

Loving the roleplay so far, everyone. Gwtting a real sense of character, attitude and atmosphere, so far. Those slides helped a bunch too.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Glad you made it too, Supes.

GMQ, I re-ordered some of the NPC pictures and labeled a couple. Is Kiiv Caedenns is our 'hobgoblin accompanied by four space goblins'? Are they in one cabin or two?

All will be clear after my next post (a little later tonight), but I think I can give you the basics.

Kiiv is actually your Maraqui engineer.

This hobgoblin apparently calls herself "Jincheroga".

And Isaac is your bartender.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Wow, it really is Isaac. Unfortunately you haven't described any female human passengers. How weird will this get?

For our fellow players who don't know much about 80's American television, Isaac was an iconic character on the show "Love Boat"--he played to bartender on a cruise ship where each weeks' guest stars found or recaptured love while on their cruise.

I'm not sure why I think it would be funny for him to be on The Chimera. It just seems like a hilarious non-sequitur.

I can't possibly recommend anyone digging up any old episodes to watch. Well, maybe if you can find one with Charo as a guest star. That might be worth watching.


Tomorrow afternoon I hope to post some REAL action over in game play. Something odd happens in the dining hall with Kiiv and Professor Benjam.

Male CG Shirren Xenoarchaeologist Mystic 6 | SP 48/48 HP 42/42 | RP 6/7 | EAC 16 KAC 16 | Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13, SM: +13
Spell tracker:
Mystic 1: 0/5, Mystic 2: 0/4, Healing Word 1/1

I know little of canonical Shirren mating life besides the group marriages and tri-gender families. I'm using some of the group families from the Expanse series to fill in gaps.

I'm also assuming that Shirren can modulate their telepathic speech just like we can our voices to direct their speech mainly to one person. It would get very chaotic if everyone within 30 feet were being blasted in their brains with everything T'sorkel says. But can he completely exclude people from receiving his telepathy?

Scarab Sages

T’sorkel wrote:

I know little of canonical Shirren mating life besides the group marriages and tri-gender families. I'm using some of the group families from the Expanse series to fill in gaps.

I'm also assuming that Shirren can modulate their telepathic speech just like we can our voices to direct their speech mainly to one person. It would get very chaotic if everyone within 30 feet were being blasted in their brains with everything T'sorkel says. But can he completely exclude people from receiving his telepathy?

The generally accepted wisdom for how 'limited telepathy' works is that you can 'establish a connection' with a person, and then they can think at you and you can think back at them (There's no mind-reading, they have to actively 'think at you' to communicate back.) So, yesish, you don't have to broadcast to everyone, but it isn't so much excluding as 'you just only establish a connection with the person(s) you wanna talk to.'

A note on spoilers: I am writing lots of them to individual characters. My guess is that there will be fewer in the very near future as all of you gel as a team. At that point you can be sure to share the spoilers, even copying and pasting if you like. At any time you may share what you have been written with other characters as you see fit.

Meanwhile, the spoilers serve to make these NPC's more personal to each of you.

I think Rar'gul is the only one who hasn't gotten one yet, but when he has the opportunity to have a conversation with an NPC there will be one.

Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6 | SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 18 (17+1 w/EP)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft | Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -

I'm enjoying the mystery and reveal of the spoilers!

I just wanted to say that I like the dialects/manner of speech everyone has been using too. I'm wanting to try something for Rar'gul to capture a deep rumble but not sure if it will translate. Might take some time to refine.

I am also midway through my next post and should have it up sometime soon(ish). It's Mothers Day weekend here so I've been having to write in chunks whenever I can.

Female halfling envoy 2 / biohacker 1 | SP 16/18 : HP 20/20 : RP 4/4 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | F +5 : R +6 : W +5 | Init +2 : Perc +10 : SM +8 (+1d6) : Speed 30 | BH 2/3 : IB B/J/-/T/Y : TDW -/J/-/T/Y | Bottle Caps 1
GM Quirk wrote:
For our fellow players who don't know much about 80's American television...

Huh, wasn't expecting to hear that today. In my face-to-face gaming group, no one at the table existed in the '80s.

Added a new slide for reference purposes only (the 10'/square scale of this map won't work for tactical combat).

Slide #2 is all of the middle deck of the ship.

Grand Lodge

Male Nuar Sta 42/42 HP 19/36 RP 6/7 EAC 18, KAC 21, Init +0, Fort +3, Ref +5, Wil +2

Wait, how did I get hit? when did they attack me?

Male CG Shirren Xenoarchaeologist Mystic 6 | SP 48/48 HP 42/42 | RP 6/7 | EAC 16 KAC 16 | Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13, SM: +13
Spell tracker:
Mystic 1: 0/5, Mystic 2: 0/4, Healing Word 1/1

Looks like that damage should be for Rar'gul.

Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6 | SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 18 (17+1 w/EP)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft | Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -

Yes, I think that damage belongs to me.

Sorry about that. My mistake. I will correct that on my next entry.

Rar'gul just killed one of the geese. Starting to thin the pack out!

Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6 | SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 18 (17+1 w/EP)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft | Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -

No problem, there was a lot going on!

Also, this is my first time playing a vanguard, so if anyone notices that I've misunderstood a rule/ability, please don't hesitate to let me know.

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Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

( Pssst, GMQ, it's a gaggle where geese are concerned. )

I know nothing about vanguards. I've seen one in an SFS game. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it works out.

Good job everyone. A whole round of combat done in just over 12 hours.

The, AHEM, "gaggle" has been severely depleted, though there could be drama in the kitchen!

I'll be doing an update to get round two started after I am back from lunch.

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Female halfling envoy 2 / biohacker 1 | SP 16/18 : HP 20/20 : RP 4/4 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | F +5 : R +6 : W +5 | Init +2 : Perc +10 : SM +8 (+1d6) : Speed 30 | BH 2/3 : IB B/J/-/T/Y : TDW -/J/-/T/Y | Bottle Caps 1
GM Quirk wrote:
The, AHEM, "gaggle" has been severely depleted, though there could be drama in the kitchen!

In retrospect, retreating to the kitchen was probably not the best move tactically, but hey - at least now I'll have the opportunity to bond with the cook?

Female halfling envoy 2 / biohacker 1 | SP 16/18 : HP 20/20 : RP 4/4 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | F +5 : R +6 : W +5 | Init +2 : Perc +10 : SM +8 (+1d6) : Speed 30 | BH 2/3 : IB B/J/-/T/Y : TDW -/J/-/T/Y | Bottle Caps 1
Doctor Flint-Bridge wrote:
GM Quirk wrote:
The, AHEM, "gaggle" has been severely depleted, though there could be drama in the kitchen!
In retrospect, retreating to the kitchen was probably not the best move tactically, but hey - at least now I'll have the opportunity to bond with the cook?

Speaking of the cook, question for the GM: would you allow a PC with an ability that restores an ally's SP to use said ability to restore HP to an NPC? There is a, ah, nonzero chance of that situation coming up in the near future.

I would think the answer to that might be dependent on exactly what the situation is. A minor 1-4 HP wound? Sure, why not? Someone who just lost half of their HP? You will really need to do something else.

On the whole, I think there will be other mechanisms to keep NPC's safe. At least most of them. (oh no! am I foreshadowing?).

therealthom wrote:
I know nothing about vanguards. I've seen one in an SFS game. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it works out.

Well, from what I've read he's not exactly optimal, but at least you may get to see precisely how not to do a vanguard!

I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out though - the class has intrigued me from when the playtest was announced.

GMQ - also, with those dead geese, I think we may have a few more party members up in this initiative block.

Supersuperlative wrote:

GMQ - also, with those dead geese, I think we may have a few more party members up in this initiative block.

Yes. I thought about including them in this block as well, but I thought it would be most fair for T'sorkel and John to get first crack at the two remaining rending geese.

In any case, the good Doctor and Yariel may go following T'sorkel and John, even if I haven't posted yet.

I'm having a "Jurassic Park kids hiding in the kitchen moment" with one of the remaining geese stalking Doc Flint and the chef in the kitchen.

Forgive my insolence! That is indeed very fair.

It does have the JP vibe now that you mention it!

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4
GM Quirk wrote:


On the whole, I think there will be other mechanisms to keep NPC's safe. At least most of them. (oh no! am I foreshadowing?).

Foreshadowing, a mark of substantive literature.

Off to post in the game thread.

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Male CG Shirren Xenoarchaeologist Mystic 6 | SP 48/48 HP 42/42 | RP 6/7 | EAC 16 KAC 16 | Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13, SM: +13
Spell tracker:
Mystic 1: 0/5, Mystic 2: 0/4, Healing Word 1/1
GM Quirk wrote:
I'm having a "Jurassic Park kids hiding in the kitchen moment" with one of the remaining geese stalking Doc Flint and the chef in the kitchen.

Trying to picture that scene now with croco-ducks instead of raptors. Oddly, I just read about real velociraptors are much smaller than in the movie, so maybe this is more realistic!

John U. Rawlins wrote:
Did I mention he came to dinner unarmored?

Rar'gul is in the same predicament...

Big update just posted a few minutes ago over in gameplay.

I would like to award our first two BOTTLECAPS. The first goes to Yariel, who has wisely begun using the PC spaces on the slides to make notes. The second goes to Dr. Flint-Bridge for suggesting that Song prepares some of the geese for meals on the ship. These will be noted on the slides. As a reminder, a BOTTLECAP allows you to reroll any one D20 roll--to hit rolls, skill checks, saving throws, etc. If you are feeling generous, you may give your reroll to another PC.

Now that you have dealt with Pygosian Rending Geese successfully, you can count on Vercite Murder Hornets being around the next corner.

I think I shall slow things down for the moment. Let everyone savor some role playing. Might also let a couple of slow posters get something in.

We'll see what's on the engineering deck tomorrow!

Nice work earning the first bottle caps, you two!

Female halfling envoy 2 / biohacker 1 | SP 16/18 : HP 20/20 : RP 4/4 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | F +5 : R +6 : W +5 | Init +2 : Perc +10 : SM +8 (+1d6) : Speed 30 | BH 2/3 : IB B/J/-/T/Y : TDW -/J/-/T/Y | Bottle Caps 1

Ha, I did not expect to find Doc's narrative foil on the first day of the adventure. Thanks, John! This has been a very helpful conversation for fleshing out her attitude and beliefs.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 0/48 HP 26/40 Resolve 6/7

I live to serve.

GM Quirk wrote:
By the way, nice job setting up the PC notes section on the slides. I think you are all going to be happy you have that.

Wow! Good job setting that up, folks. I kept forgetting to check it out. Thanks for the reminder GMQ.

Just a quick meta game note: At this point I am going to assume that all of you can connect via comms. I figure that even if, say, Doc Flint doesn't have T'sorkels comm codes, she might have Johns (and John could contact T'sorkel if needed).

One BOTTLE CAP awarded to BEAUREGARD for his fine speech de-escalating a situation with the goblins in the dining hall.

One additional things that Doc Flint and Yariel noticed in their stroll through the cargo holds was a vending machine.


Look for details sometime this weekend.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Can I buy bottled soda there?

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Female halfling envoy 2 / biohacker 1 | SP 16/18 : HP 20/20 : RP 4/4 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | F +5 : R +6 : W +5 | Init +2 : Perc +10 : SM +8 (+1d6) : Speed 30 | BH 2/3 : IB B/J/-/T/Y : TDW -/J/-/T/Y | Bottle Caps 1
therealthom wrote:
Can I buy bottled soda there?

What about questionably legal pharmaceuticals? Asking for a friend.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 0/48 HP 26/40 Resolve 6/7

On the verge of goal one, getting all the PCs to tell me their name.

Captain Rameem's Vendo-o-matic is now open for business. Please refer to slide #9.

Some notes:

Obviously there are numerous references to not only Starfinder, but other sci-fi brands as well (and even a well known classic rock song).

I was also inspired by real world Japanese vending machines.

I apologize for the one or two lewd and lascivious items found in the machine. I would imagine that will be about as PG-13 as we'll get in this game.

I have always felt that both medicinals and medpatches were grossly overpriced in Starfinder. Seeing as how this vending machine is in some ways a "choose your own treasure", I thought the major discount would be nice. There are small discounts on a few other items as well.

I may think of a few other things to add over the next few days.

Should you purchase a Gashapon blind bag, please roll a d6. I will then inform what you find.

Today (Saturday the 16th) marks my 22nd anniversary of marital bliss.

While I probably will keep an eye on things here, I won't be doing much posting.

I should be able to pick things up again on Sunday. Please feel free to continue your wonderful RPing and planning.

And visit Captain Rameem's Vend-o-matic!

I have added maps of the upper and lower deck.

Several posts will be incoming soon.

GM Quirk wrote:
Today (Saturday the 16th) marks my 22nd anniversary of marital bliss.

Congrats GMQ! I hope that you had a suitably splendid celebration.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

After looking at the Vend-o-matic, I'm glad John is a tee-totaler.

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