
Rar'gul's page

432 posts. Alias of Supersuperlative.

Full Name



| SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 18 (17+1 w/EP)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft


| Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -


Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6


Height: 12 ft





Strength 16
Dexterity 14
Constitution 20
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 13
Charisma 10

About Rar'gul

Rar'gul had been content with life. Almost as far back as he could remember, he had either been serving, or training to serve, within the sacred halls of the Forever Queen on Nchak. His time, when not spent training or rostered for guard duty, was devoted to guiding and advising the visitors and pilgrims to the Forever Hall; he never wanted for companionship or stimulating conversation.

He had a routine, a schedule; there was order. That was, until recently, when order began to unravel. Small things at first but increasing over time. And if they weren't happening directly to him, they were happening around him. Then one day, during a particularly grueling training session, his sparring partner was badly injured when Rar'gul inadvertently redirected the accumulated force of the blows he had been enduring back toward his opponent.

And then the dreams began...

His dreams resonating with the song of the Dreamers on nearby Liavara, Rar'gul began glimpsing hints of signs and portents. Scared, yet convinced certain clues pointed at the location of an impending momentous event, Rar'gul set off on a ship bound for the Vast. Low on credits and without uncovering any leads, he books passage aboard the Chimera, preparing to return home a failure.

Vanguard 6
LG Large monstrous humanoid (Trox)
Init +6; Senses Perc +12, SM +1, Dark vision 60 ft.

EAC 17, KAC17 (when wearing armour)
SP 72 HP 50 RP 8
Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +5
Defensive Abilities bulwark, mitigate (6 damage)

Speed 40 ft, Burrow 20 ft.
Melee entropic strike +10 (2d6+11 A/B, Force) or called thrown diamagnetic storm hammer +10 (1d8+9 B&E; critical knockdown; powered 2; 10ft) or glamered assault hammer +10 (1d6+9 B)
Ranged subzero hail pistol +8 (1d4+3 C&P; critical bleed 1d4; 20 ft) or called thrown diamagnetic storm hammer +9 (1d8+9 B&E; critical knockdown; powered 2; 20ft)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks
Offensive Abilities frenzy, grappler

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10

Acro +11
Ath +12
Com +0 +2* computers/recall knowledge
Cul +8 +2* recall knowledge
Dip +9
Intim +9
Myst +9 +2* recall knowledge/identify creature
Perc +12
SM +1
Stealth +6
Surv +1
+1 to checks to recognise shape changers

Reduce the DCs of Mysticism checks to identify spells as they are being cast and to recall knowledge about arcane symbols and magic traditions by 5.

*For the rest of the adventure, the PC who received the credstick has a bizarre affinity for sensing creature genetics and understanding cryptic data structures, receiving a +2 insight bonus on checks to identify creatures, checks to recall knowledge, and Computers checks.

+1 to recognise shape changers - link to post

Starship-Combat Version of Skills

Improved Combat Maneuver (Sunder), Tight Fit, Weapon Focus (Advanced Melee), Improved Initiative

Languages Akitonian, Aklo, Brethedan, Castrovelian, Common, Halfling, Kasatha, Nchaki

Other Abilities entropic pool (max 5), flash of prescience (1/day), reactive (1/day), vanguard aspects (boundary - insight, embodiment), vanguard disciplines (dampen, entropy shield, entropic veil), vestigial arms

Combat Gear Serum of healing mk1 (3)
Other Gear basic Defrex hide armor (upgrades: radiation buffer, thrower arms), called throwing diamagnetic storm hammer (2 handed; 12/20 charges), assault hammer (glamered fusion seal), subzero hail pistol (20/20 charges), spare battery (20/20 charges), ceremonial clothing, everyday clothing, formal clothing, bed roll, holy book (Hylax), hygiene kit, industrial backpack, personal comm unit, titanium alloy cable line (50 ft), credstick (338 cr)

Upgrades: synaptic accelerators mk1 (CON)

Special Abilities

Abilities & Descriptions:

Boundary - Aspect Insight (Ex) You gain Improved Combat Maneuver (sunder) as a bonus feat and a +2 insight bonus to Perception checks.
Boundary - Aspect Embodiment (Ex) Once per combat encounter, when an attack misses you or hits but fails to damage you, or you succeed at a saving throw that negates an effect, you can gain 1 Entropy Point without taking any additional action.
Bulwark When a trox fights defensively or takes the total defense action, he can grant half the bonus to AC granted by that action to an adjacent ally.
Burrower Trox have a burrow speed of 20 feet.
Chitin Trox chitin can help deflect effects, granting trox a +1 racial bonus to Reflex saves
Darkvision Trox have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Dampen (SU) You can dampen the entropic release of energy in violent effects. As a reaction when you are in the area of a damaging effect, you can spend 1 Entropy Point to cause it to deal only half damage to all creatures in the area.
At 6th level, if the effect allows a save and you succeed, you can spend 1 additional Entropy Point to allow creatures that successfully save against the effect to take no damage.
Entropic Strike (Su)
You can focus the power of entropy into a forceful attack. Though you must touch your target to damage it, the damage is not from the impact but from focused waves of entropic energy that unbind and dissolve your target, crush it, or both. Your entropic strike is a magical one-handed advanced melee weapon with the operative weapon special property that targets EAC (even when dealing bludgeoning damage). You can make this attack with nearly any body part and do not need a hand free to use this ability. Using your entropic strike does not require any additional action to use beyond the action you take to make an attack (for example, it can be used to make an attack of opportunity.) For any calculation that requires the item level of your entropic strike, treat your vanguard level as your entropic strike’s item level.

You can also deliver an entropic strike with any melee weapon, or any shield that allows you to make unarmed attacks (replacing the normal attack with your entropic strike). The attack’s damage is equal to the entropic strike damage of a vanguard of either your class level or a class level equal to the weapon’s item level, whichever is lower. When you use this option, your entropic strike is considered to be made of whatever material the weapon or shield is made of (such as for the purposes of bypassing DR or creature weaknesses). Additionally, you can apply any weapon special property, critical hit effect, or weapon fusion the melee weapon or shield has to your entropic strike as long as the effect can be applied to a one-handed advanced melee weapon that deals acid or bludgeoning damage, doesn’t use additional ammunition or charges, and doesn’t require information beyond that specified for your entropic strike to function. If the weapon special property, critical hit effect, or weapon fusion requires information provided for your weapon (such as the amount of a bleed critical hit effect), use the value for the weapon you are gaining the effect from.

At 1st level, your entropic strike deals damage equal to 1d3 + your Constitution modifier, but you do not add your Strength modifier (unlike most melee attacks). For each attack, you can deal acid damage, bludgeoning damage, or both. This damage increases as you gain levels (see Table 2–2: Vanguard). At 10th level, you also add your Strength modifier to the damage of your entropic strike. At 5th level, when you use any combat maneuver for which you have Improved Combat Maneuver, you can target a foe’s EAC + 8 (rather than KAC + 8) to determine success, and you also determine the level of success (such as how far you push a foe with a successful bull rush) using EAC.

Entropic Veil (Su) Like a fever burning away an infection, your inner entropic forces can overwhelm harmful magic. As a reaction when you fail a saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability with a duration of at least 1 round, you can spend 1 Entropy Point to attempt the save again. If you succeed, you suppress the spell’s ongoing effects for 1 round. At the beginning of each turn, you can spend 1 EP and attempt another save as a reaction to keep the spell suppressed for another round. If you fail the save, you can’t use entropic veil to suppress the spell further. Each round a spell is suppressed in this way counts as two rounds for the purpose of calculating the spell’s duration.
Entropy Shield (Su) As part of any move action or full action you take, you can create a field of condensed, compressed entropy that forms in place on one of your limbs to protect you as a basic riot shield or basic tactical shield (you choose which each time you create the shield). The shield has no bulk, but it otherwise functions in all regards as a physical shield of the selected type. You can dismiss the shield as part of any move or full action you take, and it disappears at the end of your turn if you are not holding it.

At 5th level, your compressed entropy functions as a field riot or tactical shield. At 10th level, it functions as an advanced riot or tactical shield. At 15th level, it functions as an elite riot or tactical shield, and at 20th level, it functions as a paragon riot or tactical shield.
Flash of Prescience When you fully open yourself to the psychic resonance around you, especially in the split second when your life is on the line, time seems to come to a halt. In these fleeting moments, you can sense the reverberations of actions that you have not yet taken, and guide your course accordingly. Once per day as a standard action, you can cast augury as a spell-like ability, though you can see only 1 minute into the future. This functions in all other ways as augury.
Frenzy Once per day when a significant enemy causes an ally to take Hit Point damage, a trox can fly into a frenzy, gaining a +2 racial bonus to melee attack rolls and a –2 penalty to AC for 1 minute.
Grappler Trox gain a +2 racial bonus to grapple combat maneuvers.
Mitigate (Ex)You can control how you are affected by damage or effects that alter damage. As a reaction when you take damage, you can spend 1 Entropy Point to reduce the damage you take by an amount equal to your vanguard level (to a minimum of 0 damage). If you do, you can’t gain any Entropy Points from that attack.
Additionally, as a swift action, you can remove any DR or energy resistance you have, or the AC benefit of any ability or spell that increases your AC. If the effect granting DR or energy resistance has a duration, this ends the effect entirely for you. If you end an AC benefit, that AC benefit is ended for the duration of the effect. If the ability does not normally have a duration, you suspend the listed benefits until the beginning of your next turn. Additionally, whenever you first come under the effect of an ability or spell that grants you DR, energy resistance, or a bonus to AC, you can waive that benefit of the effect.
Reactive (Ex) Once per day, you can take up to two reactions in a single round. You can still only take one reaction per triggering event.
Spiritual Fervor Trox gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and Mysticism skill checks.
Swift Trox have a land speed of 40 feet.
Tight Fit While you’re squeezing, you don’t gain the entangled condition and your speed is reduced by 5 feet instead of halved. You still can’t run or charge while squeezing.
Vestigial Arms A trox’s four vestigial arms can be used to hold, draw, or put away items of negligible bulk, but not to make attacks, wield weapons, or use items.
Weapon Specialization You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type with which this class grants you proficiency. You also gain a special form of weapon specialization for your entropic strike, allowing you to add a bonus to your damage equal to your vanguard class level plus half of any other class levels you have.

Bot Me!:


[dice=Glamered assault hammer (vs KAC)]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning Damage]1d6+9[/dice]

[dice=Called thrown diamagnetic storm hammer (vs KAC)]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning & Electricity Damage]1d8+9[/dice]

[dice=Entropic strike (vs EAC)] 1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=A&B Damage, Force]2d6+11[/dice]

[dice=Called thrown diamagnetic storm hammer (vs KAC)]1d20+9[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning & Electricity Damage]1d8+9[/dice]

[dice=Subzero hail pistol]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=C&P Damage]1d4+3[/dice]
[dice=Crit damage]1d4+3[/dice] +[dice=Bleed]1d4[/dice]

In ship combat, he is a capable gunner or chief mate

[Dice=Gunnery]1d20+8[/b] BAB +6

[Dice=Chief mate (Athletics)]1d20+12[/dice] 6 ranks