[5e AL] Wayward Wives [Completed!] (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

we should make sure that she is not cursed by these foul hags saya the cleric.

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

We did promise to help lift the curse from the tavern owner, so we should attend to that. Perhaps out of game? Need to go find a scroll of remove curse.

If the child has no other family, your idea sounds as good as any, Giu. She will need the support!

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AvernusArt 2Grid

You could hire a spellcaster to cast Remove Curse on Ned for 90 gp. A scroll would be much more expensive at 300 gp.

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CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Gio would pitch in for the 90 gp. He does not want for much...

Then we will take her with us, Gio nods. If we can find someone to cure Ned, I will pay them for it.


There is an interesting option... I was thinking of a rebuild where I return home and purchase a noble title, and become a proper noble. Maybe I could give her a home there with my household staff... But this is something that can be addressed later, but it may explain Gio's absence when I run the next module...

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Likewise. These people didn't deserve to have to deal with one.

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Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

Gorum says a prayer of warding as the hag bursts into vileness and her putrid influnces fade. Nodding at Gio and helping scour the camp.

Afterward Gorum is happy to pitch in the remove the curse from the tavern keeper. A good local tavern is a good thing in his opinion when it can be used properly.

Before leaving, Gorum has only one goal left, and it may take some time. He wants to be able to hold Ezra without the child crying.

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Yep sounds like we find a spellcaster and get Ned's curse removed. And hang out with Ezra and his mom for a bit! Maybe help the village recover a bit.

I like Giu's idea for title / why he is gone in the next campaign.

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AvernusArt 2Grid

Insight: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Somehow the babe simply can't see past Gorum's rugged exterior to glimpse the pure soul within...and continues to cry long through the night.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

So are we splitting it 3 ways? 4 ways? I put down on my log sheet that I was paying for all of it, but if you guys want to chip in, that's cool too.

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