[5e AL] Wayward Wives [Completed!] (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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"Wouldst thou like the taste of butter? A pretty dress?
Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?"

- Black Phillip, The Witch

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Giuseppe spends the next week training with Io and Gorum, coordinating strikes on a target. He also has a regimen where he goes through sword forms every morning at dawn...

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Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Io likewise enjoys the sparing and sword practice. Good camaraderie and skill-building.

He also seems hellbent on trying to cast a spell, though he's had only questionably minor success so far. He got super excited when a small area of his pants got cleaner, and later on pointed to his "clean" left shoe which, though cleaner than the right, was still pretty dusty and scuffed. Ionnis also, terrifyingly, keeps trying to hurl fire at the nightly camp fire. It sputtered once, he remains convinced he did that, but you're pretty sure that was the wind. You hope it was the wind. Is this guy really from a spell-casting family?

Regardless, he also keeps his skills in practice by regularly emptying everyone's pockets and switching them around - putting all the stuff in the left coin purse in the right pocket, or putting all of Giu's stuff in Gorum's bag. It's very annoying, and you sometimes catch him, but he's getting pretty good at it. He laments that there are no good locks to practice picking.

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CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block
Ionnis wrote:
Is this guy really from a spell-casting family?

To be fair, the Harpells DO have quite the reputation! XD

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

here am I

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Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

Gorum is pleased to have the down time and sparring with Gio and Io. The experience here in the “Butter Boonies” as he affectionately calls it, is slow and a nice change of pace for the Paladin. Giving him more time to reflect on his prayers.

an evening by the fire
”Sha and me have been so busy bringing in bad guys for justice that I forgot to take time and be mindful. Mind you, it ain’t easy for me, I get distracted easy. This has been good though.” at first you think the half orc might be crying but then you realize he’s just wiping the oozing red liquid from his eye.

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The nearest settlement to Beryl's ill-fated boathouse is Wayward, back across the Elvenflow on the eastern bank. You leave Buttergroves early that morning, resolving to cross before the water warms up and the deadly quippers become more active.

No new squatters or illegal tenents seem to have moved into the shacks during your absence, the construction left untouched. If Beryl indeed ran off when Vance's gang rolled in, she apparently hasn't gotten the news its safe to return.

With a smirk, Gorum notes a dried up little mudhole where the bandit's head was once enlodged...

The trail leads gently to the south, the flat riverlands offer no challenge for even the least experienced of hiker...even graciously offering a fresh spring of water more often than is needed.

The morning mists yet lace the chill air, as a lone crow swoops down the first cracked wooden sign of the Elf Road, marking the way towards Wayward village. For a time, you only see yourselves stuck there in the concealing mists, the roar of water stronger and stronger...but then the crow zips back past and the mists lift, revealing the head of a waterfall overlooking the road.

The crow soars upward, the top of the falls where a barefooted woman stands on the edge of the precipice. She clutches a newborn child and wears a white dress that snaps a cracking noise in the morning breeze. Eyes closed, she extends her foot to step off the cliff...

Not going to bother rolling initiative I think, but you are constrained to a turns worth of actions at this point. The waterfall is part of a creek that is slowly stepping down to the Elvenflow in 20 ft steps. She is atop one of these 20 ft steps of wet, mossy rock face. Beneath her the waters come from different directions to make a dangerous churning pool.

It would take a move and a dash, along with DC 12 athletics to get up to her. Or you could of course social roll, or some other clever problem solving. But again, just one turn from each of you.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Gio bursts forward, dropping his pack to the ground and scrambles up the rocky face!

Strength (Athletics): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

My lady, please do not do this, the swordsman extends his hand to the young mother, Let us help...

Having used movement and action, if it is necessary to use my Action Surge, I will use it to ready a reaction to grab her if she still attempts to jump...

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Nice, yes it will be required, since 20 ft climb costs 40 ft move for non-thieves/Athletes. If any try and fail, you will be stopped halfway up.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Then consider that I have used my Action Surge to ready the action in case she attempts to jump after my offer...

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Io looks around to see if there is anyone else around, some reason she might be compelled to walk off that cliff with a child perception?: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 but he sees only what is, a woman and child about to jump into a swirling wet doom.

He concentrates very hard, but you see nothing. This is not the time, Io, you may be thinking!

He manages to cast Mage Hand, invisibly. The hope is that this newborn doesn't weigh very much, and he can catch it. He positions the hand below her.

Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

Seeing Gio taking the high road, Gorum decides he’d never make it to the top in time so...

Move to the water and prepare to jump in to catch scoop her and the baby out of the water. Readied action to jump into the dangerous waters if she steps off the rock.

”Don’t do it lady!”

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Mender seemed genuinely sad....or maybe tired? and called out "Even if you do it, it won't bring you to him. The Gods deny those who take their own life. You will end up in the wall, having served nothing and done nothing."

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

The cleric will run up as fast as his half elven legs will carry him.

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The woman, blinded literally and figuratively from tears and emotions, leaps from the top of the cliff. At the same instant, Giuseppe lunges...catching her wrist as she falls. But, by her intention or not, the baby slips from her grasp, plummeting the 20 ft into the water...

Everyone had seen his bumbling efforts before. A Harpell, so he claimed...but now in this moment of greatest need, his true legacy shone forth. The child was held gently aloft, halfway up the waterfall...a look of determination, wonder, and pride on Ionnis' face.

Giuseppe notes the woman has fainted, but by the time he carries her back down to the road she is stirring awake...

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Letting out a breath of relief, Giuseppe carries the unconscious woman down to the pool to rejoin his friends.

That was amazing, friend Io. All of your practice, has finally paid off, the swordsman smiles warmly, How is di baby?

EDIT: As the woman starts to stir, Gio calmly waits for her to regain her senses before asking, Why?

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There is a moment of calm on the woman's face, just a brief moment, before Giuseppe's inquiry brings the memory of what she just attempted and why back to the forefront. Her eyes swell, too dry to make any more tears, and her face contorts into a grimace "...he cheated on me, that bastard! With one of Pasco's three harlots no less...I would rather Ezra die than be raised without a father!! Moonmaiden take us both! Where is she?!"

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

She is safe. I grew up without a mother or a father, but I grew. I would not give up one day of di hardship that I went through, for it strengthened me like iron in di forge. You just have to give her di chance...

Gio helps the woman to her feet and looks to his companions with a grin, Now, which way to di village so that I can punch your husband in di face?

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She points along the trail disgustedly, but adds "...more likely he's at Pasco's tavern with his new b&*~@, at the Hearthstone." she growls "...no future here for either of us! Can't you scent it? There's an evil come to this town...and brought damnation to our doors." she makes some kind of superstitious gesture across her face.

Confirming her directions is a clear fork in the road ahead, one sign leading to 'Wayward' and another simply marked 'Tavern'.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Wisdom (Insight): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Based on her behavior now, does it seem that she was being magically influenced before?

We will look into it, just promise me you won't try to take your or Ezra's life again? Gio looks her in the eye...

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Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

”Oh, can I hold her?” the half orc says smiling while staring down at the babe as Io drifts it back to safety. ”She’s so cute. Goochie goochie!” Gorum says softly trying to not scare the child.

CHA: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

At his appearance though, the babe, still frightened by the fall and missing its mother was utterly disgusted with the half orc peaking down at it. ”Whaaaaaa! whaaaaaaa!” Gorum steps away cowed and ashamed that he made the child cry. ”I’ll just stay over here” he says stepping to a safe distance.

Gorum stays away from most of the interaction here, not wanting to instigate things worse. The talk of a tavern though does perk him up a little.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Wow, the dice sure wanted to tell a story there... ^_^

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Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Ok first Io’s player just yelled YES and did a dance.

Io is shocked to see the infant fall right where he planned her to. He held his breath as he slowly moved the invisible hand over to Gorum. And then he will help Giu with the mother while the poor scared baby cries at Gorum.

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Charisma check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Io tries to help discern what is going on with her husband and who these "harlots" are and something about it's not worth throwing away her life over such nonsense, and it comes out all wrong and surely Giuseppe just shooshes him up. He goes over to help with the baby, not sure if they should give her back yet or not.

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CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

I am trying so hard not to meta, but damn... >.<

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The poor babe Ezra was less than a month old, perhaps only meeting 10 people in her entire life. It was unfortunate the 11th was Sir Gorum. His breath carried hints of a butternut trout from breakfast, with fangs only the boogeyman would have. One eye was completely gone (wasn't there usually two?), replaced with some sort of demonic facsimile. On a good day, she may have been simply curious...but after falling off a waterfall from her own mother, she wasn't having any of it.

Meanwhile Giuseppe tried to read the suicidal older woman, finding no hint of magics about her actions, but a certain mad desperation...signs of impassioned yet irrational love. She seems to actually take time to consider what Giuseppe is saying before sniffling and nodding her head yes. "...I...wasn't thinking right...maybe you could walk us back to our cottage in Wayward."

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Looking to his friends, then turns back with a gentle smile, I think that we could do that...

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Mender slammed his spear into the ground, burying the spear past the head into the ground.

"SO, YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO MURDER YOUR CHILD AND THEN EXCUSED?" Mender bellowed up at the woman. "You call yourself fit to be a mother and you would murder an innocent child. Were my companions not here, You would CEASE. TO. BE."

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before speaking.

"I am, however, attempting to understand mortals, as instructed by my master. So tell me, what excuse do you think any of the Gods would take to excuse you attempting to murder a child?"

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Mender! Calmare, Gio smiles sheepishly at the woman, Mender here is personification of di wrath of di gods... How rude of me, I never asked your name. I am Giuseppe di Firenze of Athkatla.

Turning to Mender after allowing her to introduce herself, You see, it was a lack of reason, my friend. Her husband broke their holy vows, and her wrath overrode her reason...

Gio wonders if Mender will see the irony of the situation, but comes to the realization that it is unlikely... ^_^

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

"Oh, well that excuses the destruction of the gift she was given by the gods. That child has done no wrong, and she decided to put it to death because of the actions of her mate?"

"I will not kill her, but remove her from my sight and do not return her child to her. She does not deserve it." Mender spent a few moments removing his spear from the ground, clearly giving the others a chance to move her back towards her town.

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

It may seem that she is not enchanted...

Mender, buddy, calm yourself down. There is magic that can muddle people’s minds, magic that can make you believe something untrue. Don’t condemn someone before you know the whole story. We have only heard her side and it seems maybe there is a lot more to this. Gotta get that character growth going for Mender. Makes for a better team.

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HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Thing is, I kinda agree with Mender here. Magic notwithstanding, I don't think she should get to just go 'oops, guess I goofed!' when she very nearly murdered her child over grief.

"Then she is weak." was all Mender said, without looking up. "Or do you believe she should just be forgiven with no consequences for her actions?"

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The woman looks on, curious how the conversation will play out. She still seems quite unstable, and ready to die if such a judgement is cast.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

The cleric will slowly.speak concern on his voice, ,Madam, perhaps there is a another relative 6hat can tend 5o the child until you are feeling better? he queries.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Gio shakes his head, Again, friend Mender, you pass judgment without knowing half of the story. Granted, she should be held accountable for her actions, but your plan allows for little opportunity to learn from her mistakes.

At Quen's question, the Athkatlan turns curiously to regard her response.

For the safety of your child, until you have had time to cool a bit and reflect...

Oh, and also, do you know a woman named Beryl?

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Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

so much moral quandary lol. First, underage dating and now suicide/murder. Keeps you looking at your character and asking the hard questions about its personality. Lol

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HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

ya. Mender's having trouble with mortals. I am trying to play him like a being who sees his alignment as not only a code to live by, but like most angels embodies the actual concepts of Good and Law. In his eyes, there are no grays.

Like most angels, he's also kinda an a-hole.

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She seems quite out of sorts, capable of only the basest mechanical types of reactions while engaged in a no doubt complex inner dialogue. Thus she responds to Quen "...Old Salma, she's been helping me with the...duties...of motherhood. *sniff* Wise with herblore."

Yeah, this would've been easier if she had died and the baby survived. Damn heroes.

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Io will do his best to help with baby duties, watching Mender to make sure he doesn't try to "judge" this clearly not quite right mother as they circle back to town.

Right? We're walking back toward town? What time of day is it?

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Mender is giving the group a chance to lead her away for that particular reason.

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Its mid morning. There is a fork in the road, one way leading to town and the other to the Tavern she mentioned. Sounds like you are heading to town.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Big damn heroes! ^_^

Gio nods, Okay, Salma. Let's go then... We should ask around about Beryl while we are there...

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Poor houses cling to the bank of the Elvenflow Estuary. They cluster around a crooked boathouse and are wreathed in a haze of wood smoke.
Crows wheel overhead, and the ruins of an old manor peek through the woods overlooking the village. Everything seems unusually quiet, with not a soul in sight.

Slightly bigger than Buttergroves, you estimate perhaps 12 families reside in these humble houses of stone. The forested hills hug tightly on its landward side, while the lapping waters of the estuary extend on the other. Big brown bull rushes sway gently in abundance on the marshy shore.

"M...my cottage is hhere...(location 2). Old Salma lives down there...(location 3)."

Map of Wayward with 5 significant locations and small regional map uploaded to 5e AL tracker. Unfortunately the map is upside down with north on the bottom and west to the right. Therefore the party is entering from the bottom edge. Where to?

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Where is everybody?

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Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Io looks around and notices, too, the eerie quiet.

Io asks I don't see that we actually got her name? Giu asked but I don't see it....surely we have that info... Is it normally so quiet ___?

After they pass a couple of seemingly empty homes, he goes up to one and knocks.
1d20 ⇒ 10; +3 if this would be perception, +1 if this is investigation
This would be one of the houses before we get to the mother's home. He would open the door if no one responds.

Edit to add if no one else pipes up, Io can be taking care of Ezra. Which if you've seen Dragon Prince I am wondering if there will be jelly tarts and a glow toad involved.

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On the way you eventually coaxed her name out: Ewella.

She seems as unsure as anyone about it being so quiet "I...don't know..." and "No..." Looking around, you see many little daily tasks being left half completed, mostly related to fishing such as basket weaving, tacklecraft, rope-making and splice work and so forth. Then on bloody tables there's fish half gutted, their brothers in the catch still squirming in the haul buckets...as if everyone just dropped what they were doing all of a sudden.

There are no responses to Ionnis' knocking.

Ewella's cottage stands beside the boughs of a gnarled hawthorn tree. A rocking cradle rests on the porch, creaking slightly in the breeze. To the rear of the cottage, chickens peck in the mud beside a simple vegetable plot. She prepares a cup of water, presumably for the party...but quickly forgets about it and collapses on the little bedroll, fainting again in some kind of troubled nightmares...leaving baby Ezra in the hands of strangers.

Glancing around the cottage, you are likely quite shocked and disgusted. The vegetables in the little garden show signs of blight, and a rat's corpse rests (untouched by flies and grubs) under the baby's cradle.

DC 10 Religion:
These are signs of devilry or witchcraft!

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Gio looks at his companions, then secures his buckler, I do not like di look of this...

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Religion: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Yes, this is really...odd. I assume he opened the door to the other hut and saw a similar scene. He will also make sure Ewella is okay/not hurt after she fainted again.

We should check to see if everyone has gathered somewhere.

Assuming there will be more reactions and checks made, but otherwise I think we should all go check out the rest of this place. Ewella included (don't want to lose track of her).

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Watching the woman collapse, Mender sighs and says "I will concede that I may have let my anger get the better of me."


Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Io slugs Mender's arm. You're getting it! You may have been right, true, but it's better to get the whole story first. Now, where is everyone got to?

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