Full Name |
Bluuuuu |
Race |
Male Barathu Soldier 8 |
Classes/Levels |
SP 34/72 HP 60/60 | RP 10/10 | EAC 24; KAC 27 |DR 8/- |Resist Cold 5, Fire 5, Elec 5 |F+9; R+4; W+7 (+2 v spells, SLAs)| Init+2 | Perc+2, SM+4 |
About Bluuuuu
Male barathu spacefaring soldier 8
N Medium abberation
Init +2; Senses darkvision (60'); Perception +2
EAC 24; KAC 27
SP 72 HP 60 RP 10
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +7
DR 8-
Resist Cold 5, Fire 5, electricity 5
Speed Fly 30'
Acolyte Shadow Chains +15 (3d4+17), reach
Tactial pike +15 (1d8+17 P), reach
Returning Soprano Singing Disk +15 (1d4+17 So)
Returning Soprano Singing Disk +15 (1d4+14 So)
Artilleray Azimuth Laser +11 (1d10+8 F)
Hunting Rifle +11 (1d8+8) *{loaded with Explosive Rounds}*
Underwater Liquidator Caustolance +10 (1d6+7 A)
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10,
Base Atk +8
Feats Opening Volley (HaR), Coordinated Shot, Weapon Focus (advanced melee), Versitile Focus, Step Up, Enhanced Resistance (DR), Step Up and Strike, Spellbane, Blind-Fight
Skills Acrobatics +13, Engineering +9, Intimidate +7, Medicine +12, Perception +2, Physical Science +5, Piloting +6, Profession Soldier +5, Sense Motive +4, Survivial +12
ACP -2
Languages Common, Barathu, Brethedan, Vesk
Combat Gear - Lashunta Ringwear III, Thermal Capacitor mk1, Electrostatic Field mk1, Mobility Enhancer mk1, hydrojets, Soprano Singing Disk w/ Returning fusion, Tactical Pike, Azimuth Artillery Laser, Hunting Rifle, Explosive Rounds (6), underwater liquidator caustolance, 3 batteries, serum of healing mk 1 (2), spell ampolue: life bubble
Other Gear - Datapad, clothing (everyday), backpack (consumer), hygiene kit, comm unit (personal), personal upgrade mk 2 (Str, Carnage-class Klyntar symbiote), 23,003 credits
Early Stage Adaptation: Once every 1d4 rounds as a swift action, Bluu can alter his physiology to gain one of the following benefits for a single round:
~ +1 to KAC
~ Resist 2 to the element of his choice
~ Increase the reach of his limbs to 10 feet
~ Add his Str modifer as an additional damage bonus with melee attacks
~ Gain a walking speed of 15 feet
Soldier Style - Hit and Run: Bluu gained the Opening Volley feet as a bonus feet, and during a full attack can take either a five-foot step or move up to half his speed before, after, or between the attacks.
Gear Boost - Armored Advantage: Bluu knows how to best use his armor, and gets +1 to his KAC (already figured in)
Gear Boost - Melee Striker: Bluu adds half his Str modifier again to his melee attack damage.