Rise of the Wicked (Inactive)

Game Master DireMerc


loot sheet

Current Characters


(9,620 posts)
Eagle Knight of Andoran
Alexandr Sergejevich Kerensky

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11

played by Mightypion (279 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin
Casta Riled

Male Human Inspired Blade 1 Empiricist 4 | HP: 39/39; AC: 18/14/14 | CMB: +4; CMD: 17 | Saves: +2/+9/+4 (+2 against illusions) |Init: +5|Perception: +12+1d6 (+2 against traps) |Extracts remain: 4/4, 2/2, | Inspiration 1d6 6/6| Panache 5/5

played by Mythicman19 (80 posts)
Harbormaster Permelia
Coriandrinne "Cori" Vespida

Female Half-Elven Anti-Paladin of Calistria 5 l AC 25 T 14 FF 21 l HP 47/47 l F +10 R +7 W +7 l Init +3 l Perc +2 I CMB +8 I CMD 21 I Low-light Vision

played by Cuchulainn (394 posts)
Churgri of Vapula
R'yzzntyg Valignatirnarod

UTC +02:00 Female Kobold (Red) Legendary Druid (Wyrmkin) 5; HP: 37/37; AC: 18/13/16; CMB: +1; CMD: 13; Saves: +2/+3/+8; Init: +2; Perception: +12; Spells remain: 7/7, 5/5, 3/3

played by DarkOne the Drow (390 posts)
Eldran Tesh
Stanislav Greymist

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter (Lore Warden) 5,
Init:+8 | HP:62/62 | AC:23/25 | To 17 |FF:18/20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+8 | Will:+2, Immune to mind effects | CMB +12/14 trip |CMD 29/31 trip Perc:+13\+15 Dim Light

played by Skorn (1,089 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Vinnick Varzel

wizard HP: 36/36| AC: 13 T:13 FF:10|CMD:14 Fort: +4 Ref:+6 Will+6| Init: +7 Perception:+5 Lowlight, darkvision

played by rorek55 (387 posts)

Previous Characters

Liberty's Edge Cuchulainn

Male I don't like to run and I'm not overly competitive Procrastinator 10/Daydreamer 15/Trivia Buff 5
(2,629 posts)
Vedavrex Misraria
DarkOne the Drow

(1,082 posts)
Sunlord Thalachos

(256 posts)
Killian Paltreth
Silver Crusade rorek55

(4,655 posts)
Cinder Wolf
Dark Archive Skorn

(500 posts)
Arielle Windsong

Female Changeling (Green Widow) Bard / 1 ||HP: 8, AC: 13/11/13, Saves: W+2/R+4/F+0, CMB/CMD: +2/+14, Init: +2, Perc: +4

played by Joy (252 posts)
Anevia Tirablade
Grand Lodge Slidinom 'Slid' Kolmo

M CE Dhampir URogue (Master of Disguise) 3 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 18, T: 14, FF: 14 | CMB: 2, CMD: 16 | F: +2 (+2 vs disease), R: +7 (+1 vs traps), W: +3 (+2 vs Mind-effecting) | Init: +4 | Perc: +9 (+1 in dim light), SM: +7 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

played by Anthorg (372 posts)
Golden Orb
The Winds of Fate

played by Joy (1,597 posts)