GM Weenerton 7-10 Consortium Compact (Inactive)

Game Master OG3

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Grand Lodge

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Please check in here and dot in the gameplay thread. Still mustering.

Silver Crusade

M Catfolk Mesmerist 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 Tch 13 FF 13 | F +1 R +6 W +6 | 46/50 CLW stick 44/50 Endure Elements stick| Spells 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 2/4 Implanted Alacrity on self | Init +3 Perception +4 SM +6; scent | Reroll used| Conditions:

I’m here!

Grand Lodge

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I have a few requests of you before we get started.

Please make sure you status bar is updated with your basic details: HP, AC, Saves, Init bonus, Perc bonus, and any active effects I should know about.

Please make sure your profile is up to date with your latest character sheet. I would appreciate any botting instructions there as well, should the need arise.

I expect a post per day and one over the weekend. If you have real-life stuff happens that keeps you from committing to this cadence, please let me know via Discussion or PM. I know we live in crazy times these days.

In this discussion thread please describe any mechanic or tactic I should know about: i.e. reach, immunity to X, mounts, familiars, etc. Also give me your day job roll here and drop the gold into the Character Details sheet you've filled out. The gold table is in the doc.

We will begin shortly.

Grand Lodge

CG Human Rogue/3 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 21/21 hp | Fort +2*, Ref +6, Will +2 (*+1 vs disease/poisons)| Init +4 | Percep +7, Low Light Vision| CMD 15

I’m here and happy to see another PC whose middle name is “the”!

Sayuki can make a free attack on the Initiative roll so long as she has a ranged weapon in hand. You’re welcome to roll it for me if it makes things easier—generally she’ll prioritize any enemy within 30ft. (PBS and Sneak Attack range).

Grand Lodge

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Sayuki the Duplicitous wrote:

I’m here and happy to see another PC whose middle name is “the”!

Sayuki can make a free attack on the Initiative roll so long as she has a ranged weapon in hand. You’re welcome to roll it for me if it makes things easier—generally she’ll prioritize any enemy within 30ft. (PBS and Sneak Attack range).

Hi there. The Quick Shot Rogue Talent requires lvl 10 as it is an advanced talent. Is there a character option you have that satisfies that requirement?

Grand Lodge

CG Human Rogue/3 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 21/21 hp | Fort +2*, Ref +6, Will +2 (*+1 vs disease/poisons)| Init +4 | Percep +7, Low Light Vision| CMD 15

I have no idea how I didn't notice that before! Seems like every time I play with you, you find out I'm using some sort of illegal character option. Makes me wonder about my other PCs.

Swapping it with Underhanded Trick; important for a rogue bow build, appreciated by all!

Grand Lodge

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hah. I'm no grand auditor, it just seemed a cool ability so I looked it up :)

I'd be happy to look at any of your other characters before you run into a harsher GM ;)

Silver Crusade

M Catfolk Mesmerist 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 Tch 13 FF 13 | F +1 R +6 W +6 | 46/50 CLW stick 44/50 Endure Elements stick| Spells 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 2/4 Implanted Alacrity on self | Init +3 Perception +4 SM +6; scent | Reroll used| Conditions:

I believe my profile is up to date. It includes Botting instructions with the appropriate dice expressions.

Let me know if you want any changes.

This is my first time playing a Mesmerist. Hopefully it works out alright.

Specials would be Scent, Reach with the Longspear, and Hypnotic Stare/Painful Stare.

No day job on this character.

Grand Lodge

CG Human Rogue/3 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 21/21 hp | Fort +2*, Ref +6, Will +2 (*+1 vs disease/poisons)| Init +4 | Percep +7, Low Light Vision| CMD 15

Went ahead and added Pocket Sand to my inventory ;D hopefully that works as a go-to for Dirty Trick: Blind.

Sayuki has low-light vision, Evasion, is secretly a kitsune (though she doesn't protect that identity as thoroughly as some), and can cast Message 1/day as a spell-like. Uses Int for a bunch of skills due to archetype, but that's usually going to already be math'd and accounted for.

The Exchange

M LN Aphorite Hexcrafter Staff Magus 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 14 T 11 FF 13 | CMB +3, CMD 14 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +3 | Init: +1 | Perc: +1, SM: +1, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 2/2 | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Active conditions: None

Bry Anne (pronounced "Brian") is a hexcrafter staff magus. Right now, the only difference that makes is that he can use a quarterstaff with one hand and has all spells of 6th level or lower with the [curse] descriptor on his spell list. He's also got the Enforcer feat, but can only use it in conjunction with his spell frostbite unless he wants to take a hefty penalty to deal nonlethal damage with his staff.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-orc Bard (archaeologist) / 6 HP 44/51 | AC 23 F 20 T 13 | Init +3 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perception (+12) | Darkvision 60'

Hi. Hey Sayuki. Always good to see a friendly face.

Um...mechanic/tactics. I have Archaeologist's luck, which grants me +2 to attack, dmg, skill checks, that sort of thing. I can use it 8rds/day. swift action to begin, free to continue.

arcane strike. +1 dmg as a swift.

Charming smile, big axe. That's me.

Perform; oratory: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

" that's how I wound up slaying one minotaur, and then saving another! Ha! That Prince Nuar fella wasn't half bad I suppose."

Grand Lodge

Male Half-orc Bard (archaeologist) / 6 HP 44/51 | AC 23 F 20 T 13 | Init +3 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perception (+12) | Darkvision 60'

Oh, and as an immediate action I can cast clw if reduced to -1 hp or lower, thanks to my Dawnflower Sash.

Grand Lodge

Consort Compact Maps | Character Details |

I dig it. Conig didn't get to see enough of that last session, Bahram.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-orc Bard (archaeologist) / 6 HP 44/51 | AC 23 F 20 T 13 | Init +3 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perception (+12) | Darkvision 60'

Ah! You're Conig's handler! That was a really cool build. I hope to get to run work him again to see how he progresses.

Grand Lodge

Consort Compact Maps | Character Details |

Hi folks,

Not a lot of takers these days. I'm sure people are busy. We can move forward with APL 1.5, so either tier.

Any strong feelings about waiting or moving forward at either tier?

Silver Crusade

M Catfolk Mesmerist 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 Tch 13 FF 13 | F +1 R +6 W +6 | 46/50 CLW stick 44/50 Endure Elements stick| Spells 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 2/4 Implanted Alacrity on self | Init +3 Perception +4 SM +6; scent | Reroll used| Conditions:

Since it is a beginning scenario, I would suggest announcing it once more in Flaxseeed and the Online Play Discord server. There are a lot of people that are just now trying online, and the new people are unlikely to have gone through old messages.

I would then gIve it one or two days, then we start.

Since I’ve never run nor played this at Tier 2, I don’t know how much more difficult it is. I know there is equipment my character doesn’t have yet since they only have credit for one scenario.

Bahram can activate CLW sticks without a UMD check. That is something I always look for in a group.

Sayuki is our best combatant in terms of AC, chance to hit, and hit points. Her damage is lower than Bahram or Bry Anne unless she gets her sneak attack. Even with sneak attack, Bahram has higher average and maximum damage in melee.

I expect that Bahram and Bry Anne will actually be our front line while Sayuki uses her bow.

Cith can actually help someone get into flank on the second round via his Mesmerist trick. We will need that if we hit a creature with high AC. He can also add a small amount of damage each round if someone manages to hit.

It looks like we are doing well for social skills. With Bahram we have a chance at any knowledge skill and everyone except my character has some knowledge skill they are good at.

We definitely have gaps in our skills, but that is normal for a four person group. I may have missed it, but we don’t appear to have anyone with good wilderness skills.

We don’t have a heavy hitter, but overall it looks like a pretty good group right now.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-orc Bard (archaeologist) / 6 HP 44/51 | AC 23 F 20 T 13 | Init +3 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perception (+12) | Darkvision 60'

I'm fine with moving forward .. if you think that the four of us can handle the combat. I've never seen this scenario

Grand Lodge

CG Human Rogue/3 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 21/21 hp | Fort +2*, Ref +6, Will +2 (*+1 vs disease/poisons)| Init +4 | Percep +7, Low Light Vision| CMD 15

Yeah, combat's a slight concern-- each of us is a mixed class (martial + magic for most of us, martial + skills for me); not sure any of us have full BAB, even, and Sayuki's focus on range makes her less damage-capable than other rogues.

If this is one of those modules that has adjustments for Party of 4, though, I'm good to move forward.

Grand Lodge

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Consort Compact Maps | Character Details |

ok. we're not set to run in Outpost so we're not in any rush to start if y'all are ok with waiting on a little more recruitment. I'll repost to Flaxseed.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-orc Bard (archaeologist) / 6 HP 44/51 | AC 23 F 20 T 13 | Init +3 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perception (+12) | Darkvision 60'

Sounds good.

Silver Crusade

M Catfolk Mesmerist 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 Tch 13 FF 13 | F +1 R +6 W +6 | 46/50 CLW stick 44/50 Endure Elements stick| Spells 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 2/4 Implanted Alacrity on self | Init +3 Perception +4 SM +6; scent | Reroll used| Conditions:
Sayuki the Duplicitous wrote:

Yeah, combat's a slight concern-- each of us is a mixed class (martial + magic for most of us, martial + skills for me); not sure any of us have full BAB, even, and Sayuki's focus on range makes her less damage-capable than other rogues.

If this is one of those modules that has adjustments for Party of 4, though, I'm good to move forward.

None of us are full BAB, but a Magus is fully capable of being a front line damage dealer. The problem is that it takes a little time to get there. I have also seen some pretty impressive battle bards in the past.

The scenario is season 7, it should have adjustments for a party of four.

I think we would be alright as long as we don’t hit DR or a swarm. I didn’t check if we have anyone capable of dealing with a swarm.

Grand Lodge

CG Human Rogue/3 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 21/21 hp | Fort +2*, Ref +6, Will +2 (*+1 vs disease/poisons)| Init +4 | Percep +7, Low Light Vision| CMD 15

I have money I haven't touched yet. Speaking of which...

GM, Sayuki's gonna buy a quiver of Cold Iron arrows, 10 Silver arrows, annnnnd we'll figure out Swarms in a bit. I should have around ~150gp to work with on that front.

But yeah, I know Magi and Bards can be monsters on the battlefield (I think Archaeologists are usually a little more geared toward it than vanilla bards, iirc), but as mentioned, it takes a little time to get there... and we're 1's and 2's. (Rogues are similar, actually!)

Haven't seen a lot of Mesmerists, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out. I think you're the... second one I've ever played with?

The Exchange

M LN Aphorite Hexcrafter Staff Magus 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 14 T 11 FF 13 | CMB +3, CMD 14 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +3 | Init: +1 | Perc: +1, SM: +1, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 2/2 | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Active conditions: None

Sounds fine here. Bry Anne is more defensively-oriented, which should help him survive the front line.

Grand Lodge

Consort Compact Maps | Character Details |
Sayuki the Duplicitous wrote:

Haven't seen a lot of Mesmerists, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out. I think you're the... second one I've ever played with?

Both in games Iv'e GM'd, strangely.

Grand Lodge

CG Human Rogue/3 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 21/21 hp | Fort +2*, Ref +6, Will +2 (*+1 vs disease/poisons)| Init +4 | Percep +7, Low Light Vision| CMD 15
GM Weenerton wrote:
Sayuki the Duplicitous wrote:

Haven't seen a lot of Mesmerists, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out. I think you're the... second one I've ever played with?
Both in games Iv'e GM'd, strangely.


...oh shoot, you're right.


Silver Crusade

M Catfolk Mesmerist 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 Tch 13 FF 13 | F +1 R +6 W +6 | 46/50 CLW stick 44/50 Endure Elements stick| Spells 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 2/4 Implanted Alacrity on self | Init +3 Perception +4 SM +6; scent | Reroll used| Conditions:
Sayuki the Duplicitous wrote:
Haven't seen a lot of Mesmerists, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out. I think you're the... second one I've ever played with?

As I stated, this is my first time playing one. I haven’t seen a lot of them either, but the concept of a Mesmerist Catfolk amused me.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-orc Bard (archaeologist) / 6 HP 44/51 | AC 23 F 20 T 13 | Init +3 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perception (+12) | Darkvision 60'

I have the alchemist fires for swarms, that's about it. as of right now my spells are mostly for utility purposes.

Hey there. I'm interested in joining. Saw your post on the Flaxseed forum. Don't have much PFS 1e experience - only 2-3 games maybe. Have a lvl 1 bloodrager but thinking of rebuilding her. May need a bit of guidance! Let me know if I need to do anything.

Grand Lodge

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

hey...if you still need a toon, I can bring in a fresh lvl 1...what if i play this with a lvl 2? i cant remember about evergreens with a lvl 2...

Grand Lodge

CG Human Rogue/3 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 21/21 hp | Fort +2*, Ref +6, Will +2 (*+1 vs disease/poisons)| Init +4 | Percep +7, Low Light Vision| CMD 15

Unless I'm mistaken, you can play an Evergreen as many times as you'd like with a level 1, and a single time with a level 2.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong :P

You are correct, Sayuki.

Season 10 Roleplaying Guild Guide, pg 19 wrote:


All Tier 1 and 1-2 adventures can be replayed an unlimited number of times with a 1st-level character for credit. Tier 1–2 adventures can also be played with a 2nd-level character once for credit in each campaign mode (Core and Standard Modes). GMs receive one Chronicle sheet each time they run one of the Tier 1 and Tier 1-2 adventures. They may apply a Tier 1–2 Chronicle sheet to one 2nd-level character per adventure per campaign mode.


In recruitment you said you played before but it was a long time ago. Do you still have the chronicle sheets? If not, do the sessions show up in the “Organized Play” section if you use the menu for “My Account”?

If either is true, we can use the credit from those sessions to help build your character.

Yep - have three chronicle sheets (though one is from a level 5 scenario I played with a pre-gen). Only two of these sessions show up in the "My Account" page though. From my understanding, I should have 2 XP and level up when I get 3 XP, right?

Can't find my old character sheet, but had a Steelblooded Bloodrager. The occult classes appeal to me so was thinking of rebuilding her as an Id Rager (possibly with a dip into Shifter to get a slam attack depending on emotional focus). Gonna look over base bloodrager and the id rager - will decide what exactly I want. Don't usually like the 'typical' bloodrager builds. Any suggestions? (In a homebrew RotRL game, played a gnome urban bloodrider with the shapechanger bloodline who became tiny whenever he raged that was super fun). Going to sit down in the next hour or so and hash out a character sheet. Is there a template anywhere for the character sheet for my profile on here?


Grand Lodge

Consort Compact Maps | Character Details |
MauveAvengr wrote:

Yep - have three chronicle sheets (though one is from a level 5 scenario I played with a pre-gen). Only two of these sessions show up in the "My Account" page though. From my understanding, I should have 2 XP and level up when I get 3 XP, right?

Can't find my old character sheet, but had a Steelblooded Bloodrager. The occult classes appeal to me so was thinking of rebuilding her as an Id Rager (possibly with a dip into Shifter to get a slam attack depending on emotional focus). Gonna look over base bloodrager and the id rager - will decide what exactly I want. Don't usually like the 'typical' bloodrager builds. Any suggestions? (In a homebrew RotRL game, played a gnome urban bloodrider with the shapechanger bloodline who became tiny whenever he raged that was super fun). Going to sit down in the next hour or so and hash out a character sheet. Is there a template anywhere for the character sheet for my profile on here?


There's no standard template but feel free to peruse any of the characters in my profile for a structure. Please be as comprehensive as possible, although I don't need full descriptions of any character options available in the PRD (spell and feat descriptions, for example).

Ok, I have the following in the game so far:

Bahram al-Urgug
Sayuki the Duplicitous
Bry Anne

If you want a spot in this game, please claim a spot in the Character Details document at the top of the thread. Once we hit 6, I'll get us started.

Signed up on the document. Will finish filling it out once I rebuild my character. May take an hour or two.

Grand Lodge

Consort Compact Maps | Character Details |
MauveAvengr wrote:
Signed up on the document. Will finish filling it out once I rebuild my character. May take an hour or two.

no sweat.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MauveAvengr wrote:
Yep - have three chronicle sheets (though one is from a level 5 scenario I played with a pre-gen). Only two of these sessions show up in the "My Account" page though. From my understanding, I should have 2 XP and level up when I get 3 XP, right?

Paper records trump reporting. If you have all three chronicles, that is great.

Yes, you would be 1st level with 2 xp and level after this scenario. The one that you played with a Pregen needs to wait until you are the level of the Pregen before you apply it.

MauveAvengr wrote:

Can't find my old character sheet, but had a Steelblooded Bloodrager. The occult classes appeal to me so was thinking of rebuilding her as an Id Rager (possibly with a dip into Shifter to get a slam attack depending on emotional focus). Gonna look over base bloodrager and the id rager - will decide what exactly I want. Don't usually like the 'typical' bloodrager builds. Any suggestions? (In a homebrew RotRL game, played a gnome urban bloodrider with the shapechanger bloodline who became tiny whenever he raged that was super fun). Going to sit down in the next hour or so and hash out a character sheet. Is there a template anywhere for the character sheet for my profile on here?


If you want a template to copy off, all of the Pregens have BB Code versions available in the PbP GM Kit. You could make a copy of the one for Crowe and adjust as needed.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-orc Bard (archaeologist) / 6 HP 44/51 | AC 23 F 20 T 13 | Init +3 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perception (+12) | Darkvision 60'
bretl wrote:
If you want a template to copy off, all of the Pregens have BB Code versions available in the PbP GM Kit. You could make a copy of the one for Crowe and adjust as needed.

didn't know that tool was available! I'm still fairly new as well, so that will help.

Glad I could help!

Feel free to ask any questions. If it involves rules interpretation or something like that GM Weenerton will have to answer it. For other topics I am more than happy to help.

Grand Lodge

female aasimar sorceror 6 HP 32, AC/T/FF 12, 12, 10, F +5, R +5, W +6 Init +6, Perc +13

hey...grimdog73's toon here...forgot she's still a lvl 1...oh and btw..that character details link doesn't work...i can bring in whatever the party needs...she's a cleric right now...but can change it...i'm flexible..

Just my opinion but if MauveAvengr is bringing in a Bloodrager, I think keeping Carlin as a cleric should work great.

Bloodrager 1
Magus 1
Bard (Archeologist) 2
Rogue 2
Mesmerist 1
Cleric 1

Seems like a pretty good group to me!

Grand Lodge

Consort Compact Maps | Character Details |

Apologies. Character sheet link fixed.

Looks like we have a stout 6-person party then. Once final character selections are locked in I'll kick us off in earnest.

In the meantime, I'll put a prompt in Gameplay for some character descriptions and banter.

Grand Lodge

female aasimar sorceror 6 HP 32, AC/T/FF 12, 12, 10, F +5, R +5, W +6 Init +6, Perc +13

sweet...i'm good to go...don't think i need to make any gear purchases.

Grand Lodge

Bedisa | Female NG Medium Half-Orc Bloodrager (Id Rager) 4 / Shaman (Animist) 2
Bloodrage Stats:
HP 42/66 | AC 19, T 11, FF 17 | CMD 22 | F +10, R +7, W +11 |
HP 54/54 | AC 21, T 13, FF 19 | CMD 22| F +8, R +7, W +7 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Speed 30ft | Bloodrage 6/12, | Active Conditions: n/a

Hey all. Finally re-built my bloodrager. Not 100% sure I built her right - will double check in the morning. Also have about 1500 gp from my two scenarios that I need to spend. Only things I've bought are a longsword and scale mail. Any other suggestions? Plan is to dip Shifter to get slam attacks and then who knows after that.

Silver Crusade

M Catfolk Mesmerist 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 16 Tch 13 FF 13 | F +1 R +6 W +6 | 46/50 CLW stick 44/50 Endure Elements stick| Spells 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 2/4 Implanted Alacrity on self | Init +3 Perception +4 SM +6; scent | Reroll used| Conditions:

Upgrade to Breastplate, get a masterwork weapon?

If you are going for quick, ACG includes a Bloodrager kit with basic equipment.

Grand Lodge

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Bedisa wrote:
Hey all. Finally re-built my bloodrager. Not 100% sure I built her right - will double check in the morning. Also have about 1500 gp from my two scenarios that I need to spend. Only things I've bought are a longsword and scale mail. Any other suggestions? Plan is to dip Shifter to get slam attacks and then who knows after that.

1500gp is quite a bit for your first two chronicles. could I take a look at those over PM?

Grand Lodge

CG Human Rogue/3 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 21/21 hp | Fort +2*, Ref +6, Will +2 (*+1 vs disease/poisons)| Init +4 | Percep +7, Low Light Vision| CMD 15

I was trying to figure out where I had seen Jack recently...

and then i wemembewed! òwó

Grand Lodge

Male Half-orc Bard (archaeologist) / 6 HP 44/51 | AC 23 F 20 T 13 | Init +3 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perception (+12) | Darkvision 60'

It gets difficult trying to remember which Character knows which,v doesn't it? I May make a spread sheet.

Grand Lodge

CG Human Rogue/3 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 21/21 hp | Fort +2*, Ref +6, Will +2 (*+1 vs disease/poisons)| Init +4 | Percep +7, Low Light Vision| CMD 15

I could have gone on with ideas for a while.

Sayuki is a prankster by nature!

Grand Lodge

CG Human Rogue/3 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | 21/21 hp | Fort +2*, Ref +6, Will +2 (*+1 vs disease/poisons)| Init +4 | Percep +7, Low Light Vision| CMD 15

Slide 3 now includes "Team Make Some Noise" and "Team Hassle the Barkeep." I've sorted Sayuki into the former, Bedisa and Bry into the latter. Cith, Carlin, and Jack, let me know if you have a preference.

Side note: Carlin, please make sure to place your token in your preferred position in the Marching Order on the same slide! I'm happy to scoot forward or back to accommodate.

The Exchange

M LN Aphorite Hexcrafter Staff Magus 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 14 T 11 FF 13 | CMB +3, CMD 14 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +3 | Init: +1 | Perc: +1, SM: +1, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 2/2 | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Active conditions: None

Bedisa, do you want to go “Good Cop Bad Cop” on him? Bry Anne’ll be the bad cop, of course. XD

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