Imperial Dragon Sorcerer

Bahram al-Urgug "Jack"'s page

1,000 posts. Organized Play character for mahuffma.

Full Name

Bahram al-Urgug




Bard (archaeologist) / 6 HP 44/51 | AC 23 F 20 T 13 | Init +3 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perception (+12) | Darkvision 60'












Common, orc, draconic

Strength 20
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 11
Charisma 17

About Bahram al-Urgug "Jack"

Bahram Al-Urgug
Half-orc Bard(Archaeologist) 6
HP 51
AC 23/20/13
Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7
+1 vs poison and disease - Trap sense + 2
CMD 22, Init +3
Perception +12
Darkvision 60'
Alignment: CN

BAB +4
+2 Greataxe (Diplomat) +12 (1d12+9 +1d6) x3
Shortsword +9 (1d6+5) 19/20 x2

Short bow +7 (1d6) x3

---Special attacks---
Archaeologists luck +3 7rds/day

Lingering performance
Weapon focus (great axe)
Power attack

---Special Abilities---
Archaeologists luck +2 7rds/day
Sacred Tattoo - +1 luck bonus to saving throws
Intimidating +2 intimidate
Clever explorer + 1/2 lvl to DD
Uncanny dodge
Trap Sense +2
Shadow Duplicate (rogue talent)
Lore Master 1/day
fly (as per spell) 1/day

Fate's Favored +1 to all luck bonuses
Trapfinder +1 disable device and it is a class skill
Campaign Trait: Missionary +1 intimidate

Orc, Common

Acrobatics +7 (3 dex, 1 rank, +3 misc)
Climb +9 (5 str, 1 rank, +3 misc)
Dipomacy +10 (3 cha, 4 rank, 3 misc)
Disable Device +16 (3 dex, 6 rank, +1 trapfinder, 3 cs, +1/2 lv)
Intimidate +15 (3 cha, 6 rank, +6 misc)
Knowledge +6 (0 int, +3 Bardic kn., 3 cs)
kn. Arcana +7 (0 int, 1 rank, +3 Bardic kn., +3 misc)
Kn. Dungeoneering +7 (0 int, 1 rank, +3 Bardic kn., +3 misc)
kn. History +7(0 int, 1 rank, +3 Bardic kn., +3 misc)
kn. local +8 (0 int, 2 rank, +3 Bardic kn., +3 misc)
kn. nature +7 (0 int, 1 rank, +3 Bardic kn., +3 misc)
kn. religion +7 (0 int, 1 rank, +3 Bardic kn., +3 misc)
Perception +12 (0 wis, 6 rank, +6 misc)
Spellcraft +5 (0 int, 2 rank, 3 misc)
Use Magic Device +8 (3 cha, 2 rank, 3 misc)

Spells known: 6 0th, 4 1st, 3 2nd
Spells per day: 0th: 6 1st: 5, 2nd: 3
Spell List:
0th: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ghost Sound, Spark, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st: Cure light wounds, Silent Image, Grease, Comprehend Languages
2nd: Heroism, Mirror Image, Blur, Miasmal Dread

+2 Greataxe w/ rune, Shortbow, Quiver w/ 20 arrows, Shortsword, spare +1 chain shirt, mw buckler, Dawnflower Sash, clw wand 2/5, clw wand 40/50, Brass patronage ring of Al-Sahba High priestess of Saranrae (spins in hand), Wayfinder, Robe of resistance +2
pack: chalk, thieve's tools, 3 Trail rations, 2 water skins, 2 scrolls of hide from undead, 2 scrolls of protection from evil, Infused Extracts of CLW andShield
celestial armorCurses: 1 At noon each day, I must fully clean and bathe before cleaning the armor in holy water 2 I must tithe at least 10gp each day to help the poor, sick, elderly, handicapped, orphaned, or diseased. This amount can be saved until I meet someone with a proper need, 3 I must use the armor's flight ability once each day BoonIf I meet all three requirements, I gain DR10/evil for 10 rounds
gp 4749
Carrying Capacity: Light Load-58 lbs, Medium Load-116 lbs
Current load: 55lbs

Bot me:
If within range of his great axe, Bahram will step up and take a swing, flanking if possible. If it looks like a tough opponent, he will use a round of luck bonus, granting him +2 attack and damage. If it is too far away, he will move up.

Being born of a Keleshite mother and Orcish father, Bahram's coloring is rather interesting. His Bronze human and green orc hue create a dark ruddy green. He wears baggy white bohemian genie pants that are tight at the ankle. He wears no shirt, just a leather jerkin covered with mahogany wooden plates. His bare arms are covered in black tribal tatoos that are difficult to discern against his ruddy skin. He also sports two smears of ink below each aye, akin to an American Football player. He has a black pointy beard that matches his dark hair.

Bahram was born of a Keleshite mother and orc father.
Bahram's life started while his mother was working as part of an archaeologist team, digging up an old ruin when an orc war party fell upon them. Some time later, His mother, having given birth to such a painful reminder of the harm done to her people and an affront to the Garundi heritage, had to fight hard in order to protect Bahram. Things were especially difficult for Bahram since his mother insisted on him knowing of his orcish lineage as well as her own. He was raised under her skirts and worked hard in helping her on her archaeology digs.

As Bahram became older, and stronger, the humans surrounding him became less tolerant of his presence. In a final attempt to shelter her ill begotten son, his mother declared Bahram a full fledged archaeologist in his own right and assigned him his new life's quest. He was to go forth into the world and search for the ancient artifacts once belonging to the Osirion people.

Bahram was not long into his journey before he began to wonder if his mother's "glorious mission" was nothing more than attempt to free him of his human counterpart's reprisal. Or perhaps he truly his meant for greatness in restoring Osirion to it's former glory.


Spells per day:
0th: 6
1st: 5
2nd: 32
Shadow Duplicate (rogue talent)
Lore Master 1/day
fly (as per spell) 1/day
Archaeologists luck +3 7rds4