Full Name |
Carlin Ember |
Race |
aasimar |
Classes/Levels |
sorceror 6 HP 32, AC/T/FF 12, 12, 10, F +5, R +5, W +6 Init +6, Perc +13 |
Gender |
female |
Size |
medium |
Age |
19 |
Alignment |
CG |
Deity |
Sarenrae |
Languages |
common, celestial, sylvan, goblin |
Strength |
8 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
14 |
Wisdom |
14 |
Charisma |
20 |
About Carlin Ember
Carlin Ember
XP 15
Female aasimar sorceror(solar) 6
CG medium human
Init +6:Senses darkvision 60; Perception +13
AC 12; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 10 (Dex +2)
HP 32(6d6+6 Con)
Fort +5, R +5 W +8(+4 vs blindness)
Speed 30
Space 5ft; Reach 5ft
shortspear +2 1d6-1/x3
dagger +2 1d4-1/19/20 x2
mwk crossbow +6 1-6/19-10 x2
Spells Known/Prepared (CL 6, DC 16 +spell lvl, +1 fire)
0-Read Magic, Detect Magic, Light, Daze, acid splash, disrupt undead. flare
1-Burning Hands, celestial healing, searing light*, magic missile, vanish, ear splitting scream%
2-scorching ray, flaming sphere, fury of the sun*
*-bloodline spell
%-page of spell knowledge
Spells per day
Str 8, Dex 14 Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 20
Base Atk +3; CMB +1; CMD +13 ( vs. trip)
eschew materials, spell focus(evocation), improved initiative,
spell penetration
Spellcraft +11
know arcana +10
Perception +13
Diplomacy +14
UMD +14
Intimidate +10
Havoc of the society-+1 damage on spells, force
Resilient-+1 Fort
class features
common(Keleshite), Celestial, Goblin, Sylvan
aura(good), resistances,(acid, cold, electric)5, resist fire 10
Combat Gear
mwk light crossbow, 20 bolts
Other Gear
cloak of resistance +1
sorceror's kit
2 vials acid
2 vials holy water
alchemist fire
spring loaded wrist sheath
3 chalk
ink, pen and 5 paper
courtesan's outfit
hot weather outfit
silk scarf
filter scarf
antivenom x2
potion of clw
wand of clw(32)
mapcase x2
wand of mage armor(47)
wand of produce flame(10)
wand of endure elements(32)
headband of charisma +2
minor bag of holding
page of spell knowledge.-earsplitting scream
wand of create water (50)
traveler's anytool
2 water skins
5 days food
gp 7832
sp 5
PFS info
Scenarios played
1-In Service to Lore-1 XP, 2 PP, 417 GP gained
2-Wounded Wisp-1xp, 2 PP, 430 gp gained
3-Consortium Compact-1xp, 2 PP 430 gp gained
4-The Confirmation-430 gp,1 xp, 1 pp, wayfinder gained
5-Crypt of the Everflame. 3 xp, 4 pp. 1398 gp gained 3255
6-Murder on the Silken Caravan-454 gp, 1 xp, 2 PP gained
7-Thornkeep-Sanctum of a Lost Age-11787 gp, 3 xp, 4 PP gained-held till 7th level
8-Slave Ships of Absalom-467 gp. 1 sp, 2 PP gained
9-Citadel of flame-1812 gp, 1 xp, 2 pp gained
10-Darkest Vengeance=1210 gp, 2 PP, 1 xp gained 7198
11-Destiny of the Sands Pt 1 -1850gp, 1 xp, 2 PP gained
12-Destiny of the sands pt 2-1850 gp, 1 xp, 2 pp gained.
13-Destiny of the sands pt 3=2354 gp, 1 xp, 2 PP
14=Year of the Shadow Lodge-2500 gp, 1 xp, 2 pp gained 15752-10100
15=Siege of Serpents, 2500 gp, 1 xp, 2 PP gained.
PP spent
2-wand of clw(50)
2-wand of Endure Elements(50)