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Two hours later, and the incognito Pathfinders have made their way to the Arcanium Abjurant. Once the centerpiece of the city, this wizardry school suffered heavy damaged while Xin-Edasseril stood outside of time. Several ruined columns line the front entrance of the white marble building where vellum banners hide broken stonework. A newly restored statue of Belimarius stands in the courtyard. Beyond these measures, much of the school still lies in disrepair.
Vacant classrooms cover the first floor of the Arcanium Abjurant. A stone staircase leads to a number of modest academic offices on the second floor, each lined with cramped bookshelves, archaic charts, and chalk-filled slates.
Daffrid works in an office overlooking the courtyard. You are easily able to make you way to meet her. Slide #9 She in her office, talking with a man, presumably her husband, while her two young children, a boy and a girl, play together in the corner.

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As they enter the room, Highwire whistles. Zagnut leaps out of his hair and looks around. Seeing the children, the squirrel darts over toward them, happy to entertain the children while the adults talk. Highwire walks over to look out the window into the courtyard for any suspicious behavior, with a pleasant nod to the couple, as the others handle the social discussions.

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The children happily play with the squirrel. You over hear one of them saying, "Mister Squirrel doesn't like the mean old Prunelord, either!"
Daffrid looks up, "May I help you?"

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Fortiva approaches openly, "Good afternoon. We're looking for Daffrid Chaverly and her husband. Would that be you?"
She looks from one to the other.
Assuming they confirm that the man is her husband, in a low voice she explains...
"We are here on behalf of a mutual friend, who has been out of touch for a little while - I imagine you know of whom I speak. Do you still have the payment he requires and can you be packed and ready first thing on the day after tomorrow?"

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Ryū’s just looking at them, trying to find out how old the children are, and well fed and clothed they seem to be. He’s also wondering if Daffrid would be interested in working for the Pathfinder Society, having someone like that teach at the Grand Lodge would probably be good for the organization.

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"Yes, I am." replies the woman. "And this is indeed my husband, Tellith. she has a heavy Thassalonian accent, and seems to be struggling a little with Taldane.
"The little ones are my daughter, Taffrit, and my son, Maffree."
The children immediately perk up, and come up to Fortiva. "Are you an elf?" asks Taffrit.
"Of course she is! She is tall, thin, and just look at those ears! The short one over there is a fey... I mean gnome. Right?" says the boy, hurrying over to Highwire. "Are you the master of the Mister Squirrel? He's a red tailed brown squirrel, right?"
The woman calmly continues to answer Fortiva while a chaotic barrage of questions is asked by the children. "If you are speaking of our 'Uncle' who was going to get our precious cargo out then I think so." She pats the head of Taffrit, clearly indicating what her precious cargo is.
Where is everybody at this time. Highwire and Fortiva are clearly in the room, but what about the others?

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I think Baz remained outside the office to keep a look-out. This place reminds him of an earlier time in his life when he might have gone down a different route.

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Tanaka is in the room to, as I wrote he’s looking at the family. Are the children speaking in Taldane too?
As the children do not seem to be very discreet about their questions, and hoping they do not know of their plan to move, but he’s looking around if anyone could hear the conversation.

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Erryn steps up next to Fortiva and gives a slight bow to Daffrid, saying "It is a privilege to meet you. We are indeed speaking of our Uncle."

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2Yes, they are speaking common/Taldane
Ryū Tanaka, our posts crossed... look at the times, I think I never saw yours. Looks like everyone but Bazerofan is in the room.
Looking around the room, the library seems i]very[/i] out of date. In fact, most titles are unreadable, you assume that they are in Thassalonian.
Highwire only
[spoiler=Ryū Tanaka]As an FYI - it does not appear that Minkaian is currently an available language, unless you have it opened from a boon or something?
You notice what appears to be a large pile of rocks, or perhaps a statue, move slightly. On closer inspection, it appears to be a stone giant, hiding among the damaged, rocky edifices of the courtyard. An eye catches yours, and you here, [/smaller]psst![/smaller] and what appears to be a massing finger beckoning you closer.

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Highwire grabs one of the books, looking almost like a textbook, and casually flips through it as he stands near the window.

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To the kids, Fortiva gives a half-smile and nods, "Mafree is correct - I am an elf. Good eye on identifying a gnome, as well."
Turning back to the parents, she says, "Excellent. It's a pleasure."
She glances over at Erryn for confirmation as she continues, "The easiest way to depart that day would be to join us on our ship, though I am uncertain how the children will pass for crew. The harder option involves a trek thru the sewers."
Original thought was to add these four to Flitch and get them out thru his route, since that boat takes five. But since Vurna knows the sewers already, her and her father make more sense to go that way, along with one or two more.
Something we could have discussed during the walk here.

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During the walk over.
"My preference would be to send both of the children on the first boat, with either one of the parents. This is no small ask, however, and may take some finesse. I think Vurna should go as well, since she will likely still be ill and will be difficult to smuggle aboard as crew."
Erryn rubs her forehead and sighs, saying "The final slot, unfortunately, will need to go to Flitch. We still need his guidance and I fear that he may betray us if we keep him any longer than he deems necessary."

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also in flashback
"That's good thinking. Send every under-aged person in one group. If we present it as the only option, this Daffrid and her husband won't have much room to argue."
Back in the room
Fortiva looks back to Daffrid as if remembering something, and shakes her head slightly. "Sorry, I meant to say that the best option involves a trek through the sewers, though it will be harder on you... as we can only get three of you out of the city that way. The other adult will come with us on our ship, as you can more easily pass for crew."

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As Highwire flips through the book, he says to the child, "Yes, I am a gnome. He is a red-tailed brown squirrel, though Zagnut is how own master ... but we are friends." He smiles.

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Tanaka, wanting to reassure them in case they heard about dangers in the sewers “Do not worry, we will not let you go through the sewers alone, we will be there to guide and guard you.”
If necessary I’ll aid Fortiva’s Diplomacy check, got +5 Diplomacy, and a +4 circumstance to aid.

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Daffrid replies, "We'll do whatever you think best, but one of us does need to go with the children. If you want someone who looks like crew, you should take Tellith with you. I look too much like the bookworm." In fact, Tellith the librarian looks as soft as the woman.
Little Taffrit pulls on Tanaka's cloak and asks, "Are we going to go on adventure with you?"
Followed by Maffree, "The sewers? We are going through the sewers? Is that how you are going to sneak us out past the nasty Prunelord?"
Daffreid continues talking to Fortiva, "I assume you'll want your payment?" She opens a drawer in her desk, pulling out a small satchel. "It is all there. The gold nodule aeon stone, and the scroll of water breathing, just as was arranged."
While looking around the room, something catches your eye out in the courtyard. A huge man, apparently made of stone, is hiding in the broken stone wall around the courtyard. He is looking your way, with a wistful look on his face.

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Erryn, taken aback by the sight, turns back to the others with a look of alarm.
"Pardon the interruption, but there appears to be an enormous stone man outside, looking directly at us. Daffrid, should we be concerned about him?"

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"Yes, young ones. You and your mommy are going to sneak past the silly Prunelord by going underground. And then your daddy is going to strut onto that boat like the bravest, most knowledgeable deckhand that ever handled a mop." Fortiva slaps Tellith on the shoulder as she winks at the kids.
As she takes the satchel, Fortiva says, "Thank you, Daffrid. Your understanding in these matters is apprec-eeee-aaa-what?!?" She turns to follow Erryn's gaze, more than a little shocked at what she sees.

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Highwire looks as if he is about to comment on the textbook he is looking through, but then is startled as he looks out the window. "My apologies ... I appear to have been distracted." He shoves the book back into the shelf where he found it.
Thievery(untrained): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
He looks around for Bazerofan on the grounds below. "One of you mentioned a way to send a distant message, did you not?"

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Looking momentarily embarrassed, Erryn regains her composure and nods. "Good thinking, Master Sanja. Thank you for the reminder."
Turning back out to the courtyard, Erryn looks for Bazerofan and quietly mouths a short message to him.

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Baz is delighted to confer with the giant when the opportunity presents itself.
In reply to Erryn: "Surely not, but I was just considering engaging him in conversation in order to find out."
...all as he confidently steps forward and greets the creature (speaking Jotun) in whatever way is most appropriate for a friendly encounter.

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All can see Bazerofan in the courtyard.
The very large stone man, while obviously moving, is making a valiant effort to hide while still potentially attracting your attention. He appears to have many scars all over his body, and does not give off a very imperious vibe.
"Oh, that's just Seddothrum. He's harmless." says Daffrid.

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"He appears to have taken notice of us. If you turn up missing, he will not tell the authorities that you've had contact with us?"
Assuming Daffrid reassures us about Seddothrum not being a threat, Highwire turns his attention back to the children. "Yes, we will go on an adventure together. But part of this adventure will require you doing exactly as you are told, by your parents and by us. In particular, if you are told to be still and silent, and stay hidden, you must do so. Let us practice! Without leaving this room, find a hiding spot. Make no sound." He turns toward the window, looking down at Bazerofan and Seddothrum, giving the children an opportunity to hide, should they choose to.

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He bends down to the children to speak to them. “Indeed on an adventure. The sewers is indeed a possible route we will take.” And with a smile he adds “Do not wear your best clothes at that time!”
A look of worries was visible on Tanaka’s face when he heard about the stone man, but he seems reassured by Daffrid.

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Daffrid replies, "I would doubt he would turn us in. As you can see he has not been well treated here."
The giant stirs, slinking towards the window. "Hello. My name is Seddothrum. I would really like to leave this place. Please, can you take me with you?"

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"Bazerofan is speaking with him now," Erryn says, before Daffrid's comment sends her whirling around, her expression intense. "Not well treated? What has been done to him?"

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"What an excellent suggestion. I would very much like to do so. My friends and I will have to alter our plans somewhat, however. Unless you have any suggestions how we might get you down in the sewer, it might take some thinking."

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"Why would I need to go into the sewers?" the giant asks. "are we leaving through the sewers?
Note that giants of many types are moving around freely in the city. Also, while he will need to squeeze, he can probably make his way through the sewers, if needed.
Of note, you know that the Rolanna's Prayer will not be at the docs... it will be out in Shard Cove, so you'll need a way to get there

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I'm not going to pretend that i actually understand what the plan is, so if I am mistaken in some detail, remember Baz likely isn't.
"Well, if you could meet us at Shard Cove by some other means, then that's all well and good...hmmm but there are only five berths available by that way, and I'd wager you'd could for at least four."
The wizard thinks for a moment. Finally this adventure is getting interesting, given the sudden turn to his specialties in smuggling and logistics.
"It will likely have to be the docks, then. In which case the question becomes how to sneak you on to the ship with only a day or two to plan."
Remembering that spells of all sorts are verboten in the city, he calls over Fortiva for a consultation.

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You've got it right. The Cove 'exit' has limited capacity, and I agree the giant would take up more than 1 spot that we cannot spare.
"How... interesting. Well, I suggest we part for now, but again - thank you both. I suggest coming and staying at Rockfish Inn (it's to the northeast of here, not too far) tomorrow night, as we have to get the three of you through the sewers to the boat first thing the next morning. Don't worry, the innkeeper can be trusted. All right?"
Satisfied with the arrangements made with Daffrid and Tellith, Fortiva walks outside to where Baz is conversing with the giant.
"Seems you've made a friend."
After he fills her in on his chat with Seddothrum, she looks up at the big guy but continues talking to the wizard.
"We can certainly try. He might draw a lot of attention, but he might be quite... useful as well."

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You can take the sewers to the shore of the cove... but the ship will not be on the shore. I think this may not clear that it will be in the bay, not landing. Your job will include getting folks to it. Techincally Seddothrum just takes up one slot, but your point is well thought out.
Daffrid replies to Fortiva telling her that they will meet them at the Rockfish Inn.
"May I also go to the inn? I can be very helpful. I carry a lot!" The two children rush out to climb all over the stone giant, and while he seems happy about that.

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Oo, thank you. I had assumed the ship had longboats or similar for getting to and from shore.
Fortiva leans over to Baz and whispers, "He likes the kids. He wants to tag along and help. He can practically walk across the bay. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

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As Highwire heads out, he approaches Baz and holds out a piece of parchment. "My friend, I found this misplaced scroll in one of the books in that library up there. Would you perhaps be able to identify it, when you get a chance."

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Bazerofan shrugs and replies: "Chances are good." It's unclear if he's talking to Fortiva or Sanja or both, but he gives the parchment a quick glance and pockets it.
It takes 10 minutes to identify a magic item, assuming that's what this is, so whenever we have a quiet moment. Both his Arcana and Occultism are +9. He's not trained in Religion or Nature.
Then he turns to the group in general. "Does anyone have the time?"

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If it's a common spell from your spell list or one you already know, you can identify it automatically with a single Recall Knowledge check. If not, I can take a look at it as well, I'm trained in Nature and Religion, both at +7.

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Seeing no disagreements coming from the others, Fortiva nods to the giant. "Yes, you may. But don't tell anyone else, okay?"

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Following the others outside, Tanaka listen to the conversation.
Once the team is on the move and somewhere where there is few people that can overheard, he mentions “Maybe we should take a moment to lay out our plan so everyone is aware of it. I know that we need to see Fitch too, so maybe it will change.
Also we should try to know if that bay is dangerous in any way.”
I’m also starting to get confused to who gets in which boat, and where those boats will be. I didn’t think we’d have to help some of them cross the bay.

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Erryn immediately determines that the spell is remove disease. Baz is pretty sure this isn't on his spell list.
Off to Flitch's?

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Sounds good.
Erryn chuckles when she realizes what the scroll is. "Could've used this earlier and saved myself a lot of work."

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Note, she's stil at stage 2, and could get worse!
A well-oiled grate leads down into a twisting sewer system. Graffiti covers the walls at every intersection of the labyrinth. The marking seem similar to those in Flitch's house.
I need a single trained survival check from someone. This will have a +1 circumstance bonus