About Erryn CanmorePFS Information:
PFS Number: 2364038-2002 Experience: 29 XP Gold: 121.41 Training: Spells Major Factions
Purchased Boons
Erryn Canmore:
Ethnicity: Taldan Nationality: Lastwall Birthplace: Vigil Age: 25 Gender & Pronouns: Female, She/Her/Hers ancestry Human (skilled) background Lastwall Survivor class Cleric of Arazni (Cloistered Cleric); Level: 3; Experience: 29 size Medium traits Humanoid, Human alignment CG Associations: Pathfinder Society Languages: Common, Hallit, Thassilonian ____________________ ABILITY SCORES STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1)
Unarmored: [T], Light: [U], Medium: [U], Heavy: [U] SAVING THROWS
Class DC: 19 [T] Speed: 30 Movement Types: Normal Melee Strikes
Ranged Strikes Weapon Proficiencies
Magic Traditions
Spell Attack Roll (divine): +9 [T]
Focus Points: 1/1
Spell Slots per Day
Spells Prepared
Acrobatics: +2 [U]
FEATS: Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Skill Feats
General Feats
Class Feats and Abilities
Bonus Feats
Combat Gear: +1 rapier, minor healing potion
Invested Items:
1. wayfinder 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Bulk: 2.2 (Encumbered at: 5; Maximum at: 10 Coins: 83.25 gp
CHRONICLES 1. PFS(2) 1-11: Flames of Rebellion:
Boon: Devil’s Keep (Advanced) You are the rightful master of the infernal keep known as Diggen’s Rest. Once per adventure, you can use the following reaction. Infernal Detonations [reaction] Trigger A creature within 30 feet of you targets you or an ally with an attack; Effect The creature takes fire damage equal to 1d6 + your level (basic Reflex save). The DC of the Reflex save is equal to your spell DC or your class DC, whichever is higher. Reputation(s): +4 (Vigilant Seal)
2. PFS(2) 1-12: Burden of Envy:
Boon: Valais’s Assurance (General, Limited-Use) Valais Durant is the leader of the Radiant Oath, in no small part because of her kindness and willingness to share her power with those in need. You may check a box next to this boon and spend an action to use the champion focus spell lay on hands, heightened appropriately for your level. This does not cost a focus point. ☐ ☐ Reputation(s): +4 (Vigilant Seal), +2 (Radiant Oath)
3. PFS(2) 1-08: Revolution on the Riverside:
Boon: River Kingdoms Politician (General): You have made yourself, one way or another, a known quantity in the realm of River Kingdoms politics. Upon completing an adventure set in the River Kingdoms or Razmiran, you may check a box next to this boon when using your downtime to Earn Income to participate in the political intrigues of the region, allowing you find an Earn Income task of up to your level +1. Once all three boxes next to this boon are checked, this boon has a special effect in a future adventure ☐ ☐ ☐ Reputation(s): +4 (Vigilant Seal)
4. PFS(2) Q-06: Archaeology in Aspenthar:
Boon: Secrets of the Jistkan Alchemists (General, Limited-Use): Your forays into the ancient alchemical testing site of the Jistka Imperium has left you with knowledge and materials for a few handy tricks. Whenever you Craft an item with the alchemical trait during Downtime, after rolling, you can check a box that precedes this boon to increase your degree of success by one (from critical failure to failure, from failure to success, or from success to critical success). ☐ ☐ Reputation(s): +1 (Vigilant Seal) Gold Earned: 5.5 Downtime: Earn Income for 0.1 gp 5. PFS(2) Q-11: A Parchment Tree:
Boon: Amateur Genealogist (General): Your efforts assisting Venture-Captain Qaradi have given you some insights into family trees. Immediately after the venture-captain briefing in a scenario, you can check a box next to this boon to increase your proficiency in either Genealogy Lore or Heraldry lore by 1 step until the end of the scenario: untrained becomes trained, trained becomes expert, and expert becomes master. You can’t increase your proficiency to legendary using this boon, and the effects of this boon aren’t cumulative with any other temporary proficiency increases to the associated skills. ☐ ☐ Reputation(s): +1 (Vigilant Seal) Gold Earned: 5.5 Downtime: Earn Income for 0.02 gp 6. PFS(2) 1-07: Flooded King's Court:
Boon: To Seal and Protect (General): You chose to destroy the undead Marcon Tinol, unwilling to risk the consequences of turning the ancient undead loose upon the world. This boon will have unique benefits and consequences in a future scenario. Reputation(s): +6 (Vigilant Seal) Gold Earned: 17.6 Downtime: N/A 7. PFS(2) Q-11: The Broken Scales:
Boon: Sewer Dragon Recruit: By saving the Sewer Dragons, you opened the door for some of the surviving members to enroll in the Pathfinder Society. Any kobold character you create may take the following background. SEWER DRAGON BACKGROUND Prerequisites Kobold ancestry You are one of the Sewer Dragons, born in Absalom’s sewers, strengthened by a life defending your territory. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Crafting skill and the Kobold Lore skill. You gain the Snare Crafting skill feat. Reputation(s): +1 (Vigilant Seal) Gold Earned: 5.5 Downtime: 0.1 8. PFS(2) 1-05: Trailblazer's Bounty:
Boon: Experienced Mountaineer (General): The trek from Isger to Molthune taught you tricks for navigating treacherously steep terrain. While this boon is slotted, you treat mountainous terrain and other steep slopes as difficult terrain, rather than as greater difficult terrain. Reputation(s): +4 (Vigilant Seal) Gold Earned: 22 Downtime: 0.4 9. PFS(2) Q-04 Port Peril Pub Crawl:
Boon: Stella’s Associate (General): Stella Fane knows you, though she’s not particularly impressed by you. Maybe you can improve her opinion of you next time around. This boon has special benefits when slotted during scenarios and quests that feature Stella Fane. Reputation(s): +1 (Vigilant Seal) Gold Earned: 5.5 Downtime: 0.1 10. PFS(2) B-18 From Family Lost:
Boon: N/A Reputation(s): +1 (Vigilant Seal) Gold Earned: 10 Downtime: N/A 11. PFS(2) 2-09 The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy:
Boon: N/A Reputation(s): +4 (Vigilant Seal) Gold Earned: 38 Downtime: 0.16 |