Ionnis |

Imma play this a minute like Io's mad at Mender, thinking they had a plan that was working, calming it and helping it out with the dust. It's just character interaction. Just there's no way to convey that without specifically saying it! :-)
I think the plan of using the dust will still be helpful, and maybe if we can goad it onto that bridge it might help? Also rescue Giu! Also, did we lose Sha?
And now we have two problems, Mender. That wasn't at all helpful. If he breaks free it was totally helpful. Io calls out to Giu, Are you okay? You....don't look okay. This is not okay.
Int check to see what we know about those breath attacks?? Exhaustion so disadvantage: 1d20 ⇒ 41d20 ⇒ 3 Crap, Io knows crap (and I don't know anything either other than I think it takes time to recharge that breath attack??
Mender, go goad it in the direction away from Giu, I'll see if I can help him get back here out of the way. He draws his crossbow as he starts to creep up, still out of the circle of stone fish.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

It looks like Giuseppe is fighting to turn back to face Io, I... have... got... to... calm... it... down...
Placing the bag into the rogue's hands, he says, Use... it... to... dry... up... the... mud...

GM Infinity |

The metal beast's eyes look red, but perhaps its just the light of sunrise reflecting...na its pissed. Ionnis seems to draw its attention now, as well...
Breath Recharge: 1d6 ⇒ 2 no
...but for whatever reason does not draw the noxious fumes his way. The exhausted Harpell may yet save one more life today...
Giu, you get another save in a rounds time, same DC. Advantage if someone drags you out of the breath radius.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Con save #2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
If get advantage: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Nope, I'm gone... :(

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Quen, you did ask. It would be opportunity, but by no means is it a guarantee. It is interesting, because I know I cannot afford Greater Restoration, and I believe that the magic item option is only for Raise Dead... Though, I do need to look it up to be sure...
EDIT: So I can trade my Dust of Dryness and lower my magic item total, if there is a caster that can undo the problem. So, no problem.

.Mender |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So, okay, my character is kinda an a'hole, but I still feel bad about you getting turned to stone Giuseppe. I'll chip in to help pay for you getting unston-ified.

Sir Gorum |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

”Chip In” haha. I see what you did there.
Seeing Gio get caught in the breath, Gorum runs in and grabs the fighter pulling him back to the wooden planks.
Athletics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
When Gio seems safe for the moment, the Paladin takes the rope he’s been working with and tries to lasso the bulls head.
Athletics/Acrobatics: 1d20 ⇒ 10 Athleics is +5, Acrobatics +0 whichever applies.

Ionnis |

Io watches Gorum suddenly swoop in and grab Giu, just as he takes the Dust of Dryness from him. OK, that works. Io finishes scattering the dust to dry up the mud around the bull, trying real hard to stay away from his face and that awful breath attack. He hums a low tune, even with all the chaos Mender and Gorum are causing, just in case it helps the bull realize they're trying to help.

GM Infinity |

It takes a few tries, but with the creature literally attached to the ground it can't dodge Gorum's attempts for long. The honda knot creaks slowly as it tightens down with a final gentle strum. The gorgon feels the change immediately, seeking to use the rope as a new point of leverage...
Strength: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Strength, adv from dust: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
...the gorgon tears another leg free and plops on the sandy loam. Just one final hind leg is keeping it from freedom.
Party 3 of 3 success, gorgon 2 of 3 success. I forgot to add strength modifier its first time from Mender shouting so that one was successful...
If the pier can be extended out to it, it will trigger another escape check.
Quen roll int check, and/or cast bless on Giuseppe.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

It is becoming clear that this medium is very difficult to play in, if you have a different posting rate than other players. It becomes very easy to miss details... :(

Giuseppe di Firenze |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Quen, you can choose 3 targets!
bless: 1d4 ⇒ 2 Yay!
Gio swears that he feels a woman's kiss upon his forehead, and the stony growth on his skin begins to crumble off. The swordsman collapses to his hands and knees, breathing heavily...
Looking up at the creature, Giuseppe scrambles to the side, to give the creature a wide berth, You are okay, you are okay... We mean you no harm.
His voice is soothing, the barest of quiver underlying...

GM Infinity |

"Holy mackerel!" Dickon exclaims, as Giuseppes stoney flesh quickly regains its color. He hustles double time to get his rickety pier into position.
Meanwhile Kestor ponders "Hmm...how did the last line of that story go? Protect men from beasts, protect beasts from man...something something..."
Mender could care less and strides right up to the iron rump, giving a hefty two handed push...
Strength: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Strength, adv: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
...and the final leg comes free, sending Mender suddenly flying face first into the ground when the support leaves him.
The gorgon gallops away nearly destroying Dickon's woodcraft in the process but turns to acknowledge you as it reaches the edge of the woods. With a regal bearing, it bends a knee and bows, before turning and galloping off into the dark forest. The sound of its heavy iron hooves echoes long after it’s vanished from sight. A tiny, emerald-throated canary flutters down from nowhere and settles on Giuseppe's shoulder...

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Gio drops to a seated position, letting out a deep breath. Noticing the canary, he smiles, happy to be alive, Hey there, little friend.
He notices Alberto crawling forward on his belly, a slight whimper escaping from his belly, and fishes out a piece of jerky to toss to the big dog.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Gio smiles and nods to the cleric...

Sir Gorum |
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INT to recall: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
As things settle down a bit, Gorum brushes himself off and standing next to Krestor, he thinks for a moment. ”And they both need to be protected from the other.” the Paladin recalls. ”Keep the order of things the way they are. Seems like a cause that Helm would approve of.”
”How bout you and your lover take on that quest. The two of you both represent each side. Maybe you two work together to protect both sides. That way you get to stay together and it makes sense to every body back home.” the half orc nods to his own idea. ”I think Helm would even bless that union. I could even marry you two under his Vigilant Eye if you were to take on that oath. Think it over. “

Ionnis |
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A wedding? I love parties! He looks around at his ragged and tired friends and dials back his enthusiasm. Er, well, yes weddings are nice.
We’re going to rest now, right? Io looks like he’s going to lay down right here on this muddy bank.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Oh, is that wedding bells that I hear? Giuseppe chimes in, from his seated position near the bank, I am up for a wedding, but perhaps they should wait a moment, let them settle in with each other before making such a big commitment, no?
EDIT: Yes, Io, my friend. Rest sounds good...

GM Infinity |

At his brother Kestor's goofy grin when a wedding is discussed, its Dickon's turn to facepalm and grumble "Great...I'm going to have a freakin' tree for a sister-in-law..."
Rest or no, the journey back to Buttergroves isn't as grueling as getting here, being mostly downhill as the forest slopes towards Moonsea. Also, the light of day keeps the darker fey in hiding. You note splish-splashing chasing you, as the Elvenflow once again is thick with silver trout as you walk along the verdant shore.
With both brothers returned, the little village couldn't be happier, supplying the agreed upon coin for both getting to the bottom of things, but also for the bounty of Vance, the river bandit. The boys' old grandfather Leofric marvels at your accounts as he resupplies your dust of dryness.
There is also a pleasant surprise: a group of Thayan merchants rolled into town, alarmed at the supply of silver trout being cut from their enterprises to the north. With news of the supply once again up and running, they hand over a reward of no less than 250 gold!
Still, despite the celebratory tone, Mother Strala finds it hard to crack a smile. After the drinking and feasting in your honor she pulls you aside "When Vance was questioned, he had quite the story about hags. Swore he did not kill Beryl of Beryl's Boathouse...so where did she go? If you could track her down it would ease a lot of worried folk...if she fled Vance, I'd be thinking she must've headed to Wayward..." describing the village back across the Elvenflow to the southeast.
Leading into the next module...rewards to come in discussion shortly.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

He was also the name of one of my favorite PCs, may he rest in peace... ^_^

Giuseppe di Firenze |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

On the path back to the village, Giuseppe sidles up to Mender, Look, I know you celestials view us mortals as simple folk whose lives are gone in di blink of an eye... but you threaten to cut mine short with some fool move again and you can find your own way.
The smile never leaves the Athkatlan's face as he continues, Now, despite myself, I like you. It would be a shame to have to leave you so soon.
He gives a hearty pat on the aasimar's shoulder, eliciting, no doubt, a cold look with little comprehension. Then he is off, catching up to chat with Quen about the strange priest's goddess, You know, I felt her...

.Mender |

"My actions directly led to our success." Mender stated unequivocably. "I knew the best would not respond to softer words and so relied on it's anger."
Mender reflects for a moment, then adds "but I suppose that I did cause you some minor inconvenience. I will commune with my god to determine the best path going forward."

Giuseppe di Firenze |

We'll teach you some humanity yet! Gio laughs.

Sha’ Lea |

Sorry I’ve been absent guys, wrk has been crazy kicking my ass lately. We’re one on the few places still open in my area so I’ve been working 14-16 hour shifts regularly. Should be calming down now though.