Giuseppe di Firenze |

Mmm... is Gio's only response, getting lost in the song.

GM Infinity |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

It sounds like 'Eeeeeelven-floooo-ooow, thoughts arrive like butterrrrrnu-uts'. ;) Still stuck in my head.
In short order you come to a clearing of the butternut grove, where stands a large tent that looks like it has stood for years. Cenric sends a few runners to gather the townsfolk. Meanwhile, he introduces you to Mother Strala, who is busy directing the preparation of a large feast. A very long table sits just outisde the tent, looking to sit 40 or 50.
She looks to be a half-elf of quite advanced years indeed. She wears flowing green robes and adorns her body with bead necklaces and bangles displaying mysterious elven symbols. As you approach, she stops singing and smiles at the canaries still fluttering about Cenric.
"Such gentle creatures, and they seem pleased to see you. As are we. I told you there was nothing to worry about, Cenric. The Hexad would never let us down. You must have questions my friends, please..." she invites everyone inside the tent.
As the townsfolk gather, she explains how during the summer months, the villagers trawl the river with nets and tide traps for silver trout. As the channels narrow, it's easy to stand on the riverbank and haul bucketafter-bucket of fish from the water. She mentions how the villagers dry, smoke, and blend with the nut butter from their trees to form a special dish: butter-spiced trout. Which you all had for lunch earlier. ;P
"...but a few weeks ago, the fish supply began to dry up. This coincided with a strange and plaintive howling coming from up river. It could be heard on only the stillest of nights...or when the wind blew from the south, just so...some said it made their blood run cold. Others, that is had a heart breaking sadness."
She gazes over the party trying to gauge reactions "I thought the Hexad would protect us, that the fish would start swarming again. But...much to my better judgement...after a time I allowed a few of our youths...Dickon and Kester...to head down and investigate. That was two nights ago...and none have seen them since."
Cenric elbows you "Thats Ned's kids mind...your gaoler. He and his wife Mildred are fairly torn up."

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Well then, I cannot very well leave them in distress, Gio muses before turning to his friends, My friends, will you join me on dis adventure?

.Mender |

Mender did not comment as the local rulership and economy were explained; instead, he simply waited for the mortals to be done with their business.
At the feast, as Mother Strala begins explaining what is happening, he asks "If there are people missing, what is the purpose of this feast? Also, you have not answered the questions about this...Hexad."

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Giuseppe looks expectantly at his friends, like Alberto looks at him when we wants to play... ^_^

GM Infinity |

Mender, Strala is happy to briefly run through the Hexad (whose worship isn't uncommon in Faerun) (Feel free to use spoiler info. None reside on Mount Celestia.) adding "...years ago our founder, Mother Audrea taught us this way of living with the gods and nature. The gnarled oak at the town's center is very special to us."
Regarding the feast "This is our way of evenfast, communal. Together we tend and work the forests, together we nourish and revive." Despite this, its obvious at least the boys' parents aren't in the best spirits.
When no one answers Giuseppe's plea, Mildred (the wife of the gaoler Ned and mother to the boys) implores "...please, surely they wouldn't explore further than the riverbend to the south. They're adventurous boys, but they know how to get on in the wild...they left with knives and walking sticks. But they only took enough bread, cheese, and butterpaste for a day or two...Kester is 17 but sometimes leads astray Dickon, our youngest at 14..." nearly on the verge of sobbing.
An older man stands up "I'm sure the boys are fine. More important is this business with the fish...as if something is stealing the life from up river. Bodes of darkness. Darkness, you hear! Now ye come see me before you head out, I've some supplies you'd be wise to take..."
Cenric mentions "Thats Leofric, the boys' grandfather. Its true, could be something stirring from the old forests...the Elvenflow is a border between Toril and the realm of faeries...old, very old. Now getting there, ye'd have to follow the deer trails through the forest, over Moonrise Ridge, and then down towards our spawnin' shoals."

Sha’ Lea |

Shae looks at the rest expectantly.
I'll help. If these children have been gone this long, they may need help.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Gio nods, My friends are just hesitant, I think. Some of them may be thinking of recompense, no? For me, I need none, but some of them do not have di security of a wealthy family.
No worries, I know everyone is dealing with stuff. I am just champing at the bit, because I have been running mostly and have not had much chance to play... ^_^

GM Infinity |

She seems disappointed, but quickly brushes that aside to be replaced with a desperate hope "...our village isn't rich by any means, any help at all would be gratefully received."
Teddy Tun Tatta, the fatass yet jovial nutbuster raises his flagon at that "Now, surely we can scrounge up coin worthy of these adventurers? I've seen yer hidey holes in the gnarled oaks...a crown here, a stag there...like squirrels in autumn! Hahaha! I should think 50 gold at least."
Cenric adds "...and theres the matter of the Nado gang bounty...we could offer a faster outpayment than riding to the Bourne, or back to Mulmaster..." His voice is almost an inquiry as he glances at Mother Strala.
She nods to seal the arrangement, and its Cenric's turn to raise his glass in thanks.
Food is also served amidst the conversation. A variety of breads and fowl, but the fish is pickled not fresh. Needless to say there is ample butternut paste to go around. (Imagine peanut butter but from tree nuts, like cashew butter or something.)

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Giuseppe feels bad for even bringing it up, but looks to his friends and to Sha'Lea in thanks.
If no one objects, which I doubt anyone will, we leave to look for the boys?

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Giuseppe smiles at the offer, graciously accepting a piece of toast with the butternut butter, Those boys may not have another night, good lady. If I were to come across them, and found that had we left a mere few hours earlier that we could have saved them, I would not forgive myself.
He takes a consensus as he takes a huge bite, not realizing that the paste would make for a difficult swallow...

Ionnis |
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Work was happily busy today.
Io is ready to go find what he is sure are some wayward kids. He would not accept money for that, but the free room and board, sure. As for the matter of the fish, did we bring up what we saw in the boat? The piranha like frenzy? If not Io will mention this while they’re chatting.

Sir Gorum |

The Paladin insists on escorting the captured bandits and Ned to the cellar and making sure they are secured.
Gorum walks up to the banquet with wide eyes. ”Now that’s what I call a meal.” He walks up beside Shae and Gio, ”The s%~& heads are locked up tight. I feel like some grub. What did I miss?”
When filled in, and up, Gorum indicates that he is more than willing to help.
Religion: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Oh, good point, Io! I wonder if the quippers have something to do with it...
Some boys went upstream to see what happened to di fish. They have not returned. We are offering to head out to find them.
At Io's declination of reward, Gio lets out a subtle sigh of relief, happy that his friends are noble and good... He had suspected as much after their last escapade, but confirmation is reassuring.
Do you think that it is wiser to wait for the sunrise? I am nervous that di boys may yet live and time is di enemy...

Ionnis |

You got a light source? I’m game if we all are.
He grabs another plateful of food while we mull it over.
Are the townsfolk aware of the quippers?

GM Infinity |

No one mentioned it. Are you bringing it up? If so...
Cenric considers the quippers "They like to stick to the ferry crossing mostly, ol' Beryl's Boathouse. You'll find no open range animals here...and that be why. Seen swarms of em take a sheep whole, full wool and all. Nasty biters...aye might be they have something to do with the fish dryin' up...but still doesn't explain the sounds."
Leofric, the old grandfather harumphs "Well, if ye insist on moving right along...at least take the supplies I promised." he hands over a healer's kit along with a sack of specially prepared butternut shells (Dust of Dryness).
Wondrous Item, uncommon
This small packet contains 1d6 + 4 pinches of dust. You can use an action to sprinkle a pinch of it over water. The dust turns a cube of water 15 feet on a side into one marble-sized pellet, which floats or rests near where the dust was sprinkled. The pellet's weight is negligible.
Someone can use an action to smash the pellet against a hard surface, causing the pellet to shatter and release the water the dust absorbed. Doing so ends that pellet's magic.
An elemental composed mostly of water that is exposed to a pinch of the dust must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 10d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The Dust is a consumable magic item which all characters do not receive. Consider it party loot. Aesh please correct me if I'm wrong, not really sure on the consumables.
Teddy Tun Tatta excitedly tells the other gathered children about how brave the adventurers are to go into the night, after all the realm of pixies and fairy folk knows no end of trickery. "...never make a bargain with the little people!" he tells the wide eyed kids "Always wear your coat inside out to avoid being pixie led..." and he adds "And ye keep a lookout for a piskie pole (a found, not crafted, walking stick), it may save your life one day!"

Sir Gorum |
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Gorum nods listening to the advice being given by Teddy. ”...and don’t be forgetting to not eat strange fruit in picnic baskets. Heard a story once about some faerie food that would play mean tricks on ya for eatin it. Eating strawberries make ya grow hay out yer ears; potato’s that make ya grow extra toes; the pears would make ya grow an evil twin that would stick around for a while causin trouble. We’ll definitely be on the look out for the little pranksters.“ at each of the food items, Gorum would demonstrate with hand gestures rather comically. He seemed to be relaxing a bit now that the town didn’t seem to care that he was a half-orc.
leaving at night is fine with Gorum

Giuseppe di Firenze |
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Giuseppe speaks up, I have got some torches, if any of you have a lantern and some oil that I could purchase from you, I would happily pay.
According to the FAQ, it is considered Permanent, though we can discard when all uses are gone. Had to look that one up... ;p
All magic items are categorized as either:
Consumable Magic Items. Scrolls, potions, soul coins (special magic items found in Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus), and magical ammunition.
Permanent Magic Items. Any magic items that aren’t consumable magic items—including those that have a limited number of charges or uses.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Nice, would that be considered a hooded lantern? I will make the purchase on my logsheet. I guess Gio is up front with Gorum, then. ^_^

GM Infinity |

After he eats, the cleric will inquire I'd any are in need of healing in the town.
Quen, at the mention that you are indeed the cleric of a healing goddess a desperate old woman pulls you aside "Please, my babies..." leading you to a ramshackle hut on the outskirts of town.
Your diagnosis? They will both be dead within the hour. However, you have enough healing to save one (and only one). It is up to your grace, and the grace of the goddess to choose who lives and who dies.
The first is a sandy haired girl of maybe 6 years, sunny rosed cheeks and blue eyes. The other, a darker haired girl of about the same age, deep green eyes and beautiful. They are both covered in lesions and decay. "Are you the undertaker...?" one of them asks, frightened.
It is an impossible choice. Who do you save?

GM Infinity |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As the party gears up for the night march, they hear Mother Strala's voice drifting through the air, telling the children a bedtime story echoing among the trees even as they leave town...
"Long ago, when the world was younger even than you, and the sky still hadn't decided what color it wanted to be, the gods saw troubles brewing between human and beast.
'We must protect the animals from men', said Silvanus of the Woods. 'We must protect men from your animals', said Chauntea of the Fields. 'We must protect them both from each other' said the old elven god Rillifane Rallathil.
And so, the gods put their heads together and thought and thought, until an idea came to them and together they began to weave powerful magics.
'I will hide the beasts', said Silvanus, and the woodland trails became confusing to humans who from that day forward could easily become lost. 'And I shall protect my fields', said Chauntea, and the flowing rivers rose up cutting off the old woods. The waters became talismans against woodland folk, as iron nails are to witches. No fairy folk can cross running water.
And so, it’s said to this day, that 'a man can find his way in a wood as easily as beast can cross a river'. Over time, human and beast learned to respect each other’s ways, and help each other where they can.
So, if you're ever lost in a wood, look for a deer trail, and follow it towards the sun. And if you ever see a creature in need, think favorably towards it, for it may even be the deer that will lead you out of the woods..."

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Gio listens intently to the story, having never had anyone tell him a story when he was young...
EDIT: The swordsman shakes head, We should go...

Sha’ Lea |
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Shae seems lost in a trance during the story. To the others, it seems she isn't paying any attention at all, but in her head, her thoughts are a swirling mass of sorrow and memory. Memories of her mother, telling her stories like this in the orchard outside her family's monastery. Memories of playing in the forest, and finding animal trails and following them until the sun set. Memories of her childhood innocence, of times before her family was destroyed, and she turned away from the gods of nature, and found the promise of vengeance that Shevarash offered. Her face turns dark, then, as her mind replays the day she found the bodies of everyone she loved scattered around the monastery, murdered by drow. The memory of walking into her parent's bedroom, and finding them dead, her mother still clutching her staff, the same staff that Shae still wields.
She abruptly shakes herself out of her thoughts as the story comes to an end, and stands.
Every second may count. We should head out now. I'll take point if you want. I can see fine in the dark.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

As the emotion plays across Sha'Lea's face, it is not lost on Giuseppe. Giving her a concerned look, he nods and prepares to leave.

GM Infinity |

Sorry, thought I posted this earlier... Those in the front (Giu or Gor) need to determine overland travel pace. You've been told its about a 20 mile journey and pointed along the trail the boys took. Options are slow, medium, and fast with speeds of 2,3, and 4 miles per hour respectively...you are leaving around 9 pm. It wont get there most likely (considering travel, encounters, short rests), but exhaustion would kick in at 6 am. Slow enables stealth mode. Fast, a -5 passive penalty.
Also everyone can refresh inspiration if used for the RP in the village.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Seeing as it is nighttime, we probably would be going slow. Stealth would be difficult with the torches, though if we see a large light ahead I would snuff the torches and travel by moonlight, assuming that we have some...

GM Infinity |

Slow it is, with stealth when pp triggered.
It isn't long before the apple and butternut trees give way to the taller pines that form the edge of the rimwood. These in turn give way to a diverse mix of older, thicker-boughed oaks, ashes, and beech trees that mark the start of the midwood. Seldom-trodden paths and deer trails crisscross each other in a tangled maze. The forest canopy overhead becomes a dense mass of foliage and branches, and despite the fat crescent Selune presents, the world descends into darkness...
After only a few hours you can already sense the distinct atmosphere the Cormanthor forest presents. It is as if you have entered a different season, even, from Buttergroves. Fall is leading to winter here, feeling the chill sneak from under the trees. Here and there a moonbeam cuts through the canopy, and motes of pollen swirl in a timeless dance as tiny nocturnal insects flitter by.
The smell of damp festering leaf mold, rotting wood, and peeling bark assault your civility. It is quite still, the tiniest twig snap sends a bright echo report bounding through the trees and startling the unseen woodland creatures. Creatures rarely seen, save the sudden flapping of wings from above, mammals scurrying under the leaf piles, or the hoot of an unseen owl.
There is indeed a mysterious and enchanted nature to the place.

.Mender |

History: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Mender seems unaware, or more likely unfazed, by the group's current predicament. He does, however, have his spear drawn as they walk, using the butt of it to move branches out of the way.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Intelligence: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Checking the ground for the boys' tracks, Gio speaks up, They say the Cormanthor reaches as far as Harrowdale to di East, Shadowdale to di West, Hillsfar to di North, and Essembra to di South.
Wisdom (Survival): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
It's no good, I cannot find a thing! Shae, you are a tracker, right? You can find them?

Sha’ Lea |

Survival: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Shae nods to Giu, and sets to the task. She starts combing the path for tracks or signs of recent passing, or anything else that would help.
Nature: 1d20 ⇒ 7
However, she's too absorbed to think about anything else, and nods absentmindedly as Giu speaks about the Cormanthor.

GM Infinity |

Sha'Lea, for a time, following the boys trail offers little challenge, the damp leaves graciously holding their stomped boot forms with a clear edge. Your spoor becomes more complicated the deeper in you go however, and as the deer trails criss cross over themselves there is a great span of time where think you have wholly lost them.
Then a presence enters your psyche which instantly sets you alert and terrified.
A thousand ravens from the corners and hidden spaces of your mind assemble themselves into a mental image. Hovering there in your mind is a dark silhouette of the Raven Queen, mistress of the Shadowfell.
In a voice only you hear ::So...one of my children meanders on the approach to the Seldarine...do not tarry here in the realm of my eternal foe.:: you feel a cold wind strike your cheek that turns your head a different direction, and the trail picks up again as the spoor begins to glow a faint blue that mocks the moonlight.
However, you find yourself paralyzed among the presence of the goddess. You focus, remembering the mental discipline of your monastery...you form a broken arrow, the strength of Sheverash, that seeks the heart of the silhouette, breaking its hold on you.
The forest is quiet.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

What is wrong, Shae? Gio places a hand on her shoulder, You okay?

Sha’ Lea |

Shae shakes herself back to the realm of reality when she feels Giuseppe's hand on her shoulder, and hears his words.
I'm... i'm not sure. A warning, from the Raven Queen, perhaps? Or maybe...
She relays her vision to the rest of the group, and starts looking where the cold wind turned her attention.
I had thought I'd lost them. But it seems The Dark Lady doesn't want one of her "children" here, in the realm of her enemies. Sometimes, help comes from the most unlikely of places...
She makes the symbol of Shevarash in the air in front of her, and sighs.
My family left the Shadowfell because they were peaceful. But we learned early, a Shadar Kai can leave the Shadowfell, but they can never truly leave the Raven Queen.

Giuseppe di Firenze |

Gio smiles warmly, clearly concerned, Well, let us fight her enemies, then, in thanks for her warning...

Ionnis |

This just got way more active, sorry, I'll try to keep up. Work life actually got busier for me with all this; not complaining at all though.
From the History check a few exchanges back...1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20, oh yeah.
Right after Guiseppe mentions the largeness of the forest, Io explains it's actually 4 forests, and that we are probably near the Elven Court one. If pressed, he would explain that being the only non-magic user in a highly magical family, he spent a LOT of time studying both magic and other things his family felt might help him find his "spark".
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 He noticed Shae's reverie right away, too, and like Giu is (was) concerned for her. We'll take that help. Do you need a minute, or shall we press on?