GM Kate's Extinction Curse [closed]

Game Master Kate Baker

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Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

That is fine with me!

F Cavern Elf Bard (maestro)/9 Hero Points: 3

Oh goddess it’s the murder clown from the player’s guide D:

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

It is! And his name is Jellico Bounce-Bounce!

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Oh no! So I was right on him being a creepy clown.

F Cavern Elf Bard (maestro)/9 Hero Points: 3

Who is holding on to the dancing scarf? Niksi would happily use it if nobody else is interested.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9
Niksi Drugova wrote:
Who is holding on to the dancing scarf? Niksi would happily use it if nobody else is interested.

Mukluk wasn’t going to take the stuff, tbh. Not sure it’s treasure or looting from the family.

F Cavern Elf Bard (maestro)/9 Hero Points: 3

Ah, right. That's why we didn't. Sorry, suddenly lots of games due to the pbp gameday and much more stuff to keep track of

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 2 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

You could take it to use while helping them and then return it. I assumed you were most likely to make use of it.

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Yup, we are just Kender borrowing it. :)

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Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

I forgot to award Hero Points! Mukluk and Prism get Hero Points for outstanding work against the swarm and Niksi and Rova get hero points for very entertaining flashbacks.

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F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 2 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

I just looked at the most recent art. Is anyone else concerned that Viktor appears to be a faceless stalker?

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Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

He may have just burned his facial features off. It happens. :)

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Can everyone verify that you've updated the skills table, now on Slide 3? I think it might have first-level values still.

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 2 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

Updated now.

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Updated as well

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9


F Cavern Elf Bard (maestro)/9 Hero Points: 3


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Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Okay, I'm seeing people at less than full hit points, but I am fine with assuming that everyone took time to heal between events and we're just not rolling because it's tedious. If y'all felt very strongly about heading to this barn quickly, that's fine, but otherwise, just heal up to full.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Mechanical question for Prism:
What rogue racket is Prism? If you are a thief then you should be using dex for damage, but maybe you're a scoundrel?

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Prism is a Scoundrel. No rhyme or reason in the build. Thief just sounded a bit more bad for a traveling circus was all. I am horrible at builds and tend to go after RP flavor over actual effectiveness.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Cool, I just wanted to make sure you weren't shortchanging yourself on damage!

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 2 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

Since they've not officially offered, I'm adding the millers' loot (and this barn loot) to the list.

Niksi can take the scarf; anyone want the savior spike?

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9
Rova Moonbright wrote:
Niksi can take the scarf; anyone want the savior spike?

Uh, no.

I just don’t get magic items in 2e all all. /rant on

If I understand the Savior Spike correctly...

It costs about 1/2 a year’s salary.
It is a one time use item.
It requires Expert in reflexes.
The triggering condition is only when you’re trying to grab a ledge.
You trigger it before you roll, so it might be expended, but not provide any benefit.
When it triggers, you still needs to succeed before it has any benefit.
If it triggers, the benefit is marginal.

It’s just awful. I don’t get it.

As a player, I feel guilty selling it because it implies that, as the seller, I actually think it has value. Gah.

/rant off.

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 2 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

So how do you really feel?

It's only 7 gp. That's hardly a lot. I believe Expert in Reflexes is just to craft it (but don't have the rules here to doublecheck right now), not to use it.

It also helps you if you really mess up.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9
Rova Moonbright wrote:

So how do you really feel?

It's only 7 gp. That's hardly a lot. I believe Expert in Reflexes is just to craft it (but don't have the rules here to doublecheck right now), not to use it.

It also helps you if you really mess up.

Hmm...not sure we’re reading the same description...

7gp is a lot of money. Heck, it’s half your starting gold for starting a new character or a full set of chain mail.

And it doesn’t help you at all if you really mess up. It helps you more only if you succeed, and some slight help if you critically fail.


F Cavern Elf Bard (maestro)/9 Hero Points: 3

Mukluk, did you remember the 9 hp I healed with Soothe in your total HP?

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9
Niksi Drugova wrote:
Mukluk, did you remember the 9 hp I healed with Soothe in your total HP?

Oops! Yes I did. Thank you. I thought that you had cast it on Rova, but now see that you did it on Muk a while back. My apologies.

Will update shortly.

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F Cavern Elf Bard (maestro)/9 Hero Points: 3

No prob. I am just glad I made the right call in using it earlier! I’m still feeling out the healing meta in PF2. It seems to me like healing people early to prevent them going down in the first place is best move, since the Wounded condition and progression of dying can lead to a vicious cycle. In the event someone goes down anyways, I have stabilize now so we have a fallback for when I’m out of heals.

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Yup, that is a good way of looking at it. Between that and damage mitigation from shields and Champion reactions.

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 2 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

Yeah, it's definitely a little different.

Also, Mukluk, looking back a little, I think you were right about the spike. You do have to be an expert in Reflex to use the spike. It does kind of suck.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9
Rova Moonbright wrote:
Also, Mukluk, looking back a little, I think you were right about the spike. You do have to be an expert in Reflex to use the spike. It does kind of suck.


Mukluk rises up and fights again, buoyed by correctness!! YES!!

F Cavern Elf Bard (maestro)/9 Hero Points: 3

I'm working up on a longer post to respond to Mukluk. It's my birthday today so I might not get it up until tomorrow. Apologies for the delay!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Happy birthday!

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9
Niksi Drugova wrote:
I'm working up on a longer post to respond to Mukluk. It's my birthday today so I might not get it up until tomorrow. Apologies for the delay!

Ain't no thang. Take your time...and it's gorgeous today in our City by the Bay. So enjoy your birthday.

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Happy Birthday!

F Cavern Elf Bard (maestro)/9 Hero Points: 3

Thanks everyone! I had a lovely day

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

I believe that the AoO has to crit in order to stop the spell from happening, but correct me if I'm wrong!

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9
GM Kate wrote:
I believe that the AoO has to crit in order to stop the spell from happening, but correct me if I'm wrong!

No, I think you're right, just not sure how its still's taken 2 nice cold iron hits. But actually, I dunno how much cold iron matters tho.


Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

It was just barely alive.

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Yup, you are right. there is another feat later than can interrupt on a normal hit.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9
GM Kate wrote:
Can I get an Intimidate check from Mukluk to go along with the clanging?

Uh, no. Sadly, and respectfully no...because rules.

The way I understand the aid rules (and correct me if I'm wrong), the DC to aid is the actual DC (or 20 is typical) and there is penalty for that, Mukluk is more likely to hurt than help the check.

With a -1 modifier, his actions are roleplay, nothing more.

Also, I don't like the aid rules in 2e...because it causes less dice rolling and if there is a point to dang game, it should be more dice rolling.

@GM Kate:
I really can't refuse a GM request, but if I must roll....ugh...

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8 Intimidate.

So...critical failure. Little did Mukluk know he was clanking a rhythmic 'come and get it' in some boarish language.

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Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

That would be true if this were a single check! There are other ways to evaluate skill checks, such as everyone tries and highest result counts or everyone tries and you need a certain number of successes.

Everyone else did really well, so this is a success regardless of Mukluk's result, but I promise I will never prompt for a check if it's likely to hurt the group. I will also be clear if the group is limited to one check and you need to be careful about who is the main roller and whether anyone wants to aid.

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Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9
GM Kate wrote:
Everyone else did really well, so this is a success regardless of Mukluk's result, but I promise I will never prompt for a check if it's likely to hurt the group. I will also be clear if the group is limited to one check and you need to be careful about who is the main roller and whether anyone wants to aid.

Thank you for the explanation. I think this is really cool to know for this game.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

I think aid works better at higher levels, but that's exactly why I prefer multiple-check types of situations. They're pretty common in Society scenarios, but maybe not in the other 2e content that you've played. Having the party try to succeed at 3 out of 4 checks is more interesting to me than whether one PC succeeds or fails.

Since it's not a check to aid, the DC is not necessarily 20.

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F Cavern Elf Bard (maestro)/9 Hero Points: 3

I really appreciate it, too. One of the things I dislike about making aid so much harder (and possibly hurting you) is that it discourages people from trying to help each other. I know it was probably meant as a reaction against the "aid callouts" that happen all the time in PFS, and I get that, but it does have some side effects I don't like. Your stance, Kate, makes me feel much more comfortable "going for it."

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Aid checks certainly are much harder and nearly unusable in the early levels. Not much chance in aiding anything until mid game.

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F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 2 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

Interesting perspective. I liked the change to Aid, since before it was just "aid, aid, aid, aid" and felt silly to me.


That said, keep your 1e peanut butter out of our 2e chocolate. That's Intimidation to you now! :D

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F Cavern Elf Bard (maestro)/9 Hero Points: 3

That was silly to me, too, but it was outweighed for me by how it gave new/less optimized characters an easy way to contribute. I also like anything that makes the game more team-focused :D

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Prismatic Level 3:

General Feat: Incredible Initiative +2 Initiative
Skill Feat: Wary Disarmament: +2 to AC is set off a trap while disarming.
Skill Increase: Deception to Expert

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 2 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

Yay for level 3! Will update ASAP. And maybe try to go through our loot.

Grr. Fricking Paizo just ate my post.

+12 hp
+ Iron Will: Will becomes expert
+ General Feat: Skill Training (Religion)
+ Skill Increase (Medicine to expert)

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