GM Ietsuna |

Located in the Taldan Capitol city of Oppara, Venture-Captain Muesello’s lodge hides behind the facade of a simple bait and tackle shop, which Muesello dutifully maintains to provide Pathfinders a local base of operations that doesn’t invite much scrutiny. His pockmarked face breaks into a smile as the bell on the door jingles, and he motions for everyone to gather in the building’s back room before locking up the shop and propping a sign in the window that reads “Gone fishing.”

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A short Gnomish male shuffles in with a large backpack on. His bright red hair and be speckled green eyes greet the others. He smiles as he is lead into the backroom and seems to be eager to get started. The items that can be seen appear to be brand new from his armor to his weapons. The only thing that appears to be worn is a wooden symbol of pharsma carved from wood on a frayed cord and a dirty shovel with an iron head an ebony wood shaft with images of birds on it.

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A small framed woman wearing three, dirty, once-bright, threadbare, summer dresses one over the other, stands, glassy-eyed, over to one side as stiff as a storefront, wooden Shoanti. Her hair is a tasseled mess with twigs, and flowers sticking out of it.

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{Continues to stare blankly.}

GM Ietsuna |

Lady Glorianna Morilla sits at a table by a small fireplace and Muesello introduces her with the full formalities as a guest of the Society.
Venture-Captain Muesello quietly closes the door behind him before speaking. The Pathfinder Society does not have a sterling reputation in Taldor, despite my and others’ efforts to impress the local moves and shakers. As a result, the most prestigious universities and colleges often deny our agents access to the best libraries in Oppara, thinking we are meddling good-for-nothings. As one of the oldest intact civilizations near the Inner Sea, these libraries no doubt house some very precious volumes. Recently we received a most wonderful opportunity—an invitation, really, from a very powerful patron, he adds as he withdraws a scroll tube with a broken wax seal from his apron.
This patron will secure us a couple hours in the rare books collection at the Kitharodian Academy, during which we may peruse for whatever we wish so long as we also retrieve several documents of interest for our friend. That, he punctuates by tapping the scroll tube on the table,is where things get interesting. Apparently there is an even more precious archive hidden beneath the academy’s library, and our patron believes it to contain numerous original records and undoctored historical accounts otherwise unknown to the world! Our contact knows how to get into the archive and has shared the secret with us.
Two hours is little time, so you must make the most of your time. I know it will be tempting to research other interests, but it would be selfish for the Society to think of itself when the Worldwound’s borders threaten to envelop Mendev and beyond. I am sending you in with the express purpose of uncovering more information about the Shining Crusade, the sustained war against the Whispering Tyrant a millennium ago.
Lady Morilla snaps open a fan to fend off the room’s growing warmth, adding, Historically, Taldor is the authority on massive military campaigns, but most texts have undergone extensive revision to serve some political agenda or another. Entering this hidden archive is an excellent opportunity to learn from the real mistakes of the past and apply those lessons to the Mendevian Crusade. [b]Remember that you have permission to be in the academy’s library, but not in this secret archive, so do everything you can to avoid being noticed while exploring. In fact, the fewer clues you leave of your passage, the better. Specifically do not steal or destroy any of the library’s contents. A few slip-ups might alert the authorities that someone has been poking around, and too many with give them enough evidence to trace this act to us.
Muesello opens a drawer in the table and begins pulling out a couple small parcels wrapped in cloth. Any questions?
The scroll case contains an unsigned letter that outlines the mission details from the perspective of the writer. This letter also explains that you can find the hidden entrance to the archive by studying honor, courage, and glory. Also contained in the scroll case is a formal request signed by the Arch-Exarch Gregorius to admit the bearers to the Kitharodian Academy’s rare books collection.
The first package contains a potion of invisibility and a potion of pass without trace.
The second package contains a deck of illusions, but instead of a random creature, there is one card for each of you.

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An elf speaks up. Dressed piecemeal, though somehow fashionable as well, he has wildly dyed hair. He carries a bow, blade, and morningstar amongst other gear typical to Pathfinders.
"Yeah, how are we to bring this knowledge back, if we're not to steal any of it? Transcribe everything, in just a couple hours?!?"
Perception DC 15: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

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Lady Glorianna Morilla sits at a table by a small fireplace and Muesello introduces her with the full formalities as a guest of the Society.
Venture-Captain Muesello quietly closes the door behind him before speaking. The Pathfinder Society does not have a sterling reputation in Taldor, despite my and others’ efforts to impress the local moves and shakers. As a result, the most prestigious universities and colleges often deny our agents access to the best libraries in Oppara, thinking we are meddling good-for-nothings. As one of the oldest intact civilizations near the Inner Sea, these libraries no doubt house some very precious volumes. Recently we received a most wonderful opportunity—an invitation, really, from a very powerful patron, he adds as he withdraws a scroll tube with a broken wax seal from his apron.
This patron will secure us a couple hours in the rare books collection at the Kitharodian Academy, during which we may peruse for whatever we wish so long as we also retrieve several documents of interest for our friend. That, he punctuates by tapping the scroll tube on the table,is where things get interesting. Apparently there is an even more precious archive hidden beneath the academy’s library, and our patron believes it to contain numerous original records and undoctored historical accounts otherwise unknown to the world! Our contact knows how to get into the archive and has shared the secret with us.
Two hours is little time, so you must make the most of your time. I know it will be tempting to research other interests, but it would be selfish for the Society to think of itself when the Worldwound’s borders threaten to envelop Mendev and beyond. I am sending you in with the express purpose of uncovering more information about the Shining Crusade, the sustained war against the Whispering Tyrant a millennium ago.
Lady Morilla snaps open a fan to fend off the room’s growing warmth, adding, Historically, Taldor is the authority on massive military....
Any questions?
perception: 1d20 ⇒ 9
"Huh!?" says the woman snapping out of her fugue. She looks around as if surprised to see that other people are present. "Oh! Hello. I must have blacked out again. Did I miss anything? Are we going somewhere?"

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Sconzbar takes out a parchment paper and a charcoal stick and begins to start making occasional notes. He glances above his glasses and sees the parcels.
Perception 19+6=25
Knowledge Nobility 16-1=15
He appears to adjust his glasses, brushing it off as maybe he was making final notes. He looks around at his fellow Pathfinders.
"I have to agree with the Elf, I am not the most learned man. My family digs graves for a living Venture-Captian."
He pops on his black top hat with silver embroidery in esoteric symbols of Pharsma.
"Also, how are we suppose to research these topics? These are vague topics.."
He is staring at the letter we were given. He then turns to the Elf with a shrug."Perhaps we use these to leave no traces?"He holds up the card he was given.
"I am Sconzbar everyone, a Cleric of Pharasma. I look forward to working with you on this mission."He tips his hat to the people standing with him.

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Perception 19+6=25
Knowledge Nobility 16-1=15
Just for my own curiousity, where did you get those dice rolls? You didn't use the forum dice roller, which seems strange.

GM Ietsuna |

Ahmande identifies the seal on the scroll as being that of Princess Eutropia, Grand Prince Stavian III’s only child.
Any information on the Shining Crusade could be useful. I trust in your judgement.
Any further questions?

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Just for my own curiousity, where did you get those dice rolls? You didn't use the forum dice roller, which seems strange.
I used my own dice at home. I am sorry this is my first game. Please excuse me.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Knowledge Nobility: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7

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A tallish human wearing monks vestments chimes in
seems straightforward if a bit different from the usual work, but sure no real questions from me.
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
sorry for the delay should be consistent now

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"Oh! Hello.... Sorry. Did I black out again?"
She takes a moment to use detect magic and Takes 10 on Spellcraft checks to inspect the items that where handed out.

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Sorry, I didn't realize we had started.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
A muscular woman rushes in at the last moment, with a dignified expression that suggests she doesn't expect anyone to question it. Her hair is white, but her dark roots belie her true hair color. She carries a variety of weapons, but the most well-used is the longsword at her belt. "Apologies, thank you for waiting. Fill me in, please?"
After a brief recap, she nods. "So we have a very limited amount of time, two archives to visit, and permission for only one of them. I think we can handle that." The Worldwound... the Whispering Tyrant... I feel like I knew all about them, once. This trip will be as interesting for me as for them. She notices the distinctive crest on the broken wax seal, but can't identify it. "How far is this place?"

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Sorry, I didn't realize we had started.
I think that's probably a safe bet for most everyone else who hasn't popped into the gameplay thread.

GM Ietsuna |

The library is just across town. You will be going in during a musical performance tomorrow evening, so you have until then to gather supplies and prepare any spells that you think will help.

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sorry for the delay, like Iladora I wasn't realized we've already started!
A young woman with raven hairs and pale skin enters quietly in the room, bowing deeply to Lady Gloriana Morilla. She bears the holy symbol of Pharasma around her neck and wears black and gray clothes, but clearly well designed and cut at the latest of fashion.
Please, forgive me my lateness. I was busy in Absalom trying to help Lady Zarta getting things right. It puts me late for this mission.
I'm Tatiana Malkolva, follower of Pharasma. She nods to Sconzbar.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
After being filled in about the mission she asks Two hours seems quite short. Is the place guarded. If it is, do we know what type of guardian?
Can you tell us more about "honor, courage, and glory"?

GM Ietsuna |

Two hours was all the time that we were able to negotiate for. They are notoriously guarded with their information. As for the "Honor, Courage, Glory" that is the motto of the Lion's Blades.

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Sorry, I didn't know we had started already!
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Akter limited himself to stare and pay attention as his companions talked to the venture captain. The man was of medium height, a little rugged with something of a scoundrel charm. He obviously carried weapons with himself, and seemed to behave as a woodsman. He finally introduced himself.
Akter Phruse here, team. - he spoke, quickly following - Glad to be here, but honestly, like my team, finding the task at hand a little different than the usual. Nevertheless, we will get to it.

GM Ietsuna |

The Venture Captain bids you a good day and resumes their work. You have the day to buy any supplies and prepare any spells you like. If you are making preparations please just make a post to fill that gap.
You arrive just outside the Kitharodian Academy, where crowds of commoners and nobility alike jostle to enter the music hall. You have no difficulty pushing your way into the increasingly crowded building, but you must make your way to the library. You can try to convince an usher or member of staff to show you the way (Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate) or try to find it on your own (Knowledge (Local)).

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Faeria moves with a seeming sense of purpose through the crowd without stopping to look, or asking for directions. As she does so her dirty, threadbare clothes change to match the fashions around her (thanks to her magical sleeves).
She turns down one less crowded hallway, and stops short. She turns to the rest of the party as if surprised to see them (again). "Oh! Hello...." she says in a dreamy voice. She smiles her unfocused, lotus-eater's smile, and then all at once, her focus seems to return, and she says sharply: "Who are you all? And why are you following me?"

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Ahmande grabs an usher quickly, as Faeria begins making her way... somewhere. "I'm sorry for the trouble, sir, but we're trying to find the library, and my companion..." he motions in the direction Faeria is wandering "...may be more convinced than she should be that she actually knows the way. Please... can you point me the way?"
Diplomacy, versatile performance: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

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No preparation needed.
Iladora pushes through the crowd, fighting the urge to bark angrily at them for being in her way. While Ahmandé asks an usher, Iladora decides to follow Faeria to see how far they can get before someone stops them.
"It's just me, Iladora. Your co-- your ally." She looks down at herself. I don't look any different, do I? "I thought you were looking for the library. Aren't you?"

GM Ietsuna |

Faeria knows the way to the library, or at least finds it by some fluke of luck.
You arrive at the library to find it almost empty. A young man approaches you. Good day. My name is Tobias and I am the librarian on duty. How may I be of assistance?

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Hello, Tobias. - says Akter in a monotone voice - Glad to make your acquaintance. I believe we got a reservation for our researches here? We are very interested in your historic volumes, especially the parts about old arts and music from abroad. Any history from hundreds or thousands of years ago would be very much welcome! - he completes, somewhat hiding the true intention of their search.
Are we aware of who is our contact?

GM Ietsuna |

You don't have a contact so much as a document which allows you entry. Like a permit or letter of introduction. It was in one of teh packet you received.

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No preparation needed.
Iladora pushes through the crowd, fighting the urge to bark angrily at them for being in her way. While Ahmandé asks an usher, Iladora decides to follow Faeria to see how far they can get before someone stops them.
"It's just me, Iladora. Your co-- your ally."
Faeria tests Iladora to make sure.
She looks down at herself. I don't look any different, do I? "I thought you were looking for the library. Aren't you?"
"Oh. Right." Faeria says to spot just to Iladora's left.

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Ahmande produces the document of introduction. "I think this explains everything; we only have a couple of hours to do our research, so if we could get right to it, that would be appreciated; thanks!" He hands over the letter.

GM Ietsuna |

Oh, I see you have a writ. Well, welcome. This way please. He escorts you to the restricted section. Before he departs he says You may peruse our collection, but please be aware that you must leave when the performance concludes, in two hours time.
A large table stands at the center of this large room, whose walls are lined with rows upon rows of inset shelves. A set of double doors is the only way into the room, and two stone statues depicting bearded scholars with open books are the only other decorations.
Each statue holds a book and a stylus, however only the western statue’s book has any text on it, a column of words. Innovation, Respect, Knowledge, Courage, Integrity, Honor, Excellence, Glory
Map link placed on the top of the thread.

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Sconzbar follows the party trying not to draw much attention to himself. This is your first mission. You can do this!He then accidentally runs into Ahmande as he is talking to himself. He whispers a quick pray and looks at his companion. Sorry my friend, guess I am a wee bit spacey amongst these halls.
When he enters the room his eyes go wide. Perhaps I can learn more about my family...no no no, the mission think of the mission.
He takes his time pursuing the room, trying to look like he is searching for something. Noticing the statue and the writing.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

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Oh, I see you have a writ. Well, welcome. This way please. He escorts you to the restricted section. Before he departs he says You may peruse our collection, but please be aware that you must leave when the performance concludes, in two hours time.
A large table stands at the center of this large room, whose walls are lined with rows upon rows of inset shelves. A set of double doors is the only way into the room, and two stone statues depicting bearded scholars with open books are the only other decorations.
"Oh! Hello." Faeria says. She introduces herself to the two stone scholars.
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 3
And perception: 1d20 ⇒ 19

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"Thanks," Ahmande states simply, taking back the writ if it's offered.
He follows the others into the library, taking in the spare decorations with a quick scan of the room. He gives Faeria a light lift of one eyebrow, tinged with a slight grin. This should be interesting.
Perception DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Perception DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
"Hey!" he exclaims, motioning the others to join him by the western statue. After making sure they're not observed by their host, he continues. "This arm moves... see?" He demonstrates, moving the stylus up and down so that it points to different words in the book. "What was the Lion Guard motto... Honor, Courage, Glory? That must be how we get into the 'real' library." He tries, moving the stylus to each of the three words in that order.

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Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Akter notices the same of his companions and the ranger gets closer to the bard, instinctively touching his weapons but not drawing anything at the moment.

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Sconzbar follows the call and arrives at the statue. Seeing Akter preparing to draw his weapon, Sconzbar reaches for his holy symbol of Pharsma. May we not see the Boneyard this day. I am ready.

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Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Distracted, Iladora misses that particular detail. Guess that's why they always send us with multiple pairs of eyes. "Could be. Remember, down there we need to keep our tracks covered."

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Yes, we have the cards to make us look like we are still there. Don't forget to use them once we get inside the hidden library.
Is one of you good at tracking? They could help us hide our tracks.

GM Ietsuna |

As Ahmande moves the stylus to the words in the correct order you hear a faint click and the western wall pops open slightly. A secret door has been revealed.

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Faeria activates the card given to her at the meeting with all the strange new people.
"Oh! hello.... Have we met before? You seem very familiar." she says in reaction to her illusory doppelgänger's sudden appearance.
Did we want to discuss a marching order? As an aside to that, the discussion thread doesn't seem to exist.

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Akter activates his card and follows his companions. He pulls his longbow and stows his sword and shield for now. The ranger tries to stick towards the middle of the party, in such way he gives space to whoever wants to head and engage in melee combat, but makes him also ready to switch his weapons to help in the front when needed.

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Faeria concludes a short speech to her doppelgänger. The illusion gives the wizard a knowing (if a bit glassy-eyed) look. They both laugh, and hug one another.

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Sconzbar activates his card and holds his shovel as if a cane and follows behind everyone. He tries to keep everyone in his line of sight. Caring for the deceased is one thing, I will keep them alive. His voice barely above a whisper.
I hope no one minds if I take up the rear position. To deliver the guidance of Pharsma to all of you equally.
He looks to each of his companions and takes notes of their strides, how they carry themselves, and their coloration. So he can bring them out the way they came in.

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Iladora activates her card, then straps on her shield. It's just a library. What could happen? But it pays to be cautious, and this particular library is restricted. "Fine with me," she tells Tatlana. "Everyone ready?"

GM Ietsuna |

Discussion thread is open now. A marching order would be helpful, but is not necessarily required.
The section of wall swings outward as if on oiled rails. It makes no sound at all. You see a latch on the inside that will allow the door to be closed and re-opened from the other side.
You descend the spiral staircase beyond and find yourselves in a room below.
A small note about this scenario and finding texts. I am going to put a slightly reworded copy of the rules for finding texts so that you all know what to do and can get the most out of this scenario. Searching a room for texts requires a successful skill check, and multiple PCs can search an area simultaneously. Each researching PC can attempt a Linguistics, Knowledge (history), or text-based Craft or Profession check (such as Profession [librarian] or Craft
[bookbinding]) to find texts. A PC might use a different skill or ability and explain how it relates. Several areas also identify additional skill check options that PCs may use. PCs may also use magic or class abilities in a particularly creative or relevant ways. Searching a room takes time. A small room takes 30 minutes, a medium room 1 hour, a large room 2 hours. The time to search is divided by how many searchers and that gives the time it takes. There is a cap on how many people will be able to actively search without hindering each other also. There may be more than 1 text per room so searches may need to be done multiple times. I will let you know when a room has been picked clean.

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@GM how can we cover our tracks? Is there a mecanism to use or we just say that we take care to not leave a trace?
In front of the door Tatiana take her time to look at it before opening it. [ooc]Take 20 for 30 in perception to look for traps[?ooc]