[5e AL] Flames of Kythorn [Completed!] (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Mender again held off from acting to allow the mortals to act first.

Mortals should follow mortal laws, after all. Mender thought.

Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

Leaning against a nearby tree, Gorum straightens and nods to Giuseppe. Gorum is ready

Female Shadar Kai Monk (Way of the Shadow) 1 | HP: 17 | AC: 15 | Ki: 2 | Staff: +5, 1d8+3 Unarmed Strike: +5, 1d4+3 | Deception: 3 Insight: 4 Perception: 4 Persuasion: 3 Stealth: 5 Thieve's Tools: 5

Shae takes a look at the windows thoughtfully.
Well, if we need a plan b, we can always sneak in. Otherwise, perhaps we should see who’s awake, and go from there.

Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

Preferring the direct approach ”If they aren’t awake, we should wake them up. We need em awake to answer questions anyway.”

He can be talked into stealth... but consider it under protest.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

He is not a sneaky guy, lol

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

You can wait by di door, we can bring them to you... Gio grins at the big man.

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Rogue put his tools away, so Im assuming a lawful approach here.

A gentle rap at the door returns nothing but silence for an awkward few cricket chirps...but then you notice far down the hallway inside a lamp being lit. Then a second nearby. Then a third. Fourth...a ridiculous number of wall mounted lights begin to glow as a figure approaches.

A woman, mature but not elderly, strung out from some unknown toil unbraces the door and swings it gently open "You rang?" she asks enigmatically, given that you knocked rather than ringing a bell.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Ah, yes! We are looking into a painting that was almost mesmerizing back at di Wave & Wink and we are looking for di artist. It is of di utmost importance. Andrik, I think?

Gio turns to the others, Andrik Gos, right? Di artist's name?

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The woman blinks once stupidly as the sounds of Giu's voice jangle around in her head. Then she completely breaks down...

"AHAHAHAHhhah! The visionary!" simultaneously laughing and crying "Come, come, come..." she beckons.

Along the way, she takes care to alight the left hand side with lanterns, every 5 ft or so, to supplement the already lit right hand side. Their light has been carefully directed onto the dozens of paintings that line the walls as well as few small sculptures. In the back of the room are a few stands holding dusty suits of armor and weapons, which now serve as little more than coat pegs and hayracks.

She hurries off, wideeyed, with her odd dress of patchwork fabric rustling about her and the jingle of dozens of bangles around each wrist. "Welcome, art lovers, to the rise of Mulmaster's greatest talent! Yes, don't be fooled, they are all genuine Andriks!" you see a few gaps in the long display, with notices of 'sold' marking the now empty spaces...4 in total. 4 of Andrik Gos's works unleashed into the city or beyond.

Int Investigation 10:
You notice a strange brooch in all the paintings that was also present in the Zhent Ghettos mural. For those who saw it, it was also present at the Wave and Wink portrait of Tiega Gos, worn by her image.

"An artistic genius, who could argue?" she posits near a trio of greater works. The paintings nearest the door feature very realistic portraits and landscapes of typical Mulman people and places: a noble in finery lighting a prayer candle to Waukeen, a sweating smith forging a sword, and a neighborhood illuminated by the glow spilling from a foundry's doors.

Further into the gallery, the works are of closer details: a hand removing or replacing the glass cover of a brightly burning oil lamp, a fire pit with dozens of feet dancing or running in shadow in the background. At the back of the gallery, the paintings are almost completely abstract works of reds, oranges, and yellows that seems to capture the very essence of a flame, held in complete stillness. Still, the shapes seem to hold other objects: a face here, a building there, but always wreathed in flame.

The woman goes on in some kind of erudite artistic critique "...the choice of values spread against this negative area, he highlights the shadows that scatter from erupting flame in a pattern suggesting rebirth..." and so on very rapidly and very hard to follow, gesturing wildly. She continues to light lamp after lamp and comes very close to knocking one or two over in a spill as she goes.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Intelligence (Investigation), disadvantage: 2d20 ⇒ (16, 4) = 20 4.

Does she look like she is acting like those merchants? Mesmerized?

Wisdom (Insight), maybe?: 2d20 + 3 ⇒ (20, 5) + 3 = 28 8. Exhaustion is brutal...

Stopping at the 4 empty spaces, Gio asks, Who purchased dese pieces?

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Indeed, pretty nasty of the module to put it right at the beginning and disadvantage players for basically the entire run.

Giu, there's some obvious similarities sure...but maybe shes just one of those wacky ol' art ladies.

"Oh, those of steady wealth and a discerning eye, I assure you. This one, the owner of the Double Dog Pub...Eyrdin III. Here, this piece went to Margory Rawal, the Melvaunt inheritor. This...ah yes, this was commissioned by Andrik's uncle, Faltyn Gos...a portrait of his wife Tiega. And the last here was a private gentleman who only publicly identifies himself as 'the Cord' but has exceedingly good taste and very deep pockets..." she pauses a moment, brushing aside some perceived concern "Now listen! We ensure all of Andrik's works stay displayed in Mulmaster...he is our local treasure, after all." she stumbles over a long drape nearly knocking over an oil lantern, catching it at the last moment and lighting another to partner it.

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Investigation: 1d20 ⇒ 7

Mender followed along behind the others, examining the artwork as the group moved along.

After the woman's utterance about him being a local treasure, Mender says "Do you know where this treasure is located at the moment? We have some questions for him."

Persuasion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Unlike many of the interactions this evening, Mender did not speak to this woman with scorn or derision; instead, he just plainly asked.

Female Shadar Kai Monk (Way of the Shadow) 1 | HP: 17 | AC: 15 | Ki: 2 | Staff: +5, 1d8+3 Unarmed Strike: +5, 1d4+3 | Deception: 3 Insight: 4 Perception: 4 Persuasion: 3 Stealth: 5 Thieve's Tools: 5

Investigation: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Shae follows along, giving all of the paintings a thorough look, trying to find similarities.
How often does he produce a new painting? And is it possible that we could have the names of the people who purchased his works?
Persuasion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

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Female Shadar Kai Monk (Way of the Shadow) 1 | HP: 17 | AC: 15 | Ki: 2 | Staff: +5, 1d8+3 Unarmed Strike: +5, 1d4+3 | Deception: 3 Insight: 4 Perception: 4 Persuasion: 3 Stealth: 5 Thieve's Tools: 5

Look here, every single one of these paintings have this brooch in them...wasn’t this in the Zhent Ghettos mural as well? I remember it being the Wave and Wink portrait of Tiega Gos, worn by her image for sure... What if this is the key?

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Have we seen the actual brooch? he inquires.

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

OK so we have the names and locations of where the other paintings not here are. The Double Dog Pub, Margory Rawal, Tiega's portrait, and the mysterious The Cord.

Investigation: 1d20 ⇒ 9 Aw just missed it, hopefully someone else mentions what they find!
Insight into the woman's odd behavior: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Investigation again, looking more closely at one of the fire paintings: 1d20 ⇒ 18

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

@Ionnis, I think the Investigation was for the Brooch... ^_^ I assume, once they point it out, we do not need to make it anymore.

Gio looks at the brooch in each painting, How did I miss that?

Hmm, I think you might be right, Shae... Let us find this artist.

Turning to regard the woman again, Could we possibly speak to Andrik? Maybe to discuss a commission?

Charisma (Deception) at disadvantage: 2d20 + 3 ⇒ (15, 11) + 3 = 29 Not bad... 14?

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Yes, the first one was for the brooch. The second one was just in case...thought maybe some other strange effect might happen from the fire paintings.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Ah, got it. I misunderstood. ^_^

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Mender wrote:
After the woman's utterance about him being a local treasure, Mender says "Do you know where this treasure is located at the moment? We have some questions for him."

"Ah...not exactly, no. I have only met the man once, several days ago now...his patron, Dorcil Crae, had the grace to introduce us. Very earthly man, not like his uncle! No care of wealth at all. You see, typically an artist of similar...lifestyle...is quite ecstatic to learn of a sale. Not Andrik...no, he is not in it for the money at all." she laughs "Such grace...so noble and selfless! His patron even kept a amiable partnership, encouraging 'give your art away, to the masses, on every street!' Hahah. Mulmaster could use more like that pair."

Shae wrote:
How often does he produce a new painting? And is it possible that we could have the names of the people who purchased his works?

Shae, those names were shared in my post just before this one.

Giu wrote:
Could we possibly speak to Andrik? Maybe to discuss a commission?

She glances over your attire and general look "...yes, the nobility of Athkatla is known for their good taste. You commission would be most appreciated, surely." apparently believing your charlatan identity. "I do not, but I would suspect Dorcil might...a painter is never far from their supply of paint?! Right?!" she smiles wide.

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Something catches your eye in one of the more abstract paintings of pure flame...a swirling, curving pattern like rising heat enclosing on itself like a Moebius strip. The effect is quite mesmerizing, and you experience a slight cooling shock as you realize that suddenly you have stopped sweating...despite the heat of all the oil lanterns in here.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

You have a discerning eye, my lady, Gio bows in the noble style of Athkatla, Where might we find dis Dorcil Crae? If he could lead me to an audience with such a humble artist, I would be most appreciative and would be willing to pay you a commission for doing so.

The others see a flawless performance, despite the man's troubled state. Any that have been with Giuseppe for any significant amount of time are used to him becoming an entirely different person when turning on the charm!

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

"Do you know how we might speak to Dorcil Crae?" Mender asked, following up on his original question.

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Io, you also notice the woman's behavior is very much like the euphoric man you met at the bottom of the stairs just before the fire.

Her eyes dart from flame to flame with a look of dumb wonder "Very grateful for such patrons of the arts! Without him, Andriks work might remain locked up inside, never reaching the heart of Mulmaster. I admit, I had never heard of Dorcil until a few weeks ago...but I think he may be some kind of glass smith. I heard him mention to Andrik 'you'll find inspiration staring into my shop's furnace'...and he wore some interesting glass jewelry."

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Gio looks thoughtful turning to his friends, Didn't someone say something about a Glassworks shop earlier?

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Does anyone have some sort of detect enchantment ability on these paintings??

Speaking low, trying not to let the gallery woman hear, Hmmm...glass, brooches, Dorcil...none of this sounds familiar. She...do we even know her name?...is definitely enchanted like the patrons at the Wave and Wink. Do you see this odd pattern in this painting of fire over here? It's so oddly cooling...

Yeah we gotta find this Dorcil Crae now. We taking a nap first or pressing on?

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

{ooc] I havent cast any spells but others might need the rest {/ooc]

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CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Sorry, I thought I saw something about a Glassworks, but I think I was thinking about the Gallery...

You are Jurina Prem, are you not? I was told to ask for you. You have been a tremendous help, Gio takes her hand and bows, touching it to his forehead in the Athkatlan way.

We have bothered you far too long, this late evening, my lady. We will take our leave of you... unless, my friends have any other questions for you? The young scion of House Firenze looks to his companions.

On the way out, I kinda want to blow out each lamp one-by-one... ^_^

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After confirming her identity, Jurina gets back to her strange business of setting lamp fires. As Giu makes his extinguishing exit, she follows along shuffling her feet, relighting each as he goes. She doesn't seem annoyed, but rather quite happy to light them again.

You guys have the Dorcil Crae lead, and 3 other leads for the sold paintings. Roll up some social skills or other appropriate to track those down asking around in the city. Long resting could also be voted on...it is getting quite close to morning now.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Gio would look for the Artisan's Quarter...

Where do you all think di Artisan's Quarter be? You know, Smiths, Jewelers, Tailors?

Giuseppe slings his bundled longsword over his shoulder, and looks up and down the street, awaiting his companions' responses.

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

"We should go and leave you to your collection. Thank you for your time." Mender said as he let himself out and waited outside for the others.

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Gah, thanks, I could not find her name! Also the whole blowing out the lights as she lights them again has me cracking up.

Once outside, Well, it's practically breakfast time now. Perhaps we can break up for a bit, go grab some grub, and ask around? Io jumps up and down to get his blood flowing again, shaking his head to wake fully up. I definitely need coffee.

Waiting to see if we press on and rolls would be needed, or if we do a rest.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Was in the spoilers that Gil found in the fireplace at the artist's house. Though exhaustion is killing me, Gio would likely not want to wait. So vote for no rest from me.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

I do have my prayers to attend to the cleric remarks.

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Didnt hear any strong desire for long rest, so moving on...

Mulmaster's bay is the heart of the city, extending more than halfway through the tight guilds-quarters and warehouses. A hundred different bridges crisscross the old district and its quite easy to get turned around or deadended within the wholly unplanned layout.

Still, glassworking requires certain resources, and only a small section of the harbor district touches the sands of the Moonsea. You track down the only glass worker in Mulmaster in short order. There you find a most peculiar scene...

A shockingly frigid wind yanks cold spray from the crashing waves leaving those worshippers not wrapped in heavy cloaks shivering despite their fervor. Over four dozen men and women ignite torches to be cast into the precarious tower of driftwood the moment the sun appears above the horizon.

When the moment arrives, a volley of burning wood sails through the air and the driftwood immediately blazes and crackles above the din of the sea. The flames first climb to its top, forty feet in the air, then rise even higher in a coiling red tornado that lashes the sky.

Worshippers of Talos begin to chant and frantically whip their bodies in circles as they parade around the tower of blazing wood that already sways in the wind...

Perception DC 10:
Scanning the crowd, you notice one of the men is wearing the very same brooch you've seen in Andrik's paintings...this one is quite real.

Perception DC 15:
Some of the worshippers seem to be throwing melon sized balls into the flames instead of torches. They glow a solid bright color just moments after the reaching the fire's core.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Wisdom (Perception) @ disadvantage: 2d20 + 3 ⇒ (6, 6) + 3 = 15 That would be a 9.

Come, Quen, we can pray on di way and you can tell me of your goddess! There is time for sleep when Kata is safe, no? Giuseppe is cheerful, despite the occasional coughing fit, and genuinely engages the cleric on the topic of theology and the cosmology of his homeland.

At the sight of the fire spout, Gio looks on in awe and horror, What in di Nine is that?!?

Female Shadar Kai Monk (Way of the Shadow) 1 | HP: 17 | AC: 15 | Ki: 2 | Staff: +5, 1d8+3 Unarmed Strike: +5, 1d4+3 | Deception: 3 Insight: 4 Perception: 4 Persuasion: 3 Stealth: 5 Thieve's Tools: 5

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Here we go again...

Shae follows along, pulling her cloak tight around her. When they arrive at the fiery scene, she grips her staff tight and sets her feet.
What do you make of this? It doesn’t seem harmful, but still... That bonfire doesn’t look stable...

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 12

As the rest of the group pauses to take in the religious ritual, Mender keeps walking; he moves straight towards one of the Talos worshippers.

"You" he says as he places his hand on the person's shoulder "need to come with me. There is much to answer for."

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The brooched firestarter doesn't take his eyes off the towering bonfire "Oh no, I don't think so. Not now." he brushes the hand off.

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

"That was not a request." said Mender.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Can anyone see some kind of leader? Someone driving dis assembly? Gio cranes his neck trying to see to the other side of the bonfire.

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Ignoring Mender, the man drops his robes revealing a criss cross of leather straps and bare exposed skin. He proceeds to flagellate said skin with a whip, screaming some religious nonsense. 3 others nearby do the same as the nearly 50 onlookers gawk on in wonder.


"The final masterpiece is upon us!"


"Mulmaster will lie in ruin at the hands of the Cult of Eternal Flame!"


The strange orbs within the bonfire glow brighter and brighter...white hot now.

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Mender doesn't hesitate.

He shoves the man out of the way, grabs one of the orbs and throws it into the river.

Female Shadar Kai Monk (Way of the Shadow) 1 | HP: 17 | AC: 15 | Ki: 2 | Staff: +5, 1d8+3 Unarmed Strike: +5, 1d4+3 | Deception: 3 Insight: 4 Perception: 4 Persuasion: 3 Stealth: 5 Thieve's Tools: 5

Shae moves forward to back up Mender, making sure none of the cultists attack him.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Following Mender's lead, Gio reaches into the flames and throws another globe as far into the water as he can!

If the bonfire is too big to reach in, he takes his cloak off and tries to catch one like a net, then hammer throw it into the harbor!

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As Mender, Sha'Lea, and Giuseppe break out of the crowd and move past the 4 self-mutilating worshipers, they break from their trance and draw scimitars with a mirror-like finish, which seem to capture the flames as they whirl in the wielders attack kata. The rest of the crowd gasp and shout, backing off a few steps.

Mend: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Giu: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Io: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Gor: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
Gil: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Quen: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Sha: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Enemies: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Round 1:
Gilbert <-- UP
Mender, Quen, Giu, Gor, Sha, Io

All 4 armed cultists are within 10 ft of the party, with Mender, Sha, and Giu already in melee range. A massive bonfire is just about 10 ft beyond. The crowd is back 10 ft from the cultists and could serve as 1/2 cover or more if you go deeper (spend more movement) but it is also difficult terrain.

Grabbing a sphere on your turn takes an action. You'll take 1d6 fire damage from the intense heat and need a Dex 11 check (not save) or else something else happens...

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Battlemap up in 5e AL link.

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Steal the brooch: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Io notices the brooch-wearing person and would like to get close to him and steal it while everyone is mesmerized by the pretty flames.

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Prior to combat...

Even had the man not been completely distracted whipping himself fresh red streaks, Ionnis' skill at extracting the brooch from the fallen red robes made the theft look nothing more than serendipity, gently catching the clothing as it fell.

Stealing a peek at the palmed object, you note its a paintbrush whose bristles have been stylized as a flame...it is of a simple metal but shows no signs of oxidation, and simply holding it you feel light on your feet, as if resistant to the force of gravity holding you down. Will require attunement during short rest to fully ID/use

Female Shadar Kai Monk (Way of the Shadow) 1 | HP: 17 | AC: 15 | Ki: 2 | Staff: +5, 1d8+3 Unarmed Strike: +5, 1d4+3 | Deception: 3 Insight: 4 Perception: 4 Persuasion: 3 Stealth: 5 Thieve's Tools: 5

Take one alive! We’ll need them to help prove the Lady’s innocence![/ooc]

She pauses for a second as she prepares to fend off a scimitar with her staff by setting her stance wide and bringing her weapon perpendicular to her side, and then calls out again.
[b]Also to figure out what the hell is actually going on here!

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