[5e AL] Flames of Kythorn [Completed!] (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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During a summer drought, Mulmaster is threatened by a series of arson attacks. As the populace riots, accusations fly blaming Thayans, residents of the ghettos, rowdy sailors, the refugees from Phlan and dozens of others. Can you solve the mystery before the city burns?

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Mulmaster: one of the most notoriously evil and prosperous cities that litter the Moonsea. Full of poverty and rife with crime, most Mulmasterites realize their home is alternatingly an important resource and hostage for the Zhentarim. Wealth is power, and superior commerce is a battle of wits and opportunity where morality and ethics can go die in a gutter.

Sitting atop this pile of gold and suffering is the High Blade Jasseen Drakehorn, openly a dark paladin of Bane. As refugees stream in from Phlan and other areas, she has built a literal wall around the Zhent Ghettos they call home...joining in years of taxation and exploitation. One must wonder, how much a cornered creature can take...

Despite all this, if you can avoid the secret police and mysterious arcane eye of the Brotherhood of Cloaks, visitors know Mulmaster as a place of absolute decadence and indulgence (Think Las Vegas). If you have the coin, and are willing to lose it, its a great place to visit...especially for those with specific 'tastes'. The poor are too tired to judge you, and the guards simply don't care how drunk, drugged, and twisted you are.

The Wave and Wink is one of those infamous dance halls that lasts all night...and anything can happen in a rowdy, shadowy corner. Perhaps you came hoping for a wild night, or perhaps you came to guard against a certain someone getting out of hand. Maybe a noble invited you to keep their rivals guessing about relationships, or maybe you are just a no-holds-barred party crasher.

Tonight it seems the wealthy and elite are out in full force, their most stylish dresses and evening wear of every color and metallic hue loudly saying 'we have money and you dont'. Surrounded by the dull colored buildings typical in Mulmaster, the Wave and Wink's blue-painted wave patterns themselves project an atmosphere of revelry. Patrons file through the large blue doors; each time the doors open, the thumping tones of music and cheers from within pierce the dullness of the otherwise dour city.

A pair of bouncers, one blonde dwarf and the other...race questionable, but large...loom outside as the line slowly advances.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Giuseppe looks excitedly at his companions, My friends, tonight will be most epic! Dancing, carousing, drinking! What happens in di Wave and Wink stays in di Wave and Wink, eh?

The young man, wearing traveler's clothes, has the demeanor of someone with high bearing, possibly noble. However, he has confided in those of you that he has traveled with for any length of time that he puts on airs because, growing up on the streets, he learned that people treat you different when you have money. However, you find that he always is completely honest when it comes to his companions.

Giuseppe throws you all a wink and slips into the line...

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

The hooded traveler sat in the cliched dark corner of the room, an untouched mug in front of him. His head did not move, yet it was clear his eyes were sweeping the room.

the traveler sat with his back to the wall, of course; they had even managed to finagle a table with good line of sight to the front door.

So distrustful was this person that they had refused to remove their pack in such a place; instead, a cloak was draped over it.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

The half elf makes his way to the inn, his feet are tired from his long walk. He is dressed in sky blue robes, with his hood pulled over his ears. He carries a quarterstaff in his hand and he wears a holy symbol around his neck. As he gets closer to the inn he sees that there is a line. As he waits for the line to go down, at his turn he gives a brief nod in acknowledgement to the bouncers, makes his way into the inn, and sits down, asking the serving maid for a glass of elven wine and a hunk of bread, cheese and fruit.

As she brings his order, the Revered Son says a prayer of thanks to the goddess for providing for his needs. He eats and drinks, keeping his eye out.

Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

”Awe, come on!” the quite large half-orc grumbles as he nudges the considerably slimmer Giuseppe next to him. ”Did you see? Those guards just let two people skip the line! That really gets my goat hairs in a twist.” he then turns to regard Sha’Lea so that both his ruined eye and whole one can regard the Shadow Elf. ”This guy better be in here Sha. The last two leads ended up being a bust. I don’t wanna stay here in Mulmaster too long. All these Banelings make me itchy.”

It’s just about this time that Gorum’s dark eye catches a flash of brilliant orange. Recognizing Io’s scarf from fifty feet even in the dark Gorum raises his hand and smiles a toothilly. ”Oi! Over here!” Attempting to get the attention of their fourth companion. As Ionis approaches Gorum looks confused. ”Eh? I thought Mender was with you. Did you two get split up? I told ya to stick together.”

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Quick question, which PCs already know Giuseppe? Sir Gorum? Ionnis?

Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10
Giuseppe di Firenze wrote:
Quick question, which PCs already know Giuseppe? Sir Gorum? Ionnis?

Quen’Pa was the only one I missed on us being a group. I tried to incorporate the rest of us into a previously formed group. Obviously if this was not what someone wanted, that’s fine I’m sorry. I thought most of us had agreed to have some kind of connection.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Sir Gorum, while I agree that their choice of ideals to follow do not greatly mirror my own, we can still loosen our straps, as it were, eh? Let us relax a bit, this night, and we can be back to our stern stoic selves in di morning, eh? Giuseppe laughs at his own ribbing of their paladin and turns his attention to the line before them.

Female Shadar Kai Monk (Way of the Shadow) 1 | HP: 17 | AC: 15 | Ki: 2 | Staff: +5, 1d8+3 Unarmed Strike: +5, 1d4+3 | Deception: 3 Insight: 4 Perception: 4 Persuasion: 3 Stealth: 5 Thieve's Tools: 5

Shae would be familiar with most of you, probably. She takes all kinds of odd adventuring jobs, in addition to her bounty hunting. I’ll set the sheet up and link it in a few. I just got home from work.

Shae sighs at Gorum’s impatience.
Patience, my friend. We’ll get him soon. He’s a creature of habit, and this place... well, it’s one of his habits. At least it’s not like the last lead. I had to throw out everything I was wearing after we got done searching those sewers...

She shudders at the memory, and then tightens her grip on her staff.
Once everyone is with us, I can get us all in more than likely. The bouncers know me here.

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Quen, not an inn at all. Wild and crazy danceclub. Picture a medieval/fantasy version of this with also gambling and such going on. They don't serve food.

Those outside waiting hear some rumors from your fellow night dancers.

An incredibly tall elf in gothic black makeup and copper hued jewelry turns to her rainbow spotted lizardfolk companion, and says with an air of haughtiness "I wonder who will be on display, Rondeval? One of Andricks of course... But a Morgella perhaps? Her satire was always delightful..."

Near the front of the line "Did you hear that?! The Gos have waived the cover! And free drinks to celebrate the lovely Tiega!" the already excited crowed cheers at the lack of entry fee, and surges forward, taxing the bouncers on the edge of violence. For the moment, it seems they are just letting in the best dressed and best looking women.

A shady looking grumbler nearby is heard under his breath "...yeah, I'll cheer any whore for a bit o' Dragondew, am I right?" elbowing his mate, who chuckles.

A few other exotic looking roughs aren't amused "Who cares about yer fancy s!*#e, Wave n Winks me lucky spot...better not have given me card table to those broads." he warns the bouncer, whose eyes just narrow.

You guys can wait a bit more, or try to talk/other skill your way through. Its pretty cold outside.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Giuseppe moves forward toward a bunch at the front of the line, subtly motioning his friends to follow, My friend! It is so good to see you! You don't remember me? It is Giuseppe! We met last year, at the gala! You remember, I am sure! These are my friends!

Charisma (Deception): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

We get inspiration and ahealing potion do we not? ^_^ Renown awards?

Inspiration, c'mon baby!: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5


As the people at the front of the line are standing bewildered, the young warrior slips a few (3 gp) to the dwarf bouncer, It was good to see you! We will see you inside! We will get drinks, of course!

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Indeed, as mentioned in the Player's Guide every character starts each AL adventure with inspiration and 1 free healing potion (you get different options once you hit 5th level).

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The bouncer doesn't seem convinced at Giuseppe's little scheme. The party goer just near the charlatan takes cue and shouts "Yeah! I know you too, Hairy, its me, your mommy! Give us a snuggles and a party, love..." making kissy noises with his mouth. The bouncer, having likely heard it all, just rolls his eyes as the crowd laughs.

The gold changes the situation, however, and he finally uprights and unbars the door "Alright, you, you two, you and you..." letting the rest of the party (Including Dan) inside.

Will have description up shortly, getting kid settled etc

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Giuseppe grins sheepishly, then mutters, Gold always talks...

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Its hot, its loud, and your eyes don't know where to stop. At a glance, the Wave and Wink is living up to its reputation as the go-to for steamy hookups, purified drugs, and gambling tables that always put out. It is a massive humanoid swarm inside, making shoving and pushing the only way to get through. A fine sheen of sweat instantly wets your brow in the glare of the dancing colored lights, and you start to understand why noblemen use perfume after all.

A little gnome immediately to your right is checking cloaks and other items, providing a small wooden token in return. Those that watch him for a moment reveal he is simply just heaving everything in a huge pile behind him...unless tipped adequately.

Surrounding the L-shaped bar is a 3 deep queue of would-be dilettantes, who think fetching a drink is a sure fire way to their love's heart...or something else. 2 halflings team work the bar, tossing in their own acrobatic flairs for the right customer (Read: rich) as empty glasses fly and spirits catch fire in short bursts.

The dance floor is a mix of hard and soft boots on hardwood flooring, an upbeat tempo by a group of performers who the crowd seems to know and love. They seem to be taking requests. The night is young, and the dancers do not at all seem afraid to drink to excess...

10 ft above the main floor is a balcony, obviously VIP only...though you don't see any particular gate or guard blocking your passage. Surely they wouldn't rely on etiquette alone to keep you out? A series of gorgeous paintings hang from the railings, offering new styles of art you have never even considered.

So, main areas to explore are the coat check, bar, private balcony, and dance floor. There are also some back rooms if you feel the need. Finally, there is something of a scene happening near the gambling tables...

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"Damnit, Scramsax...please get down..." pleaded a busty and very ugly half-orc maiden, seated at a card table doubling as an empty bottle holder surrounded with a pair of hobgoblins and a nasty looking drow with her manslave. The half-orc was addressing the...thing...on top of the table...

A halfling with the most amazing mustache you've ever seen, naked save the thin garment about his waist (of questionable gender, by the light pink color) "How big was the dragon?! You wanna *hic* how big?!! This big!" he bends over presumably to remove his last remaining garment, but vomits explosively over his audience instead...falling face first off the table and clattering onto the floor below.

Perception 15 or Urchin:
Ah yes, the old drunken fool con...the halfling's fingers sport a shiny new ring on his way up from the floor, it seems.

A bouncer quickly punts the runt, with the half-orc running sobbing after. The drow shrugs and comments "I was going to ask how he cleaned his sword after, but I guess some things are better left a mystery." before slamming the rest of her Fire Genasi Whiskey.

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CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Nice cameo... Rav misses running with Scram!

Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

Watching Giuseppe buy the group’s way into the club gives Gorum pause but as he’s about to refuse, he remembers his friends words “Let us relax.” Not looking relaxed at all, the large man clenches his rigid jaw and follows his friend. Once inside though, his mind is taken away from the bribe as he takes in the site of the place.

Taller than the rest, Gorum spies Mender over the crowd. ”Mender is here already! He’s got a table too.” he directs the others in the appropriate direction. ”I bet they got us drinks already too! Come on!” he then starts easily clearing a path.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Giuseppe is chatting up a young woman, but when his half-orc friend begins moving toward Mender, he slips the woman his room number at a nearby inn and makes his way to the table!

Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

nice, I was mid typing. Missed the cameo. Lol

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Watching the drunken halfling’s scene, Gorum simply thinks to himself “yeah, that tracks.” and keeps heading toward the table.

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Io's eyes light up watching all the happenings going on (though he completely misses the drunk halfling). As they approach Mender's table, a drink suddenly appears in Io's hand. Hey hey there! What'd we miss? he says, raising his glass and taking a swig.

Gilbert sits and watches the various people wandering in and out of the gambling hall. Having just been cashed out of the mercenary band, The Red Griffins, Gilbert has almost everything he owns on his person. It seemed strange for the captain and paymaster to pay us out in such a place, but he simply shrugged his shoulders, grabbed a seat and watch all the people wander by.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

The half elf watches what is going on.

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

OK I haz the dumb...how do I now add the profile picture??

Female Shadar Kai Monk (Way of the Shadow) 1 | HP: 17 | AC: 15 | Ki: 2 | Staff: +5, 1d8+3 Unarmed Strike: +5, 1d4+3 | Deception: 3 Insight: 4 Perception: 4 Persuasion: 3 Stealth: 5 Thieve's Tools: 5

Shae takes a seat, resting her staff against the chair beside her. She keeps her eyes peeled, looking for her mark.

I got home last night and passed out right after work. I’ll make the sheet as soon as I get home today. Hence, I won’t make any rolls until I have the sheet done.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Seeing a motley crew already in the dance club and making a ruckus, he will put his attention on them, while not putting his attention on them, ")

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'

Worst profile pic. 649 images of human males frowning or looking like dorks. Sigh. Io has dark anime hair and pretty much always smiles, and always has something bright orange on. OK, now I can move on from the awful profile pic.

Looking around, sipping drink, scoping out the pretty faces, So. What's next?

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Haha, why do you think I haven't chosen one? I am hoping that I get my commission soon so that you all can see my vision of Giuseppe.

Relax, my friend! Giuseppe laughs, Dis is our reward for being good boys!

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Try finding an angel avatar.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

SOme of the pictures are skeet

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After a few lucky libation swipes and passing offers, it seems pretty clear that it will take a tremendous act of initiative to get another drink. Despite being filled to the brim, people keep pouring through the front door and the swarm around the one bar on the floor gets thicker and thicker. Still, there is a second bar...but being high up in the VIP section you wonder how you might ever sneak up there.

The lead performer finishes his set with a bow and cheers, taking a break at a table next to yours. Covered in sweat and tight musky leather, he is nevertheless a beautiful man and the hopeful women and men flock to him in adoration. "Oh, that piece is sooo last year...please people lets have some taste!" he smirks to some awkward laughter. Some of you might recognize him as Marim Tem, one of the most famous performers of Faerun.

1d7 ⇒ 3

Ionnis gets suddenly womped from behind, struggling for balance on top of the table as liquid flies backwards behind him. A golden dragonborn woman covered in emeralds with a 3 inch nose pointing straight up seems quite agitated at the drink spilled all over her multi-platinum gown "What is the meaning of this you...furry clutz! Don't you know this evening belongs to Zor Faltyn Gos?? If you can not properly mingle with high society stick to the gutters!" some of the surrounding crowd, having not really seen what happened, immediately take her side and mumble about 'what the hell are they letting in these days' and so on.

She has a point, there are quite a few members of high society here. You might be able to find out more about what's going on by mingling with some of the dancers. There are a number of quite alluring men and women on the floor sans dance partner...if so inclined.

The gambling halls might beckon with just as strong a call, or you might try your skill outsmarting the bar crowd. Perhaps its your game to get into the VIP area (where a true noble would belong), or perhaps you are just a wallflower.

If the man hunt is your primary concern, you realize it is unlikely he will come to you. You might start to cover the back exits and sweep some of the back rooms before patrolling the heavy crowds looking for a match.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Man hunt? Are we supposed to be looking for someone?

Giuseppe would be looking to give some good-looking ladies a dance partner!

Charisma check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Booooo, that's no fun!

Soon, Giuseppe returns to the table, dripping wet, Well, that was interesting... Sometimes I wish I had the charm of my great aunt, Isabella di Firenze. It was said that she could disarm you with a wink!

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Man hunt was a player hook Sha came up with and Gorum seemed to be rolling with. They were tracking a target inside the club.

Giuseppe executes what he thought was the perfect introduction, but a red faced man obviously thought otherwise, shouting "That's my wife you hoodlum! Rapscallion! Cur...you...you..." mercifully struggling with more cutting words...before failing and letting a spilled drink do the talking (in Giuseppes face).

A classy looking half-elf steps in, with a jovial and defusing attitude "Now, what seems to be the problem here? Come now Trevor, an honest mistake, surely. Not the first time I've seen a indecent proposal in my club. This one seems a noble enough sort..."

"No, I wont settle down Urdun, I've told you a thousand times this place has grown too big to let any common street rat to sniff about our heels...you must increase the cover to a courtly fee!"

The half-elf, apparently the owner of the place, just laughs "Well some of us quite the like the character. Besides, its Gos' night tonight. And you can always purchase a VIP membership. Why won't you, again? Surely the rumors of trouble with your business are false?"

"..." the shade of red on his bald head turns an even deeper purple. His wife covers her mouth as if she is about to burst "...our f-f-f-finances are quite secure...I..." that seems to shut Trevor up and let Giu slip away without further ado.

Meanwhile the band, minus their front man Marim, strikes up a measure from the ever popular dwarf tune 'Skippin' Twinsies with an Orcs Entrails' and the dancers delight: stepping, clapping and twirling through some kind of rehearsed choreography or game to the music.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Giuseppe nods a silent thanks to the half-elf and returns to his friends, It seems that I was able to get a drink after all!

The young fighter wipes his face with a kerchief, Well now, everyone else having fun?

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

Mender watched the altercation without rising, although he tensed momentarily when the drink was thrown. At Giuseppe's question afterwards, Mender simply replied: "No."

Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

After being disappointed that Mender had not ordered drinks yet, Gorum heads to the bar hoping his sheer size would be an advantage on gaining the bartender’s attention. ”Finding this mark will be tough Sha. I’m gonna get ya some drinks, maybe it’ll help.” While there though, he attempts to mingle with the crowd. Possibly find out who the club’s guest of honor might be. Gos?

Persuasuion: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

When he returns, successful or not, he notices the table doesn’t have enough chairs. Seeing a neighboring table with only one person sitting at it, he moves to it ”This seat taken?” Quen or Gilbert’s table?

Male N Human var Rogue | HP: 31/33 | AC 14 | HD 5d8 Skills: Ath 5, His 5, Inst 4, Percp 4, Persus 5, SoH 6, Stlh 6 | Thieves Tools 9 Saves: S-1 D3 C1 I2 W1 Ch2 | Initiative 3 | PP 14 | Spd 30'
Giuseppe di Firenze wrote:
Haha, why do you think I haven't chosen one? I am hoping that I get my commission soon so that you all can see my vision of Giuseppe.

Wait so is there a way to show custom images??? HOW?!

OK, Gos. Who is Gos? Where is Gos? Io must know! He starts to blend into the crowd and ask around, politely of course.

Uhhhhh, not sure what to roll. Random charisma check? 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Seeing the large half orc approach his table, with a smile the half elf replies, No Sir. You are more than welcome to join me he says.

Female Shadar Kai Monk (Way of the Shadow) 1 | HP: 17 | AC: 15 | Ki: 2 | Staff: +5, 1d8+3 Unarmed Strike: +5, 1d4+3 | Deception: 3 Insight: 4 Perception: 4 Persuasion: 3 Stealth: 5 Thieve's Tools: 5

Shae leans back and smiles.
Again, my friend, patience! It’s likely he isn’t even here yet, but splitting up isn’t a bad idea... you head to the bar, and grab a couple of drinks. I’ll go to the dance floor, and mingle. Meet me there, and we’ll see if we spot him. Who knows, you may even get a dance out of it...

The shadar kai winks at Gorum, before shashaying onto the dance floor. It quickly becomes apparent that her martial training also instilled in her the ability to dance with the best of them, and she fits in perfectly with the others, though her simple outfit tends to stick out a little.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block
Ionnis wrote:
Giuseppe di Firenze wrote:
Haha, why do you think I haven't chosen one? I am hoping that I get my commission soon so that you all can see my vision of Giuseppe.

Wait so is there a way to show custom images??? HOW?!

Nah, was going to put it in my stat block! (see link in my subtitle)

EDIT: That way, DM Infinity can make a thumbnail of it for battlemaps and whatnot.

CG human fighter (battlemaster) 5 | AC 17, 19 w shield | hp 44/44 (0/5 HD used)| Saves: S +7*, D +4*, C +6*, I +1*, W +2*, Ch +2* | Insp [ ] | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Sup Dice used 0/4 | Passive Per 14 | Stat Block

Giuseppe, clearly distracted, leans in to Shae, Who are we looking for?

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Gorum's girth is an asset at the battle for drinks with the halflings. A bronze eyed tiefling turns and starts stroking your muscles unprompted "Oooh, you look like you have stories..." gazing at your Ersatz Eye. Io, you find a few high class dance partners with loose lips and few too many drinks on the dance floor. You are both able to subtly steer the conversation in a way to gather information about Gos.

It would seem Zor Faltyn Gos is the brains behind this event, in celebration of his wife's birthday. Faltyn is said to be as plump as he is ripped, his family's wealth coming from working the forges. Greyed, rich, and a drunk...he is now rather self-centered, and the kind of noble who is bored with anything but himself. Still, he holds a position on the Blades (Mulmaster's ruling council).

The lady of the hour, Zora Tiega Gos, is the polar opposite of her husband. Lithe and graceful, they say Tiega married into wealth at a young age and has known nothing but a life of luxury. She has a refined taste in art, and loves spending her husbands money on it. They suspect the best art is up in the VIP section, brought in for her enjoyment...

The blue eyed dancer wriggles at the waist in Io's hand continuing "...yeah, I think there's going to be some kind of bidding on it later. My last partner was boasting of his coin, but that's not my style. I like you. You're real." pulling in closer, eyes locked.

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If you guys want to do the man hunt, roll investigation if you are exploring silently. Otherwise do a charisma skill check (intimidation, deception, or persuasion) if asking around. Insight if you want to try and guess where he might be hiding in here. As mentioned there's only a few places to explore: coat check booth, dance floor, bar, gambling tables, VIP section, back rooms. Just let me know where you are going and roll.

Other than that, its a night club so you can do things you might expect. The tight crowd and rich patrons are ripe for some pickpocketing. For gambling, declare an amount willing to lose and do a straight d20 modified by gamer set proficiencies (if you have them). It will be an opposed roll. If a performer, you could perhaps talk Marim into taking stage. Make friends with prestidigitation, or make enemies by pulling their pants down. Punch someone in the face if that's your thing.

Continue masterfully RPing your characters and the scene will advance after you find out a few more things. :)

Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

@Quen’Pa’s Table
Gorum looks confused for a moment then answers ”Well I meant to take the chair to my own table but sure, what the hell.” The large half man sits down at the chair and regards Quen’Pa with both eyes. One of which is normal for a half orc, the other however is black with red liquid seeping around the lower edges of the eyelid. ”My name is Gorum, how bout you? Sitting in this place at a table all alone, did ya come to enjoy the shows or do you have a taste for the tables?”

Gorum is trying to size up the Quen’Pa and if he wasn’t a pc would be rolling insight meaning to find out if this guy was up to no good or not. He finds it suspicious to be in this crowded place at a table by yourself.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Hello Gorum. My name is Quen Pah, a recent arrival on your shores. I am a servant of a goddess of healing. I have done training in infirmaries and other places where sickness festers. Knowing the propensity for violence and other types of illness that can arrive in places like this, I came to ensure that healing is available.

I am not sure if I am allowed to say that he is a servant of Mishakel at this point. If he is, I will give her name rather than just the Goddess of Healing

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

You might wanna fix your race/class fields on your alias. Use the force isn't a skill in 5E =P

Male, LN Half-Orc, Paladin 2nd/Barbarian 3rd | HPs 52 | AC: 16, 18 w Shield | Init: +2 | Saves S:+3, D:+0(adv**), C:+3, I:-1, W:+2, C:+4 | PP 10

”Goddess of healing eh? You might be right about this place.” Gorum says scanning the large hall quickly. ”Trouble could break out any second” he finishes, turning back to Quen Pah with a smile. ”Speakin o trouble, you should go talk to my friend over there at my table. His name’s Mender. You twos might have a lot to talk about. Or don’t, up to you. But I’m gonna go see if I can get myself into a little trouble myself, if you know what I mean.” and with a wink of his dark seeping eye, Gorum stands and heads into the crowd.

Gorum enters to the dance floor and breaks it down. Performance: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Gorum loves dancing, his orcish style of mosh pit dancing doesn’t seem to be quite appropriate here in the hall though. What it does do however, is allow him to move around the dance floor not-so-subtlety checking the other patrons faces to ID the mark Sha, him, and the others are tracking.

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]
.Mender wrote:
You might wanna fix your race/class fields on your alias. Use the force isn't a skill in 5E =P

LOL, one never knows

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Quen, I'm totally fine with you RPing a follower of Mishkael. I was just trying to say, on your logsheet, if you ever play with any other DM with this character...mark a FR god and talk to them about it.

Sha, any character sheet progress? Will need it fairly soon, this weekend probably at least.

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