GM PDK The Rasping Rebirth (Tier 12-15) (Inactive)

Game Master Purple Dragon Knight

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The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

Survival w/Talisman: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Woah, where'd that +17 come from! Awesome.

Teriq attempts to use his keen elven vision to help spot the trail of Koth'Vaul

Survival (aid): 1d20 - 1 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 + 4 - 1 = 12

Taking the time to heal some of the wounds from the swarms along the way with a wand.

CLW: 3d8 + 3 ⇒ (8, 5, 3) + 3 = 19

Grand Lodge

Male CN Fighter 14 | HP 157/157 | AC 33 T 16 FF 29 | CMB +17, CMD 36 | F: +15, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +4 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 [/ooc] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Blur

Survival, Aid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Thrag helps Rand and Teriq find the true path.

He pulls out a Wand of Cure Light.

Could someone give me a hand?

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

Thought one of the talismans give +10 to survival? I have a 7 wis mod, so removing the penalty with the +10 gets me 17. Unless I am gravely mistaken, in which case my check would be 10 lower.

Sovereign Court

Neutral Human Magus 12 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 76/87 | AC: 38 (29 T, 23 F) | CMD: 38 | F: 13, R: 15, W: 10 | Init: 18 | Perc: 13 | Speed 60, fly 90 (good) |
Tracked Resources:
Arcane Pool 5/14 | Lesser Extend Rod 0/3 | Pearl I 0/2 | Reroll 0/1 | Ablative Barrier 20/50 | Mythic Power 0/2

Using 7 charges of infernal healing to bring Desmond and myself to full hp.

Knowledge Checks

Talisman of Reprieve: ignore penalties to Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks resulting from a plane’s mildly or strongly aligned traits, regardless of the allies’ alignments. In addition, the item grants a +4 circumstance bonus on checks with one Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill determined by you at the time of casting. REMINDER: all of you also (in addition to penalties of the Abyss plane if/when the Talisman runs out) have either a -2 or -1 (depending on the result of your save vs. the trillionswarm) to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, as well as a –2 or -1 penalty to your AC and to the DCs of your spells, for the duration of the scenario.

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

Okay, I thought it was a -4 penalty from the insects if you were LG. So with the above penalties factored in, I believe my total result was 28: 18 die roll +7 wis bonus +4 circumstance bonus -1 penalty from insects. Am I missing anything?

Knowledge Checks

Yeah, -4 vs. insect save if you were LG; failing insect save means -2 for rest of scenario; succeeding means -1 for rest of scenario... no mortal means can undo it. It's a devious abyssal trap that would utterly frustrate me as a player, but it's part of the constant abyssal dread the scenario is trying to foster I think... none of it is your fault I assure you.

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

Wow, I completely misread that. Okay, I've got everything where it should be, and I made a note about the penalty above.

Knowledge Checks

I don't know how parties without the Talisman of Reprieve could handle that -4 vs. insect save in addition to the planar alignment penalty of -2 or -4 you all computed on Slide 2; at least your party found a way around that one...

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Ok, so perhaps not a +17, but a +11 is decent enough! We're up to a 33 with the two aids so far.... and a few more folks can help out yet.

Oh, and stat line adjusted for the -1 penalty!

Thrag, you can assume Teriq or Lilly can use the wand on you, out of combat... so go ahead and roll them your self.

Grand Lodge

Male CN Fighter 14 | HP 157/157 | AC 33 T 16 FF 29 | CMB +17, CMD 36 | F: +15, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +4 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 [/ooc] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Blur

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

8 charges, back to full

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

Tothek does the same, saying nothing about the swarm, but he is not his usual confident self.

CLW 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
CLW 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
CLW 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
CLW 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
CLW 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
CLW 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
CLW 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
False Life 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Knowledge Checks

The group finds the real trail, hidden under a thick layer of insect husks, which leads to a ruined tower further down the canyon that contains a glowing portal to the Rift of Repose.

Close to the portal you find evidence of a ritual that took place: burned out candles, still drying blood, bits and pieces of whoever or whatever was used as a sacrifice, etc. (unidentifiable now and mostly gone already due to scavenger activity)

Talismans: 70min remaining

Grand Lodge

Male CN Fighter 14 | HP 157/157 | AC 33 T 16 FF 29 | CMB +17, CMD 36 | F: +15, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +4 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 [/ooc] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Blur

The cloak is no finer than the one I have. Anyone else can have it.

So the staff and ring are claimed. Thrag has the scythe, but it is currently in his Scabbard of Many Blades.

Any ideas about the portal? Or we can just march through.

The Exchange

CN Female Merfolk Oracle 14 | Init +16-22 | HP: 91|143 | AC: 32 (16 Tch, 31 FF) | CMD 21 | F:+19, R:+17, W:+21 | Per: +29, SM: +26
Spells: 9|8|7|5|8|7|5; Reroll 1|1; PT 11|11
Conditions: Delay Poison, FoM, Air Walk, Images 2

Lilly peers carefully at the portsl, muttering a simple detect magic spell as she tries to work out where it might go.

Knowledge, heroism: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Planes +29, rest at +17

Hmm, if we are going through then I am going to aply some defences

If we are going through then Lilly casts fredom of movement on herself before entering as she has used her only freedom talisman and uses a charge of heightened awareness.

Knowledge Checks

Detect Magic + Spellcraft or Knowledge Arcana DC 32:
A detect magic spell cast here reveals the lingering presence of overwhelming necromancy and abjuration magic, and also uncovers that the spell was designed both to shield the caster from harm and also draw power from the remains of a dead demon lord. A PC with this knowledge who succeeds at a DC 25 Knowledge (planes) check remembers that dead demon lords are bound to the Rift of Repose, making this a natural location to investigate next.

The Exchange

CN Female Merfolk Oracle 14 | Init +16-22 | HP: 91|143 | AC: 32 (16 Tch, 31 FF) | CMD 21 | F:+19, R:+17, W:+21 | Per: +29, SM: +26
Spells: 9|8|7|5|8|7|5; Reroll 1|1; PT 11|11
Conditions: Delay Poison, FoM, Air Walk, Images 2

Lilly swears quietly under her breath. Lots of abjuration and necromancy here, looks like Koth'Vaul or someone with him is trying to draw power from a dead demon lord. They tend to get dumped into the Rift of Repose, which this portal may lead to. Of course it could be another trap set by Koth'Vaul so one of you lot should go first...

With that Lilly adds a shield of faith spell to her defences and activates her wand of mirror image just in case.

Images: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

I cannot fail that planes check

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Teriq only nods at Lilly's assessment.

"If he is looking to take over, where Deskari left off, that does would not be unusual, yes?." He says, thoughtfully. "Though perhaps he is much further ahead than the others, given they still fight amongst themselves out there." He waves one hand absently back towards the path they arrived by, and the battles they passed on the way.

He follows the elven woman's lead, using a couple of wands of his own.

6d20 ⇒ (9, 12, 8, 13, 20, 19) = 81
Will reup his Mage armor and use Gravity Bow just before they go through. Ready to wander through!

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CN Female Merfolk Oracle 14 | Init +16-22 | HP: 91|143 | AC: 32 (16 Tch, 31 FF) | CMD 21 | F:+19, R:+17, W:+21 | Per: +29, SM: +26
Spells: 9|8|7|5|8|7|5; Reroll 1|1; PT 11|11
Conditions: Delay Poison, FoM, Air Walk, Images 2

Quick mechanics check, I assume the AC penalty from the swarm also affects touch and flatfooted? I have reduced those on my tagline.

The Exchange

CN Female Merfolk Oracle 14 | Init +16-22 | HP: 91|143 | AC: 32 (16 Tch, 31 FF) | CMD 21 | F:+19, R:+17, W:+21 | Per: +29, SM: +26
Spells: 9|8|7|5|8|7|5; Reroll 1|1; PT 11|11
Conditions: Delay Poison, FoM, Air Walk, Images 2
Teriq Ashfall wrote:
He follows the elven woman's lead, using a couple of wands of his own.

Who are you calling an elf landwalker! Llly is a Magnificent Merfolk! She does currently have legs because shuffling around on land with a giant tail is exhausting!

Knowledge Checks
Lilliandra de Saavedra wrote:
Quick mechanics check, I assume the AC penalty from the swarm also affects touch and flatfooted? I have reduced those on my tagline.

Yeah overall AC I think, which applies to everything... but if we have to nail it down in the future vis-a-vis a spell or effect, let's go with profane penalty...

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Ohh... hmm.. for some reason I was thinking she was an elf... even though I know she is not. I blame the drugs!

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

Tothek casts mirror image. Then, he also casts gravity bow, from a wand, and bull’s strength, from a scroll.

# of images 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 (a roll of 1 will be the real Tothek)

Sovereign Court

Neutral Human Magus 12 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 76/87 | AC: 38 (29 T, 23 F) | CMD: 38 | F: 13, R: 15, W: 10 | Init: 18 | Perc: 13 | Speed 60, fly 90 (good) |
Tracked Resources:
Arcane Pool 5/14 | Lesser Extend Rod 0/3 | Pearl I 0/2 | Reroll 0/1 | Ablative Barrier 20/50 | Mythic Power 0/2

Once they reach the rift, Favian will attempt to use his wand of freedom of movement...

Use Magic Device: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32

and a wand of heightened awareness (attempting to refresh every 10 minutes)...

Use Magic Device: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27

in addition to use wand of planar infusion I every hour (which he does not need UMD for).

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

Tothek also casts Darkvision.

The Exchange

CN Female Merfolk Oracle 14 | Init +16-22 | HP: 91|143 | AC: 32 (16 Tch, 31 FF) | CMD 21 | F:+19, R:+17, W:+21 | Per: +29, SM: +26
Spells: 9|8|7|5|8|7|5; Reroll 1|1; PT 11|11
Conditions: Delay Poison, FoM, Air Walk, Images 2
Tothek wrote:
Tothek also casts Darkvision.

Ooh, thats a good point given the last fight. Lilly will hand you a scroll of darkvision

Can you cast this on me dear, it wont last that long but it may be helpful

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

Tothek nods, and completes the spell on his fellow Pathfinder.

Knowledge Checks

After passing through the portal, you all arrive at a scene of destruction. The walls of the ravine extend upwards for thousands of feet. A massive, petrified tail runs through the middle of the chasm, standing twenty feet high. On the canyon’s steep walls, the fossilized remains of Deskari and two other slain demon lords loom like titanic monoliths carved from the stone of the rift. Gaping wounds rend the breast of each demon lord and gouts of black ichor gush through the cracks. As the ichor falls to the canyon floor, it warps and twists, transforming into hordes of shrieking demons. Wading through these hordes and fighting them back with powerful blows are a handful of enormous boar-headed demons. The boar demons are steadily laying waste to the gibbering masses, driving the demon hordes back to their source. Seemingly able to sense the presence of mortal life, the demon hordes begin to close in. Suddenly, a second mass of insectoid demons rise from the blood of Deskari and begins to tear at the small incoming fiends. A small circle of safety forms within the tumultuous battlefield.

Two of the enormous boar-headed demons remain in the distance within the dretch hordes, while one moves to intercept you.

Suddenly, swarms of protective insects begin to surround each of you to absorb blows!
These insects grant each PC 40 temporary hit points and DR 2/epic for the duration of the encounter. Additionally, the boar-headed demon ambling towards you takes 5d6 points of damage per round from swarming insects.

Hazard: A horde of screaming demons surrounds the PCs during this fight, depicted by the shaded region on the map. The demons deal damage to each creature that begins its turn inside the horde. Additionally, they also make a grapple attempt and attempt to hold targets indefinitely, rending them to shreds. The dretch horde takes 50% extra damage from area effects, and each 5-foot square of the horde has 20 hit points. Killing dretches temporarily clears an affected area and frees any grappled creatures held there, but the cleared space refills with new dretches again after 1 round. In addition to the horde shown on the map, the skies are also filled with winged dretches. Creatures flying outside the protective sphere are subject to the demon horde damage and grapple attempts. The sphere is 60-foot high at its center and progressively lower as one gets further from the center, reaching ground level at the white dotted line.

Knowledge The Planes DC 32; This porcine creature has huge tusks and tiny wings, and its furred flesh oozes with greasy black and purple energy...:
This is a huge demon... choose one thing from the following list, plus an additional category for every 5 pts. you exceed the DC The dark energies surrounding it speak of some higher power...

Rand Init: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Favian Init: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20
Teriq Init: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
Lilly Init: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32
Thrag Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Tothek Init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Enormous boar-headed demon: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Round 1 --- Bold may go!

Enormous boar-headed demon

Knowledge Checks

Favian is also in bold

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

Rand waits for the creature to come into view.


Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

Tothek moves a few steps, and then casts a spell he had been saving for just this occasion: a thaumaturgic circle designed to keep out demons. It would certainly help against the small ones, and who knows, perhaps the gods were with them today.

Presuming the pig-demon has SR, caster level check 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

He then nocked a holy arrow, and waited...

The Exchange

CN Female Merfolk Oracle 14 | Init +16-22 | HP: 91|143 | AC: 32 (16 Tch, 31 FF) | CMD 21 | F:+19, R:+17, W:+21 | Per: +29, SM: +26
Spells: 9|8|7|5|8|7|5; Reroll 1|1; PT 11|11
Conditions: Delay Poison, FoM, Air Walk, Images 2

Planes, heroism: 1d20 + 29 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 29 + 2 = 34
Saves in order please

Lilly moves quickly forward, into the circle conjured by Tothek. She then brings a blessing to bear on the group. May the Hoary Queen of the ocean depths keep you all safe she mutters.

Move and then cast Blessing of Fervour on everyone. Please make sure to pick something at the start of your turn.

Sovereign Court

Neutral Human Magus 12 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 76/87 | AC: 38 (29 T, 23 F) | CMD: 38 | F: 13, R: 15, W: 10 | Init: 18 | Perc: 13 | Speed 60, fly 90 (good) |
Tracked Resources:
Arcane Pool 5/14 | Lesser Extend Rod 0/3 | Pearl I 0/2 | Reroll 0/1 | Ablative Barrier 20/50 | Mythic Power 0/2

+2 to AC, attacks and reflex.

Favian throws up his magic shield and moves. He spends an arcane pool to give his weapon the keen and icy burst properties.

Knowledge Checks

Fort, Will, Ref; the demon is a curator, an augmented nalfeshnee imbue with mythic power

GM rolls:
5d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 4, 1, 6) = 161d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

Followed by a swath of flying insects, the enormous demon flies over the massive petrified limb blocking the canyon floor, landing near Rand and Lilly. His skin explodes with a nauseating and undulating rainbow pattern as he does...

Round 1/2 --- Bold may go!
Enormous boar-headed demon

The Exchange

CN Female Merfolk Oracle 14 | Init +16-22 | HP: 91|143 | AC: 32 (16 Tch, 31 FF) | CMD 21 | F:+19, R:+17, W:+21 | Per: +29, SM: +26
Spells: 9|8|7|5|8|7|5; Reroll 1|1; PT 11|11
Conditions: Delay Poison, FoM, Air Walk, Images 2

Lilly takes the AC and reflex bonus from Blessing

Lilly weaves a spell around the enormous demon. By the blessings of the B&$#@ Queen you will not prevail here!

Lilly defensively casts persistent, elemental cold based burst of radiance. It is a 10' radius burst so will only hit the demon.

SR, spell pen: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 13 + 2 = 33

Assuming that breaks its SR the demon takes 5d4 ⇒ (1, 4, 3, 4, 4) = 16 cold damage automatically. It needs to make a DC24 reflex save, rolling twice. If it fails it is blinded for 1d4 ⇒ 3 rounds. If it fails and takes cold damage it is slowed for 1d4 ⇒ 4 rounds. If it passes it is simply dazzled for 1d4 ⇒ 2 rounds.

Lilly then steps back from the massive monstrosity.

Best hope the rest deal with him quickly...

Sovereign Court

Neutral Human Magus 12 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 76/87 | AC: 38 (29 T, 23 F) | CMD: 38 | F: 13, R: 15, W: 10 | Init: 18 | Perc: 13 | Speed 60, fly 90 (good) |
Tracked Resources:
Arcane Pool 5/14 | Lesser Extend Rod 0/3 | Pearl I 0/2 | Reroll 0/1 | Ablative Barrier 20/50 | Mythic Power 0/2

Favian steps into flank meshing spell and sword into a flurry of chilling attacks.

Spell Combat: frostbite (cast defensively automatic)
Caster Level Check (SR): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

+2 for flank cancels -2 for spell combat
+3 keen, icy burst, Agile, Ghost-touch Aldori Dueling Sword: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (14) + 23 = 37 Damage: 1d8 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 cold: 1d6 ⇒ 3 nonlethal cold: 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
+3 keen, icy burst, Agile, Ghost-touch Aldori Dueling Sword: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (11) + 23 = 34 Damage: 1d8 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18 cold: 1d6 ⇒ 2 nonlethal cold: 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
+3 keen, icy burst, Agile, Ghost-touch Aldori Dueling Sword: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21 Damage: 1d8 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18 cold: 1d6 ⇒ 5 nonlethal cold: 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

Damage is nonlethal. On a hit the demon is fatigued as long as it has nonlethal damage from the frostbite spell.

Free Intimidate check to make the demon shaken for a number of rounds equal to damage dealt on a hit (Enforcer). Includes size penalty DC 10 + HD + Wis.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 26 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 26 - 4 = 35

Knowledge Checks

GM Rolls:
1d20 + 10 + 1d10 ⇒ (9) + 10 + (9) = 28
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Dark powers surround the enormous demon as Lilly's magic attack him, deflecting the magic from his eyes. With a laugh, he replies to Lilly, "BESMARA? she blesses no one, fish girl... she curses, be careful... muha ha ha ha! Now... why would she send you here and interfere with our sacred repair duty? is she bedding the one responsible for this desecration? ...!!!"

As he converses with Lilly Favian manages to sting the behemoth once behind the knee, and the demon roars in annoyance, ending his conversation with Lilly.

Round 1/2 --- Bold may go!
Enormous boar-headed demon

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

(Tothek takes the +2 to hit, which balances against the swarm penalty)

Tothek smiles, because he has been saving these arrows for a LONG time, and they would finally be of use. He launches a volley at the boar-demon.

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Attempt to discern what the strange rainbow light thing he cast was? Prismatic-sounding anything is potentially bad. 8P
Spellcraft, talisman bonus, profane penalty: 1d20 + 5 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (11) + 5 + 4 - 1 = 19

Teriq's mind reals at the chaos all around. The veritable hoard of demons pouring from the damage to the petrified figures is a sight to behold... those same demon petrified remains once demon lords of the Abyss hard to get ones head around... and now those same remains merging with the plane itself.

He wondered if this was all the result of Koth'Vaul's ritual... and hearing the giant fiends words, he says something in reply... though the words come out in ignan, and are lost on anyone but Lilly.

"We do not seek to stop your repairs, but to stop he would caused all the damage in the first place!"

Words likely wasted... even if the thing were in a mood to listen.

Again, glorious fiery wings sprout from his flaming body, and he floats backwards and upwards, his back now to the immense petrified tail, as he turns his bow towards the newest threat.

swift action, wings. 5' step. Full attack. Fervor for extra attack.

Soon a hail of arrows is arcing towards the beast.

That sad part is, the mythic bit probably make the DR impossible to bypass.

Hail of Arrows:

includes gravity bow, and penalties for deadly aim, rapid shot, and the profane bug bites

Manyshot: 1d20 + 25 + 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 25 + 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 = 37, for 4d6 + 12 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (4, 3, 1, 2) + 12 + 12 - 2 = 32 damage.
Iterative: 1d20 + 20 + 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 20 + 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 = 19, for 2d6 + 6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 2) + 6 + 6 - 1 = 17 damage.
Rapid Shot: 1d20 + 25 + 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (9) + 25 + 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 = 31, for 2d6 + 6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1) + 6 + 6 - 1 = 14 damage.
hasted attack: 1d20 + 25 + 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 25 + 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 = 36, for 2d6 + 6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5) + 6 + 6 - 1 = 17 damage.

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

Taking the +2 to AC, Hit, and Ref Saves from Blessing of Fervor.

"Thanks for saving me the trip." Rand says as the Demon lands next to him. He then unleashes his fists on the creature.

First attack is going to be my style strike, which I will be using Shattering Punch to bypass it's Hardness and DR (assuming I don't with my attacks normally). My attacks count as Magic, Cold Iron, Silver, and Lawful for bypassing DR. Also, going to use Stunning Fist on my first attack this round, so if it hits, he'll need to make a DC 23 Fort save or be Staggered for 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 rounds.

Flurry Attack #1: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (6) + 23 = 292d8 + 9 ⇒ (5, 1) + 9 = 15
Flurry Attack #2: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (7) + 23 = 302d8 + 9 ⇒ (3, 2) + 9 = 14
Flurry Attack #3: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (3) + 23 = 262d8 + 9 ⇒ (4, 3) + 9 = 16
Flurry Attack Iterative #1: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 312d8 + 9 ⇒ (8, 8) + 9 = 25
Flurry Attack Iterative #2: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 182d8 + 9 ⇒ (2, 5) + 9 = 16

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

Tothek steps 5ft farther back. Surely something so big is also slow. Plus, a swine! No one says “as fast as a pig”, do they?

Full attack with multishot, rapid shot, arcane strike, and clustered shot with holy arrows

Attack 1 and damage 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 326d6 + 18 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 3, 3, 2) + 18 = 38
Attack 2 and damage 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 314d6 + 9 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 2) + 9 = 25
Attack 3 and damage 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 274d6 + 9 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 1) + 9 = 23

Edit: forgot the semicolons

Grand Lodge

Male CN Fighter 14 | HP 157/157 | AC 33 T 16 FF 29 | CMB +17, CMD 36 | F: +15, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +4 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 [/ooc] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Blur

Blessing of Fervor, extra attack

My you're a big one. Don't worry. We'll cut you down to size soon enough.

Thrag's hammer disappears only to be replaced by Riftcarver.

Let's begin. He grins

1st Attack, Power Attack, Swarm penalty, Flanking: 1d20 + 25 - 4 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 25 - 4 - 2 + 2 = 40
Damage, Power Attack: 2d4 + 14 + 12 ⇒ (2, 2) + 14 + 12 = 30

Bonus Attack, Power Attack, Swarm penalty, Flanking: 1d20 + 25 - 4 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 25 - 4 - 2 + 2 = 33
Damage, Power Attack: 2d4 + 14 + 12 ⇒ (4, 4) + 14 + 12 = 34

2nd Attack, Power Attack, Swarm penalty, Flanking: 1d20 + 20 - 4 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 20 - 4 - 2 + 2 = 30
Damage, Power Attack: 2d4 + 14 + 12 ⇒ (1, 2) + 14 + 12 = 29

3rd Attack, Power Attack, Swarm penalty, Flanking: 1d20 + 15 - 4 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 15 - 4 - 2 + 2 = 24
Damage, Power Attack: 2d4 + 14 + 12 ⇒ (4, 2) + 14 + 12 = 32

Plus one bleed for each hit for Riftcarver's Wounding property. Riftcarver bypasses DR as if it is Cold Iron, Silver, Adamantine, Chaotic, Evil, Good, Lawful, and Epic. If by some insanity this pig thing is Good it will take an additional 2d6 per hit.

Knowledge Checks

Teriq is unable to discern the strange magicks at work within the pig-headed demon, and decides to fire away after backing up to a safe distance. However the porcine giant has amazingly thick skin, and only a few of his arrows manage to slightly pierce the monster's hide and now hang limply into the first layer of his flesh.

Rand unleashes his fists on the creature, but they appear to leave the monster indifferent. With each blow Rand feel an insidious evil power try to assail him and pull at his Ki. Rand I will need 5 Fort saves please

Similarly, Tothek's arrows do not seem to penetrate the demon's skin.

Thrag smiles and attacks the demon. Lining up an amazing shot meant to eviscerate the huge demon, the scythe decides to betray him at the last moment, angling itself downwards and into the canyon's abyssal dirt! he tries a few more times to hit the demon with the thing, but scythe will not cooperate! all attacks fail to damage the demon and just bump ineffectively into him! Thrag, that weapon is cursed: the weapon is actually a –2 cursed scythe, and all four attacks had an effective -7 penalty (the difference between a +5 weapon and a -2 weapon, applied to your post's results); otherwise the weapon’s properties function identically to those of a –2 cursed sword.

One of Teriq's arrows fall to the ground, pushed out of the demon's wound by some unholy healing capacity...

GM Rolls:
5d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 5, 5) = 17

The demon turns to Lilly and Favian with eyes full of malice.
claw vs. Lilly: 1d20 + 28 - 1 ⇒ (18) + 28 - 1 = 45
b/p/s dmg: 2d6 + 15 ⇒ (4, 2) + 15 = 21 plus Touch of Chaos
steal cloak of resistance +5 vs. CMD 35: 1d20 + 32 - 1 ⇒ (5) + 32 - 1 = 36 CMD
Touch of Chaos:
For the next round, anytime the target rolls a d20, she must roll twice and take the less favorable result.

He draws a wicked gash across her mermaid torso, but the mysterious insect swarms focus their efforts to interpose themselves underneath the massive demon's thumbnail, and Lilly is unarmed. However he swipes her cloak off deftly with two other fingers, like a natural born cosmic cutpurse, and grins with satisfaction as the cloth responds to his will and begins to expand to the size of a galleon's sail... he laughs, or roars- it is hard to say- and turns to Favian, trying to keep his cold steel at bay.
claw vs. Favian: 1d20 + 28 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 28 - 1 = 28 Miss
bite vs. Favian: 1d20 + 28 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 28 - 1 = 28 Miss
The demon's attacks are clumsy as his eyes are filled with greed upon inspecting his new prize...

Suddenly the world explodes as an array of colors emanate from the demon to hit everything within 60 feet!
I'll need a Will save from everybody

The demon is without the rainbow pattern for mere moments after the color explosion... and as if spurred by a life of its own, once again, colors begin to crawl over the porcine creature's body with an ever-increasing nauseating frequency...

Round 3 --- Bold may go!
Enormous boar-headed demon [dazzled]
Lilly [Touch of Chaos, sans cloak, Temp swarm HP 19/40, 1 Will req'd]
Favian [1 Will req'd]
Rand [5 Fort + 1 Will req'd]
Teriq [1 Will req'd]
Thrag [1 Will req'd]
Tothek [1 Will req'd]

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Cursed? Ouch. Guess the size being off was important. 8P

Grand Lodge

Male CN Fighter 14 | HP 157/157 | AC 33 T 16 FF 29 | CMB +17, CMD 36 | F: +15, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +4 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 [/ooc] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Blur

Will, swarm: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 12 - 2 = 25

Blessing of Fervor, +2 Attack, AC, Ref

Frustrated by the scythe's uncooperative nature Thrag exchanges it for his favorite hammer.

Scabbard of Many Blades + Quick Draw makes it a free action to swap a weapon to exchange a weapon in hand for one in the sheath.

1st Attack, Power Attack, Blessing, flank, swarm poison: 1d20 + 28 - 4 + 2 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 28 - 4 + 2 + 2 - 2 = 41
Damage, +1, Adamantine, Bludgeoning, Power Attack: 3d6 + 17 + 12 ⇒ (4, 1, 1) + 17 + 12 = 35

2nd Attack, Power Attack, Blessing, flank, swarm poison: 1d20 + 23 - 4 + 2 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 23 - 4 + 2 + 2 - 2 = 40
Damage, +1, Adamantine, Bludgeoning, Power Attack: 3d6 + 17 + 12 ⇒ (6, 3, 3) + 17 + 12 = 41

3rd Attack, Power Attack, Blessing, flank, swarm poison: 1d20 + 18 - 4 + 2 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 18 - 4 + 2 + 2 - 2 = 30
Damage, +1, Adamantine, Bludgeoning, Power Attack: 3d6 + 17 + 12 ⇒ (1, 4, 2) + 17 + 12 = 36

Taking a step back he pounds away at the enormous demon.

He yells to his companions,

What is this? More importantly, what kills it best?

Knowledge Checks

Sadly, Thrag does not hit the demon once. He then looks at his hammer in disbelief. And sees the cursed scythe, still in his hands...

Teriq and Rand stand with mouths agape, wondering what madness overtook the half-orc and made him backup and swing wildly at the air...

Round 3 --- Bold may go!
Enormous boar-headed demon [dazzled]
Thrag [cursed: forced to use the -2 scythe]
Lilly [Touch of Chaos, sans cloak, Temp swarm HP 19/40, 1 Will req'd]
Favian [1 Will req'd]
Rand [5 Fort + 1 Will req'd]
Teriq [1 Will req'd]
Tothek [1 Will req'd]

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

Will save 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Knowledge Checks
Tothek wrote:
Will save 1d20+7

Tothek is Dazed for a duration of 1d10 ⇒ 10 rounds as visions of madness hound him...

Knowledge Checks

Tothek is overcome with visions of madness... he stands transfixed in his spot, his eyes staring in a faraway direction...

Round 3 --- Bold may go!
Enormous boar-headed demon [dazzled]
Thrag [cursed: forced to use the -2 scythe]
Tothek [Dazed, 9 rounds remain]
Lilly [Touch of Chaos, sans cloak, Temp swarm HP 19/40, 1 Will req'd]
Favian [1 Will req'd]
Rand [5 Fort + 1 Will req'd]
Teriq [1 Will req'd]

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