OGGM's Spires of Xin Shalast

Game Master Jeff Przybylo

We have reached The End. Karzoug awaits our heroes on the slopes of the Mhar Massif...

Maps and Things:
Nothing yet

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Male Elf Witch (Synergist) 15 | HP 122/122 (3 temp) | AC 17, T 17 ,FF 13 | CMD 19 | Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +14 | Init +15 | Perc +19, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility

"I think with our illustrious dwarf on the retreat, we should follow. We aren't prepared for a war." Everon gently suggests to Tomaru.

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

”Yes but he’s going the wrong way. We need to get lost in the city not have to try and get inside again!”

I got the impression they were out of range. Can Praxim still shoot them down?

Praxim wrote:

”Yes but he’s going the wrong way. We need to get lost in the city not have to try and get inside again!”

I got the impression they were out of range. Can Praxim still shoot them down?

Sorry, busy. You certainly can shoot them down, one of them for sure. With the deva, you could kill them both. Want to do that?

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

Definitely. With the bit of luck, I can’t imagine Praxim failing to kill one. With any luck, the city folk will just think the warning alarm was for the deva (but we never really get that lucky). Still, better a vague warning than a specific description.

Male Elf Witch (Synergist) 15 | HP 122/122 (3 temp) | AC 17, T 17 ,FF 13 | CMD 19 | Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +14 | Init +15 | Perc +19, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility

Everon sighs. "Fine. Hold my body, I will return to it momentarily." He reaches into his pack, taking out a large, transparent crystal. "Arcaniss mircahallin!" Everon slumps over and the crystal flares for a moment.

Casting Magic Jar! Standard action to activate it, next round I will attempt to possess one of them.

Pearl of Power:
Lvl 1 1/1; Lvl 2 1/1; Lvl 3 1/1; Lvl 4 1/1; Lvl 5 1/1
Human Cleric 16; HP 156 /156| AC 29 T 15 FF 27| Fo +16 Re +10 Wi +19| Init +2 Percep +26| Channel Energy 9/9

Tomaru votes to kill them quickly and leave.

Going to skip the attack rolls here, just because I've been so busy at work, this has really slowed down.

Praxim easily kills one of the flying creatures before they get too far. The second twitches and jerks as Everon's possession takes control.

Just seconds before the deva swoops in to kill it...

And now we...

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

"Thordak. This way. Let's get lost in the art district."

M Dwarf Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 16
Hp's 260/260; AC: 31/touch 17/ff 27(vs. giants 34/21/25); Perc: +19; Init: +4; Fort: +19, Ref: +12, Will: +13; CMD 35(40 vs giant type/35 vs larger)

I gotta say, I REALLY don't understand why we're attacking when we were warned of the OBVIOUS fact we are outnumbered. We CANNOT defeat 8 billion bad guys. It really does boggle the mind and for the life of me, I cannot find one reason as to why. It just flat out makes no sense. Anyway, that's just my take. If we somehow manage to avoid OG reading the end credits on this one, is it too much to ask to NOT start something with the other hundred thousand bad guys? I really like this game and I'd like to actually see how this thing plays out to the end. Okay, I'm done ranting and raving.

Mass invisibility might be a good one right now if Lym has that.

Just as he's about to take off, "I'm not goin' nowhere in there unless you've got a better plan than that, elf! There better be some type of magic ta hide us because we ain't hidin' like this!"

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

Nobody’s trying to attack them. We tried stealthily moving past the guard post and failed, so we had to take out the guards before they could pass on a description of us, and now we’re going to ground until the heat dies down.

”If we leave the city then we just have to try sneaking back in later. Right now, we have a window to get in and lie low somewhere, but only if we get out of sight now! Let’s move, dwarf!”

Pearl of Power:
Lvl 1 1/1; Lvl 2 1/1; Lvl 3 1/1; Lvl 4 1/1; Lvl 5 1/1
Human Cleric 16; HP 156 /156| AC 29 T 15 FF 27| Fo +16 Re +10 Wi +19| Init +2 Percep +26| Channel Energy 9/9

What Praxim said.

The thunder of massive horn blasts echo along the canyon entrance to Xin-Shalast. All along the battlements of the Black Fortress, the dark forms of giants can be seen manning stations. Giant patrols can be seen leaving the gates in two separate locations, covering the road into the city proper.

You have a few moments to decide what to do before they are upon you.

I want to direct you to something Tomaru said earlier about devices that you are wearing or carrying. It is an important point that will most definitely be missed in the pbp lag. I'm pretty sure he will remember. Having said that, it really shouldn't be hard for PCs at your level to bypass this fort and whatever ability the enemy has to scry you.

Everon's body is still in your control as he has possessed one the of the flying creatures.

Male Elf Witch (Synergist) 15 | HP 122/122 (3 temp) | AC 17, T 17 ,FF 13 | CMD 19 | Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +14 | Init +15 | Perc +19, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility

Everon takes the possessed body and flies it high into the air, then plummets straight down at top speed. A fraction of a second before it hits the earth, Everon returns to his body. "Well, I think we are unprepared for an army. Let's leave before this gets ugly."

Pearl of Power:
Lvl 1 1/1; Lvl 2 1/1; Lvl 3 1/1; Lvl 4 1/1; Lvl 5 1/1
Human Cleric 16; HP 156 /156| AC 29 T 15 FF 27| Fo +16 Re +10 Wi +19| Init +2 Percep +26| Channel Energy 9/9

Who still has a sihedron rune? Didn't we already find out that the big bad can use them to follow us?

M Dwarf Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 16
Hp's 260/260; AC: 31/touch 17/ff 27(vs. giants 34/21/25); Perc: +19; Init: +4; Fort: +19, Ref: +12, Will: +13; CMD 35(40 vs giant type/35 vs larger)
Everon Mitharian wrote:
Everon takes the possessed body and flies it high into the air, then plummets straight down at top speed. A fraction of a second before it hits the earth, Everon returns to his body. "Well, I think we are unprepared for an army. Let's leave before this gets ugly."

"Good idea, elf! I'm all for leavin'! I'm not for hangin' around and gettin' meself killed!"

Tomaru wrote:
Who still has a sihedron rune? Didn't we already find out that the big bad can use them to follow us?

You did discover that Karzoug can use the Sihedron medallions for a limited scrying. I would also remind you that you were told you needed 'keys' to get past the occlusion zone around the mountain. I'll let you guys put 2 and 2 together. Ask any questions you need.

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

Praxim has one. It’s marked as +1 amulet of natural armour, but it’s a sihedron rune.

”Great. Follow me!”

Praxim makes a mad dash toward the heart of the city. Once he gets into the open area with the G, he turns right and heads towards any building that looks run down. He pauses sporadically to quickly scan for evil auras in alleyways and through doors into older buildings. If he finds an abandoned building with no evil aura, he’ll try to gain access.

”If we can slip in and out of a few buildings, we can confuse anybody tracking us from above. We just have to get out of sight and lost in the maze. If we get separated, we can meet up at that big round building on the other side of the artsy district an hour after sunset. None of you magic folks know any spells to let us communicate over long distances, do you?”

And the others?

Pearl of Power:
Lvl 1 1/1; Lvl 2 1/1; Lvl 3 1/1; Lvl 4 1/1; Lvl 5 1/1
Human Cleric 16; HP 156 /156| AC 29 T 15 FF 27| Fo +16 Re +10 Wi +19| Init +2 Percep +26| Channel Energy 9/9

Tomaru's Sihedron Medallion is kep in his Haversack.

"Yes, let's keep moving with purpose."
Do we know of Praxim's Sihedron Medallion or does he mostly keep it out of sight?

I'm pretty sure that we are sorely lacking in invisibility.

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

He doesn’t keep it out of sight on purpose. To be honest, he doesn’t even think about it.

Tomaru and Praxim, make Will saves.

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

Will: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (20) + 22 = 42 +2 if enchantment

Pearl of Power:
Lvl 1 1/1; Lvl 2 1/1; Lvl 3 1/1; Lvl 4 1/1; Lvl 5 1/1
Human Cleric 16; HP 156 /156| AC 29 T 15 FF 27| Fo +16 Re +10 Wi +19| Init +2 Percep +26| Channel Energy 9/9

* Endure Elements
* Longstrider: +10 move
* Magic Vestment: +3 AC
* Heroes' Feast: (Everyone) 14 temp hp; +1 morale to hit; +1 morale Will Sv; +4 morale v poison and fear

Will: 1d20 + 19 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 19 + 1 = 38 +2 v Evil

Male Elf Witch (Synergist) 15 | HP 122/122 (3 temp) | AC 17, T 17 ,FF 13 | CMD 19 | Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +14 | Init +15 | Perc +19, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility

Based on nearly 3 months with no GM post I'm going to assume this game is dead. Bumping so I can mark as inactive.

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