Hellknight Hill: Bumblebrashers! (Inactive)

Game Master Joana

Hero Points: Darla * Des * Drake * Gellius * Gethric *
the Bumblebrashers' map

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CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka initially forgets that they're trying to approach without avoiding notice, and happily chatters with Warbal. However, after a quick nudge by the others she catches on. "Ooks, sorry."

Stealth, avoid notice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Aronida and Gethric lead the party around the northern end of the citadel. The ground here is clearly damp and swampy; Gellius would guess that an underground spring has slowly weakened the foundation until the wall collapsed. In the middle of a puddle, a corpse in tarnished armor lies on some sort of muddy lump, perhaps a pile of rubble from the wall.

You're glancing around for a suitable rock to throw when you realize that something looks different. You could have sworn that the corpse was closer to the middle of the puddle than it seems to be now. It's clearly dead; how could it possibly have moved?


Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida holds out her arm, stopping anyone from advancing. "Wait a second. Something's wrong." Her eyes narrow as she studies the corpse. "Something moved it. It was closer to the middle of the puddle before."

She glances back at the others. "Should we go in anyway or try a different path?"

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka wrings her hands. "Going around again is just going to take a long while. We should do something." She looks uncertain. "Weren't you going to throw rocks at it?"

I say we just stick to the plan.

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

"Cover me!" Darla whispers. Loaded sling in hand, the bard stalks forward (to K28), twirls her weapon a bit, and tries to fire a stone at the muddy lump beneath the corpse.

Darla sling attack (propulsive): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 for bludgeoning damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

EDIT: I guess she'd reload if she's got a third action.

Darla's slingstone ricochets off the thing beneath the corpse with a distinct ping, rather than sinking in with a quiet slurp as one would expect of a bullet hitting a mound of wet mud.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

It doesn’t appear to be undead, anyway,” Gellius opines. “Perhaps there’s some wild animal living within that’s moved the body? I say we press forward.

Let me know if you’d like me to go first” he says to Aronida. “I don’t have your knowledge of the wild, but I’m relatively quick on my feet and have had some training in fighting in close quarters.

Gellius will hang back with longbow drawn or sneak forward with both rapier and main gauche, depending on Aronida or Gethric’s preference.

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Personally Aronida would prefer to check another entrance, even if it took longer. For that matter, her preference would have been to observe the entire citadel for hours before actually approaching. Patiently lying in wait for her prey is much more her style than rushing into possible danger.

However, she's self-aware enough to realize that sometimes, such as when you're trying to rescue a tribe of goblins from a presumed taztlwyrm, patience isn't actually a virtue.

"If you don't mind going forward, I'm better with a bow." She pulls it off her back and checks the tension on the string before nodding. "I'll cover you. Be careful."

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Checking that Gethric, as the other scout, has no objections. Gellius nods to Aronida and stows his bow before drawing his swords and creeping forward.

I'll move stealthily and presuming nothing happens go first to L29 and then around the pool's edge to M27 where I'll examine the body...Things may change depending on events! ;)

Male Halfling Rogue 2 (Thief) 26/26 HP

When deferred to for opinion Gethric can only offer a confused shrug, before adding "If it's moved then it's something in there with the body right?" but doesn't stop Gellius approaching... finding the mystery softly twanging on his curiosity. He does retrieve one of the long tined serving forks from its position of rest and wields it in a more positive pointy-bit forward perspective where it could be brought to bear if needed.

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla switches to her rapier. "Maybe we can come at it from different directions," she suggests to Gellius.

Try to set up a flank?

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CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka hazards a guess. "Maybe the longshanks fell on top of a tortoise when he died, and the tortoise is lugging his body around?" It sounds far-fetched, but it could be true. Just to be on the safe side, she draws her starknife.

Male Halfling Rogue 2 (Thief) 26/26 HP

For clarity - Gethric will keep on Gellius shoulder, just 5 ft behind.

Round 3 init: Revka, Darla, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Updated map link

Be sure to read the Discussion thread to know exactly where we're at in the action.

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

"Please watch out, Darla," Revka offers a piece of obvious advice. She moves up alongside her new friend, making a wide arc around the corpse.

Move to L32. I'll do a Seek action to see if Revka can spot anything out of the ordinary. Perception +6, Trained.

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla nods and moves to the very edge of the pool (M27) and then tries to poke twice at the mudbear or whatever's lurking in the water.

Darla rapier (deadly d8, disarm, finesse) attack #1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 for piercing damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Darla rapier (deadly d8, disarm, finesse) attack #2: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (20) + 6 - 5 = 21 for piercing damage: 1d6 + 5 + 1d8 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (6) = 16

Assuming (probably wrongly, with my luck) a crit on the second strike. So...Stride/Strike/Strike.

Revka moves forward, her sharp eyes peering into the muddy water.

The murky obscurity under the water momentarily resolves into the shape of a large lump of a creature under the dead longshanks. A pair of hungry yellow eyes is watching Darla advance from a pile of rubble at the east end of the puddle.

Your Seek action means that two creatures that were Undetected by you are now only Hidden from you. They are in M-N28-29 and N-O30-31. You have to make a DC 11 flat check to target either, or you can use your third action to Point Out one of the creatures to Darla before she approaches them.

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka jumps from surprise. "So, the good news is that the corpse is probably not an undead. But I might have been right about the tortoise-thing. Somewhat. I can see two things in the water. There, Darla, straight in front of you." She points the nearest 'thing' out to Darla. "Oh, and I think they're quite big..."

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Sorry, my brain still is in 1E mode.

Let's go with as many secret Seek actions (Perception +5) it takes Darla to see whatever Revka sees. If she hits with her first action, she'll also Stride up and Strike (likely a miss or weak hit using the first attack roll from my previous post). Otherwise, she'll stay where she's at 'til next round.

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla squints and scans the area Revka's pointing at excitedly but sees nothing out of the ordinary...so she tries to spot the menace herself.

flat DC 11 check to target foe: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Failed the flat check, so let's go with an independent secret Seek action next. For her third action, let's go with another Seek attempt if the first fails, or a secret Recall Knowledge check if it succeeded.

Try as she might, Darla can't see the creatures Revka does.

The next moment, however, a hoarse voice emerges from the hole in the wall. "Lies! Is just a floaty corpse with lots of shinies."

Round 3 init: Revka, Darla, ??, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Updated map link

There is a creature Hidden at M-N28-29 that Revka has Pointed Out.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Recognizing the likely ambush, Gellius figures he is still likely to do the most good keeping any combatants away from the other members of the party. Moving forward to the edge of the lake, he shifts his main gauche to a defensive stance as he scans the water for a better look at the hidden creatures.

"We know you're there, show yourselves!" he calls. "We are representatives of the Breachill Town Council, here on official business."

Stride to L30. Interact action to parry with my main gauche (lifting my AC to 19 until the start of my next round). Seek action looking for enemies (can I look for both? If I have to choose one, I'll try to make the hidden creature Revka pointed out observed to me).

Male Halfling Rogue 2 (Thief) 26/26 HP

Gethric will Delay - using the appearance of an overt threat (i.e. gribbly attacking monster) as the trigger to take his actions.

Two-tined stabbing implement held at the ready Gethric narrows eyes and pauses with bated breath.

Gellius approaches the puddle but is unable to locate the enemy.

Gethric stays alert and bides his time.

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida almost laughs. Almost. Floaty corpse with lots of shinies?

Well, at least that put to rest any doubts that they were just being paranoid. A voice meant an intelligent creature waiting to ambush them. Although not too intelligent, or it would have realized that speaking gave it away.

For now she simply holds her bow, arrow at the ready, and waits to see how the creature responds to Gellius' approach.

Also delaying until a threat appears.

Aronida waits in the undergrowth.

Round 4 init: Revka, Darla, ??, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Updated map link

This looks like it might shape up into a social encounter, but for now we'll stay in rounds, as when the creatures become Observed and available for Recall Knowledge checks might be germane. Revka, a successful Perception check will change the creatures from Hidden to Observed; you can also Point Out the second creature, if you want.

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

"Ok, so no tortoise-thing," Revka mutters to herself when the voice beyond the wall reacts to her words. "Wait. You can talk?" This opens up new possibilities. "We're not interested in shinies," she replies to the voice. "We just want to help the Bumblebrasher goblins who've been trapped in the castle." (She is interested in shinies, but getting to the Bumblebrashers takes precedence.)

Seeing as how the rest of the new friends hold off for now, Revka does likewise. She leans forward to peer into the water, squinting and trying her hardest to figure out what they could be dealing with.

I'll use however many actions needed to observe the two creature I saw. (Perception +6). If I have an action left and the creatures can be identified with Recall knowledge Nature (+6) or Religion (+6), I'll try that. If not, I'll use the remaining action(s) to Point out.

Seek: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Seek, or Recall knowledge: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Seek, or Recall knowledge: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

You can't quite discern the creature in the water, but now that you know where it is, you are able to pick out the creature hidden in the rubble. Its head and back are the same lumpy shape and the same mossy green and muddy brown as the stones in which it is hiding. You have never seen one before, but you have heard about large tortoise-like predators called graveshells, which use bait to draw prey close enough to ambush. They have sharp spikes on their shells as well as strong jaws and claws.

The creature in N-O30-31 is now Observed by you.

Revka Points Out a creature hiding in the pile of rubble at N-O30-31, which is now Hidden to the rest of the party. She can do that in character but I'll go ahead and let Darla know so she can act.

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka looks puzzled. "So folks... I may have been wrong about the tortoise-thing after all..." She doesn't sound too sure, but she can't argue with what she sees and hears. "My tribe told stories of graveshells who would ambush and rob you if you got greedy. I thought it was just a boogieman to keep us scared, but I guess it was true. Oh, and they can talk...?"

Did they react to my words at all? Or do you only post that in their turn, waiting for Darla first?

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Since the things are intelligent enough to speak and haven't launched an attack yet, Darla decides to try to negotiate with them.

"We don't want a fight," she says nicely to the...whatevers. "We've come here to kill a dragon or similar creature that's causing trouble. Gosh, I hope that's not you! Assuming it's not, we'd be willing to let you fine...um, things...eat its remains if you agree to let us pass in peace."

I guess that's the start of a Diplomacy (Make an Impression) check, though Darla will have to keep it up for a minute for it to have a chance at changing the things' attitude. I'll make a roll in a spoiler in case things actually get that far.

Diplomacy (Make an Impression) Check:

Diplomacy (Make an Impression) Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

That's what I get for calling them 'things.'

Gellius Tauranor wrote:
"We know you're there, show yourselves!" he calls. "We are representatives of the Breachill Town Council, here on official business."

"Fishing business: yes, good fishing here!" the voice encourages Gellius to enter the puddle.

Revka wrote:
"We just want to help the Bumblebrasher goblins who've been trapped in the castle."
Darla Uskwold wrote:
"We don't want a fight," she says nicely to the...whatevers. "We've come here to kill a dragon or similar creature that's causing trouble. Gosh, I hope that's not you! Assuming it's not, we'd be willing to let you fine...um, things...eat its remains if you agree to let us pass in peace."

"What if dragon kills you?" the voice demands suspiciously.

Round 4 init: Revka, Darla, graveshells, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

This is basically a negotiation right now. Gellius and Revka can also try to Make an Impression; please spoiler your rolls. Gethric and Aronida can't join the negotiation unless they reveal themselves, but they can continue to Ready attacks in case the negotiation goes south and/or make Seek checks to make the Hidden creatures Observed.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Gellius frowns at the transparent attempt to dupe them.

"Look. We're not interested in your games!" he says testily, continuing to scan the area for their would-be ambushers. "Come out where we can see you and let us pass. This is important."

He remains on guard at the edge of the puddle with his main gauche ready, his eyes sweeping the immediate area.

Interact action to parry, increasing my AC to 19 until my next turn. Seek action to spot them. Make an impression (not great - he's a little out of his depth). If I can aid another to assist Darla, I'd rather do that - Gellius is a follower, not a leader.

Make an impression.Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
Seek. Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Male Halfling Rogue 2 (Thief) 26/26 HP

Gethric keeps wary, but doesn't make any overt aggressive moves yet. He approaches close enough to narrow eyes and try and make out the creature of which his companions are speaking...

Apologies for lack of map reference, intent is to Stride to within 30ft of the lump, then Seek to try and pick out the critter.
Perception: is +6 - with an extra +2 from Keen Eyes to make it +8
3rd Action will either be a repeat Seek attempt, or Raise a Shield

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida studies the puddle, hoping to pick out the creature that Revka identified. Her bow remains at the ready in case they turn hostile. Hopefully Gellius and Darla can talk them down. Whatever they are.

First action: Trying to Observe the creature hidden at M-N28-29.

Seek: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Second/Third actions: Ready an attack against the first creature that attempts to harm a member of the party.

Shortbow Strike: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
P. Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Gellius and Aronida are still unable to see what Revka has, but they remain watchful.

Your keen eyes pick out a creature among the tumbled and mossy stones of the fallen wall.

The creature in N-O30-31 is now Observed by you, but you still can't see the one under the water. You didn't have to move to get within 30 feet, so you have two actions left, to Raise a Shield or Seek or whatever you want.

Round 5 init: Revka, Darla, graveshells, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Revka, do you want to attempt to Aid Darla's Make an Impression roll?

Male Halfling Rogue 2 (Thief) 26/26 HP

Big Bumble:
Happy to spend one action to 'Raise a Shield' and have the third action go to waste

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

"Right," Revka chimes in on Darla's words. "We're not really interested in fighting you." She has an idea. "Besides, if you're just hungry we could spare you some food. My tomatoes are gone, but I still have some salted beef and a few carrots."

Diplomacy, aid another:

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

"You has food?" the graveshell responds with a sudden eagerness. "We will eat it -- and you!" The Large turtle-like creature emerges from the rubble and snaps at the goblin, swinging at her with an algae-caked claw when she avoids its jaws.

As soon as it attacks Revka, Aronida looses an arrow, but in her care to avoid Gellius, it fails to strike its target.

Graveshell 2 Steps to M-N30-31, Strikes at Revka: jaws 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 & Strikes at Revka: claw 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 8 - 4 = 12

Round 5 init: Revka, graveshell 2, Darla, graveshell 1, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Updated map link

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla jumps when the monster emerges from the water and rubble.

How did I miss seeing something so BIG?, she finds herself wondering. The young woman also wonders why she isn't running away from the threat. Guess I'm truly an Uskwold, she decides.

"Heed the call! Be a hero!" she shouts to the others, magically inspiring them. Then she takes a cautious step toward the monster and flicks out with the tip of her rapier, aiming for its black heart.

Melee Strike Rapier (P, deadly d8, disarm, finesse; IC +1): 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 1 = 18 for piercing damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Inspire Courage (+1 status bonus to attacks, damage, and saves vs. fear effects)/Step (to L29)/Strike.

The point of Darla's rapier misses the graveshell's heart but pierces its front leg.

The next moment, the corpse in the puddle lurches upward as the muddy lump it is lying on resolves itself into a second creature's shell. The dead man's extremities flop loosely as the second graveshell demands with exasperation, "What's going on up here? Are you talking to the food again?" Its reptilian beak snatches painfully at Darla, but a follow-up attack with its claw fails to connect before it withdraws beneath the shelter of its shell.

Graveshell 1 Strikes at Darla: jaws 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7, Strikes at Darla: claw 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (7) + 8 - 4 = 11, & uses Shell Game

Round 5 init: Revka, graveshell 2, Darla, graveshell 1, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Current effects: inspire courage
Shell Game (graveshell 1)

Updated map link

Male Halfling Rogue 2 (Thief) 26/26 HP

Round 5 Action: Stride to L27, Feint, Strike

Springing from his position of alertness into tangible action, Gethric stalks forwards... fork held high as though he were planning to overhead stab it downwards. However in the last few strides he lurches to his right and drops the angle of his weapon, instead attempting to drive the tines of it upwards and into the underbelly of the creature...

Feint (Deception): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Fork: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 for 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 with extra 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 if it was flat-footed
Or.... in other terms... ah phooey

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida moves to the side, eyes fixed on the creatures as she looks for a good angle. Don't want to risk hitting Darla, need to find a place where they're not in cover...here's good.

She's patient. Always has been. And she continues to be patient as she carefully lines up her shot. Her sharp eyes try to look for weaknesses in the creatures defenses.

Shortbow Strike, IC: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 1 = 12
Shortbow Damage, IC: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Shortbow Strike, IC, MAP: 1d20 + 7 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (11) + 7 + 1 - 5 = 14
Shortbow Damage, IC: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Extra Precision Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 5

First action: Stride to I25
Second action: Hunt Prey vs O1
Third action: Hunted Shot

This first attack that hits her Hunted Prey each round does an extra 1d8 damage, although I doubt either of those strikes hit.

In his attempt to flat-foot the tortoise, Gethric slips in the mud at the edge of the puddle. He manages to keep his feet but is momentarily off-balance himself; worse, his fork skitters off the turtle's hard shell without penetrating it.

Aronida swings out to one side in search of a clean shot and takes it, firing off two quick arrows, but both fail to strike home in their target.

Gethric Strides, Feints & Strikes: Graveshell 1 Shell Block reaction!
Aronida Strides, Hunts Prey & uses Hunted Shot

Round 5 init: Revka, graveshell 2, Darla, graveshell 1, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Current effects: inspire courage
Shell Game (graveshell 1)
Flat-Footed to graveshell 1 (Gethric)

Updated map link

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

"Eep!" Revka exclaims as she watches the graveshell approach and attack her. "We would have just given you the food, you know..." She sounds disappointed rather than dismayed. The goblin has her starknife in hand, but using it isn't her first instinct. Rather, she puts a hand on the holy symbol on her necklace and starts a small prayer. "Desna, we really tried to reason with them. But they're too thick-headed for that. Could you knock some sense into them? Oh, and please protect me as well. I don't want to end up as turtle-food..."


First two actions to casting Daze on O2. It deals 3 damage, with the graveshell getting a Basic Will save vs. DC 16. On a crit fail, it is also Stunned 1.
Revka will use her last remaining action to cast Shield. If she's hit in the next turn, she'll use a reaction to block 5 damage and end the spell.

Revka's invocation of the divine has only a limited effect on the graveshell, but the goblin interposes her goddess's protection between herself and the enemy.

Revka Casts a Spell: graveshell 2 Will 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19: Success & Casts a Spell

Round 5 init: Revka, graveshell 2, Darla, graveshell 1, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Current effects: inspire courage
Shell Game (graveshell 1)
Flat-Footed to graveshell 1 (Gethric)
shield (Revka)

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Giving a nod of acknowledgement to Darla, Gellius strikes at the one she hit, his two weapons combining in a well coordinated, intricate and deadly pattern of thrusts and slashes.

We have the advantage of numbers, he muses to himself. We should press that advantage early and put them down as fast as possible..

Eschewing his earlier, more defensive stance, he follows up with a further series of thrusts from his rapier.

Double strike (2A) damage from these two is combined before applying resistances
Rapier Strike: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18;Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 piercing
Main Gauche Strike: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26;Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 piercing
Rapier Strike: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19;Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 piercing

i guess the main gauche could be a Crit:
MG Crit Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 piercing

If that first double strike is enough to kill the first creature (no concept of expected level one hp yet!), he’ll switch targets.

Gellius unleashes a series of stabbing attacks against the graveshell, which leave it oozing blood from multiple perforations.

"Oh! Ow!" it cries, its piggish yellow eyes welling up with tears. "Why you so mean? You can go past for all I care." It backs into the citadel and turtles defensively inside its shell.

Gellius uses Double Slice and Strikes
Graveshell 2 Steps to N-O30-31 & uses Shell Game

Round 6 init: Revka, graveshell 2, Darla, graveshell 1, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Current effects: Shell Game (graveshells 1 & 2)
Flat-Footed to graveshell 1 (Gethric)
shield (Revka)

Updated map link

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla steps away from the monster and casts a soothe spell on herself to (hopefully) cure the damage taken from the monster's jaws (plus some lingering damage from smoke inhalation back in the village).

Soothe Spell 1: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Step/2-Action Spell Cast.

Darla steps back and magically salves her wounds.

The dead body on the other graveshell's back suddenly lurches upward and forward toward Gellius; it's a split-second before it becomes clear that the tortoise-like creature has extended the spikes on which the corpse is impaled in a vain attempt to snare the Chelaxian as well. It opens its shell long enough to swipe a mossy claw at him which opens a deep gash; encouraged, it swings the other claw and wounds the fighter once again.

Darla Steps & Casts Spell
Graveshell 1 Strikes: shell spikes 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11, Strikes: claw 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 8 - 4 = 24 crit 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 x 2 = 10 & Strikes: claw 1d20 + 8 - 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 - 8 = 18 hit 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Round 6 init: Revka, graveshell 2, Darla, graveshell 1, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Current effects: Shell Game (graveshell 2)

Updated map link

Yikes! That's a total of 16 damage, Gellius.

Male Halfling Rogue 2 (Thief) 26/26 HP

Round 6 Actions: Feint, Strike, Strike

After seeing Gellius cruelled by the turtle-like monstrosity, a welling of doubt and responsibility beings in Gethric's gut... feeling that his recommending this access point may have led to current events. With a quavering voice, he barks "Oi, stupid... why are you trying for man-flesh... don't you know that halflings are much more tender and tasty?" feigning to back away from the beast before spinning and driving forth with his fork prodding and poking...

Feint (Deception): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Fork #1: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 for 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 with extra 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 if it was flat-footed
Fork #2: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 7 - 4 = 13 for 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 with extra 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 if it was flat-footed

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