Hellknight Hill: Bumblebrashers! (Inactive)

Game Master Joana

Hero Points: Darla * Des * Drake * Gellius * Gethric *
the Bumblebrashers' map

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Gethric's fork manages to stab into the graveshell's exposed front leg.

Gethric Feints, Strikes & Strikes

Round 6 init: Revka, graveshell 2, Darla, graveshell 1, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Current effects: Shell Game (graveshell 2)

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Staggering under the surging attack from the more aggressive graveshell, Gellius elects to switch targets.

Your companion has the right idea of it,” he says as he turns to face the one beside him. “Let us pass and you’ll escape with your lives. Continue this doomed ambush and you won't live to plan another.” Casting one eye over his shoulder at Revka, he opts to continue his all out assault, hoping his companions will be able to heal the savage wounds.

Any help your goddess can offer would be appreciated, Revka! This one is more vicious than I was ready for.

Double strike, followed by a second strike with the rapier.

Rapier Strike: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14;Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Pierce
Main Gauche Strike: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22;Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Pierce
Rapier Strike: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16;Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Pierce

Gellius's rapier fails to pierce the graveshell's thick skin, but his main-gauche stabs through.

Gellius uses Double Slice & Strikes

Round 6 init: Revka, graveshell 2, Darla, graveshell 1, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Current effects: Shell Game (graveshell 2)

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida flinches as Gellius takes a brutal injury. She quickly unleashes two arrows at the beast, then drops her bow and pulls out her shortsword instead. If nothing else, she thinks wildly, I can hopefully distract the creature so it leaves Gellius alone. "Hey, don't forget about me!"

Precision Damage (add to first hit): 1d8 ⇒ 2

Shortbow Strike, IC: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 1 = 21
Shortbow Damage, IC: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Shortbow Strike, IC, MAP: 1d20 + 7 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 1 - 5 = 5
Shortbow Damage, IC: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

First action: Hunted Shot vs O1.
Second action: Draw shortsword (dropping the bow as a free action)
Third action: Stride to M27

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka is surprised to see Gellius take such a beating from both of the turtles claws. "Ow ow. Yes, of course She can help you," she promptly responds. She extends out one hand to Gellius. "Dear Desna, Gellius is over is a brave and good person. Even if he talks a bit funny. Also, I don't like seeing so much blood. So could you please heal his wounds?" She makes a tossing motion, as if she sprinkles magic dust on him.

And you!" she turns to the graveshell in a quite different tone of voice. "That wasn't nice. You tried to ambush us, and it didn't even work. And then you didn't just admit defeat and go away, but you attacked us anyway! You have one last chance to flee just like your friend!"

Use two actions to cast heal from divine font on Gellius for 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12.
Remaining action to Demoralize the remaining Graveshell. Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14.

Aronida's first arrow takes the graveshell in the throat as she drops her bow and advances into melee.

Revka calls on her goddess to salve Gellius's wounds and threatens the graveshell.

The other graveshell remains turtled in its shell.

Aronida uses Hunted Shot, Releases her bow, Interacts to draw her sword, & Strides
Revka Casts a Spell & Demoralizes: success
Graveshell 2 Delays

Round 6 init: Revka, graveshell 2, Darla, graveshell 1, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Current effects: Shell Game (graveshell 2)
Frightened 1 (graveshell 1)

Updated map link

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

"Perhaps slaying these foul things will earn us the gratitude of the goblin tribe," Darla growls, inspiring her allies to finish off the wounded monster. She steps up (to L29) and again tries to stab the thing with her rapier.

Rapier Strike (disarm, finesse; IC): 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 1 = 11 for piercing damage (deadly d8; IC): 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Inspire Courage cantrip/Step/Strike.

Darla encourages her allies before stepping back up into the fray, but her rapier skips off the edge of the tortoise's shell.

The graveshell backs away and draws its head into its shell sulkily. "Nothing personal," it grumbles. "Everything has to eat."

Darla Casts a Spell, Steps & Strikes
Graveshell 1 Steps to N-O28-29 & uses Shell Game

Round 6 init: Revka, graveshell 2, Darla, graveshell 1, Gellius, Gethric, Aronida

Current effects: Shell Game (graveshells 1 & 2)
Frightened 1 (graveshell 1)

Updated map link

The way is clear for you to enter the castle at N27 and end combat, though you may also continue fighting the graveshells, if you want to finish them off.

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida's instinct would be to finish them off; they've proven themselves to be dangerous predators. But OOC I don't want to stand in the way of a peaceful solution, so I'll wait to post my actions until others have had a chance to chime in.

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka looks smug that the graveshell chose to retreat after her words, even though Darla's growl may have had more to do with it. "That's it, go hide with your friend!" she calls out after it. She considers it a given that they won't pursue further violence, but should press on into the castle.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Gellius shifts back to a more defensive stance but keeps his weapons raised.

Now listen! You can’t lie in wait here ambushing travellers. This castle is under the management of the Breachill Town Council and you will answer to them. What do you think, Darla? Should we take them back to town? Or give them one chance to flee?

Interact action to parry with my main gauche (lifting AC to 19). Then I’m preparing to aid another via reaction if Darla continues talking as per previous (although I probably won’t actually do that unless there’s some situational adjustment to the DC20!)

I think I’ve still got an action and would like to recall knowledge, however maybe preparing to assist diplomacy is readying an action and takes two?

Gellius remains wary, but the graveshells show no immediate inclination to emerge from their shells.


Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla scowls in the general direction of the creatures. "Oh, very well!" she huffs. "Leave this place and these lands now or we will bring you to justice!"

Not sure if I'm up again in combat or not. If I need to roll anything, I can do so later today or tomorrow at the latest.

Despite their animalistic appearance, graveshells are relatively intelligent and will negotiate terms if possible when overmatched. As such, it's not entirely unreasonable to hope that they will accept conditions the group might dictate in exchange for their lives.

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida scowls at the graveshells, keeping her weapon at the ready. She doesn't necessarily think it's wise to negotiate with violent predators, but neither does she want to attack creatures that the party seems to want to talk to.

For now she remains silent, but remains wary of any possible deception on the graveshells' part.

Trying to Sense Motive.

"It's hard," the graveshell grumbles, "hard on poor hungry creatures just trying to survive." Despite the complaints, the tortoises seem willing to comply with Darla's instructions and leave the citadel.

The creatures seem to be ambush predators, with the somewhat unusual wrinkle that they can carry on a conversation with their prey. (You wouldn't condemn a trapdoor spider for eating insects, but it also doesn't share a language with them.) The graveshells will undoubtedly continue to lure in prey wherever they relocate.

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

REvka shrugs. She's had all too much experience in dealing with untrustworthy folk (most of them in her own home village), but she's realistic about it. "No use trying to figure out if they'll try to ambush us again. Any promise they give us might prove worthless, anyway. At least they know we've bested them, so they probably won't try again on us." Just in case they were listening in, she adds in a bit louder volume. "If they know what's good for them."

She's momentarily moved to toss them some food anyway, but decides against it. When they find the goblins they might be in dire straits, and it won't do to share her food with just anyone.

Shall we move on?"

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida bites her lip, looking between Darla and the graveshells. Finally she sighs. "If we hear of you ever attacking people again, with 'people' defined as 'any species capable of intelligent speech,' we'll come after you, and there won't be a third chance. Stick to ambushing animals, and we'll leave you alone. Understand?"

Guessing that the creatures at least aren't going to be an immediate threat to them, she sheathes her shortsword and goes back for her bow. Hopefully we've scared them away from attacking innocents. But I'll have to remember to warn any farmers in the area to stay away from corpses in puddles.

The party enters the citadel through the collapsed wall. A judge's bench, a witness stand, and councilor's tables indicate that this was once a formal courtroom. To the west, a three-foot-high partition separates an area presumably set aside for spectators. Benches have been smashed to fragments and strewn about the gallery, covering the floor of the room in debris.

As the graveshells grumblingly begin to depart, Warbal emerges from the underbrush where she remained hiding during the confrontation. "Corpse-tortoises," she breathes, wide-eyed, watching them go.


The room is difficult terrain, due to the debris. The courtyard you are trying to get to is to the south-southwest.

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida picks her way through the debris, scanning it for anything of use as she goes. Over her shoulder, she asks Warbal, "I presume the Bumblebrashers didn't know about the graveshells? It doesn't seem like they've been near this area recently."

Or possibly at all, given the state this place is in.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Aronida is Searching as her exploration activity. She'll start by checking out the partitioned area to the west.

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka squeezes her way next to Gellius, pushing her squat head next to his waist in order to peer into the room. "Why are we stopping? There's not another ambush, is there?"

Revka moves next to Gellius (squeezing to do so), and would like to make a Perception check into the room at +6.

Aronida wrote:
Aronida picks her way through the debris, scanning it for anything of use as she goes. Over her shoulder, she asks Warbal, "I presume the Bumblebrashers didn't know about the graveshells? It doesn't seem like they've been near this area recently."

"Noo-o-oo," Warbal shakes her head emphatically. "Bumblebrashers live underneath. Helba says we have other neighbors up here and staying away makes good neighbors!"

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla takes a moment to make sure the party has ample illumination for the impending investigation by lighting a hooded lantern she's been carrying. Turning to Gellius, she offers to cast a light cantrip on one of his weapons or another item.

After that, Darla will Search the courtroom area.

Darla and Aronida begin to search the courtroom, but it is slow going: the sheer volume of damaged furniture scattered across the floor means sorting through handfuls of splintered wood and a thick layer of insect-infested grime. Given that the Bumblebrashers are still presumably in danger, it's not clear that any possible payoff will be worth the delay.

Revka notes that the graveshells have vacated what remained of three small offices where the northern wall crumbled. They are thick with mud and filth from the puddle and exposure to nature, but one room in the northeastern corner may still be intact behind a closed door N-O32-33.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6
Revka wrote:
Revka squeezes her way next to Gellius, pushing her squat head next to his waist in order to peer into the room. "Why are we stopping? There's not another ambush, is there?"

Unlikely so close to the graveshells,” Gellius replies. “I think those two were alone and they didn’t seem the types to share territory. Still...best to keep our eyes and ears open. ‘There’s none more blind than those who have found what they’re looking for”. He quotes absently from a famous Chelish play, oblivious to the fact that nobody else in the party is likely to have read it.

Holding out his main gauche for Darla’s light spell, Gellius then moves to stand guard as the rest of the party explore. Considering what he knows of Hellknight citadels, he tries to judge the quickest way forward to the Bumblebrashers.

I’ll move to U30 and keep an eye down the diagonal corridor. If I can make any kind of recall knowledge check to guide us towards the courtyard and our goal, I’ll try that.

Gellius sees a short corridor angled to the southwest. There is a door in the western wall and another at the end of the corridor. The eastern wall is an exterior one, judging by the arrowslits. From here in the northern wing, the party will have to go roughly south-south-west to reach the courtyard.


Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla moves to the far northeast corner to check the area around the closed door there. If she doesn't find any traps or hazards, she'll open the door.

Stride to P33, then Search the area.

The eastern wall has crumbled near the closed door, providing another way in and out of the citadel. Darla finds no traps, nor is the door locked; exposure to moisture has caused it to swell in the frame, however, and it has to be forced.

The difficulty in opening the door has spared the room behind it the same treatment that vandals or looters gave the courtroom as a whole. Inside is a small office that, apart from dust and a healthy growth of mildew, must look almost the same as when the Hellknights left the citadel nearly a decade ago. There is a simple wooden desk with a pair of chairs; the one in front of the desk is equipped with rusting metal hooks in the arms and legs where manacles could be attached if necessary. A set of cubbyholes against the wall once undoubtedly held court records.

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida pauses at Revka's question. Her own instincts are to clear the place out entirely before moving forward; safer to make sure than to risk leaving an enemy at their back.

Patience is not always a virtue. We're here for a specific purpose, and it's not to clear out the whole citadel.

"No ambush that I can see. The fastest route to the Bumblebrashers is probably the corridor leading south." She casts one last look at the western area, then resolutely turns away. "I'll start heading that way and scout it out real quick."

Switching to Avoid Notice and heading to V30.

Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka nods at Aronida's comment, happy that she's keeping their goal in mind. She moves into the center of the court room first, trying to keep tabs on what all of her friends are doing. Gellius's comment has her puzzled for a moment. "If you're blind, then how could you find what you're looking for?" she asks mostly as a rhetorical question.

She doesn't follow Gellius any further, because that would mean losing track of Darla. She moves up to the north-eastern door and pops her head round the corner. "Did you find anything useful in here?"

Move to P33. Revka is still using Search (Perception +6) as her exploration activity.

As Aronida edges quietly down the corridor, she notices that there seems to be a faint light source limning the edge of the door at its end; she also notices an unusual sound, a sort of intermittent rattle or clatter coming from somewhere on the other side.

Revka sees the office Darla does. Unless she is looking to conduct an interrogation, the furniture doesn't appear particularly useful.

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida bites her lip, then whispers to Gellius. "Sounds like someone's there. Or something. I'm going to crack the door and see if I can see what's going on."

As stealthily as she can, she moves to the door and carefully cracks it open.

Still avoiding notice, trying to peek through the door at Y29.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Gellius nods his understanding, turning to catch the attention of the rest of the party and motioning for them to be silent.

Aronida carefully works the latch and inches the door open. She finds herself peering into what was once a round turret, but the opposite wall has collapsed into the interior of the tower, leaving it open at the top to the sunlight slanting down over a pile of rubble. Another door opens out of the turret to the east-south-east.

The sounds Aronida heard seem to be coming from the other side of the pile of rubble, an intermittent clatter of stone against stone. Even as she watches, the collapsed wall trembles, and small rocks tumble down onto the floor of the turret; from the sound of things, the rocks falling on the outside are larger. Something is moving out there, perhaps trying to clear the rubble or to climb over it? The next moment, she hears a deep growl from the other side of the pile of stone.


CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka catches Gellius's hints. She's curious what's happening over there and wants to join, but not while leaving Darla alone. She waves her arms wide to draw Darla's attention, then puts a finger to her lips and mimes walking on tiptoes before pointing down the hall where Aronida went.

Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida stiffens as she hears the sounds, waiting for a long moment. When it becomes apparent the creature is on the other side of the rubble and not within sight, she relaxes. Slightly.

She holds up her hand in a 'Wait' gesture, then creeps forward to check the southeast door. If it leads directly to the creature, she wants to know that now so they have a better idea of their options. Once more she cracks the door open just a bit and peeks through.

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla finally notices Revka, gives the goblin a nod, and tries to sneak quietly in the direction she's pointing.

Secret Sneak check (Stealth +6).

The southeastern door leads into a dusty corridor lit only by arrow slits on the left-hand wall. These may be the narrow passageways inside the wall that Gellius predicted. At any rate, there is no sign of the growling creature this way.


Female CG Halfling Ranger 2 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 25 ft. | Hero Point 0/1

Aronida sneaks back to the rest of the party. "The tower collapsed, and there's something on the other side of the rubble. Couldn't get a glimpse of it, but it sounded big. Might be the 'dragon' we're looking for."

"There is a door leading southeast out of the tower to a narrow hallway." She nods at Gellius. "Seems like you were right about the design of this place, which means that should lead us to the courtyard eventually. We'll just need to be quiet so the creature doesn't hear us coming."

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka is pleased with herself for having kept the group safe and together, and follows Darla on tiptoes.

Warbal trembles all over and pulls the tips of her ears in terror. "The dragon!" she gasps but does her best to keep quiet.

Gellius takes the vanguard position to lead the group through the partially-collapsed tower. When Gethric follows him through, however, he accidentally steps on a bit of rubble at the base of the talus, upsetting its precarious equilibrium and triggering a miniature landslide as more debris slides down onto the tower floor. From the other side of the tower, a hoarse roar is heard, then a ferocious scrabbling at the rock as whatever is out there redoubles its efforts to defeat the obstacle.

The rest of the group passes through in a combination of caution and alacrity, Warbal bringing up a terrified rear, and closes the tower door against a rain of stones tumbling down the slope.

They find themselves in a dim and dusty corridor, its crevices thick with cobwebs. There are two arrowslits in the wall to their left, but then the corridor takes a slight right turn into an unlit stretch broken only by two wooden doors on the right wall.


The courtyard should be to the west of you. You are certainly inside the castle walls right now and have only to continue to make your way through them until you find the way into the center of the citadel.

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla continues to sneak, rapier at the ready.

I'm without internet access 'til Monday afternoon; bot Darla as needed.

CG female goblin (Razortooth) Cleric of Desna 2 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | F +5, R +6, W +9 | Perc +7 (Darkvision), Stealth +6 | speed 25 | Focus 1/1, heal 1/3 | Reactions: Recognize spell | Active conditons: -

Revka stays near Warbal, putting her hands on the fellow goblin's shoulder to calm her. "You did great. First we're going to meet up with the Bumblebashers, and then we'll see about the dragon." She tries to sound a bit more confident than she feels. If it's a real dragon, what will we do? She puts such thought aside, concentrating on following the rest of the group. "Ready," she whispers.

Male Halfling Rogue 2 (Thief) 26/26 HP

Roar thankfully to his back, Gethric shivers slightly wishing he hadn't skimped on the bookish side of the wilderness learning... otherwise he might've been able to figure out what the roar belonged to. Instead he focuses his mind forward, breathing determinedly as he tugs at Gellius' thigh. "I'd feel better knowing whats through those doors before we walk past them?" voice suggesting a possible course of action... but with the quiver of doubt that could easily be overwritten.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Mindful of the risk of getting trapped in the narrow corridor, Gellius nonetheless nods at Gethric's suggestion. Moving up to the closest door as he leads the group further south into the citadel walls.

I'll move up to the first door (the map isn't loading for me, so I can't give a reference) listen and then, presuming I don't hear anything alarming, open it a crack as quietly as I can.

Gellius edges up to the first door and carefully pushes it open. Peering through, he sees a cluttered room with battered reinforced doors on the opposite wall hanging slighly ajar to let in daylight. Dented and rusted suits of armor line the north and south walls, and broken furniture and half-chewed carcasses of small animals litter the floor. Large blunt-nosed rodents lie in the midst of the mess; one looks up and glances curiously in the direction of Gellius and the open door.


Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Gellius immediately closes the door, hoping not to stir them up.

Rats,” he quietly reports to the rest of the group . “Lets press on. I want to get out of this tunnel quickly as we can.

Presuming no objection, he then continues down the corridor, passing the second door after checking it too is closed to keep the rats out.

I’ll continue avoiding notice, in terms of exploration.

Male Halfling Rogue 2 (Thief) 26/26 HP

Gethric turns up his nose at the rodents, silently agreeing with Gellius sage advice.

The group continues past the second door and follows the corridor as it turns toward the southwest. Around the corner, the corridor ends in a closed door. Opening it, Gellius finds another round turret, this one still intact. One door leads out to the south; another heads west.

The southern door probably leads into the southern wing of the citadel; the western door should continue inside the wall and hopefully eventually let you into the courtyard.


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