Nadiya |
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Shopping list (no one else is doing this, so the English major is doing it; be warned):
Spelunking kit + 300 feet of rope: 180 gp
Potion of levitate: 300 gp
2 stubborn nails: 200 gp
Nadiya spends 2 hours to make a potion of air bubble: 25 gp (this could also be endure elements or cure light wounds if preferred)
With Nadiya, Leta, and Valeska's pooled funds of 870 gp, that leaves 165 to go back to Leta and Valeska; to avoid quibbling, I am declaring that 55 goes back to Leta and 100 to Valeska and 10 to Nadiya.
(If you want to instead buy three more 1st level potions (50 gp each) and leave 15 gp left, speak now what you want those three potions to be, or forever hold your peace).
Kain: If you have nearly 1000 gp, could you buy us a potion of fly (750 gp)? Alternately, if you are willing to sell your armor (so you had a total of 3,500 gp), could you buy us a rope of climbing (3000 gp)?

Arden Kain Brandt |

Kain is wearing the equestrian plate we picked up, so will be selling his fullplate, something I think I forgot to do lol.
also, I'd rather make sure we are set with healing items. Do we have a wand of cure wounds? Or, for the more dubious, a wand of infernal healing? These were things I had planned to purchase with the money Kain had.

Nadiya |

We don't have any wands, currently. Since we've effectively lost Miruna, who had a ton of healing ability, sure, a wand might come in handy.
This said, Nadiya has a hex that allows her to cast cure moderate wounds on each party member once per day (which is to say everyone gets one once) and she has the ability to spontaneously cast cure spells, so we are not entirely without healing. She's prepped inflict moderate for Leta and Leta has some items to heal herself.
I didn't mean to sound pushy btw--more that I'm trying to be decisive so we don't get stuck on a shopping trip indefinitely.
We have a pool of 870 GP plus whatever money you have, Kain. Since you have the most money and know what you want to do with yours, why don't you draw up the final shopping list?

Leta Erdeal |

CLW also on my spell list (weirdly); so I could potentially use a CLW Wand as well (RAW seems to make no distinction between divine and arcane for wands, unless the DM rules otherwise, in which case it would have to be arcane for both Nadiya and Leta, I believe).

Valeska Talanova |

CLW also on my spell list (weirdly); so I could potentially use a CLW Wand as well (RAW seems to make no distinction between divine and arcane for wands, unless the DM rules otherwise, in which case it would have to be arcane for both Nadiya and Leta, I believe).
I believe you are right, spell just needs to be on the spell list. Or UMD with 1 rank (trained only) to attempt.
A spellcaster doesn't even have to be able to cast a spell of that level or cast spells at all yet! Lvl 1 Paladin, as example.
Scrolls work differently.

Arden Kain Brandt |

Kains plate is actually a +1, idk if that value is still at 75%, but that would be around 1875. Combine with his pocket money of 930g, is 2805.
so, would we want a wand of infernal healing? Its the best bang for buck out of combat healing we could get. It also works on Leta.
In and out of character, would be Kain's suggestion.
so, wand of infernal healing- 750g
Potion of lesser restorationx3- 900g (unless its on someones spell list, but I don't think it is.)
Ioun Torch x2 150g
And, if they happen to have any- a Cracked Dusty Rose Prism Ioun stone. (500g)
which is 2260 total, and leaves us with 1415g left over to buy stuff with. Whether that be scrolls, potions or the like.
Maybe a scroll of Daylight, just in case we run into darkness casting enemies. Though, actually, that would need to be cast by someone to can see in the dark, so maybe not. lol
Also, for what its worth, Kain already has 200ft of rope, a grappling hook, and 10(only 10) Pitons.

Nadiya |

Almost all of this sounds good, and thanks very much for listing it out.
One thing though: Now having looked it up (I wasn't familiar with it before), I disagree with the wand of infernal healing. It gives you fast healing 1 for 1 minute, which means over 10 rounds you get healed 10 hp. I'd prefer the more instant healing of CLW even if the amount healed varies. The difference in time there could save a life--yes out of combat it would heal you but I'm thinking of what we might reach for in a pinch if we're out of existing healing magic. Moreover, both Leta and I can use a wand of cure light wounds. It's also a far more obscure spell so it's less likely they'd have one in stock. (Plus if I'm roleplaying, Nadiya would object to using magic fueled by unholy or infernal materials, and she'd be the one using the wand.)
Leta has items to heal herself, and I can heal her, so unless she feels otherwise, I think the money would be better spent on a standard CLW.
Also, for what its worth, Kain already has 200ft of rope, a grappling hook, and 10(only 10) Pitons.
That would have been useful to know when we brought this up a week or so ago. :/
leaves us with 1415g left over to buy stuff with
I am assuming this is the money between all of us. Okay, so in addition to what you listed: an 80 gp climber's kit, a potion of fly (750 gp), 2 stubborn nails (200 gp, if available), 2x potion of delay poison (100 gp) and leave 285 gp in the pot. Does that work?
Oh, I'll also have Nadiya make a potion of air bubble just in case. So that's another 25 gp.
Thank you, Kain, for adding things up and considering healing.

Arden Kain Brandt |

apologies, hard week of work during that.
we could also take both wands instead of the fly potion. Though if the one able to reliably use the wand would not use it, then its a moot point haha.

Valeska Talanova |

Similar to Bashuk.
Whatever you folks want to do. Half the fun is probably in what you're not ready for.
Valeska's 457 is at your disposal.
We can treat it all as a loan to Canterwall (communal party pooled resources) and everyone gets back what they put in.
I'm flexible.

Leta Erdeal |

Leta has items to heal herself, and I can heal her, so unless she feels otherwise, I think the money would be better spent on a standard CLW.
I'm not worried about the level of healing we currently have for my character. Either option is fine with me.

Nadiya |

Y'all are a great player group, but "Whatever you want to do" doesn't get the game moving. ;)
This said, thank you for indulging me for prepping, as I feel like it would be prudent.
I'm seeing a slight lean toward wand of CLW. How about that and 4 potions of infernal healing?
60 gp left to go back in the pot.
Nadiya as resident healer can carry much of the healing items. Y'all can figure out who is carrying the rest.
If that is agreeable, I've updated my prepared spells and am ready to move on when y'all are....
With the note that I am traveling starting Wednesday for a week and may be slow. I will hopefully be able to check in but I'm headed to a place with unreliable signal so cannot be sure.

Bashuk Cinderhand |

In the interests of having the shopping list all in one spot, looks like we're at:
-wand of infernal healing CLW (750gp)
-Potion of lesser restorationx3 (900gp)
-Ioun Torch x2 (150gp)
-Cracked Dusty Rose Prism ioun stone (500g)
-potions of Infernal Healing x4 (200gp)
-Climber's kit (80gp)
-potion of fly (750gp)
-Stubborn Nails x2 (200gp)
-potion of Delay Poison (100gp)
-crafted potion of Air Bubble (25gp)
That's 3,655gp spent, out of a party pool of ~3,707 (so 52gp left). I vote we pick up two sunrods that can safely be dropped/thrown/left behind and that leaves 2gp for tipping our bartender.
All in favor say AYE.

Valeska Talanova |

All in favor say AYE.
AYE! Make it so!
Also, Valeska currently has Muleback Cords, allowing her a generous Carrying Capacity. She ain't too dainty, refined yes (when she needs to be) but, dainty no.
She is able to take on another 50 lbs or so, LOL.
Climber's Kit? That's only 5 lbs. And, an Ioun Torch cause she doesn't have darkvision?
Spread the Infernal healing so someone can reach Leta.

Nadiya |

Except I screwed up and delay poison is a 2nd level spell. So it would be 300 gp not 2 for 100. Drop the stubborn nails and get 1 potion of delay poison (I also have antitoxin if need be; but given we're going to the underdark a lot of underground critters have poison so).
Thank you.
I will put the wand, the potions of lesser restore, delay poison, and air bubble in my haversack. Nadiya will tell everyone all the contents of her haversack in terms of healing or combat supplies in case something happens to her, so they can retrieve what they need.

DM Vayelan |
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BTW Vayelan I think we are waiting on you to move us into the next area.
Sorry about that. I didn't notice that my first attempt at a post from the other day got eaten by the internet goblins.
Just as well. It gave me some more time to continue developing ideas about the layout and details for Koldukar.

Nadiya |
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1. Is there a map of this area? The links go to places we've been previously, not where we are now. (If no, that's okay, but if there is a map it may help us navigate/keep track of where we've been.)
2. May I suggest automating our exploration a bit? These are always hard to manage in PBP and I find this helps things tremendously. We assume we carefully look around where we are (roughly a "take 10" on Perception) and then go to a new area. If there's absolutely nothing of note as we proceed, we keep moving until we enter a new place with at least details of note, if nothing else. As the GM describes the superficial traits of the places we enter, we can always opt to interact deeper with the surroundings. So for example, if we enter a bedroom (not that I think we'll be in bedrooms here, but just for example) where a monster is hiding that our Perception allows us to hear, the GM would say "There is a bed, rug on the floor, and a wardrobe. Nothing particular stands out just looking at the room, but you hear a faint scratching noise coming from the wardrobe." He won't assume we open the door of the wardrobe (or check under the rug or what have you), but of course that should prompt us to be careful and do a little more poking.
And if deeply searching the room would reveal nothing it is plainly stated so we don't get stuck waiting for nothing to happen.

Bashuk Cinderhand |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm a big fan of establishing a SOP to speed things along
I think assuming we take 10 on Perception works unless there's something critical like an ambush or special treasure or whatever present, and a marching order is good too.
[Kain > Bashuk > Valeska > Leta > Nadiya] maybe? or maybe
[Kain > Valeska > Leta > Nadiya > Bashuk] if we want someone a bit tougher in the back just in case.

Nadiya |

I'm fine with either of those marching orders. Maybe it does make sense for Bashuk to be in back, as she can see in the dark behind the group.

DM Vayelan |

1. Is there a map of this area? The links go to places we've been previously, not where we are now. (If no, that's okay, but if there is a map it may help us navigate/keep track of where we've been.)
Mapping has been a bit of an issue for me with this location. Since Koldukar is an entire dwarven city - the first sky citadel, no less - I decided against attempting to map out the whole place. Each level of the city will have districts that you can choose to explore, and I will post general maps of those districts with specific locations and landmarks you can check out, and I will also post encounter maps when appropriate.
I have not updated the map links yet, but I will once the exploration begins in earnest.
Automating the exploration will actually dovetail very well with this, so thank you for suggesting it.

Bashuk Cinderhand |

@Vayelan, I don't know if you already have these resources but I support a creator called Milby's Maps, and he has an excellent dwarven city map I could send you. I think there's a at least one dwarven city "superdungeon" map available on the Paizo site: link

Nadiya |

Yeah I don't want this to be a pain in the rear end. I was just asking because you had asked us if we needed some skill check prompts, and I was thinking if I could see where we were and what directions we could go in, it might occur to me what I should do.
This is absolutely not necessary and there are other ways to explore. (This said if you find a good map such as the one Bashuk offered, cool!)

Valeska Talanova |

Respecting marching order proposed and giving Kain a chance to join when he can.
Leta's got darkvision and is somewhat roguey :) Although we're not doing the 30' behind schtick. Then you gotta worry about relaying info back and forth.
As far as Sasha, he's always essentially circling/guarding Valeska. I'm never going to argue about where he's placed on a tactical map within adjacent-20' or 30' from Valeska. DM's choice.

Nadiya |

I will be slower than usual during the long Labor Day weekend. Will post when I can, but please bot me if necessary.
Nadiya will cast dancing lights as needed to provide lighting and maintain message to aid in exploration if the party spreads out. Fine to use her spells as is sensible for any combat that breaks out.

DM Vayelan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Vayelan, I don't know if you already have these resources but I support a creator called Milby's Maps, and he has an excellent dwarven city map I could send you. I think there's a at least one dwarven city "superdungeon" map available on the Paizo site: link
Thank you for the resources. I've been browsing through the Brazenthrone maps to see if I can put them to use. It has been...daunting.
Hans Moleman: "I need the biggest dwarven dungeon you have.....No, that's too big."
I think I will adapt some of the location maps for the districts within Koldukar while creating a general overview map of my own. I finally have a day off and some free time today, so I can actually put it together.

Valeska Talanova |

I think I will adapt some of the location maps for the districts within Koldukar while creating a general overview map of my own. I finally have a day off and some free time today, so I can actually put it together.
Whatever you do, never let is stop being... fun!

DM Vayelan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

DM Vayelan wrote:I think I will adapt some of the location maps for the districts within Koldukar while creating a general overview map of my own. I finally have a day off and some free time today, so I can actually put it together.Whatever you do, never let is stop being... fun!
If I may be brutally honest, lately it's been more stressful than fun keeping things running.
As you guys may have guessed from my greatly diminished posting rate, it has been very hard balancing gaming with my new work schedule (especially since I got promoted recently) and my kids getting older and needing more attention.
I've been debating with myself whether I can even keep the game running enough so it's still fun for anyone else.

Valeska Talanova |
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This game has been running just over 5 years and you are one of the best. I hope I've reciprocated a fraction of the joy you've extended.
Thank you for helping me bring Valeska to life. Your settings and NPCs are awesome!
I only wish the best for you and yours, and if that means stepping away from this table, you have my blessing.
I would love to keep in touch if you are OK with me bouncing game ideas off of you (asking your advice) from time to time.
As to my fellow players, it has been fun! And with Kain, since the beginning! Thanks for 5 years of always having Valeska's back.
I wish you all could have been there from Day 1, we have a good group. I'll see you on the boards! Game on!

Nadiya |

Agree wholeheartedly with Hassan/Valeska. Gaming should be fun, and I've been there, when a game starts feeling like an obligation or chore rather than a fun thing. I've pulled out of GMing when that was the case and would blame no one else for doing the same.
Vayelan, I'd urge you to at least take a formal hiatus of a week or two and then revisit whether you want to keep going. If the break feels like a weight lifted off your shoulders and you don't look forward to returning to the game, that gives you an answer. And if you know now you need to close things, that's okay too.
I do agree this group is great and look forward to playing with all of you, whether here or in another game.

Leta Erdeal |

Do as you need. I almost stepped away from DM'ing myself a while ago, but some changes occurred that made me decide to keep going. Thanks to Hassan for inviting me over. If we keep going, I'm definitely still up for it. Leta's a fun character to play, and the setting is interesting.
As a side note, 5 years on the same campaign is pretty impressive on these boards. I think I'm just approaching 2 years on mine, and most of the previous ones were a year or less.

Bashuk Cinderhand |

Apologies--I was traveling, but I'd like to reiterate what the others said; GMing takes a lot of effort but it should always be fun or what's the point? I think the 1-2 week hiatus is a good idea, and if coming back to it feels like a chore then you'll have your answer. I've enjoyed your game(s) and would be sad to see them go but even sadder if they're not bringing you joy to run.

DM Vayelan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think the hardest part is no longer having the time to do enough prep work for my homebrew games, like this one. I actually really like developing material for adventures, so it also feels like I'm missing out on something I used to enjoy.
I think I'll take everyone's advice and take a week off. I'll use the time to finish my prep work on Koldukar. Once I get some good material drafted, it'll reinvigorate my excitement since I love getting to share good ideas with my players.
Thank you all for your support and understanding.

DM Vayelan |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey, everyone!
Sorry that my little vacation ended up being about two weeks instead of just one. A hell of a stomach bug jumped from the daycare and hit our family hard at the end of last week, so it's been a messy time - both figuratively and literally.
On the upside, I have made progress doing more dungeon prep for Koldukar.
In the end, I decided to make things easier on myself and use the dwarven city maps that Bashuk offered. Thank you so much, again!
Things are still a little crazy around here today, so I'm hoping to get the game under way again tomorrow.
Once more, thank you all for your patience and understanding.

Leta Erdeal |

Great news, though I'd have understood if you'd chosen otherwise. DM burnout is real. In any case looking forward to continuing.

DM Vayelan |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Also, I had an idea at work last night.
Everyone should please send me a PM with 3 items (max value 10,000gp each) that make up your character's wish list.
As I finalize the treasure to be found in Koldukar, I will plant one item from each character's wish list.
I thought this would be a nice little touch to celebrate as we get rolling again.

Valeska Talanova |

From both a player and character perspective, I think different folks should take lead in various situations.
Valeska typically will lend her expertise in diplomacy, negotiation and ruler status exertion?
Down here, whoever's got survival, dungeoneering, dark vision, etc... Go for it, take the lead!

Arden Kain Brandt |
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Sorry everyone! My area got hit by a hurricane and I've been without power since thursday! it was supposed to go 60+miles west of our area but we got hit dead on. Caught folks by surprise. I also cant login to my account from my phones web browser for some reason. I finally managed to get access to a computer for a day though. And I wanted to let you all know. I hope to have power again by Friday, though it could be as long as next Thursday. If I have time today i'll try to post, but its doubtful.

Nadiya |

Yikes! Definitely a legit reason to not be around on the boards!
Hope you get power back as soon as you can and you and yours are safe.

Nadiya |

Thanks for the nudge! Update came right as I was in the middle of a big project and I somehow entirely missed it.
Hope Kain has avoided more hurricane difficulties.