Strength and Fear: An Ustalavic Kingmaker Campaign

Game Master vayelan

Kingdom Building Rules
Rulership Tracker
Map: Canterwall and Neighbors

Map: The Town of Ravengro
Map: Harrowstone Grounds

Current Encounter: Koldukar - The Great Hall

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This is a discussion for the players and characters selected for this campaign in development.

We will still be starting at Level 4, but go ahead and take a little time to tweak your characters' background as needed based upon the change in setting, since this game will focus on Ustalav and the Hold of Belkzen.

Besides background, if you want to swap out any traits, please feel free to do so.

Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

Greetings all, this is Sibeesha. I think her background and everything is still good from the last recruitment attempt.

If you have any comments or suggestions, I will take them under consideration.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Hello everyone! Thanks for the opportunity and looking forward to some good RP!

Elven Bolt Ace | HP: 26| AC: 17 FF 14 T 13 | Fort: +5 Ref: +6 Will: +2 (+2 vs enchant) | Perception: +9| Init: +3

Hello, this is Shontar.
I will slightly adapt the background, but not much.

Elven Bolt Ace | HP: 26| AC: 17 FF 14 T 13 | Fort: +5 Ref: +6 Will: +2 (+2 vs enchant) | Perception: +9| Init: +3

Is there any chance we can use Feat Taxes and/or Background Skills?

Shontar Hadove wrote:
Is there any chance we can use Feat Taxes and/or Background Skills?

Yes, we will use Feat Taxes and Background Skills.

Our game will be starting in Ravengro in Ustalav's western county of Canterwall, so consider what might bring your character to this small farming town.

Are they locals? Do they have business there? Even though the old ghosts of the old prison were largely dealt with by previous adventurers, do you hope to find treasure or lore that was overlooked?

If need be, I was also thinking about incorporating a "Burning Festival" in the town that might attract visitors. Feel free to ask me for help tailoring a hook for your character if you're having trouble.

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M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

greetings folks.

I'd like to thank Vayelan for this attempt. I know I couldn't handle running as many games as he does, especially at the quality.

Elven Bolt Ace | HP: 26| AC: 17 FF 14 T 13 | Fort: +5 Ref: +6 Will: +2 (+2 vs enchant) | Perception: +9| Init: +3
DM Vayelan wrote:

If need be, I was also thinking about incorporating a "Burning Festival" in the town that might attract visitors. Feel free to ask me for help tailoring a hook for your character if you're having trouble.

A festival would be nice. I'd like to use that hook.

I'm done with my updates.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

I think Valeska's background still works as a hook... She's looking for knowledge, partnerships or customers that can revive her family vineyards & estate.

And this activities all cost money, on some level.

Elf Druid (Treesinger) 5| hp 44/44 | Init+2 | Perc+10 | AC 16 TAC 13 FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 18 | Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +8

Greetings everyone!

This is Faun! Really excited to be a part of this.

Full background will be updated tomorrow. Thanks again!

Elven Bolt Ace | HP: 26| AC: 17 FF 14 T 13 | Fort: +5 Ref: +6 Will: +2 (+2 vs enchant) | Perception: +9| Init: +3

@Faun: AFAIK Druids are not allowed to wear mithral armor, or any other metal. And don't you have any feats?

Elf Druid (Treesinger) 5| hp 44/44 | Init+2 | Perc+10 | AC 16 TAC 13 FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 18 | Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +8
Shontar Hadove wrote:
@Faun: AFAIK Druids are not allowed to wear mithral armor, or any other metal. And don't you have any feats?

You're completely right! Updated!

As far as feats, she's got Natural Spell and Toughness, which are now listed! Just got to put my equipment list and all should be well.

Faun and Ornmeil'lon, her large treant friend, might very well have come to protest against the burning festival, even prevent it. Other than that, her main background I think can be unaffected. She feels a pull to the lands of her ancestors, beyond the Bright Veil, but keeps putting off that journey. Perhaps she'll eventually realize that her ancestral heritage doesn't have to define what she does with her life.

I will have the first Gameplay post up tonight so we can get the game started.

Let the game begin!

The Gameplay thread is open. As we get started, feel free to explore Ravengro and get to know either its residents or your soon-to-be party members.

Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

Just a quick update from me. Sorry I have been slow over the last week. Had to finish up the first term and then i found out i might not have a job after April.

I am back and am checking on the stuff to see what I missed... but I am not focusing on this 100%... for that, I am sorry.

Sorry for the delay in updating. We had a bit of a power outage that kept me from posting.
On the upside, that seems to have provided a good opportunity for some roleplay. Very good!

Just to clarify, the green marker on the town map represents the party's current location. I've added some red markers to represent the approaching orc squads. Also, my initial idea was for the party to defend one bridge while the militia defends the other. The sheriff will suggest this, but in the heat of the moment, he's willing to defer to your expertise.

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

Kain would rather defend both as well, but, the physical world has limitations.

Kain is also hesitant to trust the, ahem, ragtag militia. He may think they could hold, as the orcs would likely rather try to storm the bridge with less people on it, but also worries most of them would die in the process. Its quite a sticky situation in other words haha. I was thinking 2 folk could hold each bridge, with support from militia, and them as a wall to make sure if any orcs did get past/around the people holding the front they would likely die to a hail of strikes.

If anyone has another plan feel free to speak it, much as I sometimes would like to, I likely don't have the same level of battle knowledge Kain would haha. Though, most of his would likely come in the form of mounted units.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

If that's your bent, split 3 & 3 and split the companions.

Townsfolk in the back with braced pitchforks, etc...

Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

Sorry for the absence. Crazy busy week at work... Back to a normal pace and back to being on the forums each weekday.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Concur, if the concentration is to the north, we should stick together.

Can carts, wagons and debris be out on either get on either bridge, maybe set alight to block that approach? Townsfolk can do that at the southern bridge. Unsure if the bridge would withstand fire.

Elven Bolt Ace | HP: 26| AC: 17 FF 14 T 13 | Fort: +5 Ref: +6 Will: +2 (+2 vs enchant) | Perception: +9| Init: +3

I've been sick all wekk and don't have the power or drive to contribute right now. Please bot me, I'll be back next week.

Shontar Hadove wrote:
I've been sick all wekk and don't have the power or drive to contribute right now. Please bot me, I'll be back next week.

Sure thing. Get well soon!

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

Aye, being physically sick is sucky.

Valeska Talanova wrote:
Sasha, I was thinking is masculine..? Like the Russian, short for Alexander. No complaints, just for future reference, the Eidelon actually seems somewhat gender neutral, otherworldly, etc...

Duly noted.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Roll new Init?

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Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8
Sibeesha the Bold wrote:
Not knowing much of what she can do as a melee combat, Sibe stands back and readies a shocking grasp for when the foes come closer. If they fail to do so, she will move up with the fighter.

Shoot one of them with the crossbow and soften them up... Try to stay somewhat in the vicinity of the group so you're not separated and vulnerable.

At the right moment, Ray of Enfeeblement could work against a big strong one challenging Kain.

Just ideas.

Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

Half RP, With my characters broken past.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8
Sibeesha the Bold wrote:
Half RP, With my characters broken past.

That's cool.

Valeska Talanova wrote:
Roll new Init?

I'll rule that you can reroll your initiative and take the new result if it is higher. This will represent how the initial surprise of the raid has passed and you've had a few moments to strategize before moving off the bridges.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8
DM Vayelan wrote:
Valeska Talanova wrote:
Roll new Init?
I'll rule that you can reroll your initiative and take the new result if it is higher. This will represent how the initial surprise of the raid has passed and you've had a few moments to strategize before moving off the bridges.

Saving the good dice for the big finish! :)

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Just realized I haven't fully started Sasha (skills & feat, assumed 1 rank acrobatics), not equiped Valeska (mundane weapons and gear).

Will do so ASAP.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

That's some crazy mounted build! No complaints here.

Sasha now had skills and a feat! Four feet, or five all together.

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

On the down side, it doesn't get a whole lot stronger as we level, with the only real point it scales up again being level 7-8 haha. It can only really get more versatile,

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Shontar, are you leveled to Level 4?

Elven Bolt Ace | HP: 26| AC: 17 FF 14 T 13 | Fort: +5 Ref: +6 Will: +2 (+2 vs enchant) | Perception: +9| Init: +3

of course ;)

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

I've come down with a bad case of the cold, hoping its not actually the flu. Posts will be limited over next few days, particularly in depth posts as I kick out this virus and try to catch up on missed class work. will try to at least come in and drop a 1-2 line post so as not to hold things up if I can.

Arden Kain Brandt wrote:
I've come down with a bad case of the cold, hoping its not actually the flu. Posts will be limited over next few days, particularly in depth posts as I kick out this virus and try to catch up on missed class work. will try to at least come in and drop a 1-2 line post so as not to hold things up if I can.

Sorry to hear that. Focus on resting and recovering. We'll be here for you when you're feeling better.

Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

I received a scare yesterday at the hospital and will have to go in for some more tests in one week. The problem is with my liver, which is funny since i'm not a heavy drinker. The doctor said it might be something to do with my kidney.... So i am a little concerned about that. But what ever it is, the damage is still slight and they caught it in time. So with a good diet and checkups. I will be fine.

Just some added stress onto me in an already stressful time. :/

I should be able to post again today, just somewhat worried about my health.

Sibeesha the Bold wrote:

I received a scare yesterday at the hospital and will have to go in for some more tests in one week. The problem is with my liver, which is funny since i'm not a heavy drinker. The doctor said it might be something to do with my kidney.... So i am a little concerned about that. But what ever it is, the damage is still slight and they caught it in time. So with a good diet and checkups. I will be fine.

Just some added stress onto me in an already stressful time. :/

I should be able to post again today, just somewhat worried about my health.

I'm sorry to hear about your health troubles, Sibe, but I'm very glad that the outlook is good.

While I would recommend prioritizing your health over the game, be careful about worrying yourself sick over...being sick.

Elf Druid (Treesinger) 5| hp 44/44 | Init+2 | Perc+10 | AC 16 TAC 13 FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 18 | Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +8
Sibeesha the Bold wrote:

I received a scare yesterday at the hospital and will have to go in for some more tests in one week. The problem is with my liver, which is funny since i'm not a heavy drinker. The doctor said it might be something to do with my kidney.... So i am a little concerned about that. But what ever it is, the damage is still slight and they caught it in time. So with a good diet and checkups. I will be fine.

Just some added stress onto me in an already stressful time. :/

I should be able to post again today, just somewhat worried about my health.

Rough stuff Sibe! You'll be in my family's thoughts and prayers

Elf Druid (Treesinger) 5| hp 44/44 | Init+2 | Perc+10 | AC 16 TAC 13 FF 14 | CMB +5 | CMD 18 | Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +8

Also, I'd like to apologize for any delays I've had in posting recently. Work has been extremely busy as we were preparing for the governor of our state to visit our warehouse for a ribbon cutting ceremony. I typically post during breaks at work so I can give attention to my kids and wife when I'm at home. Now that the event is over and we're not working through breaks, I should be able to post more regularly.

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Female Sylph Wizard 4 | HP:28/28 | AC: 15/ FF 12/ T 13 | Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +4 | Perception: +4| Init: +3

It looks like all my checks and hospital visits will be done by next Thursday.

So far, they haven't found anything too serious. And they caught my blood pressure and liver damage at a very early stage, so I should make a full recovery. They are doing a sonogram (i think) next week to check out my kidney and make sure everything is alright.

Like i said, I'll keep you updated and should be back in a weeks time.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Positive vibes only!

M Cavalier Cavalier 7 HP: 65/65| AC:22(25)| T: 12| FF:21(24)| Fort:+9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +10| Init: +4| Perception: +13 | Resolve: 3/4

Sorry all, having a bit of a rough time IRL at the moment... As such, posting with be sparse. Please bot as needed, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8
Arden Kain Brandt wrote:
Sorry all, having a bit of a rough time IRL at the moment... As such, posting with be sparse. Please bot as needed, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

No worries, take care of yourself and those around you!

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8
Sibeesha the Bold wrote:

It looks like all my checks and hospital visits will be done by next Thursday.

So far, they haven't found anything too serious. And they caught my blood pressure and liver damage at a very early stage, so I should make a full recovery. They are doing a sonogram (i think) next week to check out my kidney and make sure everything is alright.

Like i said, I'll keep you updated and should be back in a weeks time.

How are you, friend?

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Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Why did I suddenly imagine Chao with coconut shells, clip-clopping then together?

Female Human Sw/Ro/Su 1/2/3 HP 47/47 AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +1 | R +8 | W +6 | Init +2 | Per +8

Is this on the way to the prison or where we are recruiting? Assuming the latter.

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