GM Debug's SFS 1-31: Treading History's Folly (Inactive)

Game Master DebugAMP

Maps and Handouts

GM Copypasta:



Please read the information contained in my alias for my 'rules of engagement.'

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

(This is kuey.)

Thanks for offering me a seat. Bringing Speck, my L3 cynical ysoki technomancer who yet worships Weydan as a divine champion. :)


I have a l4 Mystic who would love to be a part of this!

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Mjolbeard here!

Thanks for setting this game up, GM! My group is still in their fight, but I feel like we've got to be getting close to done, so I'll go ahead and claim my seat for now. If things take a turn for the glacial, I'll let you know and drop out.

For the time being, though, I'll sign up with my L4 Mystic (Steward Officer)!

Ah, Omen-Seeker... good to see a familiar character!

Sovereign Court

If you're still recruiting I have a level 3 Operative Steward I could bring. I'd just have to get him added to the site.

However, I have run this one in realspace so I know what happens just FYI.

Welcome GM Suede, up to 4! A legal table we are! Hopefully we'll get at least 1 more, but at least I can confidently say this will go off.


Hi Debug! I'd like to join with my 3rd level Soldier/Mechanic if you're willing to have me.


Here is Suede's Operative, I got him uploaded onto the site.

Fionne, welcome to the crew. I've got a meatspace game tomorrow I have to prep for, but I'll get character introductions going Thursday. Hopefully Mjolbeard will be nearly completed and we should be able to kick off in earnest shortly thereafter.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

@Officer Cole - Are you a current Steward, or retired in some way?

I ask because Desha is also a Steward Officer archetype, but she's no longer on the force. Just thinking ahead about roleplay opportunities. :D

The battle rages on in my other game, btw!

Spoiler for my other game:
We've put well over 100 damage on this thing, but it still isn't down!!! It's incorporeal too, which seems crazy that a creature that's that difficult to even attack would have that much HP. Can you say broken?!

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Just got finished with my other scenario (barring some wrap up roleplay stuff)! Now I just need my chronicle, and I'll be ready to roll!


He is an active officer! His current assignment is as a liaison to the Starfinders to smooth over any particular speedbumps their overly zealous murderhobo ways may induce.

Also to try and cut some red tape when dealing with local authorities.

I saw that Desha had the same archtype and immediately got excited at the idea of a psuedo buddy cop experience. =)

So... party seems to be as follows:
Speck - Technomancer 3
Omen-Seeker - Mystic 4
Fione - Soldier/Mechanic 3
Marcus Cole - Operative 3
Desha - Mystic 4

Puts us quite squarely in tier 3-4. I'll advertise for 1 more player, but I'll kick off in the next couple days either way.

You can all feel free to check into gameplay.

Id love to play but I need to level her up.

Nina, I presume you have enough XP to hit level 3? If so I'd be happy to give you another day or so to level up.

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