Izzip |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Izzip turns to the onlookers and takes measure of their posture. "They don't seem hostile, and if they are waiting for us to make the first move this may be a perfect opportunity to get off on the right foot."
Izzip pulls out the translator provided by Fitch before the mission began, and switches it on before calling out to the beetle-like locals. "Warmest greetings to our soon-to-be friends! I am healer-Izzip, and my companions and I represent a collective of travelers and explorers who would very much like to make your acquaintance! How would you like us to address you?" The shirren knows the locals likely don't speak the same language, but they try to use welcoming body language to engage the creatures in dialogue and get the translator some information about their local dialect.
Culture: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Kat5e |
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Kat overhears Kultha's complaint about the bolter. "Did you get yours from the same Yosoki that gave me a "great deal" on this rifle?"
She pats some dirt off the half-orc's shoulders and back. "You ok Mega? Sorry I couldn't seem to hit him and help you out, it's roar scrambled my circuits for a few minutes there"
When her attention is drawn to the group watching, she falls silent and tries to analyze the situation as the Izzip attempts to communicate.
GM Skeemo |
Izzip Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
The beetle folk approach cautiously, keeping their weapons lowered but also maintaining a safe distance of about 20 feet. The lead one responds to Izzip in their own language, which the shirren recognizes as the same language as the warning from the orbital drone platform you encountered in orbit. The lead creature speaks slowly and deliberately. "Kinitarub...kinitarkilutu...kizi Dystane." It points to itself.
The tetrad certified translator begins absorbing as much linguistic data as it can from the creature's halted speech. You'll need about 10 minutes of regular interaction for it to become fully functional.
Art of the creatures is in the slides.
Kultha Cleft-Tail |
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Kultha hisses a laugh at Kat's wry humour;
"I fear so Friend-Kat... Vhen it komes to veaponry - a vesk and their kredits are easily parted..."
As the creatures approach, the vesk quietens down, allowing those in the group with a more diplomatic bent to do the talking.
She does however cast a measured eye over the weapons the beetle-folk carry;
Engineering (Identify Technology - Weapons): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Izzip |
Izzip nods enthusiastically as the local points to itself and speaks. "Excellent, you are... 'Dystane,' then? My name is Izzip, and we are Starfinders," Izzip activates his Society subdermal graft, and shows the local while moving slowly to avoid any appearance of aggression. The shirren then gestures towards the sand brute. "Do you know anything about this creature?"
Izzip continues to communicate as best they can using readily-available and recognizable objects in the environment, trying to elicit nouns and verbs from the conversation without coming across as too invasive.
Will the full 10 minutes require a separate Diplomacy check?
GM Skeemo |
Izzip Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Izzip steadily communicates with the beetle folk a bit longer, setting them more and more at ease so that they approach within 10 feet. Kultha recognizes their rifles as handmade projectile weapons, probably beefier than your average hunting or autotarget rifle.
Eventually the device pings and says "Ready to translate," followed by what you suspect is the same phrase in the alien language. The lead beetle speaks toward the device, which then replies. "I am called Dystane. We are husks. We live close to here. We would like to meet you to our tribe."
They lead you on a 30-minute trek to a network of caves adjacent to the bluffs. Along the way, Dystane relays through the translator that she set up the scarecrow-like mannequins you saw earlier to keep the predators away, since they are territorial and inedible. The fakes only keep them at bay for so long, however. She also refers to her people's rifles as "huchkets." Eventually you reach the cliff, where dozens of beetle-like aliens crawl in and out of the many caves. Most of them are dressed in simple leather frocks, while the few with crude weapons are covered with sturdier armor. A small garden filled with sickly plants is visible off to one side, next to what looks like the opening to a well. A handful of children sits in front of a pair of older aliens, who are both wearing brightly colored necklaces. They appear to be either telling the young ones a story or teaching them a lesson.
Dystane leads you to a pair of smaller husks, all of whom begin an animated conversation with you by clacking their mandibles together. The device states, "We are Brother Koseemo and Sister Alomir. By grace of Mother Tuoloo, welcome to our home. Please come inside." With that, they enter the largest cave mouth, which appears illuminated from within by a campfire.
What do you do?
Soryn Viaxeiro |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Culture/DC 15: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Soyrn takes his cane sword and cuts a large strip of the Brute's mane, "This will make a hell of lucky charm." As the beetle-creatures approach he tries to help the others in engaging with the new species...
As the group follows the Husks, Soryn braids the mane into a small charm. Watching the Husk village bustle about he shares his observations with the team via telepathy. Life seems hard here, water and food are probably more valuable than anything else. Spoiler opened
Soryn tries to mimic and physical gestures of welcome the Husks display, "An honor to meet you Brother Koseemo and Sister Alomir. No rudeness intended but who is Mother Tuoloo?"
Kultha Cleft-Tail |
Following along with the others Kultha nods in agreement at Soryn's assessment.
"Huh. I do not zhink they know ov the automaton defences. Basik technology and veapons. Not what ve faced upon arrival."
GM Skeemo |
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The translator filters Soryn's direct question into their language, and they reply, prompting another response from the machine in Common. "Mother Tuoloo is mother of all planet. She guides her children through the deserts and protects them from harm. We all love Mother Tuoloo, and she loves us, as she will love you."
@Izzip: You have no memory from your mystical teachings of a god known as Mother Tuoloo.
The translator evidently also picks up Kultha's speech, but struggles with her Vesk accent. The beetle people reply, translated by the device. "We do not have much by way of technology, not compared to you travelers, but we do not require much. Mother Tuoloo provides."
The interior of the husks’ cave is spacious, with plenty of natural handholds leading up to other tunnels into the cliff. A large bonfire burns in the center of a cleared-out space, providing light but making the cave quite stuffy. As Dystane, Koseemo, and Alomir lead you inside, it seems as though the entire tribe is converging here. You see that many of the tribesfolk are carrying drums and assorted instruments made from stone, including flutes, string instruments strung with gut, and several percussion instruments. A few moments later, they begin playing a stately tune and the remaining locals face each other in a couple of straight lines. The husks proceed to start a formalized processional dance. Eventually, a row of husks approach you with clear welcoming gestures, opening a path for you to participate in the dance.
Each of you may attempt an Acrobatics or appropriate Profession check to partake in the dance. Soryn's Culture check result (DC 15) grants a +2 bonus, since he picks up the basic steps and general shape by watching (a DC 20 Perception check can provide the same bonus).
Kat5e |
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Kat steps forward first, after scanning the assembled dancers and recording the steps into her memory module. As a former dancer, she thinks she picks up on the intricacies of the movement.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 + 2 = 13
Her feet do not seem to agree. Despite being fairly lithe and strong, she feels as though she hasn't quite got it. She scowls at her uncoordinated effort. "There's a reason I switched to security, and not just because hitting the drunkards was more fun"
Soryn Viaxeiro |
Acrobatics-Dance/DC 15: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 12 + 2 = 23
Soryn smiles warmly and engages in the dance when invited, trying to mimic the movements of the Husks as best he can, his nimble frame able to pick up the motions quickly. "What a marvelous welcome! I doubt this all just for us... What is the celebration for?"
Izzip |
Perception 20: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Acrobatics 15: 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 1 + 2 = 20
Never one to turn down a group dance, Izzip jumps into the procession even without fully understanding the pattern. Luckily, the steps used by the beetle-like natives come naturally to the shirren, and they get into the groove with relatively few hiccups.
"I'd love to meet your Mother Tuoloo, if she - or one of her disciples - is interested! We have a similar 'mother' of our system, the great Sarenrae, bringer of light and life to the dark depths of the multiverse. I'd be interested to see how her blessings and teachings align with Mother Tuoloo's, given that your sun seems to be a bit more... punishing than ours."
Kat5e |
Kat tries to smile, and slowly tries to make her way behind all the other, better dancers.
GM Skeemo |
Kat stumbles somewhat, but Mega, Izzip, and Soryn easily join the line dance, their participation prompting the musicians to play with greater enthusiasm and the entire husk community to embrace your presence!
Shortly after the song ends and the beetle folk cheer your participation, you hear a soft buzzing from the cave entrance. Standing among the husks is another beetle person, but this one is lithe and dressed in shimmering fabrics. Her carapace appears much softer than those of the husks, and her forelimbs are wrapped in bloody bandages. She crosses toward you using her most noteworthy anatomical difference: a pair of gossamer wings tucked within her outer shell, the source of the buzzing.Art in slides.
She speaks to you in a high-pitched whiny voice, evidently in the same language as the husks since your machine automatically translates. "You are the new people the husks described. Please let me share your language." She gestures with her hand, and suddenly it becomes enveloped in shimmering energy, as though it were a hot horizon. She extends her rippling hand toward Izzip, Mega, and Soryn, the three novel members of the husks' tribe.
Kultha Cleft-Tail |
Sorry gang - got hung up at work and missed the run of posts
As the ceremonial dance begins Kultha attempts to join in...
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
... but stumbles ungainly. Her scales flush with a ripple of embarrassed violet - being more than aware that her shortened tail makes her even more clumsy and unbalanced.
"Ach. Dancing is neit something I do vell! Kurse this kloven tail!"
She too declines further invitations and instead stands with Kat wearing a polite smile and clapping along with the music.
Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Soryn Viaxeiro |
Soryn steps forward, an lowers himself to make it easier for the female beetle-creature to reach him, with a grin "Translation magic? This isn't going to hurt is it?"
GM Skeemo |
The thin beetle person touches Soryn, Izzip, and Mega, causing the rippling energy to run up their arms to their heads. The creature speaks in its own language again, but to the three affected by the spell, her speech sounds "dubbed over" by a feminine voice speaking in Common. "Ah, that's better! Welcome, visitors! My name is Klarima, and I am of the ghibrani race. I see you're already acquainted with some of my husk bretheren, but I must say you are unlike any other people I've ever met before! Possibly the same is true of you for me. We have much we can teach one another!"
Izzip |
”I am sure there is, and I’m quite impressed with the magic you have displayed! Is that mysticism inherent among the Ghibrani or are you a priestess? What god guides your faith? And what is your relationship with our gracious husk hosts?” Izzip eagerly questions the new arrival, but also takes measure of the surrounding husk to see how they respond to Klarima’s intrusion.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Kultha Cleft-Tail |
Kultha silently watches the ceremony, and Klarima address her crew-mates.
The Vesk studies the interplay, trying to gauge how the their husk hosts and the delicate newcomer view each other...
Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Soryn Viaxeiro |
Soryn steps forward to help Izzip with his overtures. "Greetings Klarima. It is an honor to meet your and your people. We are known as Starfinders, a group from another planets... Many planets actually. We band together for safety and support...." Soryn takes a moment to explain the purpose of the Starfinders and Pact Worlds.
"What can you tell us of your planet and people? Are the Ghibrani and Husks different species or castes?" Soryn tries to engage Klarima to learn as much history as he can, while keeping a wary eye for anything hinting at dishonesty or secrets being kept...
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Diplomacy/Assist Izzip: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Kat5e |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Following along through the translator, Kat listens along as the group speaks to Klarima. Her idle hands go to her hair as she sweeps her neon hair down and to the side, covering one eye and revealing the saved left side.
I guess I should have put my mohawk up for first contact...
GM Skeemo |
Just a side note, the tetrad certified translator is still active, so those of you who aren't magically sharing a language can still keep up somewhat with the dialogue.
It does not appear like there is any animosity between Klarima and the husks. Some of the husks' gaze lingers for a moment (particularly the children), but there is no forced separation or visible suspicion. Dystane even provides some fresh bandages for Klarima's wounds, acting with respect though not deference.
”I am sure there is, and I’m quite impressed with the magic you have displayed! Is that mysticism inherent among the Ghibrani or are you a priestess? What god guides your faith? And what is your relationship with our gracious husk hosts?”
"Oh no, I'm a student of the mystic arts back in Arkeost, our great city a short ways away from here. The husks are much more spiritual than I, following Mother Tuoloo who helps them survive in the wastes."
Soryn takes a moment to explain the purpose of the Starfinders and Pact Worlds. "What can you tell us of your planet and people? Are the Ghibrani and Husks different species or castes?"
"Fascinating, an alliance between neighboring alien planets! Consider me utterly intrigued! And the husks are ghibrani as well! Many generations ago, the ghibrani nation-states fought a great war. The invisible fire they rained down upon one another killed most living things across the globe. It was only thanks to the foresight of our ancestors that any of us survived to see today. After the war, one faction of our people received protection from a divine power named Mother Touloo. They struck out into the wastelands at their deity’s behest. In doing so, they eventually lost the use of their wings. These ‘husks,’ as we call them, are those you see before you.” She gestures around the cavern. “Those of us who retained the power of flight are known as ‘membranes’ by these people. We live within the city of Arkeost.”
Kat5e |
On the outside of the group, Kat leans over to Kultha. "If these people went through some kind of apocalypse, I wonder if the orbital defences could have been some kind of pre-war tech that they've long forgotten. There could be other secrets buried here."
Soryn Viaxeiro |
Soryn continues to help Izzip, "Can you tell us more about Arkeost?" He gestures to the bandages on her arm, "You're injuries aren't severe are they? What happened?"
Let me know if I should roll Diplo/Assist Izzip.
Kultha Cleft-Tail |
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Kultha nods in agreement at her fellow techs assumption;
"Indeed Friend-Kat, the Orbital Defences may vell hav been pre-konflict. A great var vud require great armaments... Though how stable they vud be now is the qvestion..."
Soryn Viaxeiro |
Since the spell means we now share a language, I think this will work...
Soryn will offer to connect any team members to Klarima telepathically, to avoid the limitations of the translator.
GM Skeemo |
Since the spell means we now share a language, I think this will work...
Soryn will offer to connect any team members to Klarima telepathically, to avoid the limitations of the translator.
This would be fine.
Soryn continues to help Izzip, "Can you tell us more about Arkeost?" He gestures to the bandages on her arm, "You're injuries aren't severe are they? What happened?"
"Oh, don't worry about these. Those in my city rarely leave it; our ancestors made sure we would be provided with everything we would need. However, I have been afflicted with a case of wanderlust. A near terminal case, it would seem, as my explorations outside the city found me stumbling into a tangle of soarnettles. They scratched me quite a bit and thanks to the pain, I lost my way. Luckily for me, I crossed paths with these kind husks, who bandaged my wounds and gave me a place to spend the night."
"Arkeost is a shining beacon of civilization! One of the few left on this world, I’ve been told. It is also my home. I can take you there if you agree to escort me across the wastes! I can even introduce you to the city's leadership! They'll be fascinated to meet with alien visitors!”
Soryn Viaxeiro |
"What are soarnettles? Aggressive vegetation?", Soryn looks to the group, "If our new friends don't have anything we can help with, then we'd love to see this city and see more of your people's culture."
GM Skeemo |
"What are soarnettles? Aggressive vegetation?", Soryn looks to the group, "If our new friends don't have anything we can help with, then we'd love to see this city and see more of your people's culture."
“Just a dangerous piece of local flora— razor-sharp weeds that can catch the winds. They aren’t hard too avoid, unless of course, you’ve got your head in the clouds.” She chuckles at her own foolishness.
As soon as you gather your things, Klarima bids goodbye to the husks and leads you out of the cave. As you move toward the exits, Alomir and Koseemo offer you one of their long, kitbashed analog rifles. "Huchket! Kithvirit dtaosen ai vir." Your translater replies. "Rifle. For your protection, my kin."
Klarima leads you through the badlands toward the shining metropolis in the distance. The journey takes only a few hours, and Elytrio’s sun is beginning to set as you approach the edge of a visible force field half a mile outside of the city. Klarima retrieves a clunky and ancient-looking datapad from her pack and presses a few protruding buttons on it. There is a brief pause when nothing happens and, a little frustrated, she touches the same sequence of buttons on the device. This time, a circular portion of the force field opens like a door. Klarima steps through and gestures for you to follow. When you all have passed through, Klarima presses another button on her datapad and the force field closes again.
By the time you reach Arkeost, the lights have come on. The strange metropolis sparkles like a jewel in the gloom of dusk. In stark contrast to the desolation surrounding it, the city is a bustling center of activity, with dozens of winged insectoid aliens going about their business, flitting from one high doorway to another. The streets below seem almost like an afterthought, used only occasionally by small automated machines. Several overgrown flower beds and shaggy trees fill the spaces between the roads and hug the sides of the tall buildings. Though the structures still look sturdy, obvious patches of rust and other disrepair indicate that they haven’t been very well taken care of.
Most of the membrane ghibrani citizens stop what they are doing and stare at you as they walk with Klarima. In short order, a contingent of ghibranis wearing formal armor and carrying weapons that look like taclashes flutters down to confront you. Luckily, Klarima steps forward on your behalf. "Stand down! These aliens are friendly, visitors from the Packed Worlds, a coalition of habitable planets all packed together! They want to meet the Most Elevated."
After a few moments of conferring with the guards, Klarima turns back to you. “Good news! You are going to be allowed to speak to the Most Elevated, the city's council of rulers, our wisest and most learned citizens! They work in harmony to ensure the safety an comfort of the city's residents. This is so exciting!”
With your newly acquired honor guard, Klarima leads you to the tallest, fanciest building in the center of the city. The guards flit their wings and fly toward an opening in the structure 40 feet off the ground. Klarima appears to be about to do the same, but catches herself. "Oh, apologies! I suppose some of you cannot fly." Using her datapad, she summons forth a table-sized hovering drone for each of you. These drones are clearly meant to only haul cargo and have no real safety measures for carrying living creatures. As one Kultha steps onto her means of conveyance, its hoverjets momentarily give out and it nearly crashes to the ground, but it powers back on just in time. In the end, the robots slowly but surely raise you up to the height of the entranceway, where they can step inside.
The guards continue to usher you further inside, leading you to a large central chamber with vaulted ceilings. A large table occupies one end of the room, behind which sit five membrane ghibranis dressed in elaborate robes. They stand, bow, and beckon you to approach. Klarima introduces the Most Elevated council, who offer to cast share language on your entire party. Everyone is offered a chair.
"This is indeed an exciting time for Arkeost! Greetings, space travelers! I am Exalted Kimar, of the Most Elevated, and we are eager to learn about you, as I'm sure you are to learn about us. Tell me, how does one species have so many different shapes as you do? Do the others of your home planet all look like you too?"
Soryn Viaxeiro |
Before leaving, Soryn thanks the Husks for their gift of the rifle but allows someone else to take it. Checking his sidearm and other gear before they set out, "I'll skip the boomstick, and stick with something with more finesse."
Soryn queries Klarima as they walk about the landscape, flora and fauna trying to take in as much as he can.
Sense Motive/DC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Using his telepathy to share with only the group, "Looks like the Membranes aren't too comfortable with their tech.." Spoiler opened
As they enter the city, his questioning intensifies, shifting to technology and cultural topics. As he is able he records notes in his personal computer. As they meet the Most Elevated, Soryn mimics any greeting or deferences shown by Klarima. "Greetings Exalted Kimar, I am called Soryn Viaxeiro. Astute, we are not one species but a collective." He gives the same background information on the Starfinders and Pact Worlds as he did for Klarima...
Going to leave the Diplomacy to Izzip, but here's a helper if he needs it...
Diplomacy: Assist Izzip/DC 10: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Izzip |
Izzip nods at Soryn’s Introduction. ”Indeed, we range from neighbors to refugees to former adversaries, all united in a Pact of collaboration and collective defense. We know great danger lurks between the stars, and even greater wonders await those willing to explore the depths of space with an open mind and a willingness to make friends. Our diversity is our strength, and we are always eager to meet fellow travelers through space!” Izzip carries on in as much detail as they can, trying to paint an attractive picture of the pact worlds without proselytizing too much (unless the membranes take an interest in Sarenrae, in which case the shorten proselytizes eagerly).
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 Naturally...
Kultha Cleft-Tail |
Leaving the Husk's
Kultha pauses at the offer of the archaic rifle, eying the weapon with interest;
"Qvite the veapon your Huchket... Simple but effektive yes?"
@GMS: Presume we can only accept this if we "buy" it? Or can be take one on "loan" for the adventure? If its the latter she'll accept one - especially given how terrible her bolter has been lol.
The City of Arkeost
At the sight of the disrepair, the big vesk grimaces;
"Ach. Vhat I lud give fix it up..."
She gingerly steps off her hover platform, casting a concerned look at its propulsion unit, before being ushered with her companions to the meeting with the Most Exalted.
Kultha too follows the more diplomatic savvy amongst the group, letting them also lead the dialogue.
Kat5e |
Kat thanks the Husks for their hospitality and adds a "Sorry about my dancing" with a smile. She marches along in the wasteland on high alert, keeping a lookout for more Sand Brutes. On arrival to the city she smiles and really seems to enjoy the rat-rod aesthetic of the city, and relaxes a little as the notes that the membranes seem friendly and interesting in their strange group.
She smiles at the Most Exalted and lets the others speak. She adds only "We come from all walks of life. I for one am part organic and part machine. Our organisation, the Starfinders, looks to work peacefully with everyone we encounter, if possible.'
GM Skeemo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Soryr for the delay, busy weekend at a wedding. Just a reminder I'll be traveling these next two weeks; I'll post whenever I can, but it may be short and slow.
@Kultha: The huchket will be on the Chronicle sheet, after which you'll be able to buy it and use it in future adventures. For now, you can use it for the rest of this scenario without cost, but it goes away after this game.
"Wow! A collection of former adversaries! Truly remarkable. Our people once venerated a great god of conquest who would never stand for such allegiances, but since this city now provides all we need we have largely turned from the faith. Let us tell you of our own history!"
A small percentage of ghibranis survived the devastation. A powerful force field spared the metropolis of Arkeost the brunt of the nuclear war, but subsequent radiation carried by shifting wind currents wracked the city. Many died, but a sizable population endured. The ghibrani leaders knew the city didn’t have sufficient resources to support all the survivors, and they were torn about how to proceed. Fortuitously, the destruction spawned the reverence of a new deity: Mother Tuoloo, a goddess of forgiveness, redemption, and survival. Mother Tuoloo's acolytes spoke of the war as divine punishment for following a vengeful, hateful god, and for living a life of sin and excess. They promised salvation by embracing their planet's newly wrought wilderness and abandoning the comforts of civilization. The faith became prominent, leading to a sizeable contingent of ghibranis forging their way out into the wastelands. Meanwhile, the leaders of Arkeost and their closest family and friends remained behind.
Over the following centuries, very little contact occurred between the ghibranis who chose to live in the wastes and those who stayed in Arkeost, though both remained acutely aware of each other’s presences. The passing years, as well as healthy doses of lingering radiation, caused a physical division to occur between the two factions. The ghibranis in the badlands lost the use of their wings and developed hardier exoskeletons; they became known as “husks.” Those who lived within the surviving city kept their wings, but became thinner and more fragile; they are known to the husks as “membranes.”
Today, while the membranes have all but forgotten their true past, the husks continue to serve and revere Mother Touloo. They remain focused on survival in the harsh desert wastelands surrounding Arkeost, battling against vicious fauna, and view the membranes as keepers of the vast “metal graveyards” of the old city. Meanwhile, the membranes lead a relatively privileged lifestyle. Some of the ancient ghibrani technology persists, but their cultural inaction has resulted in it becoming archaic by Pact Worlds' standards.
Eventually, a gentle chime rings out. “Dinner!” Klarima exclaims. “It feels like ages since I’ve had a proper meal.” The guards, who had been standing at attention near the door to this room, pull chairs up to the table and a handful of hovering drones enter from previously hidden hatches in the walls. The drones place ceramic plates and utensils in front of each person; the utensil each person receives is a flat piece of metal with a slight indent at one end—almost like a spoon. Each person is then given a serving of a thick, light tan liquid in which floats irregular chunks of protein. The food has a smoky, cheesy odor. As the ghibranis begin scooping up their meals, Klarima looks to you. "This is a traditional dinner of 'kahlgee,' my favorite dish!"
The kahlgee looks extremely unappetizing. You may refuse it, attempt a DC 12 Fortitude save to choke it down, or a DC 16 Bluff or Sleight of Hand check to surreptitiously avoid eating it.
Kultha Cleft-Tail |
Perfect Skeemo - thought as much but wanted to check :)
Shouldering her gifted longarm, Kultha graciously takes a set at the dining table.
Her eye swivels suspiciously to view first the strange dish, then the protocol of scooping.
The Vesk shrugs, and ladles it into her maw..
DC12 Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
...allowing the tan slime to slip down her scaled throat with ease. She nods to the others;
"Niet bad Komrades. Slimy yet satisfying..."
Izzip |
Izzip's antennae droop at the sight of the kahglee, but they don't want to appear rude...
Fortitude 12: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Fortunately the appearances were deceiving, and despite its revolting presentation the shirren priest actually finds the meal quite delectable.
GM Skeemo |
With Kultha's and Mega's intestinal fortitude and Izzip's truly aberrant tastes, the membranes seem delighted that you 'enjoy' their cultural dish. They continue telling the tale of their people when the lights suddenly go out. "Oh, sorry! Nothing to worry about, the Mainframe sometimes acts up like this, but it always self-corrects in a few seconds." Sure enough, the lights flicker back on, and the Most Exalted continue their history as if nothing had happened.
Punctuating the Most Exalted's sentence, the dinner chime rings once again, followed by drones placing clean plates on top of the dirty ones and inaccurately squirting kahlgee across the table. The ghibranis chuckle awkwardly and attempt to act as if nothing is amiss, although no one eats a second time. A minute later, the drones sweep in again to clean up the mess. "Your journey across the stars was surely tiring! We will have drones ready some rooms for you in the ground-level warehouses; a bit last-second, but they should be comfortable nonetheless. Perhaps you can return to your Pact Worlds and send more envoys to Arkeost? We would love to establish trade with a technologically advanced alien organization!"
Kultha Cleft-Tail |
Kutha leaves the brokering of potential trade agreements to those of a more diplomatic bent, instead focussing on the city's issues with their power systems;
"Gracious Host Ghibrani. You say there is issues with Mainframe yes? Power systems I am thinking. Vud you allow us to take a look? Myself and Friend Kat are skilled vith machinery... Ve may be able to fix."
Kat5e |
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"If it's not taboo for us to enter" Kat adds.
"....well, protein is protein" she thinks to herself.
Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
I should have deactivated my taste sensors
Apparently Kat can't dance or eat soup
Soryn Viaxeiro |
Bluff/DC 16: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Soryn continues to support Izzip's diplomatic efforts. As the Membranes are distracted he mimics eating the slurry and shares one of his R2Es as a 'cultural exchange' to further hide not trying the food.
"Agreed, we are not Ghibrani so the taboo should not apply. Perhaps we could repay your hospitality?"
GM Skeemo |
Exalted Kimar tilts his head. "Well, there's nothing in the tradition that prevents non-ghibrani from entering. If you think you can fix it, please go right ahead! Just be careful not to power down our whole city!" He chuckles. "I am excited at the prospect of receiving aid from friendly spacefaring aliens, and trading with a new solar system! Let's begin the process now!" He hands you a dark blue metal crown embossed with silver thread, one Izzip recognizes as functioning like a mk 1 mindlink circlet.
As the Most Exalted depart, Klarima guides you to the western edge of the city. She points beyond a hard plastic barricade. "You'll find the Mainframe down that street a ways. I don't know what you might find there, so please be careful. Here, take this, just in case." She unholsters her pistol—another weapon of unique ghibrani design—and presents it to you.
The building housing the Mainframe is near the outskirts of Arkeost, on the opposite side of the city that you entered. You see an increased concentration of drones and other hovering robots in this neighborhood, though none seem to pay any attention to them. A large doorway leads into the structure and a ramp descends a bit into open garage-like space where thousands of drones are stored. Many are powered down and others are being repaired by other drones, leaving you to walk through patches of dead silence followed by stretches of frantic activity as you descend on curving ramps farther and farther below. As you proceed, you spot the several signs in Ghibrani that read “Taboo Area,” “Keep Out,” and other warnings with similarly grave images to accentuate the point.
Eventually, you reach a hallway that branches off from the garages. The hallway opens into a rectangular room of white plastic, a stark contrast to the smoky, grease-stained garages that led up to this place. Fans whir quietly overhead. Track lighting along the floor illuminates much of the chamber. Several white coveralls hang on the wall behind a bench to the north. A door leads to the east. Map updated.
Kat5e |
Kat takes note of the growing amount of drones at the mainframe. She watches them with interest as the group passes by them and deeper into the mainframe building.
On arrival to the white room, she takes a looks around. "What is this, a reception area?"
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Kat takes note of an electrical shocker cable wired to the door in front of the group.
"Careful! There's an electric shocker trap on the door. Hold on, I'll see what I can do.
Engineering: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 She deftly disarms the trap, and turns back to the group. "After you, big guy"
GM Skeemo |
Kat opens the door, and Mega peers inside. Four pillars, each covered in glowing circuitry, break up the floor of this chamber. Though slightly out of date by modern Pact Worlds standards, the four power generators in between the pillars nevertheless hum with energy. The room is illuminated from below, and doors lead east and west. The console on the northern generator flashes red, displaying a malfunction in one of its coils.
As you open the door, two insectile humanoid robots jolt to alertness. The utter a warning in mechanical Ghibrani, which your device translates: "Unauthorized access. Leave this facility at once!"
Mega Gelub: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Izzip: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Kat: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Kultha: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Soryn: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Robots: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Round 1 (bold may post)
Mega (-8 SP, -3 HP)
Red robot
Blue robot