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checking in
1. Forum Name: supervillan
2. Character Name: Ikari Hateshinai
3. PFS # 75577-14
4. Roll for Day Job: profession (farmer): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
5. Initiative: +3
6. Perception: +5
7. Faction: Exchange

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Also checking in, already ghost dotted. Thanks for running the 2nd game!
1. Forum Name: Pete H.
2. Character Name: Kenta Faux
3. PFS # 123584-13
4. Roll for Day Job: Profession (Coachman) + MW Tool: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 2 = 20
5. Initiative: +2
6. Perception: +1
7. Faction: Liberty's Edge

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1. Forum Name: Agent Eclipse
2. Character Name: Juzo Mitsumata
3. PFS # 54329-14
4. Roll for Day Job: None.
5. Initiative: +9
6. Perception: +4
7. Faction: Sovereign Court
Also I didn't get to mention it in the last discussion buy Juzo was raised in Taldor.

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1. Forum Name: TriShadow
2. Character Name: Sionnach Brummagem
3. PFS # 151777-22
4. Roll for Day Job: Perform: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 9 + 2 = 26
5. Initiative: +3
6. Perception: +2
7. Faction: Grand Lodge
Swapping to a different archetype

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Forgot to mention, but I’m switching archetypes as well. Specifically, from vanilla Cleric to Crusader. Since I forgot to include my bonus spells from Wisdom, it effectively just means I’m losing the Artifice domain and gaining Weapon Focus.

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Alas, crusader doesn’t qualify for weapon focus at level 1. The archetype ignores class and level based prerequisites but weapon focus has a base attack prerequisite.

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When I first checked, I didn't see any that were class or level-specific. I only just now noticed Shield Specialization, which is a Fighter Feat.
Well goshdarnheck! I guess I'll switch around the order of things-- rather than getting Weapon Focus and then Bow Proficiency later, I'll get Bow Proficiency now and get Weapon Focus later.
sounds of a fox frantically scribbling on her character sheet

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That's a rough deal, imo. At least you have two more chances to rebuild if an alternative method to do what you want to do comes up.
Kenta should be good to go for this session. He is also not from Tien.

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Forum Name: zer0darkfire
2. Character Name: Takabe Tashiro
3. PFS # 193338-05
4. Roll for Day Job: craft (Paper Airplanes): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
5. Initiative: +4
6. Perception: +0
7. Faction: Liberties Edge

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1. Gummy Bear
2. Itami
3. 74244-13
4. None
5. +3
6. +1
7. Dark Archives
The other campaign was marked inactive recently. Anyone who hasn't checked in already might need a PM to find this thread.

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Yeah I marked it as inactive because I thought I was the last person needing to check in, my bad Itami.

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Forgot to roll my Faction card for the last scenario instead of downtime. Just going to roll that die here so I have a history of it not that it ever comes up. Faction Cards are mostly forgotten about it seems (even I forget about them mostly) and aren't usually tracked.
Knowledge (Nobility): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
This time I am going to go for another goal though.

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No worries Zer0DarkFire! Just pointing it out.
AND THEN: I forgot to dot into gameplay XD catching up on all the posts now.

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Hiiragi, on the topic of scouts: I love them :D Invisibility is one of my favorite spells, so when this bloodline offered it at FIRST LEVEL (obviously with usage limitations), I couldn't resist. I'm a big fan of scouting too. I have a Herlad Caller of Asmodeus (Trickery Domain) that does the same thing, but his perception is great too! Knowing things make being a caster much easier :)

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I played in a run of Down the Halflight Path with a summoner who had a scout-eidolon that he sent ahead. The eidolon couldn't fight - but it's stealth and detection abilities meant we could buff before every fight and got surprise rounds often.

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That's awesome! I've always considered making a scout eidolon, but have yet to have an opportunity to do so.
I know, it makes me sad :( At least on PbP, I find that if I give as much information to the GM as possible, scouting can be relatively pain free. In person, I take ten as much as possible and try to keep things brief so that people don't lose interest.
GM: Does Itami have any indication of what the creature by the pool is? If he sees it, he will report back to the group and let them know.

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I’m pretty sure he has actually been attacking a topiary that looks like a bear instead of the bear, lol. His string of high rolls from the confirmation is starting to even out, all at once.

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Just a quick heads-up, I'm flying out to a funeral today and will be out-of-state until Saturday evening. Posting is going to be spotty.
Posting is already spotty at the moment... but that's more because I'm not sure what to have Hiiragi do, and her one skill (Religion) isn't coming up. Which isn't anybody's fault-- but at the moment, she's taking a backseat narratively.

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Do we have any indication about how we can get into the bottom left corner of the map? Metagaming tells me it is there, but I'm just checking in case the rectangle is covering a door!

GM Ietsuna |

Yeah, rectangle was covering the door. Onno's lock pick was assumed to have opened the door that was covered, so feel free to open at your leisure.

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Did we want to discuss our plan of "attack" before heading to the school.
A good idea :)
I've run this scenario so I'll take a back seat when it comes to deciding strategy. However, as Itami noted in his internal monologue, getting the lay of the land is always a good place to start.

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Posting this in all of my games:
As of yesterday, I have moved to London!
1. This should not impact my posting regularity, but it will change when I can post (around five hours earlier now).
2. If you live in London and enjoy playing with me/in my games, shoot me a PM! I'd love to get involved in the local PFS, a homegame, or even 5e (although I'd be brand new at that).

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I wasn't sure if we had a cover or anything I will follow your lead so far.
London is definitely on my list of places to visit...more than anything to go to a Chelsea FC game.
Speaking of possible changes to posting...I just started my Summer semester here and it is faster pace than I realized. I dropped one class and switched one of my harder ones to a gen ed req. So hopefully my posting doesn't get to bogged down. Going to lower my game bandwidth as the next few games wrap up so I can stay in this group.

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I've never been a fan of summer classes. Can't afford them and they typically go to fast to take more than 1 or 2.

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I am not either but to maintain my visa it is a requirement to attend every semester full-time. Working on getting a different visa though that will let me take summers off.

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Hiiragi says she’s the most obvious kitsune in the group, but I think Kenta’s in vulpine form even more often.
That said, I think Paladins naturally give off an aura of “not going to steal your map,” so it’s a moot point in this case ;)

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I've decided that I'm going to drop out of this game. I find myself not that interested in whats going on, or that I'm playing a kitsune, but I figured it was worth a try. Let me know if you guys want to me to GM again for you though either through PM or the discord chat. Thanks for inviting me along!

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Ah, that sucks. I'm enjoying my paladin and Kenta in general. I'm quite happy I gave the class a chance. But, I totally understand not fitting into games or groups, no reason to force anything when it isn't working.

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From ARG
Languages: Kitsune begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Kitsune with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: any human language, Aklo, Celestial, Elven, Gnome, and Tengu.
Am I missing something about getting Tien for free? I just assumed you all took it as a bonus Int language or with linguistics. Is there an errata or faq that gives it? Maybe my sources of info are wrong?

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Ah-- you're looking for the Pathfinder Society guide or Additional Resources. Human characters generally get the local language from where they're from, and the Tien races (Wayang, Kitsune, and a couple others iirc) get Tien as a bonus language.
Or at least, that's off the top of my head.

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Ah, spot on. Found it!
Pathfinder Society Guide
Kitsune, Nagaji, Samsaran, Tengu, or Wayang: Characters of these races who are from Tian Xia rather than Avistan or Garund can automatically speak both Tien and Common in addition to their racial languages.
And in the human section.
Human: Humans can speak Common, as well as any other modern human language associated with their ethnicity.
So yeah, not being from Tien means I don't get it. And not being human means I don't get the local language where he grew up, lol! But to be honest, having the whole group (even their weird old human) speaking Sylvan, tis a very nice benefit even if we don't all speak Tien as well.

GM Ietsuna |

Rhe module has options for the weird philosopher guy to speak common, but only if no-one speaks Tien, so I am assuming the Tien speakers are translating for the non-speakers.

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It's technically possible for a Kitsune to speak Tien, Senzar, and Common instead of Common, Sylvan (and optionally Tien).
The Kitsune rules in Advanced Race Guide are legal for character creation, as are the Kitsune rules in Dragon Empires Primer / Gazeteer. The former gives Kitsune languages as Common and Sylvan (you add Tien from the Guide to Organised Play if you come from Tian Xia); the latter gives Tien and Senzar (you add Common from the Guide to Organised Play).

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Had I known that, I probably would have taken Senzar. As it stands, I was planning on taking it soon—and handwaving it as something she’s always known, so long as it doesn’t come up first!

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You can rebuild in between quests - you are still level 1 and each quest is discrete.