DM Delmoth's Planescape (Inactive)

Game Master Delmoth

Treasure Tracking


NPCs and other fluff

Planewalker's Handbook

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CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

Savi translates the question, “Are we not going for ale then?” and immediately prattles on, “It’s cool if we’re not. ’Cause one, encountering a melting geezer-demon probably soils the mood and makes ya question your current state o’ sobriety. And two…

“We’re… broke.”

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

Rinika finds nothing else in this chamber.

Ways forward looking at the map, to the left, closer to viewer, farther from viewer, downwards.

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

I vote top left ^^
Or maybe I should say back?
I feel like we have front, back, left, right, top, and bottom here...

Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 10 | Init +4 | AC 23 T15 FF19 | HP 73/73 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+12 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 2/3 4: 5/6, 3: 7/7 2: 5/7, 1:7/7

I'm good with Left

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

You pass through several corridors to arrive at a new chamber. The dimensions you you can't easily determine. A dim light seems to come from somewhere, casting shadows around the strangely angled surfaces of the place. Though all is still within the room, the shadows begin to shift and move as you watch. They flow like slow, seeping liquid across the walls of the room, giving the place a sinister, unquiet feel.

Nik's eyes see them clearly souls trapped within the chamber.

Slide three for art. Two for layout.

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CG Male Bariaur | Cav 9 Brwl 1 | HP 94/94 | AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13, CMD 30| Fort +12 Ref +10 Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +14 | Speed 85' | Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +5' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/3; Tactician 1/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4

"One of these doors must lead to a tavern..."

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

Nik gives Jek an incredulous look.
"Maybe past the third trapped-soul on the left?" Nik asks, indicating the nearby door.

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

“Maybe we can ask one of the shadowy figures directions?”

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CG Male Bariaur | Cav 9 Brwl 1 | HP 94/94 | AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13, CMD 30| Fort +12 Ref +10 Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +14 | Speed 85' | Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +5' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/3; Tactician 1/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4

"So follow me on this one.... You're into undead, and Rinika is into shadows. You both go to taverns all the time. Here we are in the middle of undead and shadow land... Do you really think there won't be a tavern?"

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CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

"I really don't." Nik says as flatly as he can, which isn't very, as he fails to suppress a grin.

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CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

As the party walks on, Savi flutters about looking like a ditzy giddily little thing. Some of the party members might notice that there weapons are shiny and clean, there are no bits of melty flesh in their hair or on their clothes, and… no one has body odor! Even if they haven’t bathed in a month. Anyone who was sweaty feels the temperature drop around their shoulders (or other clothed area that isn’t ‘too personal’), and anyone who shivered feels their clothing is warm. (Like if you put on a shirt just out of the dryer, but it’s fantasy RPG, so ye olde dryer.)

She hums a tune as she secretly services the party. It seems the shadows on the wall may know this tune—because one-by-one, new voices join in. And you gotta admit, the overall sound kinda smooth… and groovy!

At-Will SLAs:
• Prestidigitation: clean, and if perceived as desirable, heat or cool nonliving material.
• Ghost Sound: subtle at first, gradually working toward acapella if the party can stand it.

Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

Conor chuckles at Jek, "Wonder if the shadow tavern will have shadowy ale? Might not tasted good. But still, gonna need some serious downtime after this place ..." he finishes with a growl and a shiver.

thankfully it didn't come up last fight but at some point I'll pop a pearl of power to recharge my Litany of Duty spell

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

Assuming you press on and don't mess with the shadows.

Passing through another magical corridor and arrive in yet another corridor. However, this one ends in a rather large iron door, testing it reveals that it won't budge and there is no apparent locking mechanism.

Perception DC 25:
There are a pair of spy holds on either side of the corridor. You also see subtle crack in the wall indicating a secret door.

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

oops, I forgot to mention that Nik wanted to try and control the shadows, probably failing since channeling doesn't work in this place... or does it?
Maybe we can do that after returning from this room ? XD
Maybe I won't roll for things that are auto-fails or auto-successes xD
Well... maybe one last time xD

Perception: 1d20 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 6 - 4 = 16

"What a weird door. Let's go back the way they came, I want to try one thing on those shadows before I forget."

For whenever this happens: Power Over Undead (30' burst; DC 17 will)
Negative levels don't normally apply to saves, right? ^^;;;;;

Spells etc after the use of Power Over Undead (which will be attempted after we go back... or maybe Nik should just try spend a couple rounds trying it real quick?):

before this post

Supernatural Abilities
. 6/8 Power Over Undead (30' burst; DC 17 will)
. (1 at a time) Corpse Companion

Spell-like Abilities
. 8/8 Bolster (Undead) (+2 profane on attacks and saves; 1 temp hp/HD; +2 turn resistance; 3 round duration)
. 1/1 Pyrotechnics (DC 14)

Spells Prepared:
. 4th (2+1/day) Command Undead (DC 17) (S), Black Tentacles, Dimension Door
. 3rd (3+1/day) Command Undead (DC 17) (S), Fireball (DC 18), Fly, Undead Anatomy I
. 2nd (4+1/day) Command Undead (DC 17) (S), Flaming Sphere (DC 18; +1 CL), Glitterdust (DC 17), Levitate, Resist Energy (+1 CL)
. 1st (6+1/day) Ray of Enfeeblement (DC 16) (S), Endure Elements (+1 CL) [x2], Feather Fall, Grease (DC 16), Infernal Healing, Mount
. cantrips (at will) Acid Splash, Detect Magic (+1 CL), Message, Prestidigitation

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Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

Niks attempts at control fail miserably just as before.

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CG Male Bariaur | Cav 9 Brwl 1 | HP 94/94 | AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13, CMD 30| Fort +12 Ref +10 Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +14 | Speed 85' | Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +5' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/3; Tactician 1/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4

Jek takes out his Traveler's Any Tool and begins twisting, turning, and folding it into a portable ram.

Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 10 | Init +4 | AC 23 T15 FF19 | HP 73/73 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+12 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 2/3 4: 5/6, 3: 7/7 2: 5/7, 1:7/7

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Rinika gives a cursory glance around the room, but focuses in on the big door. She coaxes Nansi out, a spindly little mechanical spider of clockwork and jewels, and puts him on the door.

Beep books (in modron):
"Hey Nansi, we need to get this door open, what can ya do?"

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

Nanci chiprs, "Affirmatory!" Nanci jumps off Rinika's shoulder and approaches the door...

... and begins to polish it to a mirror-like shine. "Estimated penetration of barrier in 1.2 great turns of Mechanus."

Approximately 200 years.

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CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

Savi says to Lunk, “That’s a minute and two seconds. I can wait that standing on my head.

“But I won’t, ’cause I’m wearing a dress.”

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

+17 Know (planes) for matters not regarding living/undead creatures means Nik would know that's 200 years, right? XD

"Great turns of Mechanus are a bit longer than that, Savi. Try a couple hundred years." Nik comments.
"Anyway, looks like Jek can beat Nansi to it."
Nik scratches his cheek as he wonders aloud "I wonder if Jek can break it down in sixty-two seconds."

CG Male Bariaur | Cav 9 Brwl 1 | HP 94/94 | AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13, CMD 30| Fort +12 Ref +10 Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +14 | Speed 85' | Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +5' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/3; Tactician 1/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4

"I need a second person. Any volunteers?"

Jek moves into position by the door.

CG Male Half Elf: Eldritch Guardian 2, Magical Child 7 | 76/76♥️ | 22AC~15t~19ff | Fort+10~Ref+11~Will+8 /+1v.Fey/+1v.Fear/+2v.Enchant | CMD:24 | Perc+13/17.LL | Init+2 | 1st:5/5, 2nd:4/4, 3rd:1/1, SongBird:1/1, HeyListen:1/1

Lunk casts Bull’s Strength and Enlarge Person on himself.

B’d’dit, b’d’dit, b’d’dit!

He will help break the door on Jek’s signal.

Break, Bull’s STR, Enlarge: 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 30

CG Male Bariaur | Cav 9 Brwl 1 | HP 94/94 | AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13, CMD 30| Fort +12 Ref +10 Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +14 | Speed 85' | Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +5' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/3; Tactician 1/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4

"Thanks Lunk!"

Jek and Lunk slam the battering ram into the iron door.

Portable Ram (+6 Str + 4 Large, +2 Circumstance, +2 Lunk): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

Lunka and Jek squeeze into the tight, for them, corridor and bash down the iron door with a loud Bang.

Inside is another room with corridors that branch off on either side and another large iron door. Interposing between the party and the other door is a hideous monstrosity crafted from body part stitched together with wire and metal staples. It lurches at you with horrific life. Nik sees that the creature is neither alive nor dead.

Arcana DC 17:
You know its a construct. Construct traits

DC 22

It is a flesh golem. Which are immune to magic with a few small exceptions.

DC 27

Cold and fire magic slow the golem for a little less than a minute. Electricity magic breaks the slow effect and heals the golem.

Savi and Lunk: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Conor: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Helios, Sol Invictus: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Jek: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Only Nik: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 Nik I think your init is too high, did you include the penalty for negative levels?
Rinika: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Flesh golem: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

Round 1
Lonely Nik <-----------
Jek <-----------
Savi and Lunk <-----------
Helios, Sol Invictus

Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 10 | Init +4 | AC 23 T15 FF19 | HP 73/73 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+12 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 2/3 4: 5/6, 3: 7/7 2: 5/7, 1:7/7

Rinika grabs an undoubtedly nonplussed Nansi and unceremoniously shoves them back in a pocket.

CG Male Half Elf: Eldritch Guardian 2, Magical Child 7 | 76/76♥️ | 22AC~15t~19ff | Fort+10~Ref+11~Will+8 /+1v.Fey/+1v.Fear/+2v.Enchant | CMD:24 | Perc+13/17.LL | Init+2 | 1st:5/5, 2nd:4/4, 3rd:1/1, SongBird:1/1, HeyListen:1/1

Lunk isn’t sure if he should really hit the big monster. But he does!

Atk: 1d20 + 7 - 1 + 2 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 - 1 + 2 - 2 + 2 = 26
Conf?: 1d20 + 7 - 1 + 2 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 7 - 1 + 2 - 2 + 2 = 21
Damage: 4d6 + 20 + 12 + 4 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 1) + 20 + 12 + 4 = 42
22 if no crit

AC is 20 w/ enlarge penalty

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

Savi zips into the narrow space and notices an even narrower space around the corner. This is a good place to hide.

“Lunk, my Bobby Pin is bigger than me thanks to your enlarge spell. But I think you can handle this.”

She then calls out to the others, “Link is supposed to hit that thing, right?”

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

@GM nope
In fact, I think I didn't apply it to anything in my signature-thingy except max hp. so maybe -4 to everything listed except AC?
Also, is this the guy from One-Piece?

Knowledge (Arcana) -neg lvl: 1d20 + 15 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 15 - 4 = 12 wow xD
this is such a thing for Nik that I kind of want him to never know anything at this point xD

"Probably? Maybe get ready to slap it dead if it comes here without saying hi..."

Nik lifts up his hands to aim only to realize he hadn't pulled his crossbow back out yet. He does so and starts loading it.

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

Lunk slices the large creature and finds that its skin is a hard stone. 17 damage after DR

Action to Jek!

CG Male Bariaur | Cav 9 Brwl 1 | HP 94/94 | AC 22 (+3 w/shield), FF 20 (+3 w/shield), Touch 13, CMD 30| Fort +12 Ref +10 Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +14 | Speed 85' | Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +5' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/3; Tactician 1/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4

Jek float-charges recklessly toward the patchwork flesh monster.

Unmerciful Lance (+1 ABP,+2 Charge): 1d20 + 12 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 12 + 1 + 2 = 24
Unmerciful Lance Piercing (+1 ABP): 6d6 + 27 + 3 ⇒ (2, 6, 6, 3, 2, 5) + 27 + 3 = 54

Horns (+2 Charge, -5): 1d20 + 12 + 2 - 5 ⇒ (3) + 12 + 2 - 5 = 12
Horn Piercing (+1 ABP): 3d6 + 3d8 + 9 ⇒ (5, 4, 3) + (2, 5, 2) + 9 = 30

and swerves off to the left.

"Nik, this is undead, right?"

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

"No... I'm pretty sure..." Nik replies, eyeballing the monstrosity.

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

Berserk?: 1d100 ⇒ 29

Jek skewers the not undead monstrosity through the heart. It turns to him and groan in protest. It clearly wasn't using its heart that much.

Slam! vs Jek: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
Slam! vs Jek: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

Bludgeoning: 2d8 + 5 ⇒ (1, 8) + 5 = 14

It swipes at Jek but the bariaur ducks at just the right moment, but the other meaty arm comes low and knocks the wind out of Jek.

PCs go!

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CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

"Man, this thing is giving me ideas for something to sew together, though." Nik comments as he finishes reloading his crossbow.

SA: finish reloading
MA: not moving closer, lol

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

Savi changes her outfit to a sweater with a big L and matching pleated skirt.

“Lunk! Lunk!
He’s our man!
If he can’t do it
Conner can!”

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Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

Apparently constructs are subject to critical hits. Lunk did 20 more damage. Carry on.

CG Male Half Elf: Eldritch Guardian 2, Magical Child 7 | 76/76♥️ | 22AC~15t~19ff | Fort+10~Ref+11~Will+8 /+1v.Fey/+1v.Fear/+2v.Enchant | CMD:24 | Perc+13/17.LL | Init+2 | 1st:5/5, 2nd:4/4, 3rd:1/1, SongBird:1/1, HeyListen:1/1

The f+!% was that?!

Lunk sidesteps and takes his frustration out on the nasty monster.

Big Katana, Flankfurter: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 2 = 24
Damage: 2d6 + 18 ⇒ (6, 1) + 18 = 25

NG Helianthrope Warpriest 5 Magus 2 | Status: Aligned Weapon, Arcane enchanted
AC 21 (T 16, FF 16) | CMD 22 | Init +5 | Speed 30ft | F +10, R +8, W +12 | Perc +13, SM +7 (Darlvision)
HP 27/45 | Fervor 3/5 | Arcane Pool 1/2 | PoP I 1/2 | SW 4/5

Helios is about to comment that the creature might be a construct, but he realises the others are joking at the very last moment. He'll need some time to get used to these jokes.

Meanwhile, it would be good if he helped putting the construct down.

Spellstrike Sunbeam: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Damage: 1d3 + 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + (3, 2) + 4 = 10

Rapid Shot#1: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 3) + 4 = 11

Rapid Shot#2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 3) + 4 = 13

Critical Confirmation: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Extra Damage: 4d6 + 8 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 1) + 8 = 20

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

Helios' first arrow goes high and clatters off the door behind the creature. The second goes straight through its eye and it slumps into a heap in front of the second iron door.

Combat over.

Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

Conor watches the group impressively dispatch the golem without him even having to move, "Well done." he grunts as he stares into the dimness.

geez you forget to check your games for one Sunday ... :)

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Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 10 | Init +4 | AC 23 T15 FF19 | HP 73/73 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+12 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 2/3 4: 5/6, 3: 7/7 2: 5/7, 1:7/7

"Great job everyone! I'm proud of you."

Rinika congratulates everyone, satisfied that she's put together a great team that can handle anything.

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

Savi calls out from her hiding place in the tiny corridor.

“He’s lucky you and I didn’t get in that scuffle, Connor, or he’d be even deader!”

Despite her obviously-intentionally-lame excuse, Savi makes herself useful by searching the room, tiny corridors included.
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Her skin flickers as Savi attempts to light the room with fairy glowiness.

NG Helianthrope Warpriest 5 Magus 2 | Status: Aligned Weapon, Arcane enchanted
AC 21 (T 16, FF 16) | CMD 22 | Init +5 | Speed 30ft | F +10, R +8, W +12 | Perc +13, SM +7 (Darlvision)
HP 27/45 | Fervor 3/5 | Arcane Pool 1/2 | PoP I 1/2 | SW 4/5

Helios fels a bit disappointed about the construct.

"They don't do Frankensteens as good anymore."

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

The party busts down the door with about as much effort as the last. The area at the end of the passage is a torture chamber, filled with all manner of implements: racks, barbed instruments of pain, cauldrons for boiling oil, manacles and cages for prisoners and so on. However, all of these devises show neglect.

Six cells line the hallway but only one is occupied, the farthest cell on the right as a body walks in. Inside the dank cell, a ghostly shape hangs in the air, a plain white porcelain mask the only corporeal thing about it. But the figure isn't facing you, it's focused on the cell's other occupant, a sod chained to the far wall by his hands and feet, his body covered in tattered rags. The prisoner's flesh has a charcoal hue and his angular features are elvish, but there's something about the dark, deep-set eyes and elongated canines that makes you realize he's no ordinary drow.

You're not sure what's prompting the staring contest or why they are focusing it to the exclusion of everything else.

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

Savi asks the others, “Should we say something? Like, ‘hi?’”

She makes a smiley face appear—a yellow coaster with a smile on it (on both sides, like a two-headed coin. A happy two-headed coin). She wills it to float between the two staring fellas.

This takes two rounds of at-will SLAs. Someone could easily dissuade Savi from willing Mage Hand.

Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

"This place keeps getting better and better." Conor grumbles as he sees the tableau before them.

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1)

"I do not volunteer to say 'hi'. Hopefully the enemy of our enemy is our friend, though." Nik mutters, keeping his crossbow handy, but not pointing it at anyone yet.

why do I get the feeling that it's some sort of weird single creature doing some sort of yin/yang thing...

Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 10 | Init +4 | AC 23 T15 FF19 | HP 73/73 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+12 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 2/3 4: 5/6, 3: 7/7 2: 5/7, 1:7/7

Rinika floats up to the cell, and announces "Glyphimhor says enough."

Bluff: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

Bluff: Aid Rinika: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Savi decides to drop her weird smiley coaster and help Rinika with the buIIshit artistry.

“Oh, right! The melty guy ya made that deal with! Yeah—listen to the cat girl! She’s Glyphimhor‘s spokeswoman, y’know.”

Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

Conor floats up and agrees, "Uh huh, what they said"

Aid, bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot

[spoiler]Sense motive, impossible lie: 1d20 + 11 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 11 + 20 = 33[/dice]

Savi and Lunk: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Conor: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Helios, Sol Invictus: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Jek: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Only Nik: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (7) + 7 - 4 = 10
Rinika: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Visage: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Drow?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Rinika's smooth voice distracts the visage long enough that the pair's eyes break. The drow's form disintegrates into a cloud of vapor that undulates unnaturally.

Claw vs Savi: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Claw vs Savi: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Slashing: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

The visage turns around and lashes out at Savi in anger not quite realizing the danger its in.

Round 1
Lonely Nik <-----------
Jek <-----------
Helios, Sol Invictus <-----------
Rinika <-----------
Savi and Lunk <-----------
Conor <-----------

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