GM Lorenzo's #10-08: What Prestige is Worth - OUTPOST II (Inactive)

Game Master Lawrence Smith 2

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Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

This is the discussion thread.
For players new to play-by-post PFS, please check out some time-tested resources:
The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge
Painlord's Advanced PbP Play
Doomed Hero's Guide to PbP Gaming
GM Damo's user profile offers excellent additional guidance and tips.
This Tagline Template offers a basic setup for your own PC's PbP tagline, providing vital information at a glance. Please, modify/adapt it to your own PC's crucial needs.

Please ensure you have an updated stat block associated with your PC and any companions or familiars.
For those using Hero Lab, it's quite simple.
Under the "File" tab, select "Output Hero Statblock." In the pop-up menu, select the "BBCode" tab and click on the "Copy" button.
In your PC's Paizo profile, click on the "Edit My Profile" button. Then paste it into the "About [Your PC's Name]" block near the bottom of the page.
Got some questions? Post them here in the Discussion thread.

When you're ready, use this thread to introduce your PC to the GM and to the party. Once we've settled on the PCs in the party, you can make an in-character introduction in the Gameplay thread.

Some Basic Rules of Engagement (ROE):
OOC Text: When mistakes are made or clarifications are necessary, just let us know in the Discussion thread. Let's keep the ooc text in the gameplay thread to a minimum.
Conditions/Effects: Regarding penalties or bonuses/buffs/debuffs from conditions/effects, please, players, indicate any bonuses/penalties to attacks, damage, etc separately--to remind the GM and other players.
For example, [dice=Attack, Power Attack, Inspire Courage, Fatigued]d20-1+1-2; d8+2+1-2[/ dice].
Animal Companion/Mount/Familiar/Eidolon: Please create a separate alias for it, especially if it will act on its own. Also indicate its Perception and Initiative modifier, as well as your own, on Slide 2.
Initiative: Animal Companions/Mounts/Familiars/Eidolons will have their own Initiative results, unless the PC is mounted on the creature. They can act independently or you can opt to have you and your companion act at the same time on the lower of the two Initiative results. The one with the higher result will be considered delayed, but not flat-footed. (If mounted, the mount acts on the PC's initiative.)
Miss Chance: I prefer to roll miss chances as the GM; if you roll it, please use a d100, where a "miss" is less than or equal to the percentage chance.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ifirit Unchained Barbarian 3/ Fighter 2/Techslinger 1/ Horizon Walker 4: HP 101/101 AC21 FF18 T13 Int +9 (+4 in Urban/Desert +2 in )Fort 15 Reflex 9 Will 3/ FireR 10/ Aligned CG


OBtrivi pulls a massive chainsaw from his back.

Obtrivi use spinny blade to CRUSH bad men! Obtrivi hope obtrivi be helpful!

He pauses.

Obtrivi almost forgot!

He holds out a old, stained, and folded many times over letter for whoever will take it.

Got the chainsaw from the Iron Gods adventure path. :)

Obtrivi's Letter:

To Whatever Poor Sod Pathfinder Gets This Letter,

Hello, and I hope you receive this letter in good health. My name is Helgra Heavyhand, Obtrivi's Sister. My brother is a fine warrior, but not much of a thinker, especially since he was hit in the head as a child. He also has a bit of a temper, so rather than letting him get in trouble, I signed him up with the pathfinders. So, Obtrivi lives by these rules, try to keep him safe for me, and let him do his thing.

Rule 1: Whenever a Venture Captain calls you, go do whatever they want you to do.
Rule 2: Find the smartest looking, most magic person in the room and give them the letter.
Rule 3: Do whatever they say to get the mission done. They're smarter than you, so listen close.
Rule 4: No killing unless the letter holder says it's okay.
Rule 5: Unless somebody hurts you. Then kill them dead.
Rule 6 and most important rule: Come home safe, even if you have to break other rules to do it.

Good luck to you.

Helgra Heavyhand

Silver Crusade

HP: 67/67 l AC: 12, T 12, FF 10 l CMD 18 l F +10, R +6, W +12 l Adoration (7/7), Channel Energy (5/5), Clarifying Channel (1/1), Inspired (1/1), Resistant Touch (7/7) l L1: 4/5, D1: 1/1, L2: 4/4, D2: 1/1, L3: 3/4, D3: 1/1, L4: 3/3, D4: 0/1 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +4
Craft: Musical Instruments +11, Diplomacy +13, Heal +11, Kn. Arcana +5, Kn. History +6, Kn. Planes +8, Kn. Religion +12, Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +5
Female NG Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 8 l Active Conditions:

"A mission into Hell? Are you sure I'm the best choice for this?"

Player Name: Lady Ladile
Character Name: Penelope 'Nella' Tabor
PFS # 192133-1
Faction: Silver Crusade
Progression: Standard

Day Job - Craft: Musical Instruments: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Hello! Nella here is an Ecclesitheurge cleric which is kinda like the cleric form of a wizard. No armor at all but she gets a few nifty benefits and a little flexibility with her domains and domain spells that makes her fun to play. I'm looking forward to the mission, even if Nella herself isn't :3

Grand Lodge

Ifirit Unchained Barbarian 3/ Fighter 2/Techslinger 1/ Horizon Walker 4: HP 101/101 AC21 FF18 T13 Int +9 (+4 in Urban/Desert +2 in )Fort 15 Reflex 9 Will 3/ FireR 10/ Aligned CG

Player Name: Matthais777
Character Name: Obtrivi
PFS # 176948-3
Faction: Grand Lodge
Progression: Standard


Dark Archive

PFS #76925-14 LN Male Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 6 / HellKnight 2 HP: 82/82| AC: 22/12/21 | Fort: +9| Ref: +5| Will: +5| Init: +1| Perc: +9| CMB: +8 +6 Vs Disarm| CMD: 20 +3 vs Disarm| Ada.H.Flail: +16;1d10+11| Longbow:+9;1d8| Reliable Strike 1/day
Acrobatics:+1| Appraise:+2| Bluff:+1| Climb:-2| Diplo:+2| Inti: +9| Kn.(Dun/Eng/Loc/Pla/Reli): +10| Kn.(Noble/His): +3| Linguis:+4| Sense Motive: +9| Stealth: -4| Survival: +6| Swim: +3|

I present Alden Darkcrown, a Fighter/ Hellknight.
Order of the Chain and has some accolades to his name furthering Hellknight agendas.

He's prideful, young, has some disdain for non chelaxians and dislikes Demons.

He's pretty much a straight forward fighter who has survived somehow his last outing.

A flail weapon master, he tends to prefer getting into melee and disarming/tripping his opponents. he won't disarm monsters if doing so makes them more dangerous, i.e Claws.

Player Name: nightdeath
Character Name: Alden Darkcrown
PFS # 76925-14
Faction: Dark Archives
Progression: Standard

Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

Pathfinders, this mission will literally take you to Hell.

If you're the sort of person with trigger issues, it's probably not for you. Of course, I can tone it down to appease you, but it might seriously ruin a very colorful experience for everyone else.

If you've got problems with this, please PM me, and we can talk about it.

Silver Crusade

HP: 67/67 l AC: 12, T 12, FF 10 l CMD 18 l F +10, R +6, W +12 l Adoration (7/7), Channel Energy (5/5), Clarifying Channel (1/1), Inspired (1/1), Resistant Touch (7/7) l L1: 4/5, D1: 1/1, L2: 4/4, D2: 1/1, L3: 3/4, D3: 1/1, L4: 3/3, D4: 0/1 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +4
Craft: Musical Instruments +11, Diplomacy +13, Heal +11, Kn. Arcana +5, Kn. History +6, Kn. Planes +8, Kn. Religion +12, Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +5
Female NG Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 8 l Active Conditions:

No issues here~

I'm going to try and get at least *some* general equipment purchasing done before we start; just need to eyeball what Nella currently has and see what sort of all-purpose things she could stand to pick up.

Dark Archive

PFS #76925-14 LN Male Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 6 / HellKnight 2 HP: 82/82| AC: 22/12/21 | Fort: +9| Ref: +5| Will: +5| Init: +1| Perc: +9| CMB: +8 +6 Vs Disarm| CMD: 20 +3 vs Disarm| Ada.H.Flail: +16;1d10+11| Longbow:+9;1d8| Reliable Strike 1/day
Acrobatics:+1| Appraise:+2| Bluff:+1| Climb:-2| Diplo:+2| Inti: +9| Kn.(Dun/Eng/Loc/Pla/Reli): +10| Kn.(Noble/His): +3| Linguis:+4| Sense Motive: +9| Stealth: -4| Survival: +6| Swim: +3|

Trigger issue? I'm not sure if I qualify but I am still short of gold. lol

Grand Lodge

Ifirit Unchained Barbarian 3/ Fighter 2/Techslinger 1/ Horizon Walker 4: HP 101/101 AC21 FF18 T13 Int +9 (+4 in Urban/Desert +2 in )Fort 15 Reflex 9 Will 3/ FireR 10/ Aligned CG

I am fine with whatever you want to throw at us, but I always appreciate it when GM's check with people before whammying them with the rough stuff, so good on you GM. :)

Sovereign Court

CG Elf Arcanist 9 | HP: 65/65 | AC: 18(19) (T: 13, F: 15(16)) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8 | Init: +9 | Perc: +12 | Speed 30 | Arcane Reservoir remaining: 7/15 | Low-light vision | Reroll | Conditions: Mage Armor

Dotting in!

Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

I'm posting a couple of scene setters, before we officially get started on Monday, March 9.

This should help inform your decisions regarding any preparations you'd like to make.

Sovereign Court

CG Elf Arcanist 9 | HP: 65/65 | AC: 18(19) (T: 13, F: 15(16)) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8 | Init: +9 | Perc: +12 | Speed 30 | Arcane Reservoir remaining: 7/15 | Low-light vision | Reroll | Conditions: Mage Armor

I've gotta level up, but will do so this weekend.

Silver Crusade

HP: 67/67 l AC: 12, T 12, FF 10 l CMD 18 l F +10, R +6, W +12 l Adoration (7/7), Channel Energy (5/5), Clarifying Channel (1/1), Inspired (1/1), Resistant Touch (7/7) l L1: 4/5, D1: 1/1, L2: 4/4, D2: 1/1, L3: 3/4, D3: 1/1, L4: 3/3, D4: 0/1 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +4
Craft: Musical Instruments +11, Diplomacy +13, Heal +11, Kn. Arcana +5, Kn. History +6, Kn. Planes +8, Kn. Religion +12, Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +5
Female NG Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 8 l Active Conditions:

I might be a little slow to post Monday as I'm pulling a night shift that night but after that I'll have some time off :)

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

Player: Chadius
Character: Cirri Merryweather
PFS#: 133608-13
Perception: +7
Initiative: +1
Faction: Grand Lodge
Progression: Standard

Cirri's going straight to Hell? And she thought the Plane of Fire was oppressive enough.

Dark Archive

PFS #76925-14 LN Male Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 6 / HellKnight 2 HP: 82/82| AC: 22/12/21 | Fort: +9| Ref: +5| Will: +5| Init: +1| Perc: +9| CMB: +8 +6 Vs Disarm| CMD: 20 +3 vs Disarm| Ada.H.Flail: +16;1d10+11| Longbow:+9;1d8| Reliable Strike 1/day
Acrobatics:+1| Appraise:+2| Bluff:+1| Climb:-2| Diplo:+2| Inti: +9| Kn.(Dun/Eng/Loc/Pla/Reli): +10| Kn.(Noble/His): +3| Linguis:+4| Sense Motive: +9| Stealth: -4| Survival: +6| Swim: +3|

Can we have this up in the Campaign Info section in Spoiler?
This is imo Important so we don't screw up too much lest we forget.

Wow...Hell though...Literally.

Dark Archive

M Human- Chelaxian LN Inquisitor-8 (Sanctified Slayer of Asmodeus), HP 67, AC 23 (touch 12, ff 21), Init +4. Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +9.

Alexander reporting for duty!

Sovereign Court

CG Elf Arcanist 9 | HP: 65/65 | AC: 18(19) (T: 13, F: 15(16)) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8 | Init: +9 | Perc: +12 | Speed 30 | Arcane Reservoir remaining: 7/15 | Low-light vision | Reroll | Conditions: Mage Armor

Per the Organized Play FAQ, during his downtime, Erlathan will visit an NPC and copy the following spells to his own spellbook using the rules listed on the Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook section of the CRB.

4th - Dragon's Breath (240 gp), Overwhelming Grief (240 gp), Summon Monster IV (240 gp), Charm Monster (240 gp)

Calculated as 160 gp ink cost + 50% NPC fee for each spell.

Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

Please go to Slide 1 and place your icons where you want them in typical march orders.

Then enter your PC's info on Slide 2.

Please ensure your PC's alignment is included in your tagline.

Finally, please let me know if your PC's is fluent in Infernal.

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

GM, the slides are view only.

Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

Thanks, Cirri.
Rookie mistake, no excuse; fixed now.

Dark Archive

PFS #76925-14 LN Male Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 6 / HellKnight 2 HP: 82/82| AC: 22/12/21 | Fort: +9| Ref: +5| Will: +5| Init: +1| Perc: +9| CMB: +8 +6 Vs Disarm| CMD: 20 +3 vs Disarm| Ada.H.Flail: +16;1d10+11| Longbow:+9;1d8| Reliable Strike 1/day
Acrobatics:+1| Appraise:+2| Bluff:+1| Climb:-2| Diplo:+2| Inti: +9| Kn.(Dun/Eng/Loc/Pla/Reli): +10| Kn.(Noble/His): +3| Linguis:+4| Sense Motive: +9| Stealth: -4| Survival: +6| Swim: +3|

Alden Speaks and understands the following:
Common, Infernal, Kelish, Abyssal

Silver Crusade

HP: 67/67 l AC: 12, T 12, FF 10 l CMD 18 l F +10, R +6, W +12 l Adoration (7/7), Channel Energy (5/5), Clarifying Channel (1/1), Inspired (1/1), Resistant Touch (7/7) l L1: 4/5, D1: 1/1, L2: 4/4, D2: 1/1, L3: 3/4, D3: 1/1, L4: 3/3, D4: 0/1 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +4
Craft: Musical Instruments +11, Diplomacy +13, Heal +11, Kn. Arcana +5, Kn. History +6, Kn. Planes +8, Kn. Religion +12, Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +5
Female NG Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 8 l Active Conditions:

Hokay, before we embark on our happy funtime journey to Hell Nella would like to purchase the following:

Disguise Kit - 50 gp
Sleeves of Many Garments - 200 gp
Scroll of Remove Blindness/Deafness - 375 gp
Scroll of Remove Curse - 375 gp
Scroll of Remove Disease - 375 gp
Oil of Daylight - 750 gp
Potion of Remove Blindness - 750 gp
Scroll of Break Enchantment - 1,125 gp
Lesser Extend Metamagic Rod - 3,000 gp
Pearl of Power (2nd Level) - 4,000 gp
First Aid Gloves - 4,500 gp
Spellguard Bracers - 5,000 gp

Total Cost = 20,500 gp

While Nella isn't actually fluent in Infernal she is packing a wand of Comprehend Languages.


Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

Still need a little input from you guys.

enter your PC's info on Slide 2.

Need Erlathan's PC info; need Alden, Erlathan, and Riddywhipple to enter Initiative and Perception modifiers.

Please ensure your PC's alignment is included in your tagline.

Need Alden, Alexander, Cirri, Riddywhipple, and Obtrivi to update their taglines.

Finally, please let me know if your PC's is fluent in Infernal.

Alden is fluent in Infernal. Nella is not. Still need to hear from Alden, Alexander, Cirri, Riddywhipple, and Obtrivi.

Also, if you have a Day Job, please roll it here in the Discussion thread.

Grand Lodge

Ifirit Unchained Barbarian 3/ Fighter 2/Techslinger 1/ Horizon Walker 4: HP 101/101 AC21 FF18 T13 Int +9 (+4 in Urban/Desert +2 in )Fort 15 Reflex 9 Will 3/ FireR 10/ Aligned CG

Obtrivi does not speak Infernal. No day job.

Dark Archive

PFS #76925-14 LN Male Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 6 / HellKnight 2 HP: 82/82| AC: 22/12/21 | Fort: +9| Ref: +5| Will: +5| Init: +1| Perc: +9| CMB: +8 +6 Vs Disarm| CMD: 20 +3 vs Disarm| Ada.H.Flail: +16;1d10+11| Longbow:+9;1d8| Reliable Strike 1/day
Acrobatics:+1| Appraise:+2| Bluff:+1| Climb:-2| Diplo:+2| Inti: +9| Kn.(Dun/Eng/Loc/Pla/Reli): +10| Kn.(Noble/His): +3| Linguis:+4| Sense Motive: +9| Stealth: -4| Survival: +6| Swim: +3|

Alden is fluent in Infernal. He's not what I would call a proper diplomat though.

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

day job Perform (Dance): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Not fluent in infernal
Is Neutral Good

Spells -/6 | Greater Invisibility 3/3 | Alignment CG HP 43/43 | AC 23 (T 16 FF 19) | Saves 8/6/9 | Perception +11 | Init +3 | Riddywhipple, Faerie Dragon familiar (Master) |

Not fluent in infernal
Is Chaotic Good

Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

Slide 3 provides a summary of Hell's planar effects.

There are still a couple of unanswered questions for Erlathan and Alexander.

Sovereign Court

CG Elf Arcanist 9 | HP: 65/65 | AC: 18(19) (T: 13, F: 15(16)) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8 | Init: +9 | Perc: +12 | Speed 30 | Arcane Reservoir remaining: 7/15 | Low-light vision | Reroll | Conditions: Mage Armor

Fluent in Infernal!

Craft (caligraphy): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31

Dark Archive

M Human- Chelaxian LN Inquisitor-8 (Sanctified Slayer of Asmodeus), HP 67, AC 23 (touch 12, ff 21), Init +4. Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +9.

Done. As far as alignment- just remember that Alexander radiants an aura like a cleric.

Alexander is fluent in Infernal... as all 'good' Inquistors of Asmodeus should be.

Posting from Italy- time of day might look somewhat odd.

Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

We'll give others a chance to make a Diplomacy check to gather information. Thanks, Erlathan and Riddywhipple for your courageous attempts.

If we don't see any more checks in the next couple of hours, I'll advance the action without a success.

Silver Crusade

HP: 67/67 l AC: 12, T 12, FF 10 l CMD 18 l F +10, R +6, W +12 l Adoration (7/7), Channel Energy (5/5), Clarifying Channel (1/1), Inspired (1/1), Resistant Touch (7/7) l L1: 4/5, D1: 1/1, L2: 4/4, D2: 1/1, L3: 3/4, D3: 1/1, L4: 3/3, D4: 0/1 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +4
Craft: Musical Instruments +11, Diplomacy +13, Heal +11, Kn. Arcana +5, Kn. History +6, Kn. Planes +8, Kn. Religion +12, Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +5
Female NG Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 8 l Active Conditions:

As a FYI I'm working tonight and will also have a trainee with me so while I'll try to sneak in a post later it may have to wait until I get home Saturday morning. Feel free to bot/delay Nella in the meantime as necessary :)

Silver Crusade

HP: 67/67 l AC: 12, T 12, FF 10 l CMD 18 l F +10, R +6, W +12 l Adoration (7/7), Channel Energy (5/5), Clarifying Channel (1/1), Inspired (1/1), Resistant Touch (7/7) l L1: 4/5, D1: 1/1, L2: 4/4, D2: 1/1, L3: 3/4, D3: 1/1, L4: 3/3, D4: 0/1 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +4
Craft: Musical Instruments +11, Diplomacy +13, Heal +11, Kn. Arcana +5, Kn. History +6, Kn. Planes +8, Kn. Religion +12, Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +5
Female NG Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 8 l Active Conditions:

Weekend ended up being busier than expected - sorry! All caught up on Gameplay now though and ready to continue :)

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

Bringing the wager into discussion so we can speed this up a bit.

I assume we can choose to either permadie or pay 6 PP (and be considered a coward) if we lose. I'd rather pay PP.

GM, am I correct on this?
Who agrees?

Silver Crusade

HP: 67/67 l AC: 12, T 12, FF 10 l CMD 18 l F +10, R +6, W +12 l Adoration (7/7), Channel Energy (5/5), Clarifying Channel (1/1), Inspired (1/1), Resistant Touch (7/7) l L1: 4/5, D1: 1/1, L2: 4/4, D2: 1/1, L3: 3/4, D3: 1/1, L4: 3/3, D4: 0/1 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +4
Craft: Musical Instruments +11, Diplomacy +13, Heal +11, Kn. Arcana +5, Kn. History +6, Kn. Planes +8, Kn. Religion +12, Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +5
Female NG Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 8 l Active Conditions:

^Assuming the above is correct then I would also rather pay the PP because this is one place where Nella would really not like to permanently die :)

*edit* And keep in mind that a lot of the cleric spells that would prove most effective against our opponents are also going to be the ones that'll draw the hairy eyeball of Dispater if used.

Dark Archive

PFS #76925-14 LN Male Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 6 / HellKnight 2 HP: 82/82| AC: 22/12/21 | Fort: +9| Ref: +5| Will: +5| Init: +1| Perc: +9| CMB: +8 +6 Vs Disarm| CMD: 20 +3 vs Disarm| Ada.H.Flail: +16;1d10+11| Longbow:+9;1d8| Reliable Strike 1/day
Acrobatics:+1| Appraise:+2| Bluff:+1| Climb:-2| Diplo:+2| Inti: +9| Kn.(Dun/Eng/Loc/Pla/Reli): +10| Kn.(Noble/His): +3| Linguis:+4| Sense Motive: +9| Stealth: -4| Survival: +6| Swim: +3|

I agree with not wanting to draw the attention or dying but here.....I'm RPing Alden.

He wants that fight. I mean glory and recognition in hell and all that....

Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

The negotiations are options, if the party wishes to make the bout nonlethal. Your options for collateral are a Dark Bargain or 6PP. If you win, you lose nothing.

Otherwise, the match is to the death, Pathfinders vs the pair of erinyes, winner-take-all.

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

No way will we beat them with non lethal attacks.
Oh well, two fewer devils to deal with.

Did Cirri learn of the Erinyes' Damage Resistance?

Dark Archive

M Human- Chelaxian LN Inquisitor-8 (Sanctified Slayer of Asmodeus), HP 67, AC 23 (touch 12, ff 21), Init +4. Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +9.

Sorry- internet went down on my last day in Italy.

Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

Obtrivi, can you clarify your reach with the chainsaw?

The pink erinyes needs to be within 30ft of you, but would try to stay away from your reach. Not exactly sure where that would put her.

Grand Lodge

Ifirit Unchained Barbarian 3/ Fighter 2/Techslinger 1/ Horizon Walker 4: HP 101/101 AC21 FF18 T13 Int +9 (+4 in Urban/Desert +2 in )Fort 15 Reflex 9 Will 3/ FireR 10/ Aligned CG

As big, I'm 10 feet tall with a 10 foot reach

Dark Archive

PFS #76925-14 LN Male Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 6 / HellKnight 2 HP: 82/82| AC: 22/12/21 | Fort: +9| Ref: +5| Will: +5| Init: +1| Perc: +9| CMB: +8 +6 Vs Disarm| CMD: 20 +3 vs Disarm| Ada.H.Flail: +16;1d10+11| Longbow:+9;1d8| Reliable Strike 1/day
Acrobatics:+1| Appraise:+2| Bluff:+1| Climb:-2| Diplo:+2| Inti: +9| Kn.(Dun/Eng/Loc/Pla/Reli): +10| Kn.(Noble/His): +3| Linguis:+4| Sense Motive: +9| Stealth: -4| Survival: +6| Swim: +3|

For interest on Ring of the Sublime

It's 2000 gp and It's from an old book and it has proven very useful. :)

Dark Archive

M Human- Chelaxian LN Inquisitor-8 (Sanctified Slayer of Asmodeus), HP 67, AC 23 (touch 12, ff 21), Init +4. Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +9.

Obscuring Mist?!? In my experience- when deployed against a highly mobile foe is more of a hindrance than a blessing. Nuff said.

Silver Crusade

HP: 67/67 l AC: 12, T 12, FF 10 l CMD 18 l F +10, R +6, W +12 l Adoration (7/7), Channel Energy (5/5), Clarifying Channel (1/1), Inspired (1/1), Resistant Touch (7/7) l L1: 4/5, D1: 1/1, L2: 4/4, D2: 1/1, L3: 3/4, D3: 1/1, L4: 3/3, D4: 0/1 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +4
Craft: Musical Instruments +11, Diplomacy +13, Heal +11, Kn. Arcana +5, Kn. History +6, Kn. Planes +8, Kn. Religion +12, Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +5
Female NG Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 8 l Active Conditions:

Tomorrow is a pretty early work day for me so I'll probably be out for at least the next 24 hours or so; feel free to bot/whatever Nella as necessary :)

Grand Lodge

Cirri's Familiar | Spells -/6/5/4/2 | Arcane Pool 11/11 | Flight Hex minutes 10/10 | GM Folio Reroll +2 | HP 86/86 | AC 21, T 12, FF 20 | Saves 11/6/8 | CMD 23 (25 vs trip) | Perception +7 | Init +1 | Female Human Magus 10 | Alignment NG |Ward not set

Cirri is conflicted between hurrying up to complete the mission and fighting for the onyx gem. (and the diamond I guess. 10k is too easy to pass up.) The gem will probably be some treasure on the character sheet, but Cirri doesn't know that.

If no one feels one way or the other, she'll say no.

Dark Archive

M Human- Chelaxian LN Inquisitor-8 (Sanctified Slayer of Asmodeus), HP 67, AC 23 (touch 12, ff 21), Init +4. Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +9.

Alexander really doesn't care about the soul of someone who was too stupid not to end up imprisoned in a gem.

Grand Lodge

Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

I'll be on radio silence most of tomorrow, attending a retreat. I'll try to post tomorrow evening.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Curse of the Crimson Throne | Loot

My Dad died today.
Please give me a day or two to get my head on straight

Dark Archive

PFS #76925-14 LN Male Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 6 / HellKnight 2 HP: 82/82| AC: 22/12/21 | Fort: +9| Ref: +5| Will: +5| Init: +1| Perc: +9| CMB: +8 +6 Vs Disarm| CMD: 20 +3 vs Disarm| Ada.H.Flail: +16;1d10+11| Longbow:+9;1d8| Reliable Strike 1/day
Acrobatics:+1| Appraise:+2| Bluff:+1| Climb:-2| Diplo:+2| Inti: +9| Kn.(Dun/Eng/Loc/Pla/Reli): +10| Kn.(Noble/His): +3| Linguis:+4| Sense Motive: +9| Stealth: -4| Survival: +6| Swim: +3|

My Condolences to you and your family.

Take all the time you need.

Grand Lodge

Ifirit Unchained Barbarian 3/ Fighter 2/Techslinger 1/ Horizon Walker 4: HP 101/101 AC21 FF18 T13 Int +9 (+4 in Urban/Desert +2 in )Fort 15 Reflex 9 Will 3/ FireR 10/ Aligned CG

Agreed, take all the time you need. My condolences to you and yours... if there is anything we can do for you, just let us know.

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