Ursahla |
"I don't suppose they could give us something more useful than 'danger ahead,'" Ursahla asks the professor, unimpressed by the elementals' warning.
GM Kate |
The Professor knows that water elementals have normal elemental traits.
These ones are large enough to have DR/-. Their touch can put out fires, they can turn into whirlpools, and they get bonuses to attacks if both they and their targets are touching water.
GM Kate |
The Professor.. |
In Aquan
"As you have noticed, there have been a lot of earthquakes recently."
The professor cringes a bit when he says the word earth.
"These quakes might possibly have weakened the structure, which could have broken certain seals and wards. It is imperative that the building is inspected as soon as possible so that the danger can be contained. As a sign of good faith, we will offer our expertise for free."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (16) + 23 = 39
Ushaka |
Ushaka waits patiently while the aquan conversation going on. slowly rolling himself over and enjoying the benefits of freedom of movement and water breathing.
GM Kate |
The elementals ripple in deliberation.
They step aside.
You can approach the front doors! You notice that, while the building remained standing during the earthquake, several gems did shake loose from the walls. They glow with magic.
Large letters arch gracefully over the top of the large front doors, while much smaller writing covers the surfaces of the doors, interspersed with ancient, brightly glowing runes.
Anyone who speaks Vudrani or Aquan can clearly read Monastery of Unbreaking Waves above the door. The smaller writing is more difficult to read, as it is quite archaic. Anyone who speaks Aquan or Vudrani can get the gist of it, but it will take a Linguistics check to get a complete translation.
Falehetu returned, but this time as an undead horror, swearing vengeance on the House of Unbreaking Waves for his downfall. He killed many of us. Three brave monks subdued him in this building, giving their lives in the process. What was once our schoolhouse is now his prison, and this is the end of the monastery.
There is a niche about the size of the sphere.
Shonne |
The Croc squints as he studies the alien script. "Can anyone make sense of this?"
Shonne floats to the fore, and casts detect magic.
spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25 +2 more if ID-ing magic stuff helps.
I'm going to go ahead and guess that it does [edit: It does!], and that there are 4 gems.
"These are elemental gems."
linguistics (Don't speak Aquan or Vudrani, but): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
"Can't quite translate what that says." she says indicating the inscribed text.
Ushaka |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I speak Vudrani and am trained in linguistics
linguistics+vudrani: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 4 = 14
Ushaka ponders the text "I see the word school several places, but they've all been replaced by the phrase 'murderer's prison.' It seems to have been intentionally sealed after that."
The Professor.. |
Linguistics+Aquan: 1d20 + 18 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 18 + 4 = 31
"Well done, Shonne and Ushaka! Look here, these wavy lines aren't just for decoration, they're a form of archaic Aquan. They say:
'The creature kept inside here went by the name Falehetu in life. After losing a match to a monk of Unbreaking Waves, he used forbidden techniques to create a tsunami, which destroyed our monastery, taking many lives and sending the wreckage of the buildings into the sea. We chose to start rebuilding the monastery beneath the waves, embracing the inspiration of the marids.
Falehetu returned, but this time as an undead horror, swearing vengeance on the House of Unbreaking Waves for his downfall. He killed many of us. Three brave monks subdued him in this building, giving their lives in the process. What was once our schoolhouse is now his prison, and this is the end of the monastery.'
Sounds like a very nasty creature indeed! Let's take these gems with us, we might need them if it has broken free of its prison!"
I think Water and Earth might prove useful. I doubt Fire and Air will be needed. Anyone willing to use their first action to activate one of the first two gems?
Shonne |
Ushaka ponders the text "I see the word school several places, but they've all been replaced by the phrase 'murderer's prison.' It seems to have been intentionally sealed after that."
"That's better than what I was coming up with. Homeless Killers' Lodge.' Who has the sphere?"
Shonne doesn't mind holding on to one She has a handy haversack so they can come out relatively quick (a move action with no AoO). Anyone else want a gem or two or more? We might want to wait to break them until we have a look inside first.
Lyselsa Darklock |
"I can take one of the gems. I can use it as a first and then get into position. This guy sounds like a nasty piece of business."
I also have a handy haversack and can pull a gem out quickly.
Shonne |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
It says here that he has Weapon Focus (steel folding chair) and (foreign object). But then you dual-wield 24" pythons, right? ;)
The Professor.. |
"Undead horror? He sounds like another candy-ass jabroni to me. Is there anything in there on how he likes to cheat?"
"We know he used forbidden techniques and even cheated death. He's also an honorless loser taking lethal revenge for a well-deserved loss! Calling him a jabroni is making other jabroni's look bad! This one needs to exit the ring permanently."
"As he could create Tsunamis in life, he can probably still do this in unlife as well. Tsunamis usually go hand in hand with earthquakes, so the recent ones might be him trying to break free as he feels the key is getting near. He might even be close to escaping! My educated guess is he holds power over water and maybe earth as well."
"Anyone got any buffs to cast before I use the sphere to open the door?"
Shonne, do you still have hastes left? If so, haste would be a better first round option and I'll volunteer to use the gem.
Ursahla |
"I could use one of the gems if you'd like."
Ursahla will tap herself with a wand of heightened awareness before they enter.
Ushaka |
Ushaka has plenty of hastes left :)
Shonne |
Shonne, do you still have hastes left? If so, haste would be a better first round option and I'll volunteer to use the gem.
Only in cheap scroll form.
GM Kate |
The orb fits perfectly in the niche and glows with magic, unlocking the doors. The building is flooded, though the water is stagnant and smells of decay. You see rooms to your left and right and double doors in front of you.
Lyselsa Darklock |
Lys stays close to the edge of the door, and waits to see what comes flying out at them.
Ushaka |
Ushaka nods and swims past the Professor to cover the left.
GM Kate |
The rooms to the left and right are quite similar. Each round room has a large, round, stone pedestal about three feet tall, with several round stone seats surrounding it. Scrawled writing has been carved all over the walls, looking distinctly non-academic. This writing contains no words in Aquan and looks very different than the writing on the front doors.
Ushaka |
Ushaka calls back over his shoulder "Nothing immediately threatening over here, the scrawls of a twisted creature claiming to have been killed and trapped here, seeking vengeance... also a reference to the Monastery of Untwisting Iron in addition to this one."
GM Kate |
The Professor opens the double doors. Large stone panels throughout this round room feature carved images of figures demonstrating martial arts techniques. Flowing writing surrounds each image, describing the movements. A large window to the south looks over an elliptical arena set into the ground.
GM Kate |
The Professor sees three hideous creatures waiting in the arena!
Lyselsa Darklock |
"Those sound horrible." Lys will wait until the others are ready, and to see if the Professor knows more about the creatures.
And the picture isn't very pleasant either.
GM Kate |
Their claws carry disease, and when killed, their bodies liquefy into a poisonous substance, filling the surrounding water. They have DR/silver.
Shonne |
"If these are the monks who died in defense of this shrine perhaps we should try speaking to them first. Perhaps they are still on guard. Do they speak." It is the most the party has ever heard her say.
The Professor.. |
"If these are the monks who died in defense of this shrine perhaps we should try speaking to them first. Perhaps they are still on guard. Do they speak." It is the most the party has ever heard her say.
"Unlikely. Many undead —Ghouls, Shadows, and Wights to name a few— turn their victims in undead as well, so that's surely what happened here too. As the dark energy that animates them is evil in its purest form all undead are heinous abominations of unlife. Killing these creatures quickly and putting their bodies to rest is the only way to give rest to the heroic spirits of the brave warriors that gave their lives."
The Professor.. |
Does someone with a ranged attack/spell want to get an opening shot?
Most range attacks are unlikely to hit due to the underwater environment. Haste however would be very nice.
I suggest two groups:
Leatherhead, Ushaka, and The Professor
(Leatherhead is likely to get injured and the professor can act as his cutman)
Lyselsa, Ursahla, and Shonne
(Ursahla's dirty tricks combine nicely with Lyselsa's sneak attack)
Also are we activating the Earth and Water gem?