Halls of the Infinite Moment

Game Master tom_thiessen

Current Characters


Male Not man enough to be human
(407 posts)
Aram Zey
Grand Lodge Dellan Karela

Male Human Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4
Vital Statistics:
[HP 34] [AC 16 | T 10 | FF 16] [Init +0 | Per +2 (-2 vs Ambush/Traps) | Hero Pts 2] [BAB +3 | CMB +5 | CMD 15] [F +4 | R +2 | W +5]
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee MW Mace +6 | 1d8+2 | 20/x2] [Melee MW Sickle +6 | 1d6+2 | 20/x2] [Ranged Sling +3 | 1d4+2 | Rg 50 | 20/x2]
Spells, Powers and Active Conditions:
[Spell Slots | 0 (DC 14): ~ | 1st (DC 15): 7 | 2nd (DC 16): 4] [Channel Energy (DC 17 Half): 7] [Wandering Spirit: Ancestors (Hex: Ghost Blades)]

played by Apoc Golem (475 posts)
Draxia "Longtooth" Drekaar

Female Half-Orc Arcqnist(Bloodied:Orc Blood)1st HP:8,AR:11(15)[t:11,ff:10]F/R/W:+2/+2/+6 Percept:+2 Spells:0-*(4) 1-5(2)

played by Critzible (193 posts)
GM-Tom-Infinite Halls

Loot Sheet

played by tom_thiessen (24 posts)

Krusk Berenddal

Not raging:
AC 14, T11, FF 13 | R+3, F+5, R+3 | CMD +3
AC 13, T10, FF 12 | R+3, F+6, R+3 | CMD +4

played by Sbodd (14 posts)
Ratfolk Elder
Kubi Niss

played by AGM Lemming (34 posts)

played by tom_thiessen (1 post)
Rogue Elf

URogue (Scout) 1 HP 13/13 | AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | F +1 R +6 W +1 | CMB +1 CMD 15 | Speed 30' Init +6 Perc +6 Low-light vision 60'

played by AGamer70 (18 posts)
British Diver
Grand Lodge Spiller

Half-elf Samurai (Brawling Blademaster)/1| HP 12/12 | CG Damage: 0 | AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14| CMB 3, CMD 16 | Fort +3 Ref +2, Will +0 | Init +2 | Perception +3, Sense Motive +0

played by Ant360 (35 posts)
Dark Archive Tiberius M'azora

male Human | HP 10/10 | NL Damage: 0 | AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11| CMB -2, CMD 10 | Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3 | Init +6 | Perception +5, Sense Motive +1 Level 1 psychic

played by Ant360 (67 posts)
Mistress Kayltanya
Valentina Yeris

played by tom_thiessen (1 post)