Krusk Berenddal's page

14 posts. Alias of Sbodd.

Full Name

HP 9/9 | init +3 | per +3, darkv 60' | spd 30'


Not raging:
AC 14, T11, FF 13 | R+3, F+5, R+3 | CMD +3


AC 13, T10, FF 12 | R+3, F+6, R+3 | CMD +4

About Krusk Berenddal

Level 1 half orc totemic skald
Str 16
Dex 12
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 9
Cha 14

HP 9

Initiative +1 (+1 Dex)

Attack: Greatsword +3/19-20, 2d6+3

AC 14 (Studded leather +3, Dex +1)
Reflex +3 (+0C+1S+2L)
Fort +5 (+2C+1S+2L)
Will +3 (+2C-1S+2L)

Languages: Common, Orc, Draconic

Proficiencies: All simple/martial weapons, light and medium armor, non-tower shields (no spell failure)

Diplomacy +3 (+1trait+2s)
Intimidate +8 (+1r+3c+2s+2racial)
Knowledge (any) +1s+1b
Knowledge +5 (local) +1s+1b+2racial+1trait
Knowledge (planes) +6 (+1s+1r+3c+1b)
Perception +3 (-1s+1r+3c)
Perform (Oratory) +6 (+1r+3c+2s)

Raging Song 9/day (3 base, 2 Cha, 1 fcb, 3 feat)

1st level (1+1)

Spells Known:
0th level (4)
Dancing lights
Detect Magic
Mage hand

1st level (2)
Cure light wounds
Saving Finale

Feats: Extra Performance (class), Skald's Vigor (L1)

+2 Str
Intimidating (+2 racial to Intimidate)
Sacred Tattoo (+1 luck on all saves, replaces Orc Ferocity)
City Raised (+2 K. Local, weapon profs; replaces Weapon Familiarity)
Darkvision 60'
Orc Blooded (counts as orc and human)

Traits: Barroom Talespinner (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Perform (Oratory), and
once per week you can make a DC 15 Knowledge (local) or Intelligence check to see if you know a popular legendary dungeon tale, the
telling of which grants you a +1 trait bonus on checks made to influence NPCs of Cusp
Fate's Favored (increases luck bonuses by 1)

Bardic Knowledge: +1/2 Skald level (min 1) to all knowledge checks; may make untrained checks.
Inspired Rage: +2 Str/Con, +1 Will, -1 AC
Scribe Scroll feat (substituted for Extra Performance)

Favored Class: 1 raging song round

Gear (77 lb for medium load, 105 gp):
Greatsword (50gp, 8lb)
Studded leather (25gp, 20lb)
Skald's kit (37 gp, 47.5lb)
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a common musical instrument, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, a mirror, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
3 CLW potions (page 2)


240 - skipping fight - late page 1