The Orona Colonies (Inactive)

Game Master Medvejonok

Players will take on the roles of characters in the young colonies on the continent of Orona, recently settled by the mostly human island nation of Veda. The continent's previous civilizations collapsed nearly a thousand years ago after nature went on a rampage. Brave colonists are attempting to retake the land, unsure of many of the challenges that will face them. Will give special consideration to a good scholar/archaeologist character concept who will then get a say in what other characters are selected.

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H.R. Woodward wrote:
Bah! Not again! I wrote Woodward's backstory down but forgot to save it and paizo deleted it! *Cries*

Ah, damn, thats the WORST. That and formatting your entire character sheet for your alias and forgetting to copy paste it into a doc or something and losing the whole thing because it decides to time out or whatever.

Interested, but having thought about it I think it would be best for me to withdraw.

When time frees up mid-January I will be on the look for another game though, so if a spot opens up let me know.

Alright! Character sheet done! Will post it when I get to a computer instead of a tablet, because I don't really trust this tablet! Does that make sense? I don't know, whatever!

Good to hear that's coming along. I'll update the spreadsheet once you post that.

Working on my sheet now. Been a busy week, sorry

It has been a busy week for many :) Look forward to seeing what you've written up.

Grand Lodge

me too.

Umm, I have the sheet made in a pdf but not sure how or where I can upload so you can get it?

HHHdxSMH wrote:
Umm, I have the sheet made in a pdf but not sure how or where I can upload so you can get it?

Google drive is a possibility. Dropbox. Onedrive. Anywhere at all really where you can post a link to it should be fine.

Grand Lodge

i am excited for this, hoping Tura has a chance to have fun and shine

I sent them in a message.

Alright, messages received. Looks like you use the same PDF I use for my characters.

HHHdxSMH wrote:
I sent them in a message.

If you could cast Dryad, which actor would play him?

Exciting to see all these characters come together.

Hey! I had a long, relaxing holiday vacation away from the internet world, but I am back! I'll be looking to officially submit my application for a young archivist bard who "works" for the Blue lantern today.

One quick question, I am interested in taking the flagbearer feat - However, before I do, I was wondering if the Flag could be used in conjunction/attached to a longspear or if that was something that is exclusive to the item Banner of the Ancient Kings. Thanks!

Attaching a banner to a longspear is fine. I made a character like that for my wife's bard last year because she always forgot to use bardic performance.

Medvejonok wrote:
HHHdxSMH wrote:
I sent them in a message.
If you could cast Dryad, which actor would play him?

Hale Appleman

Grand Lodge

Ooo With the little tassel ropes to roll up the banner when needed

I'm curious what's going to be on said banner.

HHHdxSMH wrote:
Medvejonok wrote:
HHHdxSMH wrote:
I sent them in a message.
If you could cast Dryad, which actor would play him?
Hale Appleman

I imagine wardrobe dressing him something like this for this particular role: Dryad Appleman & friends

Judi Dench was a bit tricky to do with orcish features, but I think I somewhat managed it for this role.

Haha, after much ado, I am pleased to announce Caiorus Tanase for your consideration.


The Tanase’s have always been, at least in familial history, bureaucrats – scribes, small scale advisors and tax collectors in the city of Rhaley. Neither extravagantly wealthy nor destitute, the Tanase’s lived comfortable and educated, if not mundane, lives and have done so for centuries. And in fact, almost all Tanase enjoyed this lifestyle, all expect perhaps, for Caiorus Tanase. Caiorus Tanase became enamored with tales and legends of Orona at a very young age - As soon as he could read, Caiorus would scour the libraries of the Blue Lantern Society (and occasionally even of the Institute Arcana if he were feeling particularly desperate) looking for more and more material to devour about Orona. His father, Catalin Tanase, initially supported Caiorus’ obsession with these stories (telling him fanciful bedtime stories about Orona and chaperoning him on numerous excursions to the Blue Lantern Societiy’s archives), but it soon became clear to Catalin that his only son, for he also had three daughters, would likely not be following in the family’s bureaucratic footsteps. This became even more apparent when Caiorus’ announced his intent to immigrate to Orona and join the budding colony as an official representative and writer for the Blue Lantern Society.

See, as Caiorus grew, he began to perceive these stories in a different way. Like an extrasensory organ, he began to sense and experience the very essence of the stories he was hearing - the ebbs and the flows, the climaxes, the suspense. And as Caiorus began to tell his own stories, his own fictional and fanciful accounts of Orona and other exotic locales, so too did this sense. And as the sense grew, Caiorus began to realize this sense, this ability to experience stories, began to have an impact on his own story – his own reality. These changes are almost also quite subtle, but the more Caiorus envisions himself as part of a narrative, the more his narrative can become his reality. Soon this sense became a more like a muscle - a muscle that Caiorus believed would allow him to become the greatest storyteller of his generation.

And so, with the connections of his bureaucrat mother, Angelica Tanase (who herself, occasionally, wondered what her life would be like if she hadn’t married into the safe, but mundane, Tanase family), Caiorus approached the Blue Lantern Society leaders with a proposition. As many know (and Carious felt all too well), the quality, excitement, the novelty of the Blue Lantern had been declining the past few decades. Orona, with it’s budding colony, held a plethora of untapped excitement and novelty, and who better than Caiorus, perhaps gifted by the likes of Hatshaer, to capture (and maybe even influence) these stories. And the Blue Lantern Society, with nothing really to lose in this venture, decided to allow Caiorus to travel to Orona in their name with the understanding that Caiorus would only get paid after his writings became successful in Veda. With nothing but his trusty journals, an official Blue Lantern regalia and his backpack, Caiorus set off towards Carisport to begin perhaps his life’s most important work.

Character Sheet and Party Role::

Caiorus is a archivist bard focusing on supporting his team through a variety of avenues. Primarily, Caiorus will rely on his innate bardic abilities (like Naturalist), spells (like saving finale and haste) and feats (like flagbearer and combat advice) to boost his teammates, his protagonists if you will, to optimum efficiency. As a learned individual, Caiorus has knowledge on a wide variety of topics; particularly those to do with his focus of study - Orona. As an archivist, Caiorus can also double as the offical trap finder and destroyer for his team. Finally, with his longspear and general naivety/bravery, Caiorus can also operate as a melee combatant and loyal flanking partner.

I think Caiorus could definitely fit the role of scholar/archetype - sure he's not your typical wizened old man, but due to his research, he's perhaps one of the world's leading experts on Orona (at least that he knows). I see him as being incredibly passionate about unlocking the mystery of what happened to civilization on Orona, and being eager to be the first to discover. However, as a party member, he'd be very open and willing to work with others to accomplish tasks and "generate whatever story necessary!"

Character Sheet


If I were to cast an actor for Caiorus Tanase, I would cast Tom Holland.

I have chosen the trait official ties with the idea that Caiorus tie could be with the Blue Lantern Society. However, the trait itself references governmental groups and so if that is not a good fit, then my second choice will be worldly.

As for the flag/banner, I initially see Caiorus proudly waving a flag representing his connection to the Blue Lantern Society. So that all know, and can be inspired by, his role as the official representative of the Blue Lantern Society in Orona (it IS Caiorus' story after all). I especially like the idea that since the Blue Lantern's influence has been waning in recent years, people will probably have a wide variety of reactions to this representation. However, as the game progresses, Caiorus would certainly take up the banner of his budding community or of his party - depending on where allegiances lie.

Finally, I was really inspired by your "how arcane magic manifest" post. As I wrote in his background, I saw instead of melodies and notes for bardic magic, Caiorus being able to "sense" the "story" of the world. His brain is magically wired to tap into the "flow" of the storylines around him - to both tell these stories but also have some control over them. Hopefully this fits into your ideas too!

Thank you for taking the time to read my applications and for being a GM. I am excited to see how your world plays out, and i hope to be selected among some of the other amazing submissions here. I also want to emphasize that I am not deadset on any aspect of Caiorus, and am more than willing to make background and mechanical changes to allow him to be a more successful character in your world!

Although I think this is a very cool campaign idea I'm going to withdraw. I feel as though H.R. Woodward doesn't really fit here and seeing that the deadline is right around the corner, I'm going to make the decision of who gets in easier by leaving. Keep me in mind if a spot opens up or you guys start a new campaign! Thanks and bye!

I could very much see you describing his bardic manifestation in the backstory. I imagine Caiorus will make others feel their own belonging to this great narrative he sees unfolding.

Medvejonok wrote:
HHHdxSMH wrote:
Medvejonok wrote:
HHHdxSMH wrote:
I sent them in a message.
If you could cast Dryad, which actor would play him?
Hale Appleman

I imagine wardrobe dressing him something like this for this particular role: Dryad Appleman & friends

Judi Dench was a bit tricky to do with orcish features, but I think I somewhat managed it for this role.

Oh, nice job! Love it!!

Medvejonok wrote:
I could very much see you describing his bardic manifestation in the backstory. I imagine Caiorus will make others feel their own belonging to this great narrative he sees unfolding.

Yeah! I think like Aristotle, Caiorus would believe that “The whole is different from the sum of its parts“ - each “character” can enhance a story and the best way to have an epic, grand story is to support epic, grand “characters”!

Which now that I’m typing, seems very metagame, but that’s perhaps part of the beauty in Caiorus’ character!

Silver Crusade

hit some roadblocks on my character. Still trying to work out a good story to go for him. Basic premise is the same, but haven't had a lot of time to sit still and write things out.

I too am working on getting a good story written down. Later today, or tomorrow I'll have the first gameplay post up introducing this brand new little venture in the colonies.

I have the first post of the campaign up, but as I am new to PBP, how do I send invites to the players?

I suppose I'll post anything here till theres a discussion thread, but I'm really excited! Looking forwards to what everyone does. I'm a bit worried since my character is combat... borderline nonfunctional? Until level 3, when it goes into nutty territory. If I'm sneak attacking its fine though, and Eevi has more utility than JUST combat so. Yeah. Excited to see what this ruin is all about!

I’m super excited too!

As this is my first PBP too, please let me know if there’s something I need to do to get into the game forums.

Magicblast wrote:

I’m super excited too!

As this is my first PBP too, please let me know if there’s something I need to do to get into the game forums.

I sent you a link via private message. I believe that should work.

You can just go into the gameplay tab, at least thats what I did. Should work fine.

Also, I think it's time to discuss whether we're using these forums or Discord. I put that conversation up in the Discussions tab.

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