Kirthfinder - Sovalles

Game Master Kirth Gersen

This is a KIRTHFINDER campaign.

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Type dice 4d6 /dice with [] around the word dice. Also, all of the formatting is in the little drop down under the text window.

Testing: 4d63 ⇒ (28, 39, 53, 42) = 162

Hmm...I tried to roll 4d6k3, but it just saw it as 4d63. How do I get it to keep the highest or get rid of the lowest?

In the meantime though, I guess there's nothing stopping me from just doing it manually, I guess.

4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 4, 3) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 3, 4) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 5) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 5) = 22
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 3) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 2) = 18

Okay, this yields a stat total of

4+4+2 = 10
4+4+3 = 11
6+5+4 = 15
6+6+5 = 17
5+4+3 = 12
6+6+4 = 16

Looks to be a pretty decent stat array. No reason not to take it, heh.

Might as well roll my stats as well. My above questions won't change my concept.

4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 6) = 10 = 9

4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 4, 4) = 14 = 12

4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 4) = 15 = 14

4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 5) = 20 = 16

4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5, 3) = 14 = 11

4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 5, 5) = 19 = 16

Solid stats :)

Edit: Are there no racial train/stat differences tween a Drow and a High Elf, assuming neither take paragon levels??

4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 5) = 12 11
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 2) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5, 1) = 11 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 1) = 10 8
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 2) = 19 17
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 1) = 12 10

That's terrible -- are we allowed to use the heroic/elite array as per the Introduction?

In terms of race selections, I'd like to be a wererat rogue. Is that allowed?

well it was less me worrying about that "one person has great cha and everyone else dumps it" scenario and more thinking that you only need one character doing a lot of diplomacy at once, and that the player trying to play the type of character Seb is as a "romantic court minstrel" I'd just worry that stealing his spot as diplomat could frustrate. Though he also said he might go for the sociopathic rogue idea so I guess it's not something as problematic.

But I ought to roll my stats and shut up.

stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6, 1) = 12

stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6, 4) = 17

stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 4) = 16

stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 1) = 11

stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 3) = 11

stat rolls: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 6) = 17

Dumb question but is Heirloom Weapon still in the game? I looked in the feats chapter and couldn't find it..
Also my WIP thoughts on this so far are.

6+3+2= 11
6+4+4= 14
5+4+4= 13
3+3+3= 9

Ouch, not that great for something as MAD as "Plate Fighter who also has charisma"... but I guess fitting for the "Farmboy turned Knight" idea.

Strength: 16
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 14

Race: Human
Fighter Exotic Proficiency: Broadsword
Fighter talent: Challenge

Heriloom Weapon (Broadsword)

Monkeygod wrote:

Couple of questions:

1) Standard Races(+ simple half-breeds) ?

2) Did we settle on a starting level? While I'm totally new to Kirthfinder, I am not even sorta new to D&D/PF, so I feel like I could probably do alright if we started any where between 1-3(maybe 4). Definitely not looking to start too high, as there's still a lot I don't know.

3) How do you feel about using the Kirthfinder setting? (not sure if it has an official name)

I'm considering a skill focused Rogue, looking to start(or take over) some sort of criminal organization. Won't be 'evil' but won't be 'Good' either. More like 'dark'.

5) Are we allowed to use the secondary attributes?

1. Yes; anything too exotic will require group permission.

2. Let's start at level 1 and try and speed through the first four.
3. I'm always happy to use the Aviona setting, if everyone agrees.
4. OK.
5. Yes, but as outlined in Ch 1 - they don't get rolled along with the main six.

Monkeygod wrote:
Edit: Are there no racial train/stat differences tween a Drow and a High Elf, assuming neither take paragon levels??

Drow is, in essence, an evil S&M elf prestige class. There are no drow without at least one paragon level.

Warriorking9001 wrote:
Dumb question but is Heirloom Weapon still in the game? I looked in the feats chapter and couldn't find it.

It got dumped in favor of just spending personal "mojo."

Sebecloki wrote:
That's terrible -- are we allowed to use the heroic/elite array as per the Introduction?


Sebecloki wrote:
In terms of race selections, I'd like to be a wererat rogue. Is that allowed?

As described in the intro for the "Powerful Hybrid Races" section, PC lycanthropes are allowed if the other players are OK with it. However, since were-creatures require class levels, you'll be second level before you could be an actual wererat rogue (you could start as a lycanthrope (wererat) 1, then at 2nd level be a wererat 1/rogue 1).

Also, disaffection with the Lycanthrope during playtesting spurred us to make some revisions (the werebear player noted that he'd have been better off in all cases using barbarian levels instead of lycanthrope ones).


Poul Anderson, 'Operation Afrit' (1956) wrote:

A lot of writers have tried to describe what it feels like to be were, and every one of them has failed, because human language doesn’t have the words. My vision was no longer acute, the stars were blurred above me and the world took on a colorless flatness. But I heard with a clarity that made the night almost a roar, way into the supersonic; and a universe of smells roiled in my nostrils…

The psychological part is the hardest to convey. I was a wolf, with a wolf’s sharp but limited intelligence. I had a man’s memories and a man’s purpose, but they were unreal, dreamlike. I must make an effort of trained will to hold to them and not go hallooing off after the nearest jackrabbit.

Under these rules, a person bitten by a lycanthrope who contracts the curse simply becomes an NPC on nights of the full moon, with no recollection of his or her actions while in animal form (which works as per the beast shape I spell). By taking levels in the lycanthrope class, however, the character can learn to use these abilities to his or her advantage. A class progression also allows natural lycanthrope characters to start play as such, but with only a fraction of their eventual abilities.

Primary Race: Any humanoid; Secondary Race: Lycanthrope.
Type: Lycanthropes retain their base creature type, but also gain the [shapechanger] subtype, and the animal subtype appropriate to their were-form (e.g., [canine] for a werewolf).
Languages: Common, and can communicate with animals that share the same animal subtype, as if using speak with animals.
Typical Classes: Barbarian (werebear), rogue (wererat), etc.

Attribute Modifiers: Con +2, Wis +2, Cha -2. Lycanthropes are hardy and perceptive, but the curse erodes their psyche and self-confidence.

Racial Feats and Traits: Unless noted otherwise, lycanthropes retain all the racial feats and traits of the primary race. They also gain the following:

  • Animal Empathy (Ex): +4 racial bonus to Handle Animal checks made with animals of the same type/descriptor as the lycanthrope’s animal form.
  • Animal Senses (Ex): Lycanthropes have low-light vision in all forms.
    Racial Progression: Lycanthropes come into their power by advancing in the Lycanthrope class.

    Level BAB Special
    1st +0 Animal form, damage reduction, natural armor, scent
    2nd +1 Hybrid form, moon magic, savagery
    3rd +2 Class synergy, curse of lycanthropy
    4th +3 Hybrid form, savagery
    5th +3 Hybrid form (Large, +2)
    6th +4 Hybrid form (Large, +4), savagery

    Saving Throws: Lycanthropes gain a +2 class bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Intuition saves.
    Bonus Skills: Lycanthropes gain 1 free rank per class level in Athletics, Endurance, Perception, Stealth, and Survival. These are otherwise treated as class skills.
    Other Class Skills: Acrobatics, Concentration.
    Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Lycanthropes are proficient with their natural weapons. They gain Canny Defense as a bonus feat, but receive no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Animal Form (Su): Once per day you can take a standard action to assume the form of an animal. This works similarly to the beast shape I spell, except that if you use the ability at night, it lasts as long as desired or until dawn, whichever comes first. The type of animal depends on the type of lycanthrope you are: werebear—Medium black bear; wereboar—Medium boar; weretiger—Medium cat; wererat—Small dire rat; werewolf—Medium wolf. Starting at 5th level, you can take the form of a Large animal of the appropriate type (e.g., a brown bear, dire boar, or dire wolf) or Tiny animal (rat), as if under the effects of a beast shape II spell (except for the duration).

    Damage Reduction (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you gain damage reduction 5/silver when in animal form. At 2nd level, you have DR 5/silver in your human form, and DR 10/silver in animal or hybrid form.

    Natural Armor (Ex): Your natural armor bonus increases by +1 per lycanthrope class level you possess. The maximum such bonus in humanoid form is +2; in animal or hybrid form (see below), you receive the full bonus.

    Scent (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you gain the scent special quality (you gain the effects of this quality in your humanoid and hybrid forms, not just in your animal form).

    Hybrid Form (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you can assume an animal-like humanoid form as a move action. While in this form, you gain a bite or gore attack (base damage 1d6). Starting at 3rd level, your hybrid form also has two claw or slam attacks (base damage 1d4). You can wield weapons while in hybrid form (treating your natural attacks as secondary weapons), but cannot cast spells with verbal components, nor use bardic inspirations that require singing or chanting, unless you also have the Natural Spell feat (q.v.).
    While in hybrid form, you receive a profane bonus to your physical attributes (Str, Dex, and Con) equal to your lycanthrope class level.
    You can spend a maximum number of rounds per day in hybrid form equal to twice your lycanthrope class level + your (hybrid) Constitution bonus.
    Moon Magic (Ex): Lycanthrope levels provide Weak theurgy to any existing druid, ranger, wizard (transmuter), or sorcerer (Bestial bloodline only) spellcasting progression you possess, or to your rogue skill trick progression (if any).

    Savagery (Ex): At 2nd, 4th, and 6th levels, you gain a bonus feat appropriate to your animal type, chosen from the list below. In animal or hybrid form, you need not meet the prerequisites to use the feat in question.

  • Bear: Fast Recovery, Giant’s Stance, Improved Grapple and grab, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, Power Attack, Toughness, Two-Weapon Strike,
  • Boar: Cleave, Defiance, Diehard, Fast Recovery, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (gore), Improved Natural Armor, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, Skirmish, Toughness, Vital Strike.
  • Rat: Ability Focus (disease), Combat Expertise, Dodge, Fast Recovery, Improved Feint, Improved Weapon Maneuvers, Toughness, Unclean Strike, Weapon Finesse.
  • Tiger: Bleeding Strike, Combat Reflexes, Crippling Strike, Fast Recovery, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, Skill Focus, Skirmish, Weapon Specialization (claws).
  • Wolf: Dodge, Fast Recovery, Favored Terrain (plains), Improved Critical (bite), Improved Flanking, Improved Trip, Maneuvering Strike (trip). In place of a feat, you can select sneak attack +1d6 (you may select this more than once to increase the bonus).

    Lists for other animal types (for unusual lycanthropes) can be developed similarly.

    Class Synergy (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, your bestial nature bolsters the strengths you already possess. Your lycanthrope class levels provide Strong synergy to the following:

  • Barbarian: The level of rage of which you are capable, and the number of rounds per day your rage can be used.
  • Bard: Your college, and the number of rounds per day your bardic inspiration can be used.
  • Cleric or Archivist: Animal or Moon domain powers.
  • Druid: Moonspeaker or Wild Shaper druid initiation abilities (both in terms of gaining new powers and the level at which those powers function).
  • Fighter: Effective fighter level for determining the effects of level-dependent talents, and weapon training bonus.
  • Incarnate: Nature or Rage revelations (both in terms of gaining new revelations, and when determining the effects of existing ones). In the case of a barbarian/Rage incarnate/lycanthrope, keep in mind that synergy to your effective incarnate level does not also improve your barbarian synergy from incarnate levels (as described in Chapter 1).
  • Monk: Effective monk level for determining sutra improvements. In addition, your unarmed mastery and ki attack abilities apply to your natural attacks as if they were unarmed attacks.
  • Ranger: Effective ranger level for determining the effects of level-dependent lore, and quarry bonus.
  • Rogue: Effective rogue level for determining the effects of level-dependent talents, and sneak attack progression.
  • Sorcerer: Bestial bloodline powers (both in terms of gaining new powers and the level at which those powers function).
  • Wizard: Transmutation school bonus, and Transmutation school powers (both in terms of effects and powers gained).

    Curse of Lycanthrope (Su): Starting at 3rd level, your bite in animal or hybrid form inflicts lycanthropy (Fortitude DC 15 negates). If the victim's size is not within one size category of yours, this ability has no effect.

    Large (Ex): Starting at 5th level, your animal and hybrid forms are Large sized. The damage from your natural attacks improves by 1 die type (bite 1d8, claws 1d6), your natural armor bonus increases by +3, and you gain a +2 size bonus to Strength and Constitution while in those forms. At 6th level, the bonus to Strength and Constitution increases to +4.

  • Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Kaouse wrote:
    I don't suppose that there's a way for prepared spellcasters to become spontaneous spellcasters without multiclassing or something?

    Way ahead of you:

    The Cleric wrote:
    Spontaneous Casting: At 1st level, you may choose to cast spontaneously (like a sorcerer) instead of preparing your spells, with the referee's permission. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.

    That's under the Cleric, but not the Archivist, who is forced into getting a Prayer Book. I was planning on playing the Archivist as a sort of "Font of Power," with a lot of focus on Variant Channel Energy, so as good as the Cleric is, the Archivist is a bit more of what I want.

    That said, it seems as though there are some advantages with seed spells that prepared casters have over spontaneous ones, like the Bestow Feat seed spell, that requires a spontaneous caster to specify the feat when they learn it, but only forces prepared casters to specify the feat when they prepare it.

    Course, I suppose spontaneous casters can just learn it as a Variable Spell, I guess...

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Warriorking9001 wrote:
    Dumb question but is Heirloom Weapon still in the game? I looked in the feats chapter and couldn't find it.
    It got dumped in favor of just spending personal "mojo."

    That makes sense, and I can work with it anyway, I just kinda hoped for heirloom weapon because I basically thought of a masterwork blade passed down through generations.

    So Far I have:

    Strength: 16
    Dexterity: 11
    Constitution: 13
    Intelligence: 9
    Wisdom: 10
    Charisma: 14

    Race: Human
    Fighter Exotic Proficiency: Broadsword
    Fighter talent: Challenge

    Exotic Proficiency (Heavy Shield)
    Imbue Item
    Combat expertise (free by fighter)

    Skills 4-1=3 per level
    Knowledge Warfare 1 (from fighter
    Athletics 1 (From fighter
    Endurance 1 (from fighter
    Handle Animal 1
    Craft (Metalworking/blacksmithing/weaponworking/armormaking whatever it's called) 1
    Diplomacy 1

    Equipment (might need clearing)
    Broadsword (masterwork possibly but that is probably outside the realm of starting equipment)
    Medium armor, Plated Jack. (+5 ac +3 MDB, -5 ACP, -5 foot speed reduction)
    Heavy wooden shield

    Short Backstory
    Cayden Smith was a simple blacksmith's son, and like many boys his age he would read stories and tales of epic battles between legendary heroes and giant monsters, and dreamed constantly about the idea of taking up a blade and doing good in the world just like them. On his Eighteenth Birthday, his grandfather gave him an old, but only slightly tarnished broadsword. He told the boy that it had been passed down through generations, but kept it a secret from Cayden's father for fear he would hock it, and so waited for his grandson's day to come. Grampa Smith told him that he could do whatever he wanted to with his life, and that he had a feeling that the boy's yearning for adventure was more than a simple boy's daydreaming. And so the boy crafted a rough suit of steel for himself and set off on his quest to find what he felt would be his destiny.

    Also though I don't have stats for it and don't know how I'd stat it, something like an Isekai story comes to mind, someone from the 'real world' ending up stuck in fantasy and having to figure out how to survive.

    Kaouse wrote:
    That's under the Cleric, but not the Archivist, who is forced into getting a Prayer Book.

    Ah, I see. The archivist is in essence a sub-class of the cleric, so in this case I'd let one choose the spontaneous option as well.

    Warriorking9001 wrote:
    something like an Isekai story comes to mind

    Sorry, is that some kind of Anime thing?

    (Disclaimer: One of the early playtesters (TriOmegaZero) used to tease me mercilessly for my lack of knowledge and interest in Anime. The above became my standard reply, even when it obviously didn't apply--for example, if one of the players made a Monte Python reference.)

    Grand Lodge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I never did get to play that warblade. :P

    (Isekai is basically a 'transported to another world' genre, so probably the closest reference you'd have is A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.)

    Edit: Or even closer to home, Three Hearts and Three Lions.

    Warriorking9001 wrote:
    I just kinda hoped for heirloom weapon because I basically thought of a masterwork blade passed down through generations.

    Per Chapter 6: "Magic Items and Wealth" (and Appendix A, "Designing Custom Items") you can get exactly that by spending 400 numen, leaving you 100 to spare. (That also answers your question about starting equipment.)

    Thanks, TOZ!

    STR: 10
    DEX: 12 + 2(Human) = 14
    CON: 15
    INT: 11
    WIS: 17
    CHA: 16

    --> Bonus Feat
    --> Skill Focus: Perception

    --> Proficiency Feat: Canny Defense (WIS)
    --> Human Bonus Feat: Ritual Spell
    --> Level 1 Feat: Variable Spell

    CLASS (Archivist)
    --> Domain: Time
    --> Domain: Knowledge
    --> Channel Energy: Variant Channeling (Time)

    I decided to go for more of a spell heavy build, especially if I'm going to be a spontaneous caster, since it seems as though Variable Spell is really necessary, and the only way for me to meet the "2 metamagic feats" prerequisite was to go for a domain that gave me an extra metamagic feat (though to be fair, Time Domain was always very high on the list for second domain choices).

    If Archivists can't be spontaneous spellcasters, then I might just consider going back with the original plan and grabbing the Magic Domain in place of the Time Domain, and replacing Variable Spell with Skill Focus Perception, and replacing the Skill Focus racial trait with Defiant Luck.

    The former is definitely more spell focused, but the latter relates more to my original character concept as an Eldritch Font of Power, and is incredibly versatile thanks to the fact that Archivists are allowed to add spells that fit with their domain themeing, which for the Magic domain can theoretically apply to quite a few arcane spells. Plus, having an offensive reserve feat option is definitely nice to contribute to combat.

    Honestly, I'm not really sure which build is better.

    Warriorking9001 wrote:
    Also though I don't have stats for it and don't know how I'd stat it, something like an Isekai story comes to mind, someone from the 'real world' ending up stuck in fantasy and having to figure out how to survive.

    I don't see that it would require anything special in terms of stats -- if it's back-story fluff, just declare it. The only caveat is if, in your mind, "the real world" isn't merely an alternate material plane, but is in fact some sort of dictation on how the entire game universe cosmology works -- that will require agreement from the rest of the players. (In other words, if you're declaring that, in-game, everyone else's PCs is merely a fictitious character and that only your PC is a "real" person, that may not be cool with everyone else.)

    Assuming we're OK on that potential snag, approved.

    Kaouse wrote:
    character concept as an Eldritch Font of Power

    Seems like sorcerer would be a more thematic fit for that, but I'm curious to see how your idea will play. Approved.


    IN: Sebecloki, Kaouse, Warriorking9001, Monkeygod (if still interested).
    Can probably take one more, presumably baggageboy, Jereru, or TallonAM -- whichever of you puts together a character soonest.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Definitely still interested, just trying to decide on race. Considering elf, human or halfling currently, still going with the above stated skill focused rogue.

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Kaouse wrote:
    character concept as an Eldritch Font of Power
    Seems like sorcerer would be a more thematic fit for that, but I'm curious to see how your idea will play. Approved.

    Okay, I guess I'll go with the Magic Domain Prepared Spellcaster build then.

    4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 2) = 13=11
    4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 1) = 9=8
    4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 6) = 17=14
    4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 1) = 6=5
    4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 1) = 9=8
    4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 3) = 12=11

    Wow that was bad, can I reroll? Lol

    Kaouse wrote:
    Okay, I guess I'll go with the Magic Domain Prepared Spellcaster build then.

    Wait -- I'd thought you were going Time domain, with spontaneous casting? Either way is OK.

    baggageboy wrote:
    Wow that was bad, can I reroll? Lol

    No, but you can take the Elite array instead (15,14,13,12,10,8).

    STR: 10
    DEX: 12 + 2(Race) = 14
    CON: 15
    INT: 11
    WIS: 16
    CHA: 17

    --> Bonus Feat
    --> Defiant Luck

    --> Proficiency Feat: Canny Defense (WIS)
    --> Human Bonus Feat: Ritual Spell
    --> Level 1 Feat: Skill Focus: Craft (Fine Art)

    CLASS: Archivist (WIS-based)
    --> Domain: Magic
    --> Domain: Knowledge (free)
    --> Channel Energy: Positive Energy

    --> Concentration: [1 (rank, free) + 3(Class Skill) + 3(CHA) = 7]
    --> Craft (Fine Art): [1 (rank, free) + 3(Skill Focus) + 3(WIS) = 7]
    --> Knowledge (Lore): [1 (rank, free) + 3(Class Skill) + 0(INT) = 4]
    --> Knowledge (Planes): [1 (rank, free) + 3(Class Skill) + 0(INT)=4]
    --> Heal: [1 (rank) + 3(Class Skill) + 3(WIS) = 7]
    --> Planar Sense [1 (rank) + 3(Class Skill) + 3(WIS) = 7]
    --> Spellcraft: [1 (rank, free) + 3(Class Skill) + 0(INT) = 4]

    Eshkeval believes in nothing beyond his own power. The power to create. The power to destroy. So enamored he is with his own abilities, that the energy of his belief granted him power divine.

    Eshkeval's spells come from his artistry. In order to prepare his daily spells, he will first paint a portrait of a specific creature, shape that portrait into a model via origami, then ritualistic destroy his creation with his holy symbol - an interesting contraption that is one part paintbrush (representing creation) and one part lighter (representing destruction). When he casts spells with somatic components, he is effectively, drawing out their effects, then bringing them to life purely on the strength of his belief alone.

    At the moment, Eshkeval is self absorbed, and concerned mostly with having the ability to create and destroy. But time will tell what he wishes to do with his abilities in the long run. Maybe he could become convinced to dedicate his powers towards a specific goal. domination? Who knows...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ok, I think I'm going to make a ranger/wizard build. More focused on the martial side. I'll try to put something together in the next couple of days.

    Settled on halfing.

    Question, is there a way to get dex to damage ala the Finesse Training gained at 3rd level for the Unchained Rogue?

    I know weapon finesse grants you that benefit at bab+6 but that requires an 8th level rogue. Which I get, cuz it's to all finesseable weapons, as opposed to a specific one.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Monkeygod wrote:

    Settled on halfing.

    Question, is there a way to get dex to damage ala the Finesse Training gained at 3rd level for the Unchained Rogue?

    I know weapon finesse grants you that benefit at bab+6 but that requires an 8th level rogue. Which I get, cuz it's to all finesseable weapons, as opposed to a specific one.

    Weapon Finesse + Feat Mastery.

    Are feats still gained every odd level(including 1st)?

    How does everyone else feel about using the Aviona setting??

    Is it possible to make a half orc/halfling/gnome wererat? Would everyone else be okay with me being a wererat?

    The other idea I'm toying with is a different take on an assassin. I remember at one point you were discussing how to model a red mantis assassin with a special druid talent. How would you feel about resurrecting that concept?

    This is the post I'm thinking about:

    Kirth Gersen Sep 29, 2013, 09:34 am | Flag | List | FAQ | Reply

    Move successful! Busy as hell unpacking, but wanted to quick address questions.
    Scorpioni wrote:

    I'd like to propose some additional (and probably wacky) additional monk content: A monk sutra (or sutras) that adds additional "spells" to their ki power list. I'm thinking spells like fireball, fly, scorching ray,... This represents a mastery of ki allowing monks to manifest more powerful (and ranged) ki effects.

    You could do that a la carte with the Expanded Arcana feat, or for an entire bonus spells list with the Domain Disciple sutra. For the latter, I'd also add a paragraph saying, "Depending on the campaign, the domain list might be altered or expanded (for example, to include elemental domains). There is also potential to expand this sutra to include sorcerer bloodlines in place of domains."
    Scorpioni wrote:

    Additional content for the Ninjitsu training rogue talent: Now it is only possible to give up ki powers for synergy with skill tricks (unless I have some old version). Maybe allow instead to give up skill tricks for synergy with ki powers? This would allow for a more ki focused ninja.

    I agree. I'll update the talent accordingly.
    Scorpioni wrote:


    Another question: How would you model a Red Mantis assassin? A daggerspell shaper would be my first guess (maybe allow/houserule not only daggers but things like swords to transfer their bonus to claws; like the Red Mantis prestige class) but this option has no arcane spells, and specifically illusion spells. In addition, picking a druid to play an assassin feels... 'weird'.

    Hmmm. Haven't looked at the red mantis until today, but it looks like most of their stuff can be grabbed with existing base classes and feats -- sneak attack, fascinate, Killing Stroke, Resurrection Sense, Magical Talent (summon monster, etc. It's the shapeshifting and related stuff that's harder to translate, but I concur that a daggerspell shaper druid is a good way to go -- maybe invent a new Druidic Initiation for a rogue/druid to make it match level-for-level. If I get some time in the next month or so, I'll see what I can come up with for that.

    Admittedly I'm not 100% sure if I'm still all here just because I still need to figure out just what I'm working on.

    Monkeygod wrote:
    Are feats still gained every odd level(including 1st)?


    If anyone is on the fence and is curious as to what kind of game I run, you can look at this one.
    This is a summary of the original Kirthfinder playtest home game.

    Should I just assume we're using Aviona? While I'm not sure how much of a backstory you want from us, it would help to at least have some sort of setting to base assumptions on and draw some inspiration from.

    Ie, halflings in Aviona are second class citizens, and often in service to elven nobles, right?

    Time for a vote! As always, I will abstain except in the case of a tie.

    What setting should we use?
    (A) Aviona
    (B) New setting to be developed as we go
    (C) Some other setting modified to suit the game
    (D) Other: ________

    I vote A or C


    Why? If we're going to use Kirthfinder, run by Kirth, we might as well use the setting designed for it/with it in mind.

    Btw is there a good place to download a copy of the kirthfinder rules in a single file? Moving through the smaller chunks can be confusing at times.

    baggageboy wrote:
    Btw is there a good place to download a copy of the kirthfinder rules in a single file?

    Someone did a bookmarked PDF once, but it was of a previous version. You could probably download the word files from the Google drive and PDF them all together, though. If you do, wait a day or two -- I plan to upload the most up-to-date version soon.

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    I plan to upload the most up-to-date version soon.

    THIS IS DONE. Disregard the old link. I've updated the link in my profile as well.

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    I plan to upload the most up-to-date version soon.
    THIS IS DONE. Disregard the old link. I've updated the link in my profile as well.

    What sort of changes are there? Anything overly drastic?

    Monkeygod wrote:
    What sort of changes are there? Anything overly drastic?

    Not much. Mostly just cleaning up some language and consolidating some things.

    Let's try and put together a PC:

    Str: 12 - 2(hafling) = 10

    Dex: 14 + 2(halfing) = 16

    Con: 9

    Int: 16

    Wis: 11

    Cha: 16 +2 (hafling) = 18

    I'll roll Comeliness and Social Class once we settle on setting, since that could alter the numbers.

    Edit: Under the secondary skills section, it says characters gain 1 free rank in a specific skill. Is that our choice?

    Also, would Alchemy cover poisons?

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