Kirth Gersen |

Whelp, looks like my invitation-only PBP fizzled out due to RL busy schedules, so I'm open to starting a new PBP game for people interested in playing KIRTHFINDER (not my name for it, BTW), but who haven't had the opportunity.
I'm open to suggestions for types of adventures and settings.

Sebecloki |

I think you can see from my own recruitment I find this system absolutely fascinating -- I've only DM'd in the past, but I'll throw my hat in the ring to make a Bard Minstrel building towards the Paladin Prestige Class -- e.g., the 'Knight Troubadour' option -- if that's possible.
I'm open on settings, but I'd love to try something very high medieval like Mystara, a (semi) historical War of the Roses/Arthurian Earth, Greyhawk, or something else where a romantic court minstrel could fit in.

Sebecloki |

How are you selecting players, and how many are you selecting?
Also, my other idea for a character would be an assassin -- what would you suggest for something like an umbral stalker/stygian archetyped slayer slayer equivalent? I would want to be Lawful Evil, is that acceptable, or are you restricting this to only good and neutral aligned characters?

Kirth Gersen |

Four or five players, selected by inscrutable whim (or more likely by who replies first). Straight rogue with the right skill tricks and feats will probably get you what you want, class-wise. Per the Intro chapter, you don't have an actual "alignment" unless you're an outsider embodying some ethos, so that's no sweat.

Warriorking9001 |

If we're going for that "Feudal kingdoms and Courts" type adventure, then I think that a I'd go with the whole Gallant Knight archetype... Though I also wouldn't want to step on the bard's toes by being a second charismatic character, though generally very personable persuasive people tends to be what I like to play most (And is also why I am so ecstatic that Charisma got a new job in KF).

Sebecloki |

If we're going for that "Feudal kingdoms and Courts" type adventure, then I think that a I'd go with the whole Gallant Knight archetype... Though I also wouldn't want to step on the bard's toes by being a second charismatic character, though generally very personable persuasive people tends to be what I like to play most (And is also why I am so ecstatic that Charisma got a new job in KF).
I'll probably do the assassin idea then -- I might actually prefer that since I don't really like having to deal with spells, and bards are still casters.
I'm imagining something like Edward from the Anita Blake series -- a very honorable sociopath.

Warriorking9001 |

I confess that I could do without vancian casting myself (mostly because I blame it for being the reason that casters were MASSIVELY better than warriors).
Also I ended up getting another idea for a potential campaign/setting though it somewhat goes against the grain of what we've been talking about so far.
A group of people have been brought together for reasons they do not understand. However over time they realize that they all have a distant blood relation to a Diety of their pantheon, and that things are going very wrong

Kirth Gersen |

I confess that I could do without vancian casting myself (mostly because I blame it for being the reason that casters were MASSIVELY better than warriors).
I think you'll find we've managed to largely address that disparity, despite the fact that one of the original players indicated that abandoning Vancian casting was a deal-breaker.

Sebecloki |

I'm okay with starting at 1st, but I would hope we could move the first 3-4 levels along sort of quickly to really come into our builds before too long.
I'm also looking at the rogue/monk option to get the ninjistu tricks/be a kind of ninja, but generally a lot of these nifty synergy options require levels in more than one class.

Kaouse |

Here's a question that might or might not have been asked previously.
What happens when a Sorcerer chooses the Domain option in place of a bloodline, and specifically, what happens if they chooses the Mystic Domain?
Would they gain access to the cleric spell list if they chose Option B, where their arcane and divine levels apply strong theurgy to each other?
Obviously, they wouldn't gain an increase in their arcane spellcasting, but as written, wouldn't this basically grant them access to the cleric spell list at only slightly reduced progression?
There is a note that the maximum level of arcane spells the Mystic Domain cleric can use is equal to their arcane spellcaster level, however, there does not appear to be such a thing in the reverse case for divine spellcaster levels.
Though, does this even do anything before they gain the level 8 ability that allows them to dedicate some of their spells known slots into prepared spell slots?
Lastly, does Option A allow for a cleric/archivist to gain access to wizard/sorcerer spellcasting without actually needing wizard levels?

Kirth Gersen |

Here's a question that might or might not have been asked previously.
What happens when a Sorcerer chooses the Domain option in place of a bloodline, and specifically, what happens if they chooses the Mystic Domain?
(a) Would they gain access to the cleric spell list if they chose Option B, where their arcane and divine levels apply strong theurgy to each other?
(b) Obviously, they wouldn't gain an increase in their arcane spellcasting, but as written, wouldn't this basically grant them access to the cleric spell list at only slightly reduced progression?
(c) Though, does this even do anything before they gain the level 8 ability that allows them to dedicate some of their spells known slots into prepared spell slots?
(d) Lastly, does Option A allow for a cleric/archivist to gain access to wizard/sorcerer spellcasting without actually needing wizard levels?
(a) You have no divine levels unless you're a multiclassed cleric/sorcerer, archivist/sorcerer, or incarnate/sorcerer.
(b) If single-classed, you'd only advance arcane casting, and replace bonus spells with domain ones. Since you have no divine caster levels, you have no other divine casting.
(c) Not much, as you can see.
(d) Option A specifically calls out how muticlass arcane and divine class levels interact with each other. No arcane class levels = Option A does next to nothing.

Sebecloki |

Hm. I admit I tend to apply due to the feel / world of a campaign ... but I am a huge fan of Lord of Light ...
I had to use my wikifu to look that up -- that's an interesting idea, and it gets at my issue about setting -- a ninja (rogue/monk) would work in this setting, but not in others.
And honestly no one should take me into account for selecting character concepts -- I'm still undecided and I also may well decide I don't have enough time to play in something and run my games. I'm generally happier behind the table, this was just the first idea that was sufficiently intriguing that I Might want to play.

Kaouse |

Okay, I think I've settled on playing Eshkival, the Archivist. I just need to know what the starting point buy is going to be, and I can start making a character. Even though I'm planning to get Serenity to apply towards Channel Energy, I'm still planning on having a positive Charisma score to qualify for a number of feats.

Kirth Gersen |

Okay, I think I've settled on playing Eshkival, the Archivist. I just need to know what the starting point buy is going to be, and I can start making a character. Even though I'm planning to get Serenity to apply towards Channel Energy, I'm still planning on having a positive Charisma score to qualify for a number of feats.
It's spelled out in Chapter 1. No point buy. 4d6 (drop lowest) six times, and arrange those 6 scores among your stats as you see fit. If you prefer, after rolling you can ditch all the results and take the Elite array instead (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8).

Kirth Gersen |

I don't suppose that there's a way for prepared spellcasters to become spontaneous spellcasters without multiclassing or something?
Way ahead of you:
Spontaneous Casting: At 1st level, you may choose to cast spontaneously (like a sorcerer) instead of preparing your spells, with the referee's permission. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.

Kirth Gersen |

Are we getting any closer to a prospective setting? I feel like that will have a big impact on our character concepts.
A word of caution: "types of settings" =/= specific settings. I usually try to avoid pre-printed ones, so let's shun Golarion or FR or KP "Midgard" or whatever. My preference is usually to develop the setting while we play, so that I can take everyone's input into account.
Outside of that, tell me what you guys want, and I'll try to make it happen unless (a) it's incompatible with the rules (e.g., anything "historical"), or (b) it rubs one of my pet peeves the wrong way (e.g., I dislike furries and vampire romance). I've run swashbuckling campaigns; "taming the wilderness;" all-human cold-war magical espionage; buddy action flick-style stuff; Amber-style universes; etc., etc.

Kirth Gersen |

So far, we have
IN: Sebecloki, Kaouse
MAYBE: Warriorking9001, baggageboy, Jereru, Monkeygod
IDLY CURIOUS or MERELY COMMENTING: Tavarokk, Wormouroboros
For the "In" people: Let's start rolling up characters.
For the "Maybe" people: stat up a sample character and win a spot!

TallonAM |

I know I'm coming into the discussion a tad behind, but can I still toss my name in to join? I'm flexible to fill in character type for the party if needed.
Slight caveat, although I have played d&d since high schoool, this would be my first PBP game but as long as you don't mind that, I really want to play.
Let me know if a spot is still open and you're willing to let a digital noobie along.

Warriorking9001 |

For the "Maybe" people: stat up a sample character and win a spot!
I'm still a bit unsure of the setting, and feel like I would need a bit of an understanding of that before I locked in my answer, but to throw out a few ideas to fill in a number of different roles.
1: a Destined Bloodline Battle Sorcerer (or a Fighter/Incarnate Cross): I note two somewhat different builds for the same thing because of the concept that I want to play something that has some kind of cosmic significance... In hindsight that sounds way more arrogant than I intended, but it's mostly the idea of the folk-hero farm boy that realized his destiny is out there somewhere, and he needs to figure out what it is before it's too late. Whether that means he finds himself with a spark of divinity or arcane destiny, the point still remains. Can play this frontline or more support as well by leaving the idea open.
2: The "Courtly Knight": I had mentioned that if we were in that war of the roses type feudal court setting that I think the proper "Knight in Shining Armor" concept intrigued me, but I do not actually know yet if we are going with that (and I don't want to step on the bard's toes by going charisma, which both of these ideas would rely on). Primarily Frontline
3: The Newbie Wizard: Playing a wizard that is fresh out of wizard, school. someone who is smart but inexperienced in the ways of the world because they've spend the past decade or so cooped up in wizard college, and so every experience is brand new to them. I guess that playing a 'nerd' inside of an rpg is kinda silly, but I think it could be amusing if nothing else.
4: The Alchemist: The way I can think of to fill in the utility rogue role without stepping on the other rogue's toes, taking some casting and such in order to act as a supporting member that also has enough of a combat bite to help out in a dungeon delve. Support/utility and flanker.

Kirth Gersen |

Meh. I'll have a look and tell you.
That isn't "meh." That's better than the elite array. And given the number of ways to boost stats (esp. physical ones), I don't think you'll be disappointed in play.
One of the things KF tries to do is keep you viable even if you don't start off game play as a Prince of Amber. Straight 18s are not necessary; it's just a matter of adjusting expectations.

Kirth Gersen |

I'm still a bit unsure of the setting, and feel like I would need a bit of an understanding of that before I locked in my answer
Setting update:
Unless a few people have very strong opinions that all happen to coincide, I'm going to assume we'll be developing a homebrew setting that will most likely allow whatever character concepts you're wanting to try.

Kirth Gersen |

I don't want to step on the bard's toes by going charisma, which both of these ideas would rely on).
I wouldn't worry too much there. One of the design goals for KF was to balance the stats a bit, so the "One PC has great Cha and everyone else tanks it" expectation is subverted. Cha is really valuable for everyone.
In KF, the bard's main schtick isn't Cha (that isn't even the Skald's primary stat); it's breaking the action economy.

Monkeygod |

Couple of questions:
1) Standard Races(+ simple half-breeds) ?
2) Did we settle on a starting level? While I'm totally new to Kirthfinder, I am not even sorta new to D&D/PF, so I feel like I could probably do alright if we started any where between 1-3(maybe 4). Definitely not looking to start too high, as there's still a lot I don't know.
3) How do you feel about using the Kirthfinder setting? (not sure if it has an official name)
I'm considering a skill focused Rogue, looking to start(or take over) some sort of criminal organization. Won't be 'evil' but won't be 'Good' either. More like 'dark'.
5) Are we allowed to use the secondary attributes?