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In coordination with its master, the giant mantis tears into the large beast. It then steps back to the edge of the river.
Magic Fang, Inspire Courage
claw 1: 1d20 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 20 dmg: 1d4 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7
claw 1: 1d20 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 14 dmg: 1d4 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 6

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Dolora moves forward to the close side of the log and concentrates on the minotaur.
cast Doom: Will save DC 14 or be shaken for 2 minutes

Dolora's Despair |

The phantom, still too far to take action, moves across the log to get into range of the minotaur. double move
Acrobatics to cross log: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

GM Sedoriku |

The fall of Janira seems to spur everyone into action, focusing attention onto the minotaur. First Nonalwe rushes forwards down the slope before coming to a skiddering halt at the forests edge. She pulls out a few spell components and with a short incant, quickly has a small bolt of force speeding to the beast. It slides into the monster deeply before disappearing, allowing the blood to seep from the wound.
The magical arrow proves a perfect distraction for Kardas and Mantis. Kardas tosses away his lance, but is able to draw his sword and strike the beast before it can react. The sword strike causes the beast to rear up as if to bellow at the halfling, but before he can react, Mantis’s claw flashes out of nowhere and scores another hit on the beast. The two back off a pace before the beast can readily retaliate, though they don’t leave the monster’s reach.
Arnie, born aloft by his power and rage, quickly gathers enough strength to fling a rock across the expanse to the minotuar. The rock conks the beast across the back of the head and, coupled with the profuse blood loss, proves enough to knock the beast over, dead.
====== END COMBAT ======
Janira -4/25

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If I recall, Janira's bag had a wand of clw?
Without taking a moment to celebrate the victory, he urges Mantis to fly towards Janira. Leaping off his steed before it has even landed, he pulls out the wand that Janira had given them earlier, and activates it on her, hoping that he is not too late.

GM Sedoriku |

If I recall, Janira's bag had a wand of clw?
Without taking a moment to celebrate the victory, he urges Mantis to fly towards Janira. Leaping off his steed before it has even landed, he pulls out the wand that Janira had given them earlier, and activates it on her, hoping that he is not too late.
Why yes it did! And Janira rolled really well to stablize!
With a touch or two of the wand Janira pops back up on her feet and blinking a few times takes in the scene of the battle. She turns to Kardas, comprehension dawning on her face, before catching him up in a giant hug for such a small woman. "Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! You guys came back, even though I told you to go! AND you saved my life! I don't think I can thank you enough. I'll definitely have to write a glowing recommendation in my reports! And if you ever need any help, whatsoever, you just need to call on me! Though I don't think I could help you fight off another minotaur! those things are tough..."She gushes on for a few seconds, before looking back at the caves from where you came. "Wait you came from over there, didn't you? You must have explored the caves! So what did you find?"
Okay that's the last fight and Janira revived. I'll start getting chronicle sheets together, but we can still tie up any lose roleplaying ends if you wish. Primarily, Janira really would love to hear about the caves, though you could also go back and talk to Uori.

GM Sedoriku |

Janira puzzles a little over Januus and Arnie's conversation before perking up. "Wait you meet a gilman? Those are his caves? There's a water man? Oh, I would love to meet them! Can you show me?"
The party moves back through the caves Janira in tow. She constantly asks questions about the place, the mositure, the two kobolds and the ruined trap and so on. As you reach the chamber with Uori in it, Janira Ohs and Ahs over the interesting details of the chamber before her eyes alight on the gillman. However the intent, questioning look on his face suggests that she should wait on introductions.
Uori gives everyone a good look in the eye and asks. "Well, how did things go? Did you clear out the guests?"

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"Yes, we have taken care of the kobolds. More importantly, we have put an end to the minotaur rampaging outside. You can safely leave now."

GM Sedoriku |

Uori gives a slow nod at the good news. "Ah good to hear that our caves will be safe for those you might follow me... In exchange, I'll tell you something interesting. The gillmen have a very old story about how humans used to visit these caves and perform small rituals on this tiny city over here to gain Aroden's favor. Ai don't know what shape those rituals might have taken, but Ai'd perchance that the murals in the previous room were some sign of what to do. But that might be just me."
He then turns to Janira and gives a small bow, commenting, "It is a pleasure to meet you Janira, your subordinates have been very well behaved and even cleared many of the nuisances and threats to me and mine from this cave. You have our debt and gratitude. Now I think I should get back to my meditations, I've been being distracted a bit much lately."
Janira returns the bow, clearly ready to ask more questions of the man, but respecting his boundaries. She instead turns to the rest of the group. "Rituals? OH we should try doing one! Just to see if theirs any truth to the story! What murals was Uori talking about?"

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Belmir translates what he can of the wall engravings for the senior agent. He smiles in satisfaction at a job well done and promises himself a warm cider and a pipe when he gets back to Wounded Wisp.

GM Sedoriku |

Janira gleefully reads through the translations and takes a few quick sketches of the reliefs. "My this sounds amazing! The Craftsman, the Scholar, the Shepard and the Solider! This wording is also very interesting, it's so very different from the copies of the 12 guises of Aroden that we know. We'll definitely have to have people come down here and study these further. But before we go, I want to try one of the rituals that Uori mentioned. Hmm any ideas of what such a ritual might involve?"

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Kardas stares at the reliefs, surprised that Janira was able to decipher them when he missed them completely earlier. He looks especially at the shepherd but doesn't reply to Janira.
Upon returning to the pool and the altar of Absalom City, even though he knows little of Aroden, he cannot deny the divinity it evokes in him. He notices the small frogs crawling about the altar, he gathers them up and releases them into the water.

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"My expertise is with the arcane, Janira, not the divine. I'm not sure how I would begin such a ritual." She studies the carvings another time, and tries to make her best guess. It hadn't been hard to figure out some of the details of the carvings earlier, so maybe she could recognize something? As I understand it, my own sword-magic ultimately derives from an Arodenite source. Perhaps I could learn something more of that here?
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

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Janira gleefully reads through the translations and takes a few quick sketches of the reliefs. "My this sounds amazing! The Craftsman, the Scholar, the Shepard and the Solider! This wording is also very interesting, it's so very different from the copies of the 12 guises of Aroden that we know. We'll definitely have to have people come down here and study these further. But before we go, I want to try one of the rituals that Uori mentioned. Hmm any ideas of what such a ritual might involve?"
Belmir thinks for a moment at Janira's words and replies, You know...there was an inscription a little further back in the caves...it said something to the effect that those who would rule should pray to Aroden and strive to bring light to every corner of the world... Belmir ponders a few more seconds? Perhaps we should light a lantern and pray? Or maybe divine magic to light our way? Belmir turns towards the passage where the group original saw the inscription. Follow me Janira, I think the inscriptions are just down here. Perhaps you could make more sense of them than I or Nonalwe could...or should we just attempt to pray to Aroden while illuminating these inscriptions with magic and/or mundane means?

GM Sedoriku |

Argh sorry to keep you waiting. Didn't mean to drag this out.
Janira's eyes bug as Kardas's chasing of the frogs seems to cause a little spark of magic to weakly rise out of the little city like a fireworks before exploding and covering everyone in the room with a little bit of glowing dust that quickly fades.
Uori watches the whole thing from the side, clearly bemused by the sights and the antics he is able to watch.
Nonalwe, despite the holy and Arodenitic roots of her school of the sword, can't actually seem to think of anything that might be of use here.
At Belmir's questioning, Janira, cocks an eyebrow and points at the miniature city. "When Kardas interacted with the city it released the blessing, maybe if we shine a light on that?" After a second to light up the town another, even fainter burst of magic issues out.
Janira claps her hands and takes some more notes. "WE should probably stop there, we might just deplete the magics here if we continue, and any researchers will probably want to study the effects first hand." She bows to Uori and gives him a farewell, before leading the group out of the caves. "Let's head home."
partway through the next day the party arrives in town, bedraggled from staying up alnight, Janira still piles everyone into a pub and buys a round of drinks and lunch for everyone. "You saved my life, let me buy you a meal." After everyone finishes she sends you off to get some sleep and goes and finishes hers.
Three days later the summons arrive, asking you to meet at the Pig's Paunch one more time. This time there are three different Pathfinders waiting for you, Master of Scrolls Krighton Shaine, the Master of Spells Sorrina Westyr and the Master of Swords Marcos Farabellus. Westyr and Shaine seem to be in a clinical discussion, with Farabellus watching with a small smile, when you gather around. The oread and elf soon put the conversation on hold and turn to face you. Shaine stands up and comments, "I believe a congratulations are in order. After reading your and Janira's notes and some discussion, Marcos, Sorrina, and I agree, you did a splendid job and truly represented the spirit of explore, report and cooperate. So if I may, Congratulations on your successful Confirmation! Now someone please tell Sorrina here that tertiary dimensional geometry is benefical, nay, necessary to summoning magic!"
And that's a wrap! Thanks for sticking with me, and I hope to see you around.

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A few hours later, Giacommo arrives at the Inn with a story of his concert and how many people were swooning over his performance. He joins the group for dinner and asks to hear what happened in their journey,
I am sorry that I missed that adventure. It sounds like you guys had a great trek.Maybe next time