Campaign of Awesomeness! (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven

Here is the map, please move yourself appropriately.

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Have any questions ask them here!

Now once you are logged in we need to decide which campaign you want to do:
Exploration of unexplored mostly forested and swamp lands and making a kingdom,

a little dungeon crawl and clearing out a city of bandits in the desert,


Thrown into a video game,

other options soon to come!!! Likely after this weekend my laptop was left at home.

M Dwarf Warpreist

Ok so how do we start this.

M Dwarf Warpreist

I vote the kingdom one

M Dwarf Warpreist

4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 3) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 5) = 17

4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 5, 2) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 4) = 8

4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 1) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 3, 2) = 12

4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 2) - 1 = 10
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 6, 1, 3) - 1 = 10
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 5, 3, 4) - 3 = 13
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 3) - 1 = 12
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 6) - 1 = 14
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 3, 3) - 3 = 11

2nd set
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 6, 1, 1) - 1 = 13
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 2, 3, 1) - 1 = 10
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 1) - 1 = 4
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 5, 5, 2) - 2 = 15
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 2, 4, 5) - 2 = 13
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 1) - 1 = 17

Reroll really bad roll
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 6) - 3 = 15

M Dwarf Warpreist


4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 1) = 8
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1, 6) = 16

4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 2, 3) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 4) = 13

4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6, 1) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 4) = 15

M Dwarf Warpreist

Reroll pre race

4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 1) = 8 -1= 7 mod -2
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1, 6) = 16 -1 =15 mod +2

4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 2, 3) = 14 -2= 12 mod +1
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 4) = 13 -1= 12 mod +1

4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6, 1) = 11 -1= 10 mod +0
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 4) = 15 -2= 13 mod +1

Should have just rerolled my lowest from first set but here we go this is my stats. What do you think DM Wolf?

Male Half Orc Vital: HP: 11/11, AC: 14 _ T: 11 _ FF: 13 _ Perception +1, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +1, Fort +3 _ Ref +1 _ Will +0 (+0 vs. fear), CMB: +4, CMD: 15, Speed: 30, (ability/Mod Str17/+3, Dex13/+1, Con12/+1, Int12/+1, Wis10/+0, Cha7/-2) Fighter/1

So this is what I have so far on this Character but I don't know how to edit or add anything for the character sheet. This system is not very user friendly. Assistance please

Ok here are the five options:
Kingmaker: Lots of Exploration, Exploration of unexplored mostly forested and swamp lands, making a kingdom, you will need to make an NPC as well to either meet or start out with you, think butler, maid, cook, or other NPC with one skill set.

Legacy of Fire: Desert terrain, a little dungeon crawl and clearing out a city of bandits in the desert, hunting gnolls, protecting merchants, wishcraft.

Vampires Rule: In the world of Priest. Priests, lawbringers, or half breed, you all have reasons to hunt vampires. Some of you might be new to it and others remember the old days, either way all the vampires are dead now. At least that is what the church tells you.

Axe and Cross: In the world of The Last Witch Hunter. Immortal witch hunters, have a background story telling of your travels and how you gained your immortality and weaknesses.
Dark magic/Necromancy/Black Magic/Very few witches dable in it

Thrown into a video game.

I would suggest to copy my alias Krazok’s profile. Then paste it to a word document on your laptop. Once you have edited it to your character’s stats, Click on Drokk. Then click edit profile. Finally paste your character sheet.

To Be Added to Campaign Info when the Errors are fixed:

To the Max! This is going to be an absurd game of pure fun! It will be completely open sandbox! You could travel to the Stolenlands and make your own kingdom, stay in the city of Absalom, travel to Katapesh to find the Legacy of Fire, travel to the frozen tundra of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings to the carnivorous jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, and from the dervish-filled deserts of Qadira to the elven bowers of Kyonin or even the devil-haunted metropolises of Cheliax, or many other locations... we will be starting in Absalom.

Everyone gets to roll 5d6 keeping the top 4!

No Tax Feats.

2 traits.

5th level characters. Roll for all hit points but 1st level which is max.
Pre built races... 3rd party possibly acceptable by request.
Can we use normal or advanced firearms? Technological items? Go equipment crazy.... all firearms allowed and tech items

No gestalt... you could find an event or magical site to get gestalt.

background skills

20,000 gp to spend on your equipment, you cannot spend more than half on one item. You can recover at most 5,000 gp in creating items of your own.

For each 3 paragraphs of background you gain additional perks: 1 - extra trait, 2 - extra feat, 3 - extra +2 to an ability score, 4 - gain a mount CR 3 or below, 5 - gain a crafting feat, 6 - gain a wish, 7 - gain a magical ring no more than 8,000 gp (You must write the description, abilities, and background of the ring in your crunch as well), 8 - gain a familiar or animal companion, 9 - gain a super power, 10 - gain another 'Special' from another class, it cannot be a Special above 5th level.

I am fine if you want to conspire with other players to decide what you want to play... ;)

Super Powers:
I feel like something like shapeshifting (via Shapeshift or something) would probably be a bit too powerful as a 9th-level spell, a scaling version will be allowed. Something like:

Shapeshifting (Su):
You are formless. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, and once per round as a standard action, you may assume the form of a creature, duplicating a spell with the Polymorph subtype whose level is not higher than 1/2 your HD. At 8th level, the action required is reduced to a move action, at 12th, a Swift action, at 16th, a free action once per round, and at 20th, a free action even when it's not your turn.


Eldrich Blast
* 120ft. A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10+Cha mod force damage. The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam at full BaB)

Alternatively, would something like Invincibility be allowed? yes
Regeneration?yes in moderation like proposed above
Mind Control? yes in moderation like proposed above
Telekinesis? yes in moderation like proposed above
Teleporting?yes in moderation like proposed above
Super Speed? yes in moderation like proposed above
Could BAB be taken as a class feature? NO
What about 6-level casting? No
Can we take a class feature that would be received at a higher level than we are now? (I'm guessing the answer to that one is no- too many game-breaking capstones) Good point! The Special has to be level 5 or less!

Well that will be Heat/Wave One... If you have a full submission by that time you are in the game! If we dont have enough players I set another date. I am looking for 8 to 10 players.

Only restrictions on background story is that it must match the character sheet... I expect at least one demigod or immortal or something like that.

Half dragons gain a secret special bonus.... but if I remeber right you only get 1 or 2 levels then... :P

When you believe you are finished with your character and want me to check it, please post in the discussion thread. Post your suggestion for the substitutions and any quick links needed as well.

Grand Lodge

Male Human 3 Unchained Rogue, 2 Wizard

Hi, I did my roles as lv69arcanine in the recruitment thread and this is the character I'll be using.
My vote's for Legacy of Fire

CG Halfling Rogue 7 HP 76/76 | AC 24 (26) | Fort +11 Refl +17 Will +13 | Perception +15, low-light | Powers 7/7

So apparently I only rolled three hit dice, so here is my fourth.
1d10 ⇒ 7

M Human Bloodrager (Crossblooded, Spelleater) 3/Druid (Reincarnated Druid) 3
GM Wolf wrote:
When you believe you are finished with your character and want me to check it, please post in the discussion thread.

Ok, so I hope I'm doing this right. Let me tell you- that 6-page, 41- paragraph backstory in two days was not easy!!! I feel so accomplished right now.

Anyways, here's the basics for Braeden, with a link to his crunch and to his backstory.

Link to Crunch: Link

Link to Backstory: Link 2

Some important things:

1: I reskinned his familiar as an intelligent magical amulet attached to his chest. Otherwise, it's the exact same thing. I liked it more, but if you don't, let me know and I'll change it.

2. Special: The Many Lives feature of the Reincarnated Druid class. Link Below. Hope that's ok!

Many Lives

3. Super- power: Removing the 7 day after death insta- kill feature of Many Lives. It still means he can be killed, it just has to be via Death Effect or by necromancy.

CG Halfling Rogue 7 HP 76/76 | AC 24 (26) | Fort +11 Refl +17 Will +13 | Perception +15, low-light | Powers 7/7

After looking into the Eidolon more, I decided it really didn't deliver on my vision of the angel bound to Adegard's soul. As you already approved the Animal Lord template (CR+2) as a Super Power, I opted to go with the Half Celestial template (CR+1 lvl 1-5, +2 lvls 6-10) and add to it with other powers/feats to round out the effect. The Druid's Nature's Bond ability establishes that an animal companion and a domain are equivalent, so I selected the Glory(Heroism) domain, as it is on Iomedae's list.

Sadly, I still haven't figured out something for my Wish, anyone have any good ideas?

1 - extra trait: Magical Knack
2 - extra feat: Lingering Performance
3 - extra +2 to an ability score: Constitution
4 - gain a mount CR 3 or below: sold for 2500 gp
5 - gain a crafting feat: Craft Magic Arms & Armor
6 - gain a wish: TBD
7 - gain a magical ring no more than 8,000 gp: Ring of Protection +2, counts as holy symbol
8 - gain a familiar or animal companion: Glory Domain, with Heroism subdomain
9 - gain a super power: Half-Celestial template
10 - gain another 'Special' from another class: Archaeologist's Luck bard ability

Okay, here is Dayvin.

hp: 3d8 ⇒ (3, 8, 4) = 15
Terva hp: 3d10 ⇒ (7, 4, 10) = 21

For the specials here are the things I assumed. I can take them off if you disagree.
4 - gain a mount CR 3 or below - didn't take
5 - gain a crafting feat - didn't take, not a spellcaster
6 - gain a wish - took, but have not used yet
7 - gain a magical ring no more than 8,000 gp - took as tattoo of a ring.
8 - gain a familar or animal companion - took a phantom as spiritualist This is his daughter. If you don't allow this, I will not take anything.
9 - gain a super power - permanent Arcane Sight
10 - gain another 'Special' from another class - Warpriest Fervor.


Talk about my past? It was so long ago, and my head was filled with meat and rage. I am not who I was, but I am who I am because of the person that I was. I'm not sure how to explain it to somebody a couple of decades into their first lifetime. I hope I’m not doing too badly.
I suspect beginning at the beginning is in order. We lived deep underground on the constant edge of annihilation. Duergar, lava flows, kobolds, tunnel collapses, drow, bad air, and brain-eating tentacled things that I don’t believe exist anymore. The heart of the earth isn’t a good place for anybody.
I suppose it isn’t paranoia when you live in an environment like this. Though we took pre-emptive self-defense to a new level. Everybody born soon learned that they needed to fight in some way. There could be no survival without strength, and anybody not helping was holding us back.
I was agile and sharp-eyed, so they made me a scout. Somebody sent out to find the enemy before they found us. Where possible to invade and sabotage. A job with a low survival rate, so they always needed more. I had hoped to be a mage, but I didn’t have the innate talent, beyond the gifts inherent in my blood. Though later I always wondered how much the outcome of the tests was determined by what we needed as a clan. I was angry about that then.
I survived my missions and more than that, succeeded at them. I knew many things that I have lost over time. The arts of lock and trap. How best to poison a blade and where to stick it. Other things I’ve retained, but those are more internal than that. Even many of those have been lost, but they are returning.
For many decades I went forth to locate our enemies. I kept track of their troop movements. I stole their battle plans. I sabotaged their equipment. I poisoned their food. And occasionally, I assassinated their leaders. But beyond this, I stole their wealth.
I acquired much loot and more importantly magical treasure. That was much more important than any coins. Enchanted items were power, and power was survival. Those I couldn’t use, I could sell for things I needed more. Whatever I had was not sufficient. Nothing would be sufficient. I could raid the gods’ treasure halls and still want more.
In many ways I have evolved, but losing this greed is probably the greatest change. I now have a much different understanding of power. And of survival for that matter.
But as much as my greed helped me, it led to my downfall. As powerful as I was, I needed to sleep and eat. As cautious as I was in the field, I grew complacent at home. I do not know what combination of spell or poison they used, but one day I woke paralyzed. I was bound by shackles as well, but they did not trust those alone to hold me.
I watched them as they took everything I had stolen from our enemies. At the time I did not see the irony.
While I was paralyzed, I heard noises. Panic, crumbling stone, the sounds of twisted alien magic. I was helpless. I could not help others nor save my own life. All because others wanted my power. I saw shadows moving. Shadows with tentacles. That was not a good sign. Some of things deepest under the Earth came from places between the planes. The world tended to not work correctly around some of them.
Things happened like the walls bending. You couldn’t see them curve, but all the angles were wrong. That was a bad sign. The more powerful the entity, the stranger things got around them. But sometimes that worked to your advantage. It was moving in through the wall, and I was at the edge of where things were changing. Sometimes when reality got bent, the edges didn’t line up. This happened now and I fell through the cracks.
I landed with a splash. It was some sort of sodden area with water, mud and strange plants. It must have been a huge cave, because I couldn’t tell where the ceiling was. It had some odd glowing spots on it though. Whatever happened was not wearing off and I was sliding in the mud. Soon, my face would be under water and I’d drown.
And then a stick poked my shoulder and rolled me over. There was a goblin, of sorts. He looked like one, but he was aged and wrinkly. Goblins never got that old. They didn’t live long enough. He just smiled and put a rope around me to drag me away. I thought I’d traded drowning for being eaten, but when we got to his hovel, he just fed me stew with a spoon. Then some odd herbs that tasted bad.
I started regaining feeling when the ball of fire was rising. A light brighter than anything I had seen before. I had heard legends of that light. Was I truly on the surface world? It seemed so. The sky that had been black with stars was now blue with a blazing light too painful to look at.
The old goblin said I had been chosen. He recited some ancient prophecy and said I needed training. I snorted and walked away. Or tried to when he tripped me. He managed to beat me up without hurting me and I couldn’t land a blow on him. I was being trained if I wanted it or not. It took many years, but I learned his ways.
This was an art that relied on one’s self. No weapon. No armor. No magic. It was a way of old forgotten lore and ancient martial arts. Essential to this art was the idea of flow. Energy was a flow, as was movement. When someone attacked, you used their movement to send them away. It also involved attacks given with the hand that were as strong as any sword.
On his deathbed, he told me to wander the world. I would not be needed for a thousand years or more. He told me to live my life for the next was when I would be called. And then he died, his body disappearing at the moment of his death.
I was left with a prophecy:
The Gem hidden deep will live three lives. The first life will be for the clan, and it will be in vain. This will forge the Gem. The second life will be for himself and it will end in death. This will cut the Gem. The last life will be for the world and it will end in annihilation. This will shatter the Gem.
A Child in Red shall mark the new aeon. Its glee will open the door. The Elder Sister will sing the song that comes from places beyond. This tune shall seek the Doom and draw it closer. The Unyielding Mother’s sacrifice will invite the doom into this world. But the Forgotten Father will turn his back. He shall seek the Gem.
The Gem will face the Doom and be ended. A perfect death will turn back the Doom. Any flaw and the world dies screaming.
The prophecy was disturbing on so many levels. I wished it would not be, but deep within I felt something. I felt that I was no longer rough, but beginning to become more perfect. A gem being cut.
But I could not simply sit in a swamp. Only a sharp blow could cut a gem. So I wandered forth. I found challenges. People who needed saving. Monsters that needed to be fought. Sometimes alone, sometimes with others. I grew powerful, though I gave the treasure away to help the needy.
One cleric of Sarenrae whom I rescued sat me down and she insisited upon giving me a tattoo. She had made a ring to protect against the undead and melted it down to make silver ink. The power of the ring stayed within the tattoo.
For nearly a century I fought. And I found myself back deep within the earth. I saw a place that looked familiar. A villiage of my people. Though they had all died, new svirfneblin had moved into the wreckage and rebuilt something new. Like their traditions, they mistrusted me, but I proved myself in protecting them.
When they were safe, I stayed. I met a woman, and we began a family. We had three children as I grew older. Delzrin, who followed in my footsteps and learned the ways of flowing water. Binyan, who rejected this and became the scout I had been long ago. Terva, who became a healer.
I watched them grow to adults. To begin their own family as I felt the years more deeply. I held grandchildren and watched them play. I buried my wife. And I felt my passing coming. I knew from the goblin of years ago that death was not always an end. I did not know it then, but he had taught me how to pass into a new state.
I lay in the astral sea, dreaming. I know not how long it was, for time is not the same there. I was asleep for so long. Parts of me washed away in the astral tides over long centuries. Who I was waned over time, but my spark did not go out. Terva arrived in the astral plane when she died and I held on to her.
And then I was here. I am but a shell of who I was. A ghost, but not undead. So much of my skills and talents are memories, but they shall return.
The prophecy has stayed with me and I feel that it is coming. I must rebuild myself and seek perfection within. As I do so, I must find the Family of Blood to be prepared for the end.


Svirfneblin prana ghost monk
LG Small outsider (augmented humanoid, extraplanar, gnome, incorporeal)
Hero Points 1
Init +13; Senses arcane sight, darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision; Perception +26 (+28 to notice unusual stonework)
AC 42, touch 42, flat-footed 31 (+9 deflection, +9 Dex, +2 dodge, +1 enhancement, +1 monk, +1 size, +9 Wis)
hp 51 (4d8+28)
Fort +13, Ref +17 (vasion), Will +17 (+2 vs. channeled negative enrgy and inflict spells); +2 trait bonus against supernatural attacks, spells, or spell-like abilities from undead creatures, +2 racial bonus vs. mind-affecting effects
Defensive Abilities ac bonus, evasion, incorporeal, rejuvenation; Immune dazed, disease, effects requiring a physical body, exhaustion, fatigue, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning; Resist negative energy 5; SR 15
Weaknesses living prana
Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect); astral step (9/day)
Melee unarmed strike +14 incorporeal (1d6+11) or
. . unarmed strike flurry of blows +13/+13 incorporeal (1d6+11) or
. . dazing touch +14 incorporeal (1d6+11 plus daze)
Special Attacks dazing touch (DC 21), flurry of blows
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +4)
. . Constant—nondetection
. . 1/day—magic stone, stone shape, stone tell
Str —, Dex 29, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 28, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +12 (+14 dirty trick, +14 disarm, +14 grapple, +14 reposition, +14 steal, +14 trip); CMD 42 (44 vs. dirty trick, 44 vs. disarm, 44 vs. grapple, 44 vs. reposition, 44 vs. steal, 44 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Deflect Arrows, Deft Maneuvers, Improved Initiative[B], Power Attack, Pummeling Style[ACG], Tactical Reposition, Toughness[B], Unarmed Combatant
blessed touch, quain martial artist, spirit touched
Skills Acrobatics +16, Appraise +9, Diplomacy +7, Fly +26, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (history) +12, Knowledge (planes) +12, Knowledge (religion) +12, Perception +26 (+28 to notice unusual stonework), Sense Motive +26, Stealth +28; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Sense Motive, +8 Stealth, +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Undercommon
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute, flowing dodge, healing ki, hero points, ki pool (15 points magic), maneuver training, monk vow (vow of poverty[UM]), redirection, rules changes, slow fall 20 ft., stalwart watcher, stoneseer[ARG], unbalancing counter
Other Gear dark life ring as tattoo Unused wish
Special Abilities
AC Bonus A prana ghost gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Wisdom modifier instead of the Charisma-based bonus the incorporeal ability normally provides. It loses the base creature's armor bonus, as well as all armor and shield bonuses that don't come
Astral Step (60 feet, 9/day) (Su) As std act, teleport to a space within range.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dazing Touch (DC 21) (Su) With a touch, a prana ghost can deal 1d6 points of damage, and the creature touched must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the prana ghost's Hit Dice + the prana ghost's Wisdom modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Deflect Arrows (1/round) While have an empty hand, negate one ranged weapon hit you are aware of (unless from a massive weapon).
Deft Maneuvers You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when tripping.
Energy Resistance, Negative energy (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Negative Energy attacks.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute The “light weapons” category has been renamed to “finesse weapons.” Characters can choose to use either their dexterity bonus or their strength bonus to hit with these weapons, no feat required. “Finesse” is also now a weapon attribute li
Flowing Dodge (maximum +9) (Ex) At 3rd level, a flowing monk gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each enemy adjacent to him, up to a maximum bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This ability replaces fast movement.
Flurry of Blows +2/+2 (Ex) As full-rd action, higher BAB and combo unarmed/monk wep as if two-weapon fighting.
Fly (40 feet, Perfect) You can fly!
Healing Ki 1d4+2 (Su) As a swift action, use 1 ki to touch and heal ally.
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Immunity to Critical Hits You are immune to Critical Hits
Immunity to Dazed You are immune to the dazed condition.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Effects that Require a Corporeal Body You are immune to effects that require a corporeal body.
Immunity to Exhausted You are immune to the exhausted condition.
Immunity to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition.
Immunity to Nonlethal Damage You are immune to Nonlethal Damage
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Immunity to Precision Damage You are immune to Precision Damage
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Immunity to Stunning You are immune to being stunned.
Incorporeal (Ex) You aren't quite here.
Ki Pool (15/day) (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Living Prana (Ex) +50% from negative energy and death effects
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Pummeling Style Total damage from all unarmed attacks before appplying DR.
Redirection (4/day, DC 21) (Ex) At 1st level, as an immediate action, a flowing monk can attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver against a creature that the flowing monk threatens and that attacks him. If the combat maneuver is successful, the attacker is sickened for 1 round
Rejuvenation (Su) Prana ghosts can return after a few days.
Slow Fall 20 ft. (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Spell Resistance (15) You have Spell Resistance.
Stalwart Watcher +1 to attack fey, +2 vs. mind-affecting effects.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs. unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Stoneseer +1 to caster level of spells with earth descriptor.
Superpower Constant arcane sight
Tactical Reposition You excel at moving foes right where you want them.
Unarmed Combatant Always considered armed, no attack of opportunity on grapple attempts.
Unbalancing Counter (DC 21) (Ex) At 2nd level, a flowing monk's attacks of opportunity render a struck creature flat-footed until the end of the flowing monk's next turn (Reflex DC 10 + 1/2 the monk's level + Wisdom modifier negates). This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 2
Vow of Poverty (+4 ki) The monk taking a vow of poverty must never own more than six possessions - a simple set of clothing, a pair of sandals or shoes, a bowl, a sack, a blanket, and any one other item. Five of these items must be of plain and simple make, though one can
Warpriest Fervor 2d6 11/day (Su)

Terva (phantom):

Terva CR –
Phantom (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures) Emotional Focus: Kindness
LG Medium outsider (incorporeal, phantom)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+2 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 enhancement)
hp 19 (3d10+3)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
Defensive Abilities incorporeal
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +6 (1d6+3)
Str —, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats Combat Advice, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Dodge, Power Attack
Skills Diplomacy +8, Heal +6, Knowledge (religion) +2, Perception +4, Stealth +6
Languages Common
SQ benevolent, finesse weapon attack attribute, incorporeal, magic attacks, opening strike, rules changes
Special Abilities
Benevolent Increase aid another bonuses granted by 1, or 2 for master.
Combat Advice As mv act, designate enemy, ally gains +2 comp bonus on next atk vs. target.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute The “light weapons” category has been renamed to “finesse weapons.” Characters can choose to use either their dexterity bonus or their strength bonus to hit with these weapons, no feat required. “Finesse” is also now a weapon attribute li
Immunity to Critical Hits You are immune to Critical Hits
Immunity to Precision Damage You are immune to Precision Damage
Incorporeal (Ex) You aren't quite here.
Incorporeal (Su) Incorporeal, but cannot harm corporeal foes unless delivering touch spell.
Magic Attacks (Su) Slams count as magic for overcoming DR.
Opening Strike (Su) Standard action melee attack, on hit grants ally imm act attack vs. same foe.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.

Crap, I didn't see that you allowed templates as super powers. I will reconfigure.

Replaced arcane sight with prana ghost template (+1 level)

hp: 1d8 ⇒ 8
Terva hp: 1d10 ⇒ 6


Svirfneblin prana ghost monk (disciple of wholeness, flowing monk) 5
LG Small outsider (augmented humanoid, extraplanar, gnome, incorporeal)
Hero Points 1
Init +13; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision; Perception +27 (+29 to notice unusual stonework)
AC 42, touch 42, flat-footed 31 (+9 deflection, +9 Dex, +2 dodge, +1 enhancement, +1 monk, +1 size, +9 Wis)
hp 66 (5d8+35)
Fort +13, Ref +17, Will +17 (+2 vs. channeled negative enrgy and inflict spells); +2 trait bonus against supernatural attacks, spells, or spell-like abilities from undead creatures, +2 racial bonus vs. mind-affecting effects
Defensive Abilities ac bonus, evasion, incorporeal, rejuvenation; Immune dazed, disease, effects requiring a physical body, exhaustion, fatigue, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning; Resist negative energy 5; SR 16
Weaknesses living prana
Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect); astral step (9/day)
Melee unarmed strike +14 (1d6+11) or
. . unarmed strike flurry of blows +14/+14 (1d6+11) or
. . dazing touch +14 incorporeal (1d6+11 plus daze)
Special Attacks dazing touch (DC 21), flurry of blows
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +5)
. . Constant—nondetection
. . 1/day—magic stone, stone shape, stone tell
Str —, Dex 29, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 28, Cha 10
Base Atk +3.75; CMB +13 (+15 dirty trick, +15 disarm, +15 grapple, +15 reposition, +15 steal, +15 trip); CMD 42 (44 vs. dirty trick, 44 vs. disarm, 44 vs. grapple, 44 vs. reposition, 44 vs. steal, 44 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness(B), Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Deflect Arrows, Deft Maneuvers, Improved Initiative(B), Power Attack, Pummeling Bully[ACG], Pummeling Style[ACG], Tactical Reposition, Toughness(B), Unarmed Combatant
Traits blessed touch, quain martial artist, spirit touched
Skills Acrobatics +16, Artistry (philosophy) +10, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +8, Fly +26, Heal +11, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (history) +13, Knowledge (planes) +13, Knowledge (religion) +13, Perception +27 (+29 to notice unusual stonework), Perform (oratory) +6, Sense Motive +27, Stealth +29; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Sense Motive, +8 Stealth, +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Undercommon
SQ elusive target, finesse weapon attack attribute, flowing dodge, healing ki, hero points, high jump, hone body, ki pool (16 points magic), maneuver training, monk vow (vow of poverty[UM]), redirection, rules changes, slow fall 20 ft., stalwart watcher, stoneseer[ARG], unbalancing counter
Other Gear dark life ring as tattoo
Special Abilities
AC Bonus A prana ghost gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Wisdom modifier instead of the Charisma-based bonus the incorporeal ability normally provides. It loses the base creature's armor bonus, as well as all armor and shield bonuses that don't come
Astral Step (60 feet, 9/day) (Su) As std act, teleport to a space within range.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dazing Touch (DC 21) (Su) With a touch, a prana ghost can deal 1d6 points of damage, and the creature touched must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the prana ghost's Hit Dice + the prana ghost's Wisdom modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Deflect Arrows (1/round) While have an empty hand, negate one ranged weapon hit you are aware of (unless from a massive weapon).
Deft Maneuvers You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when tripping.
Elusive Target (Ex) At 5th level, as an immediate action, a flowing monk may spend 2 points from his ki pool to attempt a Reflex save opposed by an attacker's attack roll to halve damage from that attack. At 11th level and above, the flowing monk suffers no damag
Energy Resistance, Negative energy (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Negative Energy attacks.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute The “light weapons” category has been renamed to “finesse weapons.” Characters can choose to use either their dexterity bonus or their strength bonus to hit with these weapons, no feat required. “Finesse” is also now a weapon attribute li
Flowing Dodge (maximum +9) (Ex) At 3rd level, a flowing monk gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each enemy adjacent to him, up to a maximum bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This ability replaces fast movement.
Flurry of Blows +3/+3 (Ex) As full-rd action, higher BAB and combo unarmed/monk wep as if two-weapon fighting.
Fly (40 feet, Perfect) You can fly!
Healing Ki 1d4+2 (Su) As a swift action, use 1 ki to touch and heal ally.
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
High Jump (+5/+25 with ki point) (Ex) +5 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Hone Body (Su) Imm to magic diseases while undamaged. As a swift action use 1 ki, touch grants imm to all disease for 1 day.
Immunity to Critical Hits You are immune to Critical Hits
Immunity to Dazed You are immune to the dazed condition.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Effects that Require a Corporeal Body You are immune to effects that require a corporeal body.
Immunity to Exhausted You are immune to the exhausted condition.
Immunity to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition.
Immunity to Nonlethal Damage You are immune to Nonlethal Damage
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Immunity to Precision Damage You are immune to Precision Damage
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Immunity to Stunning You are immune to being stunned.
Incorporeal (Ex) You aren't quite here.
Ki Pool (16/day) (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Living Prana (Ex) +50% from negative energy and death effects
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Pummeling Bully When hit with Pummeling Style, attempt reposition or trip as free action.
Pummeling Style Total damage from all unarmed attacks before appplying DR.
Redirection (5/day, DC 21) (Ex) At 1st level, as an immediate action, a flowing monk can attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver against a creature that the flowing monk threatens and that attacks him. If the combat maneuver is successful, the attacker is sickened for 1 round
Rejuvenation (Su) Prana ghosts can return after a few days.
Slow Fall 20 ft. (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Spell Resistance (16) You have Spell Resistance.
Stalwart Watcher +1 to attack fey, +2 vs. mind-affecting effects.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs. unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Stoneseer +1 to caster level of spells with earth descriptor.
Tactical Reposition You excel at moving foes right where you want them.
Unarmed Combatant Always considered armed, no attack of opportunity on grapple attempts.
Unbalancing Counter (DC 21) (Ex) At 2nd level, a flowing monk's attacks of opportunity render a struck creature flat-footed until the end of the flowing monk's next turn (Reflex DC 10 + 1/2 the monk's level + Wisdom modifier negates). This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 2
Vow of Poverty (+5 ki) The monk taking a vow of poverty must never own more than six possessions - a simple set of clothing, a pair of sandals or shoes, a bowl, a sack, a blanket, and any one other item. Five of these items must be of plain and simple make, though one can
Warpriest Fervor 2d6 11/day (Su)

Terva (phantom):

Terva CR –
Phantom (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures)
LG Medium outsider (incorporeal, phantom)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 15 (+4 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 enhancement)
hp 35 (4d10+8)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5
Defensive Abilities incorporeal
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +8 (1d8+4)
Str —, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 22
Feats Combat Advice, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Dodge, Power Attack
Skills Diplomacy +9, Heal +7, Knowledge (religion) +2, Perception +4, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +7
Languages Common
SQ benevolent, finesse weapon attack attribute, incorporeal, magic attacks, opening strike, rules changes
Special Abilities
Benevolent Increase aid another bonuses granted by 1, or 2 for master.
Combat Advice As mv act, designate enemy, ally gains +2 comp bonus on next atk vs. target.
Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute The “light weapons” category has been renamed to “finesse weapons.” Characters can choose to use either their dexterity bonus or their strength bonus to hit with these weapons, no feat required. “Finesse” is also now a weapon attribute li
Immunity to Critical Hits You are immune to Critical Hits
Immunity to Precision Damage You are immune to Precision Damage
Incorporeal (Ex) You aren't quite here.
Incorporeal (Su) Incorporeal, but cannot harm corporeal foes unless delivering touch spell.
Magic Attacks (Su) Slams count as magic for overcoming DR.
Opening Strike (Su) Standard action melee attack, on hit grants ally imm act attack vs. same foe.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.

Okay, so I think I'm essentially done at this point- I just need to pick out gear and spells. But here's what I have so far: A shapeshifting Transmuter, preparing to go into Maagambyan Arcanist. Backstory will still need one paragraph, but I'm still hoping to figure out what my options are as my class special, to include that somehow as to how she got it.

Essentially, stats are done, but may be tweaked based off of rulings. If allowed, I'd probably grab a Domain instead of a familiar, and just get my Familiar via arcane bond instead of an item, but that is a GM call. Hopefully I still made the deadline.

HP: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3, 4) = 13 Okay, so just barely below average? I can deal with that.

Annwyn Reskal
Female Human Transmuter (enhancement) Pact Wizard 5
NG Medium Humanoid(human, shapechanger)
Init +5; Senses Perception +6
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+1 Natural, +3 DEX, +4 Armor)
hp 49 (5 HD; 6d6+20+5+5)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +6 (1d6+5/x2) | Risky Strike +5 (1d6+7/x2)
Ranged Spell +5 (Spell/x20)
Special Attacks Augment (12/day, +2 Enhancement to ability of +1 NA, 2 rounds)
Transmuter Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +14)
. . 3rd - 3+1
. . 2nd - 4+1
. . 1st - 6+1
. . 0th - 4
Opposition Schools: Evocation, Necromancy
Patron: Endurance (Celestial Agenda)
Spell Mastery:
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 18+2, Int 28, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +2; CMB +7; CMD 20
Skills Spellcraft +17, Knowledge (arcana, nature) +19, Knowledge (planes, history, geography, religion, local, dungeoneering, engineering) +17, Fly +11, Perception +6, Craft (books) +17
Feats Spell Mastery, Weapon focus (natural), Natural Spell, Spell Focus (transmutation), Scholar (Arcana, Nature)
Traits Maagambyan Arcana (healing flames), Shrouded Casting (transmutation), Reactionary
Languages Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Ignan, Infernal, Osirani, Polyglot, Sylvan, Taldane, Terran
SQ Oracle Curse (tongues), Patron Spells, Effortless Magic, Shapeshifting
Gear Headband of Vast Intellect +2, Belt of Giant Strength (self-made) +2, Ring of Six Facets
Special Abilities
Name of Ability
Endurance (Celestial Agenda): 2nd — endure elements, 4th — castigate, 6th — protection from energy, 8th — spell immunity, 10th — rebuke, 12th — bear's endurance (mass), 14th — restoration (greater), 16th — greater planar ally (good outsiders only), 18th — miracle

FCB: +5 HP

Annwyn hails from the jungle of Magaambya, in the hidden city of Saruhk, where she was taught the traditions of Old-Mage Jatambe, and taught to respect life in all its forms, while also scorning those creatures who seek to corrupt, to pollute, and to destroy. A direct descendent of the Ten Magic Warriors as well, to say she has a pure bloodline is understating the matter (she declined Mengkare's invitation to his Grand Experiment when it was sent). Skilled in mind and body, she quickly took to the wizardly traditions of her elders, as her home's tendencies of strong nonviolence didn't give her many options.

And she certainly felt she was learning a lot. However, Annwyn still felt slightly held back. As a result, she constantly went out of her sheltered city, looking for all kinds of trouble. As a small child, she was one of the few people to have ever left her home city, which caused her parents and teachers no end of worry, knowing how dangerous the outside world is and recognizing that they were surrounded by hostiles on all sides.

However, that never stopped her expeditions, and she left the city regularly to communed with shamans from other tribes, wandered the forest looking for creatures to play with (never fearing any of them, and for some reason, they never attacked her). And, while her guardians continually tried to keep her sheltered and focused, she never failed to slip out of their grasp, picking up tips from spirits for the best way to call on magic.
Her parents had no clue what to think of their daughter, as they alternated between vexation at her absolute refusal to listen to them and absolute awe at her genius and capability to learn spells that would have been traditionally thought impossible (though, admittedly, it was only a semi-rare skill for the Maambyagan tradition). Still, they loved her dearly and she returned the affection, though she did often find their attention a little smothering at times.

Still, Annwyn, despite her occasional frustration with her mentors and parents, was still a diligent student, and while she did frequently slack off for her duties and studies, she did so in some of the most absurd ways possible: Memorizing her spells to not have to look them up, running off in the middle of her lessons to learn more history, and so on.

Her… unique propensities caught the eye of Anwigasi, the couatl guardian of her home, and the feathered serpent took her under his wing (so to speak) when the rest of her masters had given up on trying to control the rebellious girl, having no way to deal with the stubborn six-year old that actually worked. Through even he had difficulties curbing her rebellious streak, he managed it eventually, and while her wild side stayed, it was directed more towards her studies, and she devoured book after book.
By the time she was ten, she had read many of the books in the vast library of her home, and so Anwigasi himself started to mentor the girl, teaching her some combat techniques so that she might have something to do with her seemingly boundless energy, and she sparred with a few of the Bulwarks, the guardians of Sarukh, and while enthusiastic, her energy was no match for the skilled warriors. Still, her time learning to use a staff in battle proved useful for much of her life, and getting the tar beaten out of her on a regular basis did serve to toughen her up, and she always came back for more regardless.

So, while her combat training could have gone better, her studies proved absurdly effective at enhancing her psyche, and before long she was out-thinking most of the city, and running mental laps around her tutors, which of course barely helped their efforts to keep her contained and under control in her studies. At least, they thought, she wasn't running off into the jungle anymore.

As Annwyn finished off the last of the books in the collection that held any relevance and interest to her, Angiwasi started mentoring the girl on the matters of religion and planar events, teaching her about the unique planar convergences that led to the Well of Heaven, the sacred lake in the heart of their home, getting its name. He also inducted her into numerous religious rituals, teaching her the value of Winlas' duty and what he tended to. This all resulted in Annwyn becoming intensely curious as to the nature of the outside world with its diverse cultures, but even more, what the other planes must be like.
Her intense curiosity for what Heaven must be like (and her propensity to sneak literal tastes of heaven from the pomegranate tree in Anwigasi's garden) set Annwyn on a personal journey to visit the realm of angels, and, knowing that her master wouldn't approve, and lacking the required power to go herself, she worked out the complicated quintessent formulae required to determine the convergences that would open a portal to Heaven in the Well of Heaven, and when the time came, she cast her spells, and the little twelve-year-old girl dove into the waters and swam through the opened portal, to the outer planes.

When she surfaced in a small lake in Erastil's realm, the first thing that she noticed was simply how much Heaven was. It had so much color, so much vibrance. It was everything she had hoped for, as she marveled at the different trees, so different from her home. As she wandered the slopes, she saw so many wondrous sites, until she was apprehended by an Archon guardian for intruding on the holy ground, at least.

However, her innocence (and age), pure heart, and talent quickly persuaded the upper levels that she should be allowed to stay, and (after a quick message back to her family, telling them not to worry), she spent the next several years learning even more from Heaven, where she worked in the Great Library of Harmonious Scripture as a scribe, shelver, and general magical trinket-maker under the Empyreal Lord Winlas.

Through this time in the library, she learned an absolutely ridiculous amount about everything that she could possibly want to know. However, amusingly enough, she got to the point, eventually, where she spoke, thought, and dreamt in Celestial, and it effectively replaced Polyglot as her primary language during her 'Study abroad' time, though she did also learn a great many other languages as she was there. That said, to this day, when she's stressed she'll start rattling off in Celestial rather than any other language.

When she was 16, she decided it was finally time to move on, and spent more than a bit of time touring a few other planes (mainly Nirvana and Elysium, though she also paid quick visits to Axis, the Boneyard, and the Positive Energy Plane, and spent a couple days briefly checking out the Negative Energy Plane, the Maelstrom, and even Hell.) before returning home (though not without a companion- during her time in Nirvana, she met and became fast companions with an elementally-infused unicorn, who followed her back to the Material plane as a protector).

However, she found that, after the wonders of the planes, her old home held little to compare to the splendor of Heaven and Elysium. While her magical training had been essentially 'on hold' while working in the library, she had still picked up a few tricks here and there. Still, she found her old life even more unsatisfying than before. That was only further reinforced after her grandmother passed away, a few months after she returned.

As part of her heavenly employment, Annwyn received a magical blessing, to be used at a later date (in addition to general sponsorship from literal gods). And, as she prepared to set off on her journey, she called in her favor to help her know the threats she would face, as well as forming a deal with the powers of Heaven and Nirvana to grant her power.

As she prepared to take off, she went to talk with Anwigasi for the last time in quite a while, who showed her the outside world, and gave her a plan for where she might head towards, as well as giving her several gifts for her journey, magical aids for her intelligence and similar boosts.

As a special item, she was bestowed a magical ring, a legacy from ages past, one made for wizards of her order, to help focus mind, body, and magic to aid her in her journtey, the Ring of Six Facets. Created by several of the Ten Magic Warriors in an attempt to replicate their master's work, it had been passed down and unused in the ancient city for generations, never used but highly useful.

Finally, she left her home for the last time, astride on Vestana as they vanished into the jungle. Now 18, she found the wilds to be more hostile than they had been a decade prior, and she frequently had to flee from incredibly dangerous creatures. Nonetheless, they made it to their first destination without too much difficulty.

This was, naturally, the strange city of Jaha, where she spent a few weeks trying to learn a few of its secrets, but found herself repulsed for her efforts, mistrusted due to being an outsider. From there, she traveled for several weeks, fighting through the thickets of the jungle, on her way to the Barrier Wall, and past that, Thuvia.

As she made her way through Thuvia, following the Turvanar and Uta rivers, she managed the trip mostly without incident (barring a run-in with a corrupt alchemist as Annwyn and Vestana passed through Duwwor), and managed to support themselves through their unique abilities combined. All the while, Annwyn found herself frequently assuming false identities to dodge questions about her homeland, and hesitant to send unwanted guests, she got passable at lying (though it proved hit-or-miss at best).

She successfully joined a band of adventurers heading in roughly the same direction as her, serving as arcane support and healing for them in their journeys, and exceptionally enjoyed the companionship they provided, and the spoils of their ventures into the Thuvian desert.

Still, after one particularly aggressive adventurer got a bit too aggressive and forceful with Annwyn, she retaliated with quite a bit of force and parted ways with the group, setting off on her own in the port city of Merab. While in the city, she had something of a breakpoint, casting a number of very risky, very dangerous spells and rituals, binding herself to Heaven even more than she already was.

While she doesn't remember why she did what she did, or what happened, or how she did what she did, but what she does know is that, when Annwyn woke up one morning, she wasn't in her own body, and she had missing memories. And in front of her was a tiny, wispy… earth elemental? No, it wasn't an outsider. It was a construct, made of floating rocks and perhaps slightly wispy material. In the center of the swirling mass was a single sparkling gemstone which Annwyn instinctively knew contained her missing knowledge. When she tried to grab it, the Wyrd (who kindly informed her that its name was Ehtel) refused, and vanished back into Annwyn's mind, telling her that it was under specific orders to never return the memories she had placed within it.
Naturally, this didn't go over well with Annwyn, who, upon thinking about giving the insolent creature a piece of her mind, was told that she already had- and was right in front of her. Essentially, she found out, she had torn a section of her thoughts, knowledge, and memories out of her own head and fashioned herself a familiar out of her very thoughts. Somehow. Ehtel wasn't very specific. Though it did inform her master, who was more than a little concerned about her being in the wrong body, that the process had also left her body unstable as well.

Experimenting a little, Annwyn found that her form was mutable, and she could assume the appearance of all sorts of people, from humans to goblins to elves to some small trolls, as well as enhance some aspects of herself with animal-like qualities. (While frustrated that she hasn't been able to transform fully into an animal yet, she's convinced she's nearly hit a breakthrough that will open up a whole host of new forms) Frustratingly, though, she couldn't figure out how this had happened, despite all her efforts.

Before too long, she moved on from Merab, catching a ride on a ship bound for Absalom. The journey was fairly uneventful and she arrived in the City in the Center of the World three days before her 17th birthday. Once in the city, for a few weeks, she wandered around the city, enjoying all it had to offer her. Eventually, she more "settled down," working in a library (she had quite a bit of experience, after all) under the guise of a half-elven woman named Erith.

The job in the library kept her decently busy as she wandered the great city, at least during the day. At night, she had a bit more of an active role, scouring the lower streets for troublemakers and brigands and dealing out justice, using a combination of her spells, shapeshifting, magically-enhanced combat, and some plain skill. Nobody expects the meek librarian to be a warrior, after all, so her mini-crusades have gone unconnected to her. While after a while she dialed it back some, she still appreciated the experience it gave her in combat.

Now, she works her day job at the library, only occasionally going out to fight evil, but she's starting to experience wonderlust, with the feeling that she's only seen the tiniest of fractions of the entire world. She wants to track down the lost Ring of Nine Facets, purge evil wherever it may be hiding, and grow her arcane powers.

Okay, finally, actually done. With everything. May tweak slightly if selected based off the the rest of the party.


Annwyn Reskal
Female Human Transmuter (enhancement) Pact Wizard 5
NG Medium Humanoid(human, shapechanger)
Init +5; Senses Perception +6, Arcane Sight
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+1 Natural, +3 DEX, +4 Armor, +1 deflection)
hp 49 (5 HD; 6d6+20+5+5)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +7 (1d6+5/x2) | Risky Strike +6 (1d6+7/x2) || Natural Attack +8 (variable+5/x2), plus size bonuses
Ranged Spell +5 (Spell/x20)
Special Attacks Augment (12/day, +2 Enhancement to ability of +1 NA, 2 rounds)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +5)
. . Continuous- Arcane Sight
Transmuter Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +14)
. . 3rd - ice spears, major image, haste, 1 more
. . 2nd - web (DC 21), invisibility, levitate, 2 more
. . 1st - Mage Armor, shield, grease (DC 20), heightened awareness, coin shot, enlarge person, 1 more
. . 0th - prestidigitation, mage hand, ghost sound (DC 19), 1 more
Opposition Schools: Evocation, Necromancy
Patron: Endurance (Celestial Agenda)
Spell Mastery:
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 18+2, Int 28, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +2; CMB +7; CMD 20
Skills Spellcraft +17, Knowledge (arcana, nature) +19, Knowledge (planes, history, geography, religion, local, dungeoneering, engineering) +17, Fly +11, Perception +6, Craft (books) +17
Feats Spell Mastery, Craft Wondrous Item, Weapon focus (natural), Natural Spell, Spell Focus (transmutation), Scholar (Arcana, Nature)
Traits Maagambyan Arcana (eaglesoul), Shrouded Casting (transmutation), Reactionary
Languages Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Ignan, Infernal, Osirani, Polyglot, Sylvan, Taldane, Terran
SQ Oracle Curse (tongues), Patron Spells, Effortless Magic, Shapeshifting, Spell Study
Gear Headband of Vast Intellect +2, Belt of Giant Strength (self-made) +2, cloak of resistance +2 (self-made), Ring of Six Facets (arcane bond), ring of deflection +1, amulet of mighty fists +1, cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone (in familiar), handy haversack (self-made), spell component pouch, quarterstaff, belt pouch, adventurer's outfit, 250 gp
Floating disk (2), mount (2), obscuring mist (2),
See invisibility, glitterdust, resist energy, knock

Wand of False Life (10 charges), wand of magic missile
Special Abilities
Name of Ability

Spell Study (Su):
At 2nd level, the sage’s understanding of the spells of bards, clerics, and druids is so great that he can use his own magic in an inefficient, roundabout way to duplicate those classes’ spells. Once per day, a spell sage can spontaneously cast any spell on the bard, cleric, or druid spell list as if it were a wizard spell he knew and had prepared. Casting the spell requires the spell sage to spend 1 full round per spell level of the desired spell (if the spell is on multiple spell lists indicated above, using the lowest level from among those lists) and requires expending two prepared spells of that spell level or higher; if the spell’s casting time is normally 1 full round or longer, this is added to the spell sage’s casting time. For example, if a spell sage wants to use spell study to cast cure light wounds (cleric spell level 1st), he must spend 2 full rounds casting and expend two prepared wizard spells of 1st level or higher.

Shapeshifting (Su):
You are formless. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, and once per round as a full-round action, you may duplicate the effects of a spell with the Polymorph subtype whose spell level is not higher than 1/2 your HD (minimum 1) on yourself (if you are Mythic, you may use that version of the spell if the spell is of a level less than or equal to your tier). This effect lasts until you use it again to assume your natural state or a different polymorph. At 4th level, you can use this as a Standard action, a Move action at 8th level, at 12th, a Swift action, at 16th, a free action once per round, and at 20th, a free action even when it's not your turn, and may transform a number of times per round equal to your Spellcasting ability score (if you have one), or Charisma modifier (if you don't). This ability score also determines the DCs of any effects you create.

Ring of Six Facets:
faint transmutation, CL 3rd
Slot ring; Price 8,000 gp; Weight
This bronze ring, created in ages past in a partial effort to replicate the Ring of Nine Facets, has six gems, a ruby, amethyst, garnet, diamond, emerald, and a sapphire, spaced evenly along the ridge. If a good-aligned wizard with training in the Maagabyan tradition wears it, however, it proves to be a powerful item. Every morning when the wearer prepares spells, they may choose a single attribute. Throughout the day, they receive the benefits of either visualization of the body or visualization of the mind, as appropriate for that ability score.
Additionally, three times per day, the wearer may activate the ring to regain the use of a 1st-level spell slot, as a Pearl of Power, and once per day to regain a 2nd-level slot.
Construction Requirements Forge Ring, visualization of the body, visualization of the mind; Cost 4,000 gp

Spell Mastery (9 spells): Haste, Enlarge Person, pyrotechnics, levitate, web, major image, dispel magic, ice spears, spiked pit
0-level: All except Necromancy, evocation

1st level:
Shield, mage armor, protection from evil, grease, true strike, silent image, vanish, enlarge person, feather fall, liberating command, reduce person, heightened awareness, magic weapon, coin shot, charm person

2nd level:
Resist energy, create pit, glitterdust, web, blur, invisibility, mirror image, full pouch, pyrotechnics, tears to wine, apport object, carry companion, levitate, steal size, retrieve item, sense vitals

3rd level:
Fly, haste, ice spears, mad monkeys, phantom steed, spiked pit, stinking cloud, charitable impulse, heroism, slow, suggestion, dispel magic, shrink item, explosive runes, major image, nondetection, ash storm,


1: Maagambyan Arcanist (eaglesoul)
Annwyn hails from the jungle of Magaambya, in the hidden city of Saruhk, where she was taught the traditions of Old-Mage Jatambe, and taught to respect life in all its forms, while also scorning those creatures who seek to corrupt, to pollute, and to destroy. A direct descendent of the Ten Magic Warriors as well, to say she has a pure bloodline is understating the matter (she declined Mengkare's invitation to his Grand Experiment when it was sent). Skilled in mind and body, she quickly took to the wizardly traditions of her elders, as her home's tendencies of strong nonviolence didn't give her many options.

And she certainly felt she was learning a lot. However, Annwyn still felt slightly held back. As a result, she constantly went out of her sheltered city, looking for all kinds of trouble. As a small child, she was one of the few people to have ever left her home city, which caused her parents and teachers no end of worry, knowing how dangerous the outside world is and recognizing that they were surrounded by hostiles on all sides.

However, that never stopped her expeditions, and she left the city regularly to communed with shamans from other tribes, wandered the forest looking for creatures to play with (never fearing any of them, and for some reason, they never attacked her). And, while her guardians continually tried to keep her sheltered and focused, she never failed to slip out of their grasp, picking up tips from spirits for the best way to call on magic.
2: Spell Mastery
Her parents had no clue what to think of their daughter, as they alternated between vexation at her absolute refusal to listen to them and absolute awe at her genius and capability to learn spells that would have been traditionally thought impossible (though, admittedly, it was only a semi-rare skill for the Maambyagan tradition). Still, they loved her dearly and she returned the affection, though she did often find their attention a little smothering at times.

Still, Annwyn, despite her occasional frustration with her mentors and parents, was still a diligent student, and while she did frequently slack off for her duties and studies, she did so in some of the most absurd ways possible: Memorizing her spells to not have to look them up, running off in the middle of her lessons to learn more history, and so on.

Her… unique propensities caught the eye of Anwigasi, the couatl guardian of her home, and the feathered serpent took her under his wing (so to speak) when the rest of her masters had given up on trying to control the rebellious girl, having no way to deal with the stubborn six-year old that actually worked. Through even he had difficulties curbing her rebellious streak, he managed it eventually, and while her wild side stayed, it was directed more towards her studies, and she devoured book after book.
3: Intelligence
By the time she was ten, she had read many of the books in the vast library of her home, and so Anwigasi himself started to mentor the girl, teaching her some combat techniques so that she might have something to do with her seemingly boundless energy, and she sparred with a few of the Bulwarks, the guardians of Sarukh, and while enthusiastic, her energy was no match for the skilled warriors. Still, her time learning to use a staff in battle proved useful for much of her life, and getting the tar beaten out of her on a regular basis did serve to toughen her up, and she always came back for more regardless.

So, while her combat training could have gone better, her studies proved absurdly effective at enhancing her psyche, and before long she was out-thinking most of the city, and running mental laps around her tutors, which of course barely helped their efforts to keep her contained and under control in her studies. At least, they thought, she wasn't running off into the jungle anymore.

As Annwyn finished off the last of the books in the collection that held any relevance and interest to her, Angiwasi started mentoring the girl on the matters of religion and planar events, teaching her about the unique planar convergences that led to the Well of Heaven, the sacred lake in the heart of their home, getting its name. He also inducted her into numerous religious rituals, teaching her the value of Winlas' duty and what he tended to. This all resulted in Annwyn becoming intensely curious as to the nature of the outside world with its diverse cultures, but even more, what the other planes must be like.
4: Vestana, Aerial Celestial Unicorn
Her intense curiosity for what Heaven must be like (and her propensity to sneak literal tastes of heaven from the pomegranate tree in Anwigasi's garden) set Annwyn on a personal journey to visit the realm of angels, and, knowing that her master wouldn't approve, and lacking the required power to go herself, she worked out the complicated quintessent formulae required to determine the convergences that would open a portal to Heaven in the Well of Heaven, and when the time came, she cast her spells, and the little twelve-year-old girl dove into the waters and swam through the opened portal, to the outer planes.

When she surfaced in a small lake in Erastil's realm, the first thing that she noticed was simply how much Heaven was. It had so much color, so much vibrance. It was everything she had hoped for, as she marveled at the different trees, so different from her home. As she wandered the slopes, she saw so many wondrous sites, until she was apprehended by an Archon guardian for intruding on the holy ground, at least.

However, her innocence (and age), pure heart, and talent quickly persuaded the upper levels that she should be allowed to stay, and (after a quick message back to her family, telling them not to worry), she spent the next several years learning even more from Heaven, where she worked in the Great Library of Harmonious Scripture as a scribe, shelver, and general magical trinket-maker under the Empyreal Lord Winlas.

5: Create Wondrous Item
Through this time in the library, she learned an absolutely ridiculous amount about everything that she could possibly want to know. However, amusingly enough, she got to the point, eventually, where she spoke, thought, and dreamt in Celestial, and it effectively replaced Polyglot as her primary language during her 'Study abroad' time, though she did also learn a great many other languages as she was there. That said, to this day, when she's stressed she'll start rattling off in Celestial rather than any other language.

When she was 16, she decided it was finally time to move on, and spent more than a bit of time touring a few other planes (mainly Nirvana and Elysium, though she also paid quick visits to Axis, the Boneyard, and the Positive Energy Plane, and spent a couple days briefly checking out the Negative Energy Plane, the Maelstrom, and even Hell.) before returning home (though not without a companion- during her time in Nirvana, she met and became fast companions with an elementally-infused unicorn, who followed her back to the Material plane as a protector).

However, she found that, after the wonders of the planes, her old home held little to compare to the splendor of Heaven and Elysium. While her magical training had been essentially 'on hold' while working in the library, she had still picked up a few tricks here and there. Still, she found her old life even more unsatisfying than before. That was only further reinforced after her grandmother passed away, a few months after she returned.

6: Continuous Arcane Sight
As part of her heavenly employment, Annwyn received a magical blessing, to be used at a later date (in addition to general sponsorship from literal gods). And, as she prepared to set off on her journey, she called in her favor to help her know the threats she would face, as well as forming a deal with the powers of Heaven and Nirvana to grant her power.

As she prepared to take off, she went to talk with Anwigasi for the last time in quite a while, who showed her the outside world, and gave her a plan for where she might head towards, as well as giving her several gifts for her journey, magical aids for her intelligence and similar boosts.

As a special item, she was bestowed a magical ring, a legacy from ages past, one made for wizards of her order, to help focus mind, body, and magic to aid her in her journtey, the Ring of Six Facets. Created by several of the Ten Magic Warriors in an attempt to replicate their master's work, it had been passed down and unused in the ancient city for generations, never used but highly useful.

7: Ring of Six Facets
Finally, she left her home for the last time, astride on Vestana as they vanished into the jungle. Now 18, she found the wilds to be more hostile than they had been a decade prior, and she frequently had to flee from incredibly dangerous creatures. Nonetheless, they made it to their first destination without too much difficulty.

This was, naturally, the strange city of Jaha, where she spent a few weeks trying to learn a few of its secrets, but found herself repulsed for her efforts, mistrusted due to being an outsider. From there, she traveled for several weeks, fighting through the thickets of the jungle, on her way to the Barrier Wall, and past that, Thuvia.

As she made her way through Thuvia, following the Turvanar and Uta rivers, she managed the trip mostly without incident (barring a run-in with a corrupt alchemist as Annwyn and Vestana passed through Duwwor), and managed to support themselves through their unique abilities combined. All the while, Annwyn found herself frequently assuming false identities to dodge questions about her homeland, and hesitant to send unwanted guests, she got passable at lying (though it proved hit-or-miss at best).

8: Ehtel, Figment Sage Ioun Wyrd Familiar (or domain if allowed instead)
She successfully joined a band of adventurers heading in roughly the same direction as her, serving as arcane support and healing for them in their journeys, and exceptionally enjoyed the companionship they provided, and the spoils of their ventures into the Thuvian desert.

Still, after one particularly aggressive adventurer got a bit too aggressive and forceful with Annwyn, she retaliated with quite a bit of force and parted ways with the group, setting off on her own in the port city of Merab. While in the city, she had something of a breakpoint, casting a number of very risky, very dangerous spells and rituals, binding herself to Heaven even more than she already was.

While she doesn't remember why she did what she did, or what happened, or how she did what she did, but what she does know is that, when Annwyn woke up one morning, she wasn't in her own body, and she had missing memories. And in front of her was a tiny, wispy… earth elemental? No, it wasn't an outsider. It was a construct, made of floating rocks and perhaps slightly wispy material. In the center of the swirling mass was a single sparkling gemstone which Annwyn instinctively knew contained her missing knowledge. When she tried to grab it, the Wyrd (who kindly informed her that its name was Ehtel) refused, and vanished back into Annwyn's mind, telling her that it was under specific orders to never return the memories she had placed within it.
9: Shapeshifting
Naturally, this didn't go over well with Annwyn, who, upon thinking about giving the insolent creature a piece of her mind, was told that she already had- and was right in front of her. Essentially, she found out, she had torn a section of her thoughts, knowledge, and memories out of her own head and fashioned herself a familiar out of her very thoughts. Somehow. Ehtel wasn't very specific. Though it did inform her master, who was more than a little concerned about her being in the wrong body, that the process had also left her body unstable as well.

Experimenting a little, Annwyn found that her form was mutable, and she could assume the appearance of all sorts of people, from humans to goblins to elves to some small trolls, as well as enhance some aspects of herself with animal-like qualities. (While frustrated that she hasn't been able to transform fully into an animal yet, she's convinced she's nearly hit a breakthrough that will open up a whole host of new forms) Frustratingly, though, she couldn't figure out how this had happened, despite all her efforts.

Before too long, she moved on from Merab, catching a ride on a ship bound for Absalom. The journey was fairly uneventful and she arrived in the City in the Center of the World three days before her 17th birthday. Once in the city, for a few weeks, she wandered around the city, enjoying all it had to offer her. Eventually, she more "settled down," working in a library (she had quite a bit of experience, after all) under the guise of a half-elven woman named Erith.

10: Spell Study
The job in the library kept her decently busy as she wandered the great city, at least during the day. At night, she had a bit more of an active role, scouring the lower streets for troublemakers and brigands and dealing out justice, using a combination of her spells, shapeshifting, magically-enhanced combat, and some plain skill. Nobody expects the meek librarian to be a warrior, after all, so her mini-crusades have gone unconnected to her. While after a while she dialed it back some, she still appreciated the experience it gave her in combat.

Now, she works her day job at the library, only occasionally going out to fight evil, but she's starting to experience wonderlust, with the feeling that she's only seen the tiniest of fractions of the entire world. She wants to track down the lost Ring of Nine Facets, purge evil wherever it may be hiding, and grow her arcane powers.

Her time at the library has taught her more than a few interesting things as well, however, and various studies, wandering mages, and visitors (combined with extensive research of druidic magical traditions outside of Mwangi) have given her the ability to, on occasion, cast a spell generally thought impossible. But hey, she's been doing that since she was six.

Hellspawn Half-Fiend [OutSider -Native] L5 | Initi +5 | HP 50/50 | AC 24*25 T18*19 FF-- CMD 26 | Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +16 | DR5/Cold Iron| Ris 5 cold, elect,fire | Percep +18 | Intimidate +18|

Rosa is a LE Hound of Hell, a kind of Cop in the vast Bureaucracy of the Hells. Her task is to hunt down on the Prime souls and devils that have escaped hells justice. To that end she has a weapon of office and a kind of partner/oversee'er A CR3 Devil bound to her sword. Its not all upside, the words as Rosa and it are bound by laws, cant use disguises, nor can Rosa use any other made weapon but it. She and it are so bound. Rosa is all about rules and the Dogma of the Hells. She is more a cleric of Law than Evil. Contracts and rules.

So Asking
As her mount/familiar would that be fine GM.To have a devil bound into her sword

Image of Rosa

CG Halfling Rogue 7 HP 76/76 | AC 24 (26) | Fort +11 Refl +17 Will +13 | Perception +15, low-light | Powers 7/7

Oh, sounds like Rosa would totally be up for tracking the escaped evil that renli and lidras are hunting!!

CG Halfling Rogue 7 HP 76/76 | AC 24 (26) | Fort +11 Refl +17 Will +13 | Perception +15, low-light | Powers 7/7

Okay, been working over in my head a good option for my Wish, and I think I resolved on the Champion tier 1 ability Titan's Bane. I think it will add to the image of a little halfling standing toe-to-toe (or rather toe-under-toe) with demons, devils, giants and the like in a truly heroic battle, yet doesn't actually add to damage or the sort.

Also, figured I would toss the dice to randomize my Aasimar ability.
aasimar alt ability: 1d100 ⇒ 70

+2 to Constitution, I will take it!

Hellspawn Half-Fiend [OutSider -Native] L5 | Initi +5 | HP 50/50 | AC 24*25 T18*19 FF-- CMD 26 | Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +16 | DR5/Cold Iron| Ris 5 cold, elect,fire | Percep +18 | Intimidate +18|
Adegard "Aden" Underhill wrote:
Oh, sounds like Rosa would totally be up for tracking the escaped evil that renli and lidras are hunting!!

Yes very much

For a super power: Half-fiend template with fit perfect

Adegard "Aden" Underhill wrote:

After looking into the Eidolon more, I decided it really didn't deliver on my vision of the angel bound to Adegard's soul. As you already approved the Animal Lord template (CR+2) as a Super Power, I opted to go with the Half Celestial template (CR+1 lvl 1-5, +2 lvls 6-10) and add to it with other powers/feats to round out the effect. The Druid's Nature's Bond ability establishes that an animal companion and a domain are equivalent, so I selected the Glory(Heroism) domain, as it is on Iomedae's list.

Sadly, I still haven't figured out something for my Wish, anyone have any good ideas?

1 - extra trait: Magical Knack
2 - extra feat: Lingering Performance
3 - extra +2 to an ability score: Constitution
4 - gain a mount CR 3 or below: sold for 2500 gp
5 - gain a crafting feat: Craft Magic Arms & Armor
6 - gain a wish: TBD
7 - gain a magical ring no more than 8,000 gp: Ring of Protection +2, counts as holy symbol
8 - gain a familiar or animal companion: Glory Domain, with Heroism subdomain
9 - gain a super power: Half-Celestial template
10 - gain another 'Special' from another class: Archaeologist's Luck bard ability

I would say the wish is the half celestial template. Then taking Titan Bane as your super power... though not really a super power in my book.

Rosa Luminasss wrote:

Rosa is a LE Hound of Hell, a kind of Cop in the vast Bureaucracy of the Hells. Her task is to hunt down on the Prime souls and devils that have escaped hells justice. To that end she has a weapon of office and a kind of partner/oversee'er A CR3 Devil bound to her sword. Its not all upside, the words as Rosa and it are bound by laws, cant use disguises, nor can Rosa use any other made weapon but it. She and it are so bound. Rosa is all about rules and the Dogma of the Hells. She is more a cleric of Law than Evil. Contracts and rules.

So Asking
As her mount/familiar would that be fine GM.To have a devil bound into her sword

Image of Rosa

Yes, also make sure to save that link in your profile/description for later reference.

Sooooo.... which module were you all thinking of playing? Or would you like to start fully in Absolon and develop that in gameplay?

Philo Pharynx wrote:

Okay, here is Dayvin.

[dice=Terva hp]3d10

For the specials here are the things I assumed. I can take them off if you disagree.
4 - gain a mount CR 3 or below - didn't take
5 - gain a crafting feat - didn't take, not a spellcaster
6 - gain a wish - took, but have not used yet
7 - gain a magical ring no more than 8,000 gp - took as tattoo of a ring.
8 - gain a familar or animal companion - took a phantom as spiritualist This is his daughter. If you don't allow this, I will not take anything.
9 - gain a super power - permanent Arcane Sight
10 - gain another 'Special' from another class - Warpriest Fervor.

** spoiler omitted **...

As a ghost how do you interact with the world? With your weapon attunement, I suppose you can strike things for half damage... Then you basically will never be hit without a natural 20 and a ghost touch weapon.

Your template is a superpower and a wish all put together. I will allow it but with great apprehension.

Braeden Padgett wrote:
GM Wolf wrote:
When you believe you are finished with your character and want me to check it, please post in the discussion thread.

Ok, so I hope I'm doing this right. Let me tell you- that 6-page, 41- paragraph backstory in two days was not easy!!! I feel so accomplished right now.

Anyways, here's the basics for Braeden, with a link to his crunch and to his backstory.

Link to Crunch: Link

Link to Backstory: Link 2

Some important things:

1: I reskinned his familiar as an intelligent magical amulet attached to his chest. Otherwise, it's the exact same thing. I liked it more, but if you don't, let me know and I'll change it.

2. Special: The Many Lives feature of the Reincarnated Druid class. Link Below. Hope that's ok!

Many Lives

3. Super- power: Removing the 7 day after death insta- kill feature of Many Lives. It still means he can be killed, it just has to be via Death Effect or by necromancy.

I am not going to look up all your feats, traits, and other special ablitlities... Like I have been PMing players so far: You need to have a link or description or both on your character sheet. Bradeden I would suggest making another google doc with the descriptions of the said items above and put the link in your profile.

Male Aasimar (outsider, chaotic)| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | F: +9, R: +4, W: +12 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +15 Fortune-Blessed Cleric of Desna/4th | Speed 30ft (40ft) | Active conditions: None.

A confused varisian man pokes his head in the door.
"Oops! Pardon me?" The varisian apologized. "I may be lost. Is this where the boat to Absolom gets off, or are we doing something else?"

One more for the party... Davian the Cleric

I am going to give you another day before I go ahead and create the first post in gameplay.

Dark Archive


Checking in!

Lidras brings ranged attacks
Minor magic (such as constant defect magic)
Auto identify of magic items
Fairly decent face and knowledge skills

Is it allowed to take a Domain instead of an Animal Companion? A theme I’ve been noticing with my character is a sort of general “there’s no such thing as Spell lists” for her- between Spell Study, plans to go into Maagambyan Arcanist, one of the traits I took, and pact wizard, it’s been quite hilarious how many non-wizard spells I have access to (I’m starting to wonder if I should have gone Samsaran for even more craziness). So a Domain would just be hilarious.

Male half-Umbral Dragon Human Wizard(Exploiter/Pact)/Alchemist(Mindchemist/Internal) 4 HP: 59[+12 temp]/59 Saves: 12/10/8 AC: 24/16/20 CMD: 24 Initiative: +10 Perception: +9 AR: 5/7

Am I allowed to post in here? I'm all finished except spending my gold.

Male Half-orc Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 17

Hello? I should be good to go. Are we all in the right place, or should there be a second table? This would definitely be an...interesting party. Grod, the Executioner-Paladin of Damerrich, would certainly have some interesting interactions with Rosa. This is probably the only time I’ll ever say this, but I feel like Grod’s 9 paragraphs of background are woefully inadequate compared to the rest of y’all.

I think Grod would probably be the best for in a Kingmaker campaign. He’d be a great Marshal, Royal Enforcer, or Warden. But Legacy of Fire would be fun too.

NG Female Half-celestial Human (Form: Half-elf) Pact Wizard (Enhancement Transmuter) 5 | HP 52/52; DR 5/magic| AC: 20 T: 14 FF: 17; SR 16 |Perception +6, Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Initiative +5 | Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +7 | CMB +8 CMD 21 | Speed: 30 Spellcraft+19, K(arc,nat)+21, K(all)+19 , Fly+12, Linguistics +19 | Active Effects: Mage Armor| Uses: Augment 12/12, Calming Touch 4/4, Smite Evil 1/1, False Life 10, Magic Missile 50

Okay, checking in with my alias. Pretty sure I formatted my bar properly, but man that's a lot of info. I think I hit the cap on every section.

Annwyn is intentionally very flexible when it comes to what to play; I started with the idea of her being a shapechanger, and went from there. She is very solidly 'good,' though, so wouldn't put up with any Belkar Bitterleafs, for example, but an LE cop whose primary target is other Evil people she would get along fine with.

GM- would Templates be gainable once the campaign is underway? The half-celestial template would absolutely fit her, and I'd take it with my Wish if this is the only shot at it. If not, I'll stick with my Arcane Sight as something that's useful, but not terribly powerful.

HP 66/66 | AC: 42 T: 42 FF: 32 |Perception +27, dv 120', low-light | Init +13 |Fort +13*, Ref+17*(e), Will +17* | CMB +13/15 CMD 42/44 |Speed Fly 40' Perfect Acrobatics +16, Artistry (philosophy) +10, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +8, Fly +26, Heal +11, Kn (dun) +9, Kn (hist, plane, relig) +13, Perception +27, Perform (oratory) +6, Sense Motive +27, Stealth +29 | Uses: Ki 15/15, A Step 9/9, redir 5/5, Ferv 11/11

Here I am. I'm okay with the wish and super power paying for the template. It doesn't take ghost touch to hit me - anything magical will do. Incorporeal by default do normal damage to corporeal - though my phantom daughter cannot affect corporeal when she is incorporeal.

I switched from LG to LN to make it easier to interact with all sorts of people. Still good tendencies.

As a ghost with a phantom, I'm a natural scout. Since I'm hard to hurt, I can be good in the front lines or going past to harass the casters in the back.

Legacy of fire would be cool, but I could do Kingmaker as well.

NG Female Half-celestial Human (Form: Half-elf) Pact Wizard (Enhancement Transmuter) 5 | HP 52/52; DR 5/magic| AC: 20 T: 14 FF: 17; SR 16 |Perception +6, Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Initiative +5 | Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +7 | CMB +8 CMD 21 | Speed: 30 Spellcraft+19, K(arc,nat)+21, K(all)+19 , Fly+12, Linguistics +19 | Active Effects: Mage Armor| Uses: Augment 12/12, Calming Touch 4/4, Smite Evil 1/1, False Life 10, Magic Missile 50

(Just a note of interest: the profile picture represents Annwyn's current appearance, not her true form)

As a shapeshifter, I'm something of a frontliner muscle wizard, but I'm also a master of utility spells, with access to a bunch of cleric and druid (and witch) spells as time goes on, plus Spell Sage giving me a limited use ability for any spell on the bard, cleric, or druid lists.

Dαedαlus wrote:
Is it allowed to take a Domain instead of an Animal Companion? A theme I’ve been noticing with my character is a sort of general “there’s no such thing as Spell lists” for her- between Spell Study, plans to go into Maagambyan Arcanist, one of the traits I took, and pact wizard, it’s been quite hilarious how many non-wizard spells I have access to (I’m starting to wonder if I should have gone Samsaran for even more craziness). So a Domain would just be hilarious.

Yes, thank you for asking.

Serill Elamaer wrote:
Am I allowed to post in here? I'm all finished except spending my gold.

Yes! Also get to spending!!!

Annwyn Reskal wrote:

Okay, checking in with my alias. Pretty sure I formatted my bar properly, but man that's a lot of info. I think I hit the cap on every section.

Annwyn is intentionally very flexible when it comes to what to play; I started with the idea of her being a shapechanger, and went from there. She is very solidly 'good,' though, so wouldn't put up with any Belkar Bitterleafs, for example, but an LE cop whose primary target is other Evil people she would get along fine with.

GM- would Templates be gainable once the campaign is underway? The half-celestial template would absolutely fit her, and I'd take it with my Wish if this is the only shot at it. If not, I'll stick with my Arcane Sight as something that's useful, but not terribly powerful.

This is likely going to be your only chance to gain a template, change it if you want.

Dark Archive


Ok...feeling like I made a huge mistake here. I tried so hard to make a warlock when a much simpler option was available. Could I do this?

(1) Class be a soulknife soulbolt?

(2) Change my special power to be a half-invidiak template?

(3) Make my wish to have the oracle curse "Unchained"


Unchained [3PP]

Source Oracle’s Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.

Some force has severed you from the normal realms of morality and ethics. Freedom can be a burden, and angels and devils alike mistrust you.


You have no aura for spells that detect alignment, such as detect evil. You suffer a -2 circumstance penalty with Charisma-based skills against outsiders with an alignment subtype. Casting a spell on you that gives you an illusory alignment aura requires a Concentration check with a DC of 10 +double the spells level or the spell fails.

At 5th level, you have no alignment. You can become a member of any class, even one with an alignment requirement, and can never lose your membership because of a change in alignment. If you violate the code of ethics of any of your classes, you might still lose access to certain features of such classes, subject to GM discretion. Attempts to detect your alignment don’t return any results. If a class restricts you from casting spells with an alignment descriptor, you can cast such spells without restrictions or repercussions. If you’re the target of a spell or effect that is based on alignment, you’re treated as the most favorable alignment when determining the spell’s effect on you. Any effects that alter alignment have no effect on you.

At 10th level, 1/day break enchantment as SLA

At 15th level, 1/day SLA of blasphemy, dictum, holy word, or word of chaos (your choice).

It would simplify what I was trying to make. It would take away all of the complicated psychic powers that he has. It would be much closer to what I was originally going for. And it would make use of the one-chance to have a template.

Hellspawn Half-Fiend [OutSider -Native] L5 | Initi +5 | HP 50/50 | AC 24*25 T18*19 FF-- CMD 26 | Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +16 | DR5/Cold Iron| Ris 5 cold, elect,fire | Percep +18 | Intimidate +18|


1d100 ⇒ 5
Inherited memories grant you a +2 racial bonus on one Knowledge skill of your choice.
1d100 ⇒ 50
Your skin is unnaturally tough, granting you a +1 natural bonus to your AC.
1d100 ⇒ 33
You gain DR 2/silver.

Ill take the DR 2/silver.

Lidras Mitheredal wrote:

(1) Class be a soulknife soulbolt?

Alas, 3rd party is not available.

Dark Archive


Damn. Ok then.

Class is Gloomblade

GM, does that work?

If so, what I could do is this...

For my custom ring: It adds Distance and Seeking instead of it's current +2 enchantment bonus.

From there, summon a javelin (30ft range, increases to 40ft with Distance and 50ft with Distance Thrower). Throw it at enemies.

Does what the warlock bolts needs to do, making way for the template.

Sound good?

Hellspawn Half-Fiend [OutSider -Native] L5 | Initi +5 | HP 50/50 | AC 24*25 T18*19 FF-- CMD 26 | Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +16 | DR5/Cold Iron| Ris 5 cold, elect,fire | Percep +18 | Intimidate +18|

List of 10:

1 - extra trait:
Fiendish Confidence
You expect to be obeyed, and are rarely proven wrong.
Benefit(s) You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is a class skill for you.
2 - extra feat: Intimidating Prowess (Combat)
Your physical might is intimidating to others.
Benefit: Add your Strength modifier to Intimidate skill checks in addition to your Charisma modifier.
3 - extra +2 to an ability score: Wisdom
4 - gain a mount CR 3 or below: Fiendish Possessed Hell Blade
5 - gain a crafting feat: Craft Wonder items
6 - gain a wish: Add Wis mod to Intimidate
7 - gain a magical ring no more than 8,000 gp: Ring of Mind Shielding
This ring is usually of fine workmanship and wrought from heavy gold.
The wearer is continually immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern her alignment.
8 - gain a familiar or animal companion: Glory Domain, with Heroism subdomain = Fiendish Possessed Hell Blade
9 - gain a super power: Half-Fiend template
10 - gain another 'Special' from another class: Investigator
Inspiration (Ex)
An investigator is beyond knowledgeable and skilled—he also possesses keen powers of observation and deduction that far surpass the abilities of others. An investigator typically uses these powers to aid in their investigations, but can also use these flashes of inspiration in other situations. An investigator has the ability to augment skill checks and ability checks through his brilliant inspiration. The investigator has an inspiration pool equal to 1/2 his investigator level + his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). An investigator’s inspiration pool refreshes each day, typically after he gets a restful night’s sleep. As a free action, he can expend one use of inspiration from his pool to add 1d6 to the result of that check, including any on which he takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. An investigator can only use inspiration once per check or roll. The investigator can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft skill checks without expending a use of inspiration, provided he’s trained in the skill. Inspiration can also be used on attack rolls and saving throws, at the cost of expending two uses of inspiration each time from the investigator’s pool. In the case of saving throws, using inspiration is an immediate action rather than a free action.

Hellspawn Half-Fiend [OutSider -Native] L5 | Initi +5 | HP 50/50 | AC 24*25 T18*19 FF-- CMD 26 | Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +16 | DR5/Cold Iron| Ris 5 cold, elect,fire | Percep +18 | Intimidate +18|

Short Story about Rosa:

Rosa was old, she knew this, for the last time she had been this way, there had just been a single hut where there now stood a town. She was looking at a war memorial. There was a lost of names and a date. It meant little to her, just mortals killing each other of some slight or slice of land, same old same old. No what she was thing about was

When in the hells did this happen?

She had been doing the last batch of paper work in her offie, deep in the pit of the nine hells.

Has that much time really past? I have to get out more

She stood back up, Having had to bend down to read the Inscription. One of the problems of being a large, in fact 16' tall large. She bent back, placing her hands on her hips and getting a crack sound from her back in responce .

"So you think he is here?"

Said a male voice, it sounded gruff and metallic at the same time. It seemed to come from the large Black Blade which was a-fixed to Rosa back.

"Well you know what I know"

She said in reply,

"Last seen here about and this by the looks of it is the only town for miles."

She reached into a pouch and pulled out a large cigar, Lighting it with a finger and placing it in the corner of her mouth. As she did a cart same around the mud like path behind her, There was a scream that was muffled as soon as it started. Rosa looked around to see a human male of older age and a Child sitting wide eyed on the cart as the blinkered mule pulling it kept it moving down the path past her. Fronzen in place they could not move as they came ever closer to her. She put a foot out and the mule seeing it stopped.

She took the Cigar out her mouth and looking at the two humans said.

"You from that town?"

There where nods, but the eyes never left her. Rosa pulled out a scrap of paper on which was a drawing of a man. She held it out in front of her so the two could see it.

"You seen this man of late, here abouts?

She asked, and now the eyes moved off her and to the paper, they both looked back up at here and nodded again.

"He still abouts?

Both heads shuck.

"You know where he went?"

And both pointed at a mountain on the horizon. Rosa smiled and rolled the paper away, slipping it into her belt again.

"You are free to go about your business "

She said and stepping over them, as she walked off in that directions.
After a moment her sword said.

"You know they both wet them selves"

Rosa looked back then once more at the way they needed to go.

"They where helping me with my enquires, But yes I did note that. however its best not to be rude about such things. I know the effect I can have on others Sword. So how about you shut up the hells up for a while and let me think about why the criminal we are after wants to go see a bunch of dwarfs"

And with that the two of them headed off.

So Rosa is Scary, like really scary.
She is in a nutshell someone who makes others feel alike they are looking at a large Cop taping on their car window, after they where pulling over for driving down the wrong side of the road, drink with no cloths on. Hehe.

CG Halfling Rogue 7 HP 76/76 | AC 24 (26) | Fort +11 Refl +17 Will +13 | Perception +15, low-light | Powers 7/7

Okay, adjusted the template to my Wish line. I agree, Titan's Bane isn't much of a super power. So, proposing a new one: Angel's Wrath.

Angel's Wrath (Su): In times of great need Adegard can call on the vengeful wrath of the angel bound to his soul. As a swift action, he can invoke the power, granting all of his attacks the holy special ability. He is able to use this for a number of rounds per day equal to his level plus his charisma bonus, though the rounds need not be consecutive.


Male half-Umbral Dragon Human Wizard(Exploiter/Pact)/Alchemist(Mindchemist/Internal) 4 HP: 59[+12 temp]/59 Saves: 12/10/8 AC: 24/16/20 CMD: 24 Initiative: +10 Perception: +9 AR: 5/7

Rosa seems more than a little intimidating. Nice

NG Female Half-celestial Human (Form: Half-elf) Pact Wizard (Enhancement Transmuter) 5 | HP 52/52; DR 5/magic| AC: 20 T: 14 FF: 17; SR 16 |Perception +6, Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Initiative +5 | Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +7 | CMB +8 CMD 21 | Speed: 30 Spellcraft+19, K(arc,nat)+21, K(all)+19 , Fly+12, Linguistics +19 | Active Effects: Mage Armor| Uses: Augment 12/12, Calming Touch 4/4, Smite Evil 1/1, False Life 10, Magic Missile 50

Okay, got her almost all updated (pretty sure) with Half-Celestial and the Protection (defense) domain. I spent ages trying to figure out the best domain for getting new spells, ultimately gave up, and just chose something that worked.

Anybody have any advice for two more languages to grab? I don't have much in the way of human languages (got the major Outer Plane ones), but I still have seven more slots after my new ranks in Linguistics kick in.

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