GM Batpony PFS [899] Solstice Scar C (Inactive)

Game Master Batpony

Maps and Handouts

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Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Before you are able to make a move, the kobolds react and kowtow to the booming voice, scramble to their feet, retreating deeper into the caves. For once they aren’t covering their tracks, so the path to the dragon’s lair becomes clear to follow.

A narrow cavern to the east opens into a larger cave. A gently sloping ramp descends counter clockwise to an elaborately carved column of ice. A vast pile of gold, jewels, furs, and immense bones lie piled around the column. The deeper you travel into the tunnels, the louder you hear the breathing of a beast, whom you can only expect as one of the dragon Horralydax's spawn.

Soon enough, you come face to face with a medium sized white dragon along with his kobold minions! Two shirtless tough looking ones! The dragon’s scales are a frosty white. Its head is crowned with slender horns, with a thin membrane stretched between them. Regardless of it's size, it looks ferocious with an agenda to kill.

Kn. Arcana to identify the dragon and kn. Local for kobold.

Additionally you recall the Fey's presence around you as they cast some sort of Fey blessing upon you to aid you in your conquest.

Fey Allies:

As a free action on its turn, a creature can use its benefit to gain either damage reduction equal to 1 or cold resistance equal to the 2 until the end of that encounter.

Treat the slopes as 5 ft increments, requiring a climb DC10 check to move up, and a DC10 acrobatics to jump down. Failure just ends your move. Ceiling is 30ft high.


Ridley: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Kahwen: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Malvic: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Lolly: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Heorn: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Sangkip: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Dragon: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
kobold: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

Map pg 1. Ridley, Malvic, Lolly, Sangkip is up!

Dark Archive

Female Halfling Spiritualist Lvl 6 | Effects Active: Mage Armor, Spiritual Interfernce HP 39/39 | AC (22/FF19/T16)16 (FF 13 Touch 16) CMD 16 | Init +3| Saves F +8, R +7, W +11| Per +7, SenMot +10| Spd 30' Phantom: Ecto
Tracked Resources:
Spells 2nd 2/4, 1st - 1/5, Bonded Manifestation 9/9, Bonded Senses 6/6, Lessons of Chaldira 1/1

Lolly's eyes go wide as she sees a real live dragon!

Lolly taps the ectoplasmic Sir Trystas with her wand of shield and then moves down toward the cavern wall, as she activates the fey blessing.

std - use was of shield on Sir T, move to move, cold rest 2

Form: Ecto HP 37/37 | DR 5/Slashing & Magic | AC 23 19 FF 20 16 Touch 13 CMD 19 | Init +3| Saves (Fort +5, Reflex +4, Will +4)| Per +0, | Spd 30' Effects: Magic Fang, Mage Amor

Sir Trystas rambles forward, leaping down the slope toward the danger.

Acrob DC10: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Ahh..wasted that 20!

He makes it look effortless as he advances forward.

Double move

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Missed out mentioning that the circled blue is ice and is difficult terrain

The Exchange

Human M Human Alchemist 8 |Current AC: 23 AC Base: 21 T 14 FF 20 | HP 58/58 | F +9 R +12 W +5| CMD 13 | Init +8 (12wHA)| Perc +19 | Spells: Level 1 5/6 Level 2 3/5 Level 3 2/3| Bombs 19/19 | Active Buffs: SeeInvis, Heroism, DrkVsn, BrkSkn, Cog

Ridley walks to the edge of the spiral and tosses a long bomb at the nearest kobold. As he walks, he will don his crown and elect the frost resistance.

Kn Arcana: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (3) + 22 = 25
Kn Local: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (13) + 22 = 35

Range Touch, 3rd range increment: 1d20 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 6 - 4 = 7
Damage: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (5, 4) + 8 = 17
Scatter: 1d8 ⇒ 2

If Ridley misses, I believe it lands in the square I marked with a little explosion. The blue kobold will take 10 damage, DC 20 reflex for half.

For the knowledge checks, I'd like resistances, immunities, and special attacks for the dragon. Same for kobolds I guess?

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

If anyone is going to use the aid token with the boost to allied offensive, go for it!

Aid token rules

Lolly and Sir Trystas have the Fey Allied bonus to choose still!

Ridley identifies the dragon as one known as a giant very young white dragon! These creatures are born of the cold and thrive in harsh winter conditions, as such they are known to be immune to the cold, paralysis, and sleep effects. They breath a deadly ice breath! Breath Weapon

The Kobolds are from a special tribe that heralds dragons, also known as the kobold dragon herald. They're barbaric in nature and don't have special resistance, immunity or special attacks, save that they can go into a raging state!

Ridley is quick to react with throwing more bombs! Although it didn't fall directly at the Kobold, it's splash is enough to hurt it significantly.

Reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Sangkip and Malvic are up!

Liberty's Edge

#76925-17 Dwarf Inquistor () 3 / Investigator (Mastermind) 1 HP: 34/34| AC: 18/12/17 | Fort: +5| Ref: +6| Will: +8| Init: +5| Perc: +7| CMB: +5| CMD: 17| Rapier: +5;1d6+3| Morningstar: +5;1d8+3| L.Bow:+3;1d8|
Acrobatics: +1| Appraise:+1| Bluff:+7| Climb:-2| Craft (Alchemy):+6| Diplo:+7| Intimidate: +8| Kn.(Reli/Dun/Geo/Ar/Nat/Pla/Loc): +8| Sense Motive: +4| Stealth: +1| Survival: +7| Swim: +2| Prof (Brewer): +10|

Putting in Knowledge Rolls with Inspiration.
Knowledge (Arcana) 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 8 + (4) = 20
Knowledge (Local) 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (18) + 8 + (1) = 27
Casting Shield of Faith on my turn.

Dark Archive

Male Vanara Unchained Rogue (Knifemaster, Scout) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 25, T 18, FF 19 | F +5, R +13, W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +11 | Vanish 0/3

Frustrated that he's just Just! out of reach of a devastating sneak attack, Sangkip scampers down, daggers raised before him defensively.

Move, Full Defense.
Sangkip will take the DR 2/-

Dark Archive

N Elf Magus 4 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 21 T: 19 FF: 12 | CMB: +4, CMD: 23 | F: +5 R: +6 W: +4 | Init: +7 | Perception: +2 (Low-Light Vision) | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Shield/Arcane Pool (+1)/Black Blade Strike - 1 Min
| Arcane Pool: 3/5 | Black Blade Arcane Pool: 0/1 | Spells: (1st): 1/3 | (2nd): 0/1 | Shirt Re-roll: 0/1 | Wands: CLW: 43/50 | Shield: 47/50

Acrobatics 10: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Malvic moves down to the next level to close the distance on the kobolds but begins to prepare his defenses. With a flick of his wrist a wand is released from his sheathe and he applies Shield to himself.

Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Movement, Swift to release Wand of Shield, Standard to use Wand of Shield. Also taking the Frost Resistance.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Heorn meets the DC of kn rolls for both, anything in particular you would like to know?

Copied my Fey allies text from tier 1-2, so DR2/- and Resistance Frost/Cold 4 is your choices.

Being in unfamiliar terrain and enemy territory, the Pathfinders move extremely cautiously towards the dragon and his minions.

The kobolds look to the ceilings and scream loudly entering themselves into a rage like state. Both barbarians advance towards the Pathfinder in their reach, Sir Trystas, draw a greatsword as they do so, and swing their weapon! However, their new found strength is still not enough for them to swing their blades fast enough as Sir Trystas avoids it with relative ease.

Mwk Greatsword,Rage: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 6 + 2 = 17 S: 1d10 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 3 = 15
Mwk Greatsword,Rage: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 2 = 14 S: 1d10 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 3 = 16

Move & attack!

Combat Round 1

Ridley (RC4), Malvic (RC4, Shield) , Lolly (RC4), Sir Trystas (RC4, Shield), Sangkip (DR2/-)
Kobold Heralds R (ragex1) B -10 (ragex1)
Heorn (Shield of Faith), Kahwen
Giant very young white dragon

Dark Archive

Female Halfling Spiritualist Lvl 6 | Effects Active: Mage Armor, Spiritual Interfernce HP 39/39 | AC (22/FF19/T16)16 (FF 13 Touch 16) CMD 16 | Init +3| Saves F +8, R +7, W +11| Per +7, SenMot +10| Spd 30' Phantom: Ecto
Tracked Resources:
Spells 2nd 2/4, 1st - 1/5, Bonded Manifestation 9/9, Bonded Senses 6/6, Lessons of Chaldira 1/1

Yep - cold resist for Lolly and Sir T (wasn't sure if the phantom got the boon or not!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts
Lolly Farbanks wrote:
Yep - cold resist for Lolly and Sir T (wasn't sure if the phantom got the boon or not!

Yea, i overlooked the cold resist in your earlier post! The problem with trying to update from mobile. In the last special, it was clarified that eidolons received this benefit, so I'm assuming the same should apply to the phantom on that principle!

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +19, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 12th [HP 63/63, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +9, Ref +21, Will +9,] CMD 28

This seems like it is going to be a pretty dangerous battle so Kahwen takes some precaution. He twists and turns, both body and blade to get into the proper mindset and form. When he is done, his stance is more birdlike, though like a wading bird rather than a crow.

5' step. Full round action to enter crane stance. I'll take the DR.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

The dragon jumps off the edge and hovers slightly above the ground getting into what he believes to be an advantageous position! "Pathfinders...Dieee!" He roars and breaths ice towards half of the group!

Breath Weapon (Cold), 30ft cone: 4d4 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 3) = 9

Kahwen,Malvic, Kahwen,Lolly is in the area of effect! Reflex DC16 Save halves damage,

Combat Round 2

Ridley (RC4), Malvic (RC4, Shield) , Lolly (RC4), Sir Trystas (RC4, Shield), Sangkip (DR2/-)
Kobold Heralds R (ragex1) B -10 (ragex1)
Heorn (Shield of Faith), Kahwen (DR2/-)
Giant very young white dragon (5 ft above aground)

The Exchange

Human M Human Alchemist 8 |Current AC: 23 AC Base: 21 T 14 FF 20 | HP 58/58 | F +9 R +12 W +5| CMD 13 | Init +8 (12wHA)| Perc +19 | Spells: Level 1 5/6 Level 2 3/5 Level 3 2/3| Bombs 19/19 | Active Buffs: SeeInvis, Heroism, DrkVsn, BrkSkn, Cog

Ridley, dragon now in range will happily toss a bomb at the creature.

range touch attack: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 1 = 13
damage: 2d6 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (1, 6) + 8 + 1 = 16
scatter if needed: 1d8 ⇒ 2

If it misses, dragon takes 10 damage, DC20 reflex save for half.

Dark Archive

N Elf Magus 4 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 21 T: 19 FF: 12 | CMB: +4, CMD: 23 | F: +5 R: +6 W: +4 | Init: +7 | Perception: +2 (Low-Light Vision) | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Shield/Arcane Pool (+1)/Black Blade Strike - 1 Min
| Arcane Pool: 3/5 | Black Blade Arcane Pool: 0/1 | Spells: (1st): 1/3 | (2nd): 0/1 | Shirt Re-roll: 0/1 | Wands: CLW: 43/50 | Shield: 47/50

Reflex 16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Malvic sees the blast of frigid ice and dodges the largest of the shards. The wreath of warmth from the fey provide the rest of the protection he would require.

Accursed beast. Yes, rend his hide and take his power for your cause! Accursed weapon! You do not protest when I lend my aid...

Free Action: Black Blade Strike (+1 to Weapon Damage for 1 Minute). Reach of Ulthar Arcane Pool 0/1.

He shakes off the invading interjections of his blade and moves towards the kobolds before lashing out.

Black Blade (Whip) @ Red: 1d20 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 21
Damage (Lethal): 1d3 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4

Dark Archive

Male Vanara Unchained Rogue (Knifemaster, Scout) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 25, T 18, FF 19 | F +5, R +13, W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +11 | Vanish 0/3

Sangkip advances on the foolish dragon, though he finds himself unable to punish it for straying so close to the ground.

Dagger: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Magic Piercing: 1d3 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Dagger: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Cold Iron Piercing: 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Dark Archive

Female Halfling Spiritualist Lvl 6 | Effects Active: Mage Armor, Spiritual Interfernce HP 39/39 | AC (22/FF19/T16)16 (FF 13 Touch 16) CMD 16 | Init +3| Saves F +8, R +7, W +11| Per +7, SenMot +10| Spd 30' Phantom: Ecto
Tracked Resources:
Spells 2nd 2/4, 1st - 1/5, Bonded Manifestation 9/9, Bonded Senses 6/6, Lessons of Chaldira 1/1

Lolly Reflex DC16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Acrobatics DC10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Lolly takes the full force of the breath weapon and is glad for the fey aid. She jumps down and starts to head toward Sir T.

She stops and targets the red-skinned kobold attempting to putting frightening images in his head.

Fail save, cold resist, move to move, standard to cast Cause Fear DC15 Will or become frightened for 1d4 round, succeed and is shaken for 1 round.

Form: Ecto HP 37/37 | DR 5/Slashing & Magic | AC 23 19 FF 20 16 Touch 13 CMD 19 | Init +3| Saves (Fort +5, Reflex +4, Will +4)| Per +0, | Spd 30' Effects: Magic Fang, Mage Amor

Trystas as if feeding off the fear, slams the reddish kobold with all his force.


Miserable Strike 1 + Power from Despair: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7
damage: 1d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 = 6

Miserable Strike 2 + Power from Despair: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 2 = 17
damage: 1d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 2 = 8

Miserable Strike (Su): If the phantom hits a creature with a slam attack, that creature must succeed at a Will saving throw DC = 13 or take a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear and emotion effect. Penalties from multiple hits don’t stack with themselves.

Full round attack on red - 2 slams

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

I said Kahwen twice, it should have been Sangkip! Sangkip was caught in the area or effect

Ridley chucks another bomb, this time in direction of the dragon! With the creature focused on keeping afloat, the bomb lands easily against his spread wide wings! The fire burns against his cold skin harshly! Vulnerability to fire.

Sangkip follows closely and jumps in to strike at the giant very yougn white dragon while he's still within reach! But The patch of ice before him is slippery and causes the vanara to lose balance as he attempts his strikes!

Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7Rounds?: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Lolly, Sir Trystas, and Malvic all turned their focus towards one of the Kobolds. A few attacks connect and injure the creature badly, but the worst hit to the barbarian's ego is when he kobold fell prey to the spell of fright from Lolly. He makes a run for it!

Red retreats and provokes AoO from Malcix and Sir T

Meanwhile, his partner with full rage attacks Sir Trystas with every strength he can muster! However, the sight of the phantom scares him enough that his sword swings wide.

Mwk Greatsword,Rage: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 2 = 9S: 1d10 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 3 = 14

Combat Round 2

Ridley (RC4), Malvic (RC4, Shield) , Lolly -5 (RC4), Sir Trystas (RC4, Shield), Sangkip (-9 cold or half with DC16 Reflex)(DR2/-)
Kobold Heralds R -12(ragex2, frightenedx3) B -10 (ragex2)
Heorn (Shield of Faith), Kahwen (-9 cold or half with DC16 Reflex) (DR2/-)
Giant very young white dragon -24 (5 ft above aground)

Perhaps the next person attacking the dragon would want to consider the use of the inspired aid token?

Liberty's Edge

#76925-17 Dwarf Inquistor () 3 / Investigator (Mastermind) 1 HP: 34/34| AC: 18/12/17 | Fort: +5| Ref: +6| Will: +8| Init: +5| Perc: +7| CMB: +5| CMD: 17| Rapier: +5;1d6+3| Morningstar: +5;1d8+3| L.Bow:+3;1d8|
Acrobatics: +1| Appraise:+1| Bluff:+7| Climb:-2| Craft (Alchemy):+6| Diplo:+7| Intimidate: +8| Kn.(Reli/Dun/Geo/Ar/Nat/Pla/Loc): +8| Sense Motive: +4| Stealth: +1| Survival: +7| Swim: +2| Prof (Brewer): +10|

Use the Token!!!
Knowledge? Attacks and vulnerabilities?
I want DR/2 from Fey Allies.

It was a Dragon. A white one not so big but big enough dragon.
Moving forward, Heorn is nervous but warmed by his ale he joins his companions.

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +19, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 12th [HP 63/63, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +9, Ref +21, Will +9,] CMD 28

Reflex Save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Kahwen is unable to avoid the blast of icy breath from the dragon. His feathers frost with rime but he is undaunted and rushes the beast.

Elven Curve Blade minus Fighting Defensively: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 8 - 2 = 7

Slashing plus Inspired Aid: 1d10 + 7 + 1d8 ⇒ (5) + 7 + (5) = 17

He doesn't know where that other Pathfinder comes from but she throws off his aim. At least she distracts the dragon.

[pic]Missed the save. Auto succeed at the acrobatics check. Trigger Inspired Aid but miss. Fighting Defensively with Crane Stance. +4 to AC.[/ooc]

Dark Archive

Male Vanara Unchained Rogue (Knifemaster, Scout) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 25, T 18, FF 19 | F +5, R +13, W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +11 | Vanish 0/3

Oh! Gotcha!

Reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 Evasion!

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Heorn knows that on top of breath weapon, dragons can attack with their claws, wings, and their bites! Coming within close range of a dragon could be deadly! White dragons are vulnerable to fire!

Kahwen tries to fight through the icy breath with his sword to reach the dragon, but his muscles contract from the cold and stop him from being able to deliver a devastating strike!

I didnt realise this but he has a 10ft reach with bite. So i'l; forgo the AoO for now since you were not appropriately aware.

The dragon roars and unleashes his fury on Sangkip! Sangkip takes a few blows, and is surviving, but barely keeping himself together!

Fly DC15: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Bite: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23B/P: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Claws: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13B/P/S: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Claws: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11B/P/S: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Wings: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18S: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Wings: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23S: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Combat Round 3

Ridley (RC4), Malvic (RC4, Shield) , Lolly -5 (RC4), Sir Trystas (RC4, Shield), Sangkip -16 (DR2/-)
Kobold Heralds R -12(ragex2, frightenedx3) B -10 (ragex2)
Heorn (Shield of Faith), Kahwen -9 (DR2/-)
Giant very young white dragon -24 (5 ft above ground)

Dark Archive

Male Vanara Unchained Rogue (Knifemaster, Scout) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 25, T 18, FF 19 | F +5, R +13, W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +11 | Vanish 0/3

Sangkip reels from the dragon's flurry, but once it abates, launches himself straight back into the fray! "That really your best shot, ugly?"

Dagger: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Magic Piercing: 1d3 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Dagger: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Cold Iron Piercing: 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Form: Ecto HP 37/37 | DR 5/Slashing & Magic | AC 23 19 FF 20 16 Touch 13 CMD 19 | Init +3| Saves (Fort +5, Reflex +4, Will +4)| Per +0, | Spd 30' Effects: Magic Fang, Mage Amor

Sir Trystas slams at the reddish kobold as he turn to retreat.

AOO Slam + Power from Despair v Red: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 2 = 10
damage: 1d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 2 = 8

He then turns his sights on the bluish kobold who just try to attack him.

Miserable Strike 1 v Blue: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Miserable Strike 2 v. Blue: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

AOO, then Full Round Attack

Miserable Strike (Su): If the phantom hits a creature with a slam attack, that creature must succeed at a Will saving throw DC = 13 or take a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear and emotion effect. Penalties from multiple hits don’t stack with themselves.

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +19, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 12th [HP 63/63, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +9, Ref +21, Will +9,] CMD 28

Don't forget your sneak attack damage, Sangkip. I used the aid token, so he's flat footed.

The Exchange

Human M Human Alchemist 8 |Current AC: 23 AC Base: 21 T 14 FF 20 | HP 58/58 | F +9 R +12 W +5| CMD 13 | Init +8 (12wHA)| Perc +19 | Spells: Level 1 5/6 Level 2 3/5 Level 3 2/3| Bombs 19/19 | Active Buffs: SeeInvis, Heroism, DrkVsn, BrkSkn, Cog

range touch attack: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 6 + 1 = 20
damage: 2d6 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (1, 4) + 8 + 1 = 14

Ridley tosses yet another bomb at the dragon.

Dark Archive

Female Halfling Spiritualist Lvl 6 | Effects Active: Mage Armor, Spiritual Interfernce HP 39/39 | AC (22/FF19/T16)16 (FF 13 Touch 16) CMD 16 | Init +3| Saves F +8, R +7, W +11| Per +7, SenMot +10| Spd 30' Phantom: Ecto
Tracked Resources:
Spells 2nd 2/4, 1st - 1/5, Bonded Manifestation 9/9, Bonded Senses 6/6, Lessons of Chaldira 1/1

Lolly move forward boldly and draws a wand. Burning fire issues from it toward the dragon.

Wand of Burning Hands CL3: 3d4 ⇒ (2, 2, 3) = 7

DC 12 (i think, at CL3) Reflex for half
Move - move and draw wand; std - use wand

Dark Archive

N Elf Magus 4 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 21 T: 19 FF: 12 | CMB: +4, CMD: 23 | F: +5 R: +6 W: +4 | Init: +7 | Perception: +2 (Low-Light Vision) | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Shield/Arcane Pool (+1)/Black Blade Strike - 1 Min
| Arcane Pool: 3/5 | Black Blade Arcane Pool: 0/1 | Spells: (1st): 1/3 | (2nd): 0/1 | Shirt Re-roll: 0/1 | Wands: CLW: 43/50 | Shield: 47/50

Malvic scoffs after one kobold runs and turns his attention to the braver of the pair. With a motion of his free hand his whip begins leave behind a trail of arcane energy.

Spell Combat Arcane Mark with Spell Strike.

Black Blade (Whip) @ Red: 1d20 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 = 11
Damage (Lethal): 1d3 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5

Black Blade (Whip) @ Red: 1d20 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 = 25
Damage (Lethal): 1d3 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 6

Liberty's Edge

#76925-17 Dwarf Inquistor () 3 / Investigator (Mastermind) 1 HP: 34/34| AC: 18/12/17 | Fort: +5| Ref: +6| Will: +8| Init: +5| Perc: +7| CMB: +5| CMD: 17| Rapier: +5;1d6+3| Morningstar: +5;1d8+3| L.Bow:+3;1d8|
Acrobatics: +1| Appraise:+1| Bluff:+7| Climb:-2| Craft (Alchemy):+6| Diplo:+7| Intimidate: +8| Kn.(Reli/Dun/Geo/Ar/Nat/Pla/Loc): +8| Sense Motive: +4| Stealth: +1| Survival: +7| Swim: +2| Prof (Brewer): +10|

"KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!" Heorn hollers.

Dark Archive

Male Vanara Unchained Rogue (Knifemaster, Scout) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 25, T 18, FF 19 | F +5, R +13, W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +11 | Vanish 0/3

Extra Sneak Attack Damage!: 2d8 ⇒ (3, 3) = 62d8 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7 Also, +2 to both attack rolls since I think the dragon counts as flanked by the Aid?

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Lolly may retcon! Dragon is down after the second bomb.

Sangkip and Ridley focus their efforts in taking down the big bad dragon! A quick sharp cut into the dragon's neck, followed by a firey bomb, causes the dragon to screech loudly in pain. Eventually followed by it's fall as it's crashes down to the ground below him.

Malvic and Sir Trystas turn their efforts to the brave raging kobold, and launch a couple attacks! The barbarian stands strong and takes the blows head on before returning with his own strike against the Sir Trystas again. With a much stronger blow, he strikes right at the plasmic phantom!

mwk greatsword,Rage: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 2 = 27S: 1d10 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 3 = 9
mwk greatsword,Rage,Crit?: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 2 = 11S: 1d10 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 3 = 16

The scared kobold stays as far away from the action as possible!

Combat Round 3/4

Ridley (RC4), Malvic (RC4, Shield) , Lolly -5 (RC4) (2 rounds of actions), Sir Trystas -9 (RC4, Shield), Sangkip -16 (DR2/-)
Kobold Heralds R -12(ragex3, frightenedx2) B -21 (ragex3)
Heorn (Shield of Faith), Kahwen -9 (DR2/-)
Giant very young white dragon (unconscious)

The Exchange

Human M Human Alchemist 8 |Current AC: 23 AC Base: 21 T 14 FF 20 | HP 58/58 | F +9 R +12 W +5| CMD 13 | Init +8 (12wHA)| Perc +19 | Spells: Level 1 5/6 Level 2 3/5 Level 3 2/3| Bombs 19/19 | Active Buffs: SeeInvis, Heroism, DrkVsn, BrkSkn, Cog

Hey! The fights over there! Only bombs this way!

Ridley moves and tosses a bomb at the fleeing Kobold.

Range Touch Attack: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 6 + 1 = 16
Damage: 2d6 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (1, 2) + 8 + 1 = 12

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +19, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 12th [HP 63/63, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +9, Ref +21, Will +9,] CMD 28

"Huz..." Kahwen's cry of victory over vanquishing the dragon is cut short as he realizes the battle isn't over. With a sigh, he hurries over to throw his weight in against the stalwart kobold.

Elven Curve Blade minus Fighting Defensively: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 8 - 2 = 7
Slashing: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Fighting Defensively with Crane Stance. AC is 24.

Liberty's Edge

#76925-17 Dwarf Inquistor () 3 / Investigator (Mastermind) 1 HP: 34/34| AC: 18/12/17 | Fort: +5| Ref: +6| Will: +8| Init: +5| Perc: +7| CMB: +5| CMD: 17| Rapier: +5;1d6+3| Morningstar: +5;1d8+3| L.Bow:+3;1d8|
Acrobatics: +1| Appraise:+1| Bluff:+7| Climb:-2| Craft (Alchemy):+6| Diplo:+7| Intimidate: +8| Kn.(Reli/Dun/Geo/Ar/Nat/Pla/Loc): +8| Sense Motive: +4| Stealth: +1| Survival: +7| Swim: +2| Prof (Brewer): +10|

I'm really very far from everything else lol.
Double move.

Heorn pushes his legs to keep on moving as he heads over to where the action is.

Dark Archive

Female Halfling Spiritualist Lvl 6 | Effects Active: Mage Armor, Spiritual Interfernce HP 39/39 | AC (22/FF19/T16)16 (FF 13 Touch 16) CMD 16 | Init +3| Saves F +8, R +7, W +11| Per +7, SenMot +10| Spd 30' Phantom: Ecto
Tracked Resources:
Spells 2nd 2/4, 1st - 1/5, Bonded Manifestation 9/9, Bonded Senses 6/6, Lessons of Chaldira 1/1

Round 1

Lolly sees the dragon drop..Ozzoa! She shouts strangely. Seeing that Sangkip is looking a bit banged up she draws her Wand of Curing as he moves toward him. Then gives him a tap.

Wand of CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

move to move and draw wand; standard use wand

Round 2

She goes ahead and heals Sangkip again, before moving toward her phantom.

Wand of CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

standard use wand; move to move

Form: Ecto HP 37/37 | DR 5/Slashing & Magic | AC 23 19 FF 20 16 Touch 13 CMD 19 | Init +3| Saves (Fort +5, Reflex +4, Will +4)| Per +0, | Spd 30' Effects: Magic Fang, Mage Amor

Sir Trystas takes a step over and slams the kobold back.

Miserable Strike 1 v Blue: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Miserable Strike 2 v. Blue: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Miserable Strike (Su): If the phantom hits a creature with a slam attack, that creature must succeed at a Will saving throw DC = 13 or take a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear and emotion effect. Penalties from multiple hits don’t stack with themselves.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Miserable Strike Last Round: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 2 = 6
Miserable Strike Current Round: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 = 9
Adjusting the combat damage.

With only the barbarian kobolds remaining, the team turns their effort towards them. More bombs fly, this time in the direction of the coward!

Meanwhile, the melee fighters move towards the Blue eyed kobold, who proves to be a worthy enemy as he dodges and takes a few more shots. Although they both seem heavily injured, they continue the good fight!

Combat Round 3/4

Ridley (RC4), Malvic (RC4, Shield) , Lolly -5 (RC4) , Sir Trystas -7 (RC4, Shield), Sangkip -5 (DR2/-)
Kobold Heralds R -24(ragex3, frightenedx2) B -23 (ragex3)
Heorn (Shield of Faith), Kahwen -9 (DR2/-)
Giant very young white dragon (unconscious)

Dark Archive

Male Vanara Unchained Rogue (Knifemaster, Scout) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 25, T 18, FF 19 | F +5, R +13, W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +11 | Vanish 0/3

Sangkip gives a full body shudder as Lolly heals his wounds, and with a satisfied "Haaaahhhhh!" he scrambles up towards the only kobold still fighting to put an end to his last stand.

Dagger (Flank): 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 2 = 23
Magic Piercing: 1d3 + 6 + 2d8 ⇒ (3) + 6 + (6, 2) = 17

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Mobile update while at work. blue kobold is down after Sangkip’s attack. Only red remains and he moves back away still frightened. Malvic can take two rounds of actions and everybody is up!

Dark Archive

N Elf Magus 4 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 21 T: 19 FF: 12 | CMB: +4, CMD: 23 | F: +5 R: +6 W: +4 | Init: +7 | Perception: +2 (Low-Light Vision) | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Shield/Arcane Pool (+1)/Black Blade Strike - 1 Min
| Arcane Pool: 3/5 | Black Blade Arcane Pool: 0/1 | Spells: (1st): 1/3 | (2nd): 0/1 | Shirt Re-roll: 0/1 | Wands: CLW: 43/50 | Shield: 47/50

When he sees the first kobold go down he gets a jolt of energy from his companion weapon urging him to take down the other before it can run for help. He gives chase covering extra ground.

Round 1: Double-Move

Now within reach he prepares to mark the kobold with vicious lashings from the weapon.

Spell Combat Arcane Mark with Spell Strike.

Black Blade (Whip) @ Red: 1d20 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 = 13
Damage (Lethal): 1d3 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5

Black Blade (Whip) @ Red: 1d20 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 2 = 10
Damage (Lethal): 1d3 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 6

Round 2: Attack (Using same rolls as before.)

Dark Archive

Male Vanara Unchained Rogue (Knifemaster, Scout) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 25, T 18, FF 19 | F +5, R +13, W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +11 | Vanish 0/3

Red appears to be in a wall, so I placed Sangkip near where I think he's supposed to be. I've got another square of movement, so please adjust if I misread the situation

Fresh off his last victory, Sangkip wastes no time chasing after the frightened kobold!

Dagger: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Magic Piercing: 1d3 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Mobile updates! They always seem to go wrong somewhere. Anyhow, we're at the conclusion of this battle, and will transition to the next part in a day or so.

After dispatching the blue eyed kobold, Malvic and Sangkip are quick to chase the fleeing one who's now trapped in a corner as the Pathfinders close in on him from all sides!

Malvic closes in with a whip and lashes at his legs, "OOUHHH!" The kobold yelps in pain. As he does so, Sangkip comes from underneath to stab his dagger into the kobolds abdomens, causing him to curl and fall unconscious from the pain endured.

With the last threat fallen, you are able to rest for a moment, but you continue to hear combat ensue elsewhere in the cave as the other Pathfinders continue to deal with the rest of the white dragons. For the moment, you are only able to hope that they have dealt with the threat as swiftly as you did for the sake of the Twinhorns and Feys.

The Exchange

Human M Human Alchemist 8 |Current AC: 23 AC Base: 21 T 14 FF 20 | HP 58/58 | F +9 R +12 W +5| CMD 13 | Init +8 (12wHA)| Perc +19 | Spells: Level 1 5/6 Level 2 3/5 Level 3 2/3| Bombs 19/19 | Active Buffs: SeeInvis, Heroism, DrkVsn, BrkSkn, Cog

Hah! Dragons ain't so tough! Good job not getting eaten Sangkip!

Liberty's Edge

#76925-17 Dwarf Inquistor () 3 / Investigator (Mastermind) 1 HP: 34/34| AC: 18/12/17 | Fort: +5| Ref: +6| Will: +8| Init: +5| Perc: +7| CMB: +5| CMD: 17| Rapier: +5;1d6+3| Morningstar: +5;1d8+3| L.Bow:+3;1d8|
Acrobatics: +1| Appraise:+1| Bluff:+7| Climb:-2| Craft (Alchemy):+6| Diplo:+7| Intimidate: +8| Kn.(Reli/Dun/Geo/Ar/Nat/Pla/Loc): +8| Sense Motive: +4| Stealth: +1| Survival: +7| Swim: +2| Prof (Brewer): +10|

"We should heal our wounds and prepare ourselves for the next battle. I hear others fighting and should it come down to us, we had best be able to meet it!" Heorn comes forward with his wand of cure light wounds ready to heal all the wounded.

Dark Archive

Male Vanara Unchained Rogue (Knifemaster, Scout) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 25, T 18, FF 19 | F +5, R +13, W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +11 | Vanish 0/3

"Ahhh, Dragons are all talk. I mean, this one was all fangs. But it's breath was worse than its bite! I mean, its breath's smell, not the ice. The ice wasn't great either."

Sangkip looks around to make sure everyone is suitably impressed, then sheathes his daggers and fishes out his wand.

Dark Archive

Female Halfling Spiritualist Lvl 6 | Effects Active: Mage Armor, Spiritual Interfernce HP 39/39 | AC (22/FF19/T16)16 (FF 13 Touch 16) CMD 16 | Init +3| Saves F +8, R +7, W +11| Per +7, SenMot +10| Spd 30' Phantom: Ecto
Tracked Resources:
Spells 2nd 2/4, 1st - 1/5, Bonded Manifestation 9/9, Bonded Senses 6/6, Lessons of Chaldira 1/1

Lolly marvels at the dead dragon, taking out a dagger, cutting off a few scales as a trophy.

Then heals herself and Sir T

Wand of CLW on Lolly: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (2, 1) + 2 = 5
Wand of CLW on Sir T: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (6, 5) + 2 = 13

Lolly will be glad to heal anyone else who needs it as well.

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺


With the dragons defeated and their kobolds fleeing, the Pathfinders assemble in the deep cave. With her phantom Anok in tow, Medda approaches the frozen column and brushes away the outer layer of frost. Frozen within the column is a dwarven woman in steel armor, her body torn as if by immense claws. With her hand pressed against the ice, Medda pleads. “Ivvora, I have found you. Now what? Vildeis said to find you and that you would help me, but how can we help you in this state?”

“You look to me when you should look to the evil that stalks our homeland. It is not I who needs help,” declares a voice that is both sweet as music and powerful as a thunderstorm. The frost melts away from the column, revealing dozens of clear facets that dribble melt water as if from open wounds. The image of a wounded angelic figure reflects in each facet, simultaneously warming the chamber and judging all that the angel sees. “As you can see, I serve Vildeis more directly than before.” The images look to Anok. “I see you took your oath seriously, Anok. I was wrong to have doubted your conviction. How are our people?”

The red phantom’s hue turns rosier as he looks to Medda and responds, “You would be proud.”

With a nod, the angel addresses everyone at once. “Then why do you seek me?”

“Eshimka has returned,” Medda announces. “We fought off the horror once, but it shall return at the next solstice.”

The angel’s eyes flare with righteous fire. “Then you will need a weapon to defeat it, as I had. Vildeis granted me the blade that I gave your people, but only after I thought I had given everything to vanquish my greatest foe. Even now I can sense evil has returned to that land, far to the south in a forest where the Whispering Tyrant’s legions once ruled. Show our patron Vildeis the same dedication that I did, and I shall ask that she equip you in the same way.” With that, the angelic images fade from the melting column.

Medda addresses the gathered Pathfinders. “I believe I know the forests Ivvora mentioned. You have already done so much, Pathfinders, but I invite you to help more. After I give Ivvora the burial she deserves, I will set forth with all who are able and willing for the Fangwood.”

---------End of Part 4---------

The long journey south from the slopes of the Tusk Mountains to the edge of Fangwood took several weeks, during which many of the Twinhorns and Pathfinders exchanged ancestral stories and tales of daring adventures to pass the time on the relatively uneventful trek. By the time the Fangwood rises ahead in the brisk morning air, both groups are eager to confront whatever lies ahead.

Medda addresses the crowd gathered before her. “South of here lies a battlefield where the paladin Ivvora risked her life in a daring ploy to help her battalion defeat an undead horde. For her selflessness, Ivvora earned a token of Vildeis’s favor: the dagger she used to deal a terrible blow to Eshimka! For all the crusaders’ heroism, I can sense an undead taint lingered here, and that stretch of the Fangwood has expanded in the centuries since to absorb it. It is now our turn to earn Vildeis’s blessing, risking ourselves to end this threat so that in turn we might slay Eshimka once and for all.

“The terrain favors small groups over larger formations, so we shall divide into smaller groups to navigate the forest and identify the corruption’s heart. May Ivvora’s example guide us to victory!” With that, Medda and her phantom Anok turn and enter the Fangwood, followed by Pathfinder and Twinhorn teams that fan out behind her.

Table GMs, please narrate any unfinished business in Part 4 and move to Part 5. Once the PCs have cleared the brambles Area O is now accessible.

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