Good spells for an eidolon


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

In your opinion, what are some good spell choices for an eidolon with the Magical Understudy and Magical Adept feats? (The former grants two cantrips, the latter grants a 1st- and 2nd-level spell that can be swapped out for higher level spells as you level, up to a max of two 7th-level spells at level 20.)

What cool 2-spell combos might the eidolon and summoner be able to pull off in one round?

For all of us poor pdf-less losers: any restrictions on tradition?

Summoner and Eidolon can't cast two spells of two actions though because of how act together work.

But I would pick fun spells that stick with the theme or the new gishy spells.

Blazing Dive is one that I like, specially for Fire Eidolons, as it's a damage spell that puts the Eidolon in the right position. Same with Blink Charge but without the fire theme.

Warding Strike might be interesting if the Eidolon is trying to hold a position.

Light_Mnemonic wrote:
For all of us poor pdf-less losers: any restrictions on tradition?

Each Eidolon has an associated tradition, which determines which tradition of magic the Summoner can cast from. The only exception is the Fey Eidolon, which can also pick from illusion and enchantment spells from the Arcane tradition in addition to Primal tradition spells.

I am not sure I'd pick spells with my eidolon ( 2 class feat or the spirit eidolon I don't really like ), but if I were to...

... Stoneskin, lvl 4 circle of protection, Heroism, True Target, Haste, Vital Beacon, Heal, etc...

I'm a big fan of Mirror Image or the new Chromatic Image. They're self-target, so your eidolon can cast them on itself, you can both do something else with Act Together, and then next turn you can pile on something else, like Blur.

I'm also trying to figure out what kind of interactions the cantrips Shield and Protect Companion might have together, because my gut feels like it could be a potent defensive combo, but I'm also worried it's too good to be true.

Silver Crusade

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Perpdepog wrote:

I'm also trying to figure out what kind of interactions the cantrips Shield and Protect Companion might have together, because my gut feels like it could be a potent defensive combo, but I'm also worried it's too good to be true.

Both circumstance bonuses to AC so that doesn't stack.

And the two of you only get one reaction so can't do that twice either.

So, don't stack at all

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pauljathome wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:

I'm also trying to figure out what kind of interactions the cantrips Shield and Protect Companion might have together, because my gut feels like it could be a potent defensive combo, but I'm also worried it's too good to be true.

Both circumstance bonuses to AC so that doesn't stack.

And the two of you only get one reaction so can't do that twice either.

So, don't stack at all

I think he meant to alternate them to benefit from the reaction in different rounds, since each of them has 10 min cd.

Shield cantrip would be used by the eidolon, while the protect companion from the summoner.

Grand Archive

I think you are on to something. Utilizing shield and protect companion for their reactions, giving the eidolon a shield, casting reinforce eidolon for the ac and resistance, all the while staying back and using life link surge, heal, vital beacon, the healing well could really make for a tanky eidolon.

Silver Crusade

Leomund "Leo" Velinznrarikovich wrote:
I think you are on to something. Utilizing shield and protect companion for their reactions, giving the eidolon a shield, casting reinforce eidolon for the ac and resistance, all the while staying back and using life link surge, heal, vital beacon, the healing well could really make for a tanky eidolon.

That is a lot of resources and I'm not at all sure it beats out a champion with a sturdy shield shield ally. If you went with Dex 18 then just ignoring you is going to be a viable enemy strategy. If you went with STR 18 then your AC is low at levels 1-4 and your reflex save is sufficiently low that AoE and trip are going to be painful.

Interesting concept though. And if you build the summoner to also be Tankyish, especially if it is a devotion phantom, you could have a quite Tanky duo. Until the enemy just ignored you and/or fireballs you to death :-).

Leomund "Leo" Velinznrarikovich wrote:
I think you are on to something. Utilizing shield and protect companion for their reactions, giving the eidolon a shield, casting reinforce eidolon for the ac and resistance, all the while staying back and using life link surge, heal, vital beacon, the healing well could really make for a tanky eidolon.

I am probably going for double vital beacon, double fast healing + temp hp, healing elixirs from herbalist dedication, shield cantrip + shield companion and battle medicine.

Compared to a champio, the eidolon has less armor, but is going to compensate in terms of self sustain.

-Battle medicine from the summoner ( the sword and board champion won't have a free hand )
-Fast healing ( eventually, 2x ). Champ is not going to invest 14 int to get it. Starting from lvl 16 it's going to be either fast healing and temp hp ( hymn of healing ) for free because of effortless concentration.
-Herbalist dedication for life elixirs ( champ won't have a free hand )
-Beacon of Life x2 ( eventually x2 when the eidolon will hit the appropriate level ). No way to cast it, and no free hand to interact
- Shield cantrip ( won't expend 1 action to use it ) and shield companion ( won't be able to cast it on himself ).

Pretty good, but obviously not able to get the champ AC ( it will always be 3 less ), but its fine as a dps ( it's going to deal more damage than a sword and board champ ).

But it's not meant to be a proper tank, so it's ok.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kyrone wrote:
Summoner and Eidolon can't cast two spells of two actions though because of how act together work.

Good point. Forgot about that. It's 3 and 1, not really a good way to get 2 and 2, is there?

Seems like the developers thought of just about everything.

Ravingdork wrote:
Kyrone wrote:
Summoner and Eidolon can't cast two spells of two actions though because of how act together work.

Good point. Forgot about that. It's 3 and 1, not really a good way to get 2 and 2, is there?

Seems like the developers thought of just about everything.

Dedication to get quickened spell by lvl 20.

Once per day you'd be able to perform your glorious combo.

You can get 2 and 2 with act together. It's just that one character has to do 2 separate one actions instead of a two action

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
HumbleGamer wrote:

Dedication to get quickened spell by lvl 20.

Once per day you'd be able to perform your glorious combo.

It's not like you can cast more than a handful of spells in a day anyways. You're only ever going to have about two combos plus whatever items and feats grant you.

Ravingdork wrote:
HumbleGamer wrote:

Dedication to get quickened spell by lvl 20.

Once per day you'd be able to perform your glorious combo.
It's not like you can cast more than a handful of spells in a day anyways. You're only ever going to have like two combos plus whatever items and feats grant you.


And you have to invest a lot being able to do so.

spirit eidelon gets spells?

WWHsmackdown wrote:
spirit eidelon gets spells?

All Eidolons needs the feats to get a few spells, Fey lvl 1 and 7 features makes them get the lvl 2 and 8 feats by default.

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