Vastryn |

For consideration I would like to submit Vastryn.
Name: Vastryn Cormas
Race: Human
Class: Skald
Archetype: Fated Champion
Favored Class: Skald
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ht/Wt: 5'8"/160 lbs
Hair/Eyes: Dirty Blond/Green
Gender: Male
Age: 19
STR: 16 (+3)
DEX; 14 (+2)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 16 (+3)
BAB: +0
CMB: +3
CMD: 15
FORT: +2(4)
RFLX: +0(3)
WILL: +2
Armor Class: 15
Flat-Footed: 13
Touch AC : 12
Hit Points: 10
Initiative: +3
Base Speed: 30ft
RACIAL FEATURES (Athasian Human)
Bonus Feat
Breadth of Experience
Eternal Hope
Wild Talent (Oneiric Horror)
Bardic Knowledge
Inspired Rage +1 (+2 Str/Con)
Raging Song
Scribe Scroll
Acrobatics (Dex): 1(5)
Escape Artist (Dex): 1(5)
Perception (Wis): 1(4)
Perform (sing) (Cha): 1(7)
Profession (gladiator) (Wis): --
Sleight of Hand (Dex): 1(5)
Survival (Wis): 1(4)
Campaign: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hooked Axe)
Level 1 : Extra Performance
Racial : Skald’s Vigor
Bred in the Pits (Combat)
Community-Minded (Regional)
Veiled Alliance (Magic)
Level 0: Detect Magic, Mending, Lullaby, Prestidigitation
Level 1: Auditory Hallucination, Charm Person
GEAR (Money: 2 cp 6 bits)
Greatsword (Bone) (Fragile/Wt 8 lbs.)
Hooked Axe (Bone) (Fragile, Disarm, Performance, Trip/Wt 7 lbs.)
Sling (Dmg 1d4/Crit x2/Range 50 ft./Type B)
-Sling Bullets (10) (1 cb/Wt 5 lbs.)
Studded Leather Armor (AC Bonus +3/Max Dex +5/ACP -1/Wt 20 lbs.)
Explorer's Outfit
-Belt Pouch (1 cp/Wt 0.5 lb.)
Musical Instrument (Drum) (5 cp/Wt 3 lbs.)
-Hanging Strap (1 cb)
Backpack (2 cp/Wt 2 lbs.)
Bedroll (1 cb/Wt 5 lbs.)
Chalk (1 cb)
Filter Mask (1 cp)
Rope (Hemp. 50 ft.) (1 cp/Wt l0 lbs.)
Trail Rations (8 Days) (4 cp/Wt 8 lbs.)
Tindertwig (2) (2 cp)
Waterskin (1 cp/Wt 4 lbs.)
Vastryn was born to the life of a gladiator . His mother Vaxilia was
a berserker, and a champion for a time before she lost a match and was
eaten in the arena. His father Borsik was a former gladiator who was
crippled in the arena but not killed. Thereafter he was kept around to
help care-take for the other slaves and help with training new
The boy was trained not only how to fight, but his father attempted
to teach him about winning the crowd's favor as well - but warned how
fickle it could be. It was a harsh and unforgiving life, much like most
like was on Athas. But the boy persevered and became part of the
tight-knit community of slaves and gladiators in Urik. He didn't let
the life consume him nor eat the goodness in his heart completely away.
As he grew, he fought in several arenas, and did well when he was
paired up with at least one other gladiator at a time, but was not that
great on his own. His ability to cast spells was hidden and passed off
as psionics or mere chance. His ability to instill a fighting rage in
himself and his teammates was well-respected and most of the other
gladiators came to enjoy being paired with him...and disliked being set
against him since it gave the team an advantage.
One gladiator in particular named Keldros always disliked Vastryn
irregardless and bullied him and tormented him whenever he got a
chance. Keldros was a favorite and earned many rewards, and so one of
the guards there named Illac worked with Keldros to try to convince
Vastryn to 'throw' a fight so that the betting could make them all
wealthy. When Vastryn refused, they gave him a very bad beating and
caused him to be unable to compete for a time.
He was sold to a merchant after he healed to avoid further issues and
for his master to still make some money off of him. He was being
transported by caravan to Tyr to participate in their arena as well
when things took an interesting turn.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Since we are using Automatic Bonus Progression, I had a question about how that interacts with temporary enhancement bonuses (for things like bull strength and magic weapon, as well as things like arcane pool and resonant powers for occultist).
When I run it, I let them work normally, but it's definitely a gray area in terms of the rules for automatic bonus progression, as temporary bonuses are not mentioned anywhere.
Let me know what you think, as that will tell me whether or not I'm going to go occultist.

Robert Henry |

I will update the list in a couple of days,
@ Vrog, if your noble doesn't fit or feel right, switch back to half-giant. I was leaning half-giant, but I don't want to step on your toes. I would happily play an elf slayer instead.
@ DM Chubbleston, do you mind if we play double archetypes as long as they don't overlap alternate class features?
My half-Giant would be a Brawler which I would want to play with a double archetype. Never played one before and would like to give it a try. Of course I will have the archetypes fit his background ;)

Fabian Benavente |

fabain- there is not really a submission deadline. if i decide to start ill give it about two weeks to look over submissions and tell people.
Ok, thanks. This actually works well for me because I'm currently away from home and posting on very limited time.
I'll be home next week and I'll flesh out my elf rogue.
Game on!

![]() |

This is the Alias for my Thri-Kreen, but I'm taking the Wild talent trait instead of the Venom. Should I roll here for that?
Wild Talent: 3d8 ⇒ (6, 5, 2) = 13-float or (Occult)Mind thrust I(taking this one)
Wild Talent: 3d8 ⇒ (3, 7, 4) = 14-lesser fortify
... ultimate psionics... Hmm *looks that up* this may take some work... Think I'm gonna take the Occult Spells instead... Hmm... Well here's for the racial one
Wild Talent: 3d8 ⇒ (6, 7, 8) = 21-(Occult)Telpathic progection or (psionics)telepathic lash
Ah, probably just the Occult Spells...

Vrog Skyreaver |

LG Human Occultist 1
STR 10
DEX 14/16
CON 12
INT 18
CHA 16
HP 9
AC 17 (3 armor, +3 dex, +1 shield) Touch 13 Flat-Footed 14
Init +3
Fort +3
Ref +3
Will +1
Speed: 30'
Madu: +4 to hit; 1d4 damage; 20/x2 crit
Skills: Acrobatics r1 +4, Bluff r1 +7/8, Diplomacy r1 +7/8, Intimidate r1 +7/8, Linguistics r1 +8, Perform (Dance) r1 +9/10, Sense Motive r1 +3, UMD r1 +7/8
Feats: Weapon Finesse, EWP (Scorpion Whip)
Traits: Athasian Noble, Nibenese Dancer, Safeguard
Class Features: Archetype (Ancestral Aspirant), Family Jewels, Mental Focus (7)
Enchantment: Resonant Power - Glorious Presence; Focus Powers: Cloud Mind, Inspired Assault
Transmutation: Resonant Power - Physical Enhancement; Focus Powers: Legacy Weapon
Equipment: Masterwork Scorpion Whip -305, Masterwork Studded Leather Armor -175, Noble's Outfit (with jewelry) -225, 215 CP
Kasandri is the last known member of the house of Sacha, former ruler of Waverly. Her grandmother was a hostage given to the house of Soi, When the city fell, Kasandri's grandmother leveraged her natural charm and married one of the lesser sons of the Soi family. Time passed, and Kasandri's grandmother gave birth to her mother, but never told her of her origins. Kasandri's mother gave birth to Kasandri, who again was not told of her family's origin. She was fifteen when she found her grandmother's journal, and when she touched it she had a vision of her ancestor sitting on a throne, who then began to speak to her. She told Kasandri of her destiny and trained her in her ability to channel her psychic abilities into objects and draw power from their emotional and historical resonance. She also begged Kasandri to save her from her fate as a head that gave power to Urik, the Sorcerer king of Tyr.
Time seemed to pass for Kasandri, years spent training, but when the vision ended, she realized that it had been no more than an afternoon. Taking what money she could get, she gathered up her belongings, purchased some armor and a madu, and paid for passage on a caravan heading for Tyr. She left without informing anyone in her house, and by the time someone went looking for her, she was already on the way to Tyr.
During the trip, she was left in a room, pretty much on her own. She focused her power into her Obsidian Whip, and her necklace made of Tigone teeth.
When the revolt occurred, Kasandri made her way out of her cabin into chaos. She sees several of the guards who have cornered slaves who are clearly not fighting, but are about to kill them none-the-less and she enters the fray, realizing that her training that she had experienced in her mind were effective as she used her whip to great effect.
Kasandri spent most of the revolt protecting the slaves (mostly women and children) who could not protect themselves. After the revolt was successful, Kasandri found herself surrounded by armed slaves who wanted her blood, but the slaves she had rescued came to her aid, explaining what had occurred. The slaves disbanded and made their way off, and she found herself with a small group of survivors who also seemed unsure of what to do...

Dragonofashandflame |

heh. I had the idea to run this awhile ago (same AP, even), and then thought "wow.. difficult to convert." But, yay! someone else is so I can try to play in it!
i'm definitely interested in this! so.. um.. dotting.
currently thinking:
human templar (it might be fun to play a loyal and well-meaning cleric of the God King Kalak. or Hamanu if i can swing doing that in Tyr and not getting dead)
heehee, a halfling alchemist (interested in life-shaping)
hmm a straight up fighter could also be interesting (have an idea for a dual-wielding punching dagger and shield type).

DM Chubbleston |

I think I'm going to close this interest thread. I appreciate everyone that posted. I wanted to see interest and it was good (whether or not it was worth the time putting it together). I just feel the handbook that was created still has some work, and ill be keeping close watch on it. I just don't feel that it is there yet even though its def the best one I've seen in awhile. I think I'll wait till he closes his Q and A thread on it because people are still finding small issues. thank you again. and keep a look out for another later on because this one will be at one of the top on the list to run.

Fabian Benavente |

I think I'm going to close this interest thread. I appreciate everyone that posted. I wanted to see interest and it was good (whether or not it was worth the time putting it together). I just feel the handbook that was created still has some work, and ill be keeping close watch on it. I just don't feel that it is there yet even though its def the best one I've seen in awhile. I think I'll wait till he closes his Q and A thread on it because people are still finding small issues. thank you again. and keep a look out for another later on because this one will be at one of the top on the list to run.
OK, that was why I asked before.
You weren't really posting like a GM that was excited to run a game.
Thanks for trying and maybe in the future...
Game on!