Dhurkan Blackblade's Untitled Campaign

Game Master Dhurkan Blackblade

Well met fellow travelers of the realms! I am an experienced DM who has just moved to this area. Long story short, I am looking for hardy souls to combat the denizens of evul (or a group to kill). I run homebrew campaigns and pathfinder adventures/modules. I love ravenloft so I am really looking forward to the new adventure path. If anyone is interested comment here or send me an email at dhurkanblackblade@yahoo.com

Playing every other saturday from noon til 6. (more if my boss will let me)
I encourage heavy role playing with complete character histories, and believable names, etc. No space monkey ninjas, power gaming, meta gaming is tolerated... Sorry I just don't enjoy that type of stuff... I look forward to decimating your character, I mean talking with you if you bare interested...

This was sent by blackberry so please ignore the typos :)

I am interested in your game. Here are my questions.

RACE/CLASS ISSUES: Do you have an restricted classes or races? Is the primary culture of your campaign oriented to disadvantage certain races or classes? Would you allow races from Bestiary 1 & 2?

SETTING: Can you distill your campaign setting into a few sentences? What kind of adventures do you like to run? Excluding the violence factor, what is the rating of your campaign? Do your campaign last months, years, or decades IC?

CHARACTER: What method do you use to make characters? Point-buy or dice roll or both? What is starting level?

OTHER PLAYERS: Is your campaign mostly your friends or are you doing an open call to bring in a bunch of strangers or something in between? What characters are the other players making?

Races/classes: primarily from phb, but will make exceptions on a case by case basis. If you do have something truly exotic, but have an awesome history for that race/class combo I will allow it, but if it begins to cause trouble I will ask another character to be rolled.

Campaign setting: depends on what campaign I am running. I am most familiar with forgotten realms, but have recently been studying up on Golarion. I also use raveloft when the mood strikes. it strikes a lot. Campaign is usually PG with the occaisonal foray into R rated material but it depends on my group, I won't run a campaign that has material not suited for the age group.

I use the dice roll system. High fantasy: roll 3D6 reroll 1s and 2s keep the 3 highest numbers.

Its an open call. I do expect those who want to play to be courteous and watch language, I do have small children running around. No alcohol will be consumed in my house and no smoking indoors. Sorry but thems tha rules.

One amusing concept I have is a half-orc paladin born of a temple prostitute and an orc mercenary who won a raffle or betting pool (could have been an accident or intentional depending on the religions of the campaign world).

I have heard though that Ravenloft is VERY harsh on good aligned divine casters.

Pantheon of Gods would be golarion or forgotten realms based.

Ravenloft is hard on every character, especially good divine casters. Evil characters are rewarded (or are they cursed) when they begin to unravel the mysteries of the Demiplane of Dread.

Just adding another post to keep this thread active. We are still looking for players, if anyone is interested.

Still Gaming?

Yes. Are you still gaming and looking for bodies to destroy....I mean have an adventure with?

Yes, we are starting afresh! New area, still in the Odenton area. Looking for 3-4 players for a homebrew campaign. No experience necessary. Gaming is set for Saturday evenings around 8 PM until early Sunday morning. We have one experienced player already, and I am willing to let someone else run adventures as well (I may be a crazy power hungry evil being, but I have my limits). Feel free to send me a message here, or email me @ dhurkanblackblade@yahoo.com

Friday451 wrote:
Still Gaming?

Yes indeed, I am attempting to restart the group. We have one experienced player, and two other possibles. Send replies on the board or to my email at dhurkanblackblade@yahoo.com

Hmm... still looking? I like what I hear as far as your style of running a game~ I've been out of the country for a few years, but landing back in Maryland in a few weeks.

I'm not super-experienced, but I do love a good session of role-play-heavy adventurin', so let me know if you're still open to players? (If you still have multiple slots open, I might have +1 or +2 I could maybe talk into joining me)

Like Namakoro, I'm also moving into the area soon. I'll be there the first couple weeks of October and then moving down there the start of November. I'm missing this game and looking to get back into it asap. If you're still all running together and have room for another, let me know and we can make arrangements!

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