Daveak Bringer of Destruction's Untitled Campaign
Game Master
Daveak Bringer of Destruction
It may also be a good idea to have some of thse nifty little PFS cards for new players, if that is possible.
Another great game, guys, thank you.
Thanks for everyones participation! Looking forward to next time. I'll be sure to have a second scenario ready if we need to split tables or enough people can stay for a second session.
Yah, I'm going to start reading a few other adventures too. Was it just me, or did the Hero Clicks gamers seem very loud this time?
They were very loud. Hopefully next time they will not be scheduled. I need to talk with Earl and see. Future events may be held at my house to avoid just such noise.
I have talked too him about it the hero clix is every sat for the most part so if we want too avoid such noise yes we will have too move locations
The 18th will be at the shop, but further events will be elsewhere. It also sounds like we might have enough people to run two tables that day as well. I'll have something else to run while you run First Steps III.
Did anyone get that new players name? Im just curious.
That would be Thomas. I've got his email.
Organize Play Guide changelog wrote: Page 7: Added three new races as available options for character creation under Step 2: Race and Class. It reads as follows: “You may also select Aasimar, Tiefling, or Tengu as your character’s race with access to the proper Additional Resources book.” Reference.
Hell yah! Im making a new character!
I just opened up a new thread for a PFS PbP game, and you all have first choice of seats. I now TOZ isn't interested, but anyone else, including the two that just joined us) are welcome.
Link for the Recruitment thread
Beckett wrote: Hell yah! Im making a new character! Just a warning, the new guide does not go into effect until the 16th. You can't actually play any aasimar characters until then.
I'm actually thinking I might do the character rewrite, just to keep it fairly on the level with everyone else. But we will see.
I see a lot of archtypes are now illegal. Just glancing through it, but so far I'm liking it.
Planning ahead, who can make a home game on Friday the 24th or Saturday the 25th? We can kick off Shackled City then.
I can try. Still thinking of a St Cuthbertite. . .
Which remind me, are we planning anything this weekend?
I meant everyone else. I wasn't sure if Thomas or anyone else would be going up. I'll probaly head up there just in case.
How is the Con so far?
I hadnt planned on running but i have a question can i take a lvl of rogue then go into ninja
It depends on what you mean. Ninja is an alternate version of the Rogue Class, so you could not be a level 2 character that is 1 level of Rogue and 1 level of Ninja.
You could take a level of Rogue that uses the alternate Ninja class though. Basically, no you can not get a lot of Sneak Attack up front like that. :)
All in all, as I understand it, the Ninja is a better Rogue in all ways, but lacks trap finding abilities, only.
What i was wanting was too take lvl one rogue and all others in ninja
No, you can not take rogue and ninja levels they are effectively the same class, the same way a cleric of torag and one of iomedae are the same class.
Beckett wrote: How is the Con so far? Awesome. I ran the entire set of First Steps and really enjoyed it. I am exhausted however and have an hour drive back to the hotel. Tomorrow I am a player. New mods to run through you! I mean, run you through! ;)
Either way works, :). I'm glad you are enjoying, but an hour drive to the hotel seems a bit rediculous.
This con was an after thought however. The hotel is thirty minutes from where my wife's internship is. Much more important.
Oh, and I just won a free Society Field Guide in the event raffle. :)
Very nice. I liked that book, even more once I started getting into PFS. It is autoPFS legal, and has some nice things within, particularly some of the equipment and flavor PP things you can aquire like a herald or a house.
Are we wanting to play on sat and are you wanting to run your new mods or do you want me to finish first steps
I figure if we get enough players we can do both. Otherwise we can choose.
I'm up for Sat. I will be having a new character, too. :)
That reminds me, can anyone think of any fire related feats/traits from AP's or any uncommon books? I could use a few suggestions, and may be looking at going into the new Sarenrae Prestige Class if/when it's legal.
I have a new character as well and I will prep part 3
Andy are you going to be there

So, I have a question for the GM's I've playd under so far. I just want approval, from all of you, and it's not that big an issue. I was planning on basically recreating my character using the level 1, one time rebuild. I haven't leveled up here, and I am not sure which of the scenarios have been reported. I do have enough XP to be level two now, so will anyone have an issue, essentually retroactively recreating my character in this way?
If so, no problem. I have essentually built the character twice, one with all the XP and one as a brand new character, so will be ready to go either way.
I'm also going to ask a battle if he would like to join.
Has anyone read the new guide? There are some interesting things in there, like the new party/table build is for 6 people, with 7 max, rather than for 4, with I think 6 max. Disease is in some ways much more lethal/devistating, requiring that it and all penulties being fixed by the end of the adventure, or the character is concidered dead. Obviously some Archtypes are now disallowed, but a new Additional Resources is available HERE.
Has your character gotten his 4th chronicle sheet yet? If so, he is not eligible for the 1st level rebuild. Luckily, there are plenty of scenarios to run and get your new character up to speed. :)
I have the new guide printed and in binder for the game.
Yes and no. Maybe. I have 4, but I am not sure if 2+ have actually been registered yet.
But like I said, it's not a big deal, I'll start from scratch.
4th chronicle doesnt matter as long as you havent played as a lvl 2 then yes you can mood him a GM can have a character lvl 3 and never played him and the GM therefore has right to continually modify that character till played at a level higher than two
I might be. Things have gotten nuts during this deactivation. I have needed weekend time with the familia. Don't count me out completely though.
Just a reminder, I will be available from 2:30-6:30PM to run a second module for anyone that can spare the time or cannot make the 10:30-2:30PM slot.
Another thing I could use a favor for this last part of first steps most of maps are pre built if someone has docks and forest it would be much appreciated if I could use them
I've been trying to order them through Paizo, but I realized they wouldn't get here in time. I will check Bookstan and see if he has them.
Beckett, I don't see your character in your list of Society characters. What number is he supposed to be?
Im going to recreate it from another. 5274-1 should be my open character but if not it will be The Bleeding Rose. Well over half of these are not actually PFS characters just things I used as alt aliases or non-PFS things.
5274-1 shows as Janos. I'll put it in for now, but let me know if I need to change it.
I'l use the 5274-1 character lsot, and keep the name. I've begun to update it, so it should be up soon.
Battlefield Games is no good for our purposes. Too many minis games and too much noise.
I haven't been back since before I deployed, but Bookstan' had a pair of tabls near the back, and slightly better parking, if we want to try that?
Who can/can not get on base?
As far as I know, everyone can get on post without problem.
What does everyone's schedule for this Saturday look like? I would be willing to host Jimmy's First Steps module if enough people can make it.
TriOmegaZero wrote: What does everyone's schedule for this Saturday look like? I would be willing to host Jimmy's First Steps module if enough people can make it. Also, everyone that played The Pallid Plague scenario should post their character numbers, faction, and Prestige gained to help Jimmy or me report the scenario.
3217-1, Andoran, 2 points.
3215-2, Sczarni, 2 points.